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I, Google
History and Biographical Record
Branch County, Michigan.
,y Google
The purpose of a preface is generally only to supplement the introductory
chapters. In the introductory chapter of this hook the aim and character
of it as planned in the minds of the makers were set forth.
The editor and publishers have done their best to make their work
what they promised it should be, and they have given no small amount of
labor and money to realize their plans. The editor believes that the volume
fairly fulfills the promises made, and approximates the ideal of a twentieth
century history and biographical record. It is thought that the work will
be one of value and interest to all former, present and future residents of
the county of Branch.
In the execution of every work, however, men find themselves sub-
ject always to certain limitations of space, time and abilit}'. Generally
no one becomes so conscious of how much more might have been done in -
■ the doing of any work, and how much better it might have l^een done,
than he who has gone through with it. The editor is very sure that no one
will see as much that seems to be omitted, or so much lack of due propor-
tion as he. But at the same time he feels that he may reasonably assume
that no one can judge as well \vhat to omit where much must be omitted,
as one who has gone over ' the entire field, and has seeri the variety of sub-
jects and the immense amount of matter contained within it.
The writer of a local history is necessarily dependent to a large degree
uiwn other persons for material and for co-operation. It is a pleasure for
the editor to record here, on the one hand, the kindly willingness of the
people of the county to furnish material, and, on the other hand, the gen-
erous co-operation of the publishers in affording ways and means to bring
the material together and to assist in putting into form. In this mention
of co-operation on the part of the publishers, special acknowledgment must
be made of the assistance rendered by the general historian of The Lewis
Publishing Company. To him credit must be given for a large part of the
work of preparing the general history for the press, in the gathering o£
material, in working out the details of arrangement, and also m the actual
composition of copy. . . , , , . , . .
It is proper as a matter of historical record that mention be made of
those to whom the editor has been specially indebted for information and
assistance. The most fruitful sources of historical data are, of course, the
county papers. Mr. Charles H. Newell, the proprietor of the Coldwater
Conner, has a file of county papers in the Courier office, of earlier date and
more nearly continuous than any other file or collection- in the county. Mr.
,y Google
Newell has given us free access to these files, which begin with 1841. The
like courtesy has been shown us by Mr. Horace Kitchel of The Reporter,
Mr. John S. Evans of The Sim and Th^ Star, m CoMwater, by Mr. C. W.
Owen of the Quincy Herald. Mr. C. H.- Young of the Quincy Neivs, Mr.
A. D. Shaffmaster of the Bronson Journal, Mr. Will L. Robinson of the
Union City Register-Weekly, and Mr. Easton of the Sherwood Register.
The official records of the county officers in the court house are in some
respects more valuable than newspaper files. To Mr. Henry E. Straight,
county clerk, Mr. Charles F. Carpenter, register of deeds, Mr. Hiram Ben-
nett, county treasurer, Mr. W. Gienn Cowell, prosecuting attorney,- Mr.
Charles Hamilton, county surveyor, Mr. James Swain, county commis-
sioner of schools, and Mr. Daniel E. Weage, county drain commissioner, we
are indebted, not only for access to records in their charge, but also for
favors shown otherwise than as county officials. The officers of the city
of Coldwater and of the several villages and townships of the covmty, have
generally been willing to furnish any data desired. To Mr, Calvin J. Thorpe,
secretary of the Pioneer Society of Branch County, Mr. Horris Wilson of
the Quincy Pioneer Society, and Miss Florence M. Holmes, librarian of the
Coldwater Free Public Library, our acknowledgilients are due for kind-
ness in furthering our quest for historic facts. It would be impracticable to
mention the names of the many men and women in all parts of the county,
from whom information has been received that has been incorporated in
this volume. To all these the editor, on his own behalf and on that of The
Lewis Publishing Company as well, takes this opportunity to express sincere
It is proper that we further mention that Mr. Fred G. Wahl, Mr. Henrv
C. Bailey and Mr. Tom L. Robinson have assisted in writing up some of
the subjects of the genera! history. Mrs. Jennie C. Donley of Coldwater
took the photographic views from which nearly all the illustrations in the
history have been made.
,y Google
The County as a Subject of History I
The Creation and Survey of the Coimty f)
Topographical Features of Branch County — The Drainage System.. i6
The Indiairs and the Early Settlers' Life With Tliem. 24
Xumljer, Nature and Distribution of the County's People 28
Routes of Inrinigratioir 33
Forniation o£ Townships 38
Settlement and Beginnings > 41
Settlement and Beginnings (Coutimied) 49
County Seat Contest 60
Settlelnent and Beginnings (Continued) 65
Settlement and Beginnings (Continued) 78
The City of Coldwater 93
Branch Cotmty's Villages 98
The Agricultlira} Industry — The Grange Io8
Mannfacturing in Branch County Il6
Branch County's Banks and Einance 124
Railroads, Transportation and Communication 129
The County's Newspapers 138
Education 148
Education ( Continued) 157
The State Public School — Branch County Infirmary 175
Libraries — Activity in Literature, Music, .Art 181
Religion and Cliurch Organizations 190
Political History of Branch County 210
Courts and Lawyers 214
The Medical Profession 221
Fraternities and Clubs 237
The Pioneer Society — Pioneer Record 2^8
The County in the Cottntry's Wars 256
Lists of County. Township and Village Oihcials 297
Abel, Moses T.— 768.
Adams, Wales.— quoted, 42 ; sawmill, 43 ; 2io-
Adolph, Willard.— 828.
Agriculture. — 108-113; effects of drainage.
Agricultural Society.— Branch county, 115.
Air Line R. R.— 132; 78; g8.
Aldrich, Abram.— 75; 80.
Aldrich, Abram J.— 141 ; 143 ; 186 ; 674,
Algansee township. — 39; settlement of, 8?-88;
officials of, 300.
Alger, Isaac P. — 94; 223.
Allen, Alonzo B. — 374.
Allen, D, C & Co.— 96.
Alumni— of Coldwaler High School, 160-164;
of Quincy High School, 165-167; of
Union City High School, 169-171; of
Bronson High School, 172-173; of
Shei-wood High School, 174.
Ancient Order of United Workmen — 228;
Anderson, J. H.— 829.
Anderson, Mrs. Hattie.~5i6.
Andrews, William L.— 188.
Andrus, Nelson H. — 512.
Ann Arbor convention. — 13.
Arnold, Samuel — 73; Arnold's Corners, 73.
Art — Activity in, 184.
Austin, Edmund.— 473.
A utom obiles. — 1 36.
Bailey, H. F. — 141.
Bailey, Willis €.—143; 144; 186.
Baker, Joshua.— 85.
Baldwin, Newton. — 224,
Ball Bros.— 96.
Banford, J. J.— ^52.
Banking and Finance. — 124-128.
Baptist churches— 196 et seq. ; at Coidwater,
196; Quincy, 197; Algansee, 198; Un-
ion City, 198; Bronson, ig8; Girard,
199; Kinderhoofc, igg.
Bar Association of Branch County.— 220.
Barber, Julius S.— 94; 125; 335.
Barlow, Henry H.— ai8; 579.
Barnes, Walton J.— 714.
Barnhart, Martin, ^75.
Bassett, John. — 41 ; 47.
Bassett, L. M. & Son.— 96.
Batavia township.— 39 ; early settlement, 46;
population in 1837, 46 ; topography, 47 ;
first officials, 48; officials of, 301.
Bater, Samuel.— 471.
Bates, Edwin R.— 331-
Bates, Julius M.— 455-
Battery A.— 284-286.
Beech, John _H.— 223; 450.
Beardsley, Ezra E. — 771.
Beers, Calvin.— 476.
Belote, John S.— 37-
Bennett, Charles W.— 145; 187; 390-
Bennett, Hiram.— 121,
Bennett, Ida D.— 187-
Bennett, Isaac — 464.
Bennett, Isaiah W.— 79.
Bennett, James K.— 83.
Bennie. James.— 46; 72; 73.
Benton, C. P.— 214; 186; 210.
Berry, Enos G. — 67; loi ; 221.
Berry, Eira,— 67; 218.
Berry, Joseph.— 67; 101.
Berry, Samuel H.— 37; 67-
Bethel township.— 40 ; early settlement, 44;
early roads, 44; topography, 45; pop-
ulation in 1837, 45; Snow Prairie set-
tlement, 45; first officials, 46; officials
of. 303.
Bidelman, Horatio N.— 640.
Black Hawk Mill.— 51 ; S3-
Blackman, Edsou. — 224; 603-
Blackman, J- Morehouse,— 626-
Blackwell, George W.— 535-
Blake, John R.— 491-
Bicycles.— 136.
Bingham, Lemuel, blacksmith.^so.
Bolfon \ F— 50 54
Booth familj of Gilead — 72.
Bostwick, E E— 088
Buundarie'; — Of Branch county, i; southern
boundary history of, 1 1 following ;
northern bomidary of Indiana, 11;
northern boundary of Ohio, 12; south-
ern boundarv delays statehood for
Michigan, 13, survey of southern
boundary when begun, 14; latitude of
southern boundary, 14 ; Harris line,
li Hendricks line, 14.
Bow en Jerome ^217
Bon en Jerome K— 146
Bow en M S— 218
Bowen, Willard J— 141; 217.
Bowers L. M,— 625.
Boynton, Stanley W.— 458.
Bradley. Howard,— 86.
Brainard, E. S. E.— 87.
,y Google
Branch county — Subject of history, i; creat-
ed and bounded, i ; population, 2 ; 28-
32; objects of hi5tory of, 4; creation
and survey of, 6-15; Territorial Act
creating, I, 8 ; topography, 16-20 ;
drainage, 20-23; Indians of, 24-37.
Branch Count v Savings Bank,— 126.
Branch, J. B.^96; 559.
Branch village — History of, 51-54; laid out
by Elisha Warren, 52.
Bray, Byron W.— SOS-
Brinton, Albert N,— 447.
Bronson, Jabe.— 3; first settler, 41; 103; 108.
Bronson, original name of Kalamazoo.— 103.
Bronson Prairie. — 41 ; settlers in 1830, 42.
Bronson township. — 40; first settlement, 41;
population in 1837, 44; first schools,
Bronson viilage,^ — Nucleus of, 43; history of,
103-106; manufacturing, 116 et seq. ;
schools, 171 et seq; library, 181 ;
churches, 190 et seq. ; officials of, 304.
Brooks. Loren R.— 500.
Broughton, John.— 68; loi.
Brown, Alva ra do .—^37.
Brown, Asahei.— 87 ; 432.
Brown, Elisha J.— 533.
Brown, J. Wesley. — 434.
Buell family — In Union township, 80.
Buell. Geo. W.— loi.
Buell, Martin F.— loi ; 486.
Buell, Perry J.— 850.
Burdick, Geo. E.— 179; 586.
Burdick, James M.— 37; 68.
Burlingame, Joel and Anson. — 53.
Burnett, Charles L.— 766.
Burnett, Leander S. — 548.
Burrows, Arthur. — 748.
Burton, George A. — 582.
Bushnell, William B,— 624,
Business. — Firms at Coldwater, 95-97; at
Union City, 100- loi ; at Quincy, 103;
at Bronson, 106.
Butler township.^40 ; settlement of, 76-77;
pioneers, 77; officials, 305.
Cahfomia township — 39; settlement of. ()0-
92; officials of, 306.
California village .^^1-92.
Calkins B. H. & Son. Co.— 117.
Calkins, Thomas N.^r39.
Campbell, Hugh. — 54.
Campbell, Milo D. — 56; 219; 386.
Campbell, Oliver C— 212; 844,
Campbell, William J.— 706.
Canals— At Union City, 98 (see Erie Canal).
Carey Mission. — 25,
Carpenter, Charles F.— 328.
Carter, George.— 588,
Gary, Samuel H. — 48.
Case. Almeron W.— -85.
Cemen (^Manufacturers of, 120-123.
Census Records-— 28-32; analysis of census
Chain Lake Channel Co, — 22.
Champion, Charles U,— 822.
Champion, John R.— 218; 821.
Chandler, Albert.— 94; 96; 140; 184.
Chanute Cement & Clay Product Co., Bron-
son.— 123.
Chapman, Charles W. — 811.
Chase, Bishop Philander.^69 et seq. ; site of
home, 71; 84; 109; 151.
Chase, Enoch. — 222.
Chase, H. H.— 100.
Chauucey, M. E. — 223.
Cherdavoine, Robert.— 785.
Chicago Road. — 34-36; 129; early condition
of, 42; in Coldvtater tovunsliip, 50; and
village of Branch, 53 ; Quincy town-
ship, 65.
Chiesman. W. B.— 746.
Church, Edwin B. — 410.
Churches. — 190-209; (see Religion).
Circuit Court Commissioners — List of, 298-
Circuit Coiirts. — 214.
Circuit Judges— List of, 297.
Civil War — Soldiers from Branch comity in,
Clark family— In Bronson, 106.
Clark, Israel W.— 79.
Clark, Leonard C. — 105.
Clark, Leonard D. — 442.
Clark, Oliver J,— 676.
Clarke, Edwin R. — Store, 95 ; library, 95, 183,
Clawson, John.^79.
Clerks— Township, lists of, 300-321.
Clerks—Village, lists of, 321-326.
Cleveland, Augustus A.-— 875.
Cleveland, George W. — 496.
Clizbe, S. H.^ — 224.
Clubs — Woman's, of Coldwater, 188; Twen-
tieth Century, gf Coldwater, 188 ;
Fortnightly Musical, 188 ; New Cen-
tury, Quincy, 235 ; Columbian, Quincy.
236; Nika, Quincy, 236; Chautauqua
Circle, 236; Woman's, Bronson, 236;
Tuesday, Union City, 237.
Coddington, Frederick M.— 781.
Coldwater— History of, 93-97; origin of, 54
et seq.; first house, 55; platted by Tib-
bits and Hanchett, 55; Dr. W. B.
Sprague's History of, 56; citizens of
183s, 57 ; incorporated, 57 ; contests for
county seat, 60 et seq.; schools, 151
et seq.; library, 182-184; churches, 190
et seq.; lawyers, 214-220; physicians,
Coldwater L ght G d —256.
Coldwater N t al B nk— 125.
Coldwater P —Vily not first settled,
49; I tl 54 109.
Coldwater P land C m t Co.— 123.
,y Google
Cofdwater Public Library.— 182-184.
Coldwater River.— 18-19.
Coldwater Township.— 39 ; early settlement
and growth, 49 et seq.
Cole, Archie W.— S4i-
Cole, George H.— 437-
Collin, Henry P.— 878.
"Company A." — 257.
Compulsory Education.— 156.
Conant, Sarah E.— 56; 452.
Congregational Churches. — 202 et seq. ; at
Union City, 202; Algansee, 203; Gil-
ead, 204; Bronson, 204.
Conklin, Charles P.— 456-
Conklin, Fred J— 526.
Conover, Charles A.— 96, 547.
Conover Engraving & Printing Co. — 118.
Conover, Jefferson S.— 186, 545.
Conover, William N.— 551.
Coombs.—Mills at Coldwater, 59.
Coombs, William A.— 621.
Coon Pen. — Name of building used for coun-
ty and public purposes, 62.
■Copeland, Arthur G. — 503.
Corbin, Horace A. — 100.
Corbus, Family.— In Girard, 74.
Corbus, James G. — 36; 65.
Cornish, John. — First settler of Quincy vil-
lage, 66; his tavern. 67.
Cotnwell, Charles T. — 414,
■Coroners — List of, 299.
Corson, John.— 83.
Corn-in, L. J.— 445-
County Clerks— List of, 297.
County Courts.— 214.
County School Commissioners — List of, 298.
County Seat.— First located, 51; at Hason-
viile, 51; at Branch, 52; history of
contest, 54; 60-62.
County Treasurers — List of, 298.
Courier, The Coldwater,— 141.
Court House. — First in county, 52; located
at Coldwater, 61; history of, 62-64;
names of building co -"-- ■^-
Courts and Lawyers. — 214-:
'Cox, Frank L. — 575.
Crater, Andrew.— 88.
Crater, Morris.— 88.
Crippen, L. 0,-37; 94; 124-
Crissy, Hiram.— 838.
Cross, Robert J.— 54.
Cross, William H.— 76.
Culp, John W.— 511,
Culver, Abiathar,— 83,
Culver, Oliver E.— 567.
Cunningham, Daniel 5,-224
Cutter, S. S,— 222-223,
Dall. Benedict,— 599,
Daniels. Frank M,-
Davis, Eber 7,-764.
Davis, J, Harlan,— 830,
Denham, Horace,— 438.
Dexter, Thomas,— 799.
Dickey, James K, — 711,
Dickey. James R,— 382.
Dimond. Isaac M, — 79.
Doolittle, Fred W,— 330.
Dorrance, Albert A,— 96; 426.
Dorrance, A, J,— -430.
Doubleday, Hiram.— -Ss.
Doubleday, Harvey M. — 356.
Douplas. Charles H,— 568.
Douglas, Jenny C— 568.
Drainage System, — 20-23; value of, 20; early
methods, 2o; officials. 21; in different
townships, 21-23; in Butler, 76,
Draper, OIney W.— 678-
Driggs, Alfred L, — 43 ; builds sawmill, 43,
Dry Prairie,— 8r.
Dufur, Ira,— 796,
Dunkards. — 207.
Dimks, F, J, — 430,
Dunlap, John,— 580,
Dunn, Polly A,— 650.
"Dutch Settlement."— 89,
East Gilead.— 73.
Easton, D. J.— 140; 146; 186,
Eaton, Franklin. — 474,
Eddy, Mary A,— 184,
Education — History of, 148-174. (See
Eldred, Joseph G,— 858,
Electric Railroads. — 133,
Elizabeth Township. — 40; changed to Bethel,
Elting, Theron,~637,
Engel, Eugene, — 837,
Ensley, Homer, — 563.
Ensley, Jacob. — 5&.
Erie Canal.— When built, 33; importance to
Branch County settlement, 33 el pas-
Erie and Kalamazoo R. R, — 129.
Etheridge, A. Munson,— 622,
Etheridge, Kirkland 6,-372.
Evangelical Lutheran Churches. — 205.
Evans, John S.— 143; i44; 186; 86g.
Evans, Thomas P. — 367.
Ewers, Dr. H. F.— 132.
Exchange Bank, Bronson, — 128.
Exchange Bank of Crippen and Fisk,^i24.
Factories. (See Manufacturing,)
Farmers' Institute Society, Branch County. —
Farmers' Muiuai Insurance Co. — tz8.
Farmers' National Bank of Union City,— 127.
Farmers' and Merchants' Bank of Sherwood,
Farming, (See Agriculture.)
Farrand, Joseph P. — 753
Fellows, Burt M.— 804.
Fenner, Charles C, — 406,
Fenner, Corydon M, — 498,
Fet^uson, Benjamin R, — 873,
Field Notes, Surveyors', — 7; first of Branch
County, 7-9; original, where kept, 9;
d^cribed, 10; copy of. II.
First National Bank of Quincy,— 127.
Fisk, A. C— 37.
Fisk, Clinton B.— 124,
Fisk, Samuel.— S73.
Flandermeyer, Herman H. — 96; 814.
Follett, Thaddeus.— 463,
Foote, Burnley.— 760.
Foresters, Independent Order of, — 231.
Fort Wayne, Jackson and Saginaw R. R. —
Foster, J. N. — 141.
Fox, Aaron O. — 594.
Fox, David,— 7g8.
Fox, John P.— 620.
Fraser, Robert. — 461.
Fraternities and Clubs.- 227-237.
Frederick, H. E.— 566.
Freeman, Isaac. — 45.
Free Methodist Churches. — 195.
Free Public Library of Bronson. — 181,
Free- Will or Free Baptist Churches. — 199
Friedrich, William H-, Co.— 119.
Fry, Fred P.— 425.
Fuller, E. G.— 139; 215.
Gamble, E. F.— 459.
Gardner, Amos M.^524,
Gardner Family, in Matteson,— 83.
Gardner, Samuel. — 361.
Gas Light and Fuel Co., Coldwater. — 119.
Gattschalk, William H.— 846.
Gazette, The Branch County.— 140,
Germans, hi Branch County. — 31.
Gilbert, H. C— 140
Gilead Township. — 40 ; Bishop Chase and,
69; early history, 69-73; population in
5837, 73; first schools, 151; officials
of, 308.
Gillam, George F. — 104.
Girard Prairie. — 74,
Girard Township, — 39; early history, 73-76;
pioneers of, 76; officials of, 309.
Globensky Bros .^120.
Gloyd, Cynthia. — 151.
Goodwin, Justus. — 79.
Goodwinsvtlle . — 79,
Gorman, Benjamin B.— 591.
Graduates. (See Alumni.)
Grand Army Posts.— 233-235.
Grange, The — History of, 113-114.
Granger, Adeline, — 514.
Graves, Henry A.— 103, 388.
Gray, Burr 0,-73,
Gray, Charles W. — 600.
Gray, John H.— 186.
Gray, J. M. — 466
Gray, Perry D.— 521.
Green, B. F. — 647.
Green, David N.^-94; 239.
Green, Mrs, David N, — 151,
Greenamyer, John A,
Green Township.— 38, 39.
Greenwood, George,— 368
Grove, Elijah,- 337.
Grove,. Theron.— 604.
Grube, Howard A.— 660,
Griiner, Anton.^ — 847,
Gruner, Starr W.— 53i-
Gruner, Ward C, — 386.
Gunsaulliis. Pyrl H,
Hall, Charles H.— 832.
Hall, Clark M,— 834. ,
Hall, Willis,— 661,
Hall's Corners,— 91.
Halsted. L, D.— 37; 56; 239;
Hamilton, Charles. — 417,
Hamman, Henry.— ^730.
Hammond Family,—^,
Hanchett, Edward S,— 75; 76,
Hanchett Family, in
Hanchett, Joseph, — 54.
Hanchett, William,- 222,
Hardenbrook, John. — 444,
Harris, Charles J, — 703,
Harris Line,— 13-
Harvesting (see Agricuhurc),— Pioneer har-
vesting machinery, no.
Hawks, Joseph 5,-85,
Hawley, Hiram B.— 762.
Hawley, WiUard S,— 487-
Haynes, Harvey,— 37- 1S2. 177-
Hazen, Earl.— 492,
Hazen, E, F,— 107.
Ha^enville-- 107.
Hendricks, E. P., surveyor of southern
boundary of Branch County,— 14,
Hendricks' Line.— 1 4-
Henry, Warren,— 196; 480.
Herald, Bronson. — 145.
Herald, The Quincy,— 144.
Hewelt, J. B,— 462,
Hickory Comers.-^89,
Highway Commissioners — Lists of, 3CO-321,
Hildebrand, Frederick,— 454,
Hildebrand, Louie F,— 455,
Hilton, Thomas A,— 96; 610.
Himebaugh Family, — in Noble, 89; Emanuel,
Hodunk.— 76; 78; 80,
Holbrook, Arthur G.— 823,
Holbrook, David L.— 557,
Holbrook, Silas A,— 56; 215,
HoUenbeck, Russell B,— 642.
Holmes, Cicero J.— 853.
Holmes, Florence M.— 184.
Holmes, Jonathan and Samuel, — 44 ; build
grist mill, 44.
Holmes, Thomas.— 43; 70.
Hotels, Early,— New York House, 46, 47;
Rose House, 42; Taylor House, 47;
Batavia House, 47; Dudley Tavern,
48; Morse Tavern, 50; Eagle House
in Coldwater, 57; Corbus House ii»
Qiiincy, 65; Cornish's Hotel, 67; Berry
House in Qu'iO". 6?; Judson House
in Bronson, 6g; Union City House,
79; "tog tavern" in Sherwood, 81; in
California township, 90; Quincy, loi ;
in Bronson, 105.
Houghlaling Family, at Quincy.— 103.
Hughes, Edwin W,— 682.
Hulse, John.— *56.
Humphrey, Leonard F.— 523.
Hungerford, Virgil U.— 435.
Hurd Family, at Union City,—??,
Hurd, Mrs. C. E.— 558.
Hurd, Theodore C. William P., Henry S —
221 ; William P., 223.
Immigration. — Va
33-37 ; influenced hy Erie canal, 33 ;
sources of, 36; beginning of, 41; by
Marshall road, 75; to Butler, 77; to
Branch County at present, 112.
Indians of Branch County.— 24-27 ; treaties
with, 25; villages, 26; trails in Branch
County, 26; on Coldwater prairie, 49;
on Girard prairie, 74; Indian trail in
SherwocMl, 81 ; Indian trail in Mat-
teson, 82 ; in Kinderhook, 84.
Infirmary, Branch County— History of, 179-
Jail, at Branch. — 52; destroyed, 61; jaiis at
Coldwater, 61, 62.
James, Lemander.— ^50.
Jardon, E. M.— 457-
Johnson, Ad i son P, — 396.
Johnson Cooperage Co.— 119.
Johnson, Ezra.- 720.
Johnson, Ira D. — 363.
Johnson, John.— 333.
Johnson, Jonathan. — 848.
Johnson, Leon A.^ — 168; 831.
Johnson, Prosper C. — 439.
Johnson, Roll in A.— 346,
Jones, Clarence C. — 428.
Joseph, Lucas,— roi.
Journal, The Branch County.— 140.
Journal, The Bronson.— 145,
Judd, Alfonso C. — 595.
Kellor, Frances A.— 187.
Kellsy, Ira.— 583.
Kelso, Robert,— 488.
Kempster, Stephen W.— 350.
Kent. William A— 43; 215,
Kilbourn, Samuel L.— 448,
Kinderhook Postotfic 6.-85.
Kinderhook Township, — 40; settlement of.
84-85; pioneers, 84; officials of, 311.
King, Hawkins A.— 224.
King, Seth. — 792.
Kinter, George.— 574.
Kitehel, Horace.— 380.
Kitchel, Simon 3.-143: 186; 218; -fSo.
Klock, Geo. W.— 188.
Knapp, Frank E. — 165 ; 470.
Knapp, Thomas C. — 756.
Knapp, Wells. — 106.
Knauss, Henry D. — 735.
Knauss, Samuel.— 651.
Knecht, John,— 482.
Knights o( rytnias. — 232.
Knights and Ladies of the Maccabees
229; 230; 231; 232: 233.
Lakes ot Brmch County.— 16; outlets, 18.
Larapman Ambrose.— 856.
Lanipnnn Henry S.— 77.
Lampson Bon z.— 85.
Lancaster Columbia.— 151 ; 215.
La rz el ere Diniel.— 747.
Lawrence James H.— 90.
Lawyer Justm. — 214, 216.
Lawyeri of Branth County. — 215-220; roH
of m 1875, 216; in 1895, 219; in 1906,
Leek er Wesley.— 484.
Legg Charles N.— 218; history of Coldwater
schools 151, 157; 804.
Leonard D P.— 779.
Levis Art Gallery.— 184 ; 188.
Lewis Ed E— 842. ,
Lewis Henrv C. — 451,
Libraries. — 181-184.
Lime Lake,— 120.
Lincoln Family, in Union lownihip, — 80.
Literature — Activity in, 184,
Littlefield, Darwin. — 222.
Locke, A. LeRoy.— 56!;.
Lockerby, William H^— 667.
Lockwood, Edward C, — 418.
Loekwood, George. — 77.
Lockwood Family, in Ovid. — 86,
Lockwood, Herbert B,— 612.
Long, James M.— 223.
Loomis Battery.— 284-286.
Loring, Mrs. George E.— 783.
Lover idge, H. C— 820.
Loveridge, Noah P.— 217; 818.
Lowry, Jefferson. — 833.
Lowry, William T.— 584.
Luce, Cyrus G. — 212, 327.
Lyons.— First name of Coldwater, 55.
Lytle, A. L.— 103.
Mack, Thomas W.— 395.
Mack, Truman C. — 452.
Mallow Family, in Noble.— 89.
Mallow, George W. — 732.
Mallow, William.— 336.
Mann, Jacob W.— 741.
Mann, Mark H.— 672.
Mansell. George. — 96; Edwin, 97.
Mansfield. Coldwater and Lake Michigan
R. R,-i33,
Mansfield. Pizarro,— 855,
Man u fact uring.^Un ion City Iron Co., 98 ;
in Branch County, 116-123; Cement in-
dustry, 120-123.
Marl.— 120.
Marqiiart, William.— 4?8.
Marsh Family. — 45.
Marsh, Francis E, — 103 ; 224.
Marsh, Franklin D.— 94.
Marsh, Lansing C. — 224.
Marsh, Loren, — 26.
Marshall and Coldwatcr R. R,— 133,
Marshall Road.— ?5,
Martin, George.-— S9S.
Martin, Ira A.— 556,
Martin, John G.— 597-
Martin, Peter,— 56; his sawmill, 58.
Masonic OrKanizations. — 227-228; 229; 230.
Masonville — History of, 51.
Matfeson, Amos. — 83.
Matteson Township, — 40; settlement of, 82-
84; pioneers of, 84; officials of, 312.
McCarger, A. T.— 147.
McCarty, William. — 56; his house the oldest
in Coldwater, 56.
McCausey, Joseph W.— 371.
McCrary, Alexander 0,-643.
McCrary, Clay. — 649.
McCrary, Mrs. Alexander C. — 646,
McCrary, Roy.— 648.
McGowan, Jonas H, — 140; 186; 217; 212.
McKende Cereal Food and Milling Co. —
Mclntyre, Alexander, — 616.
Mclntyre, John F. — 716.
McLane, John H. — 701.
McLean, Hector. — 419,
McNall, Irving. — 867.
Mc Murray, Hu^h.— 519.
Medical Profession— History of, 221-226.
Medical Society. The Branch County, — 226.
Mennonites. — 89; 206.
Meridian, for survey of Branch County, — 8,
Merrifield, Marc A,— 218, 635.
Merrill, Js, — 632,
Methodist Episcopal Churches. — 190 et seq. ;
at Coldwater, 190; Quincy, 191; Bron-
son, 192; Sherwood, 193; Girard, 193;
Union City, 194; other churches, 194,
Michigan State Telephone Co, — 135.
Military History. — 256-296.
Miller, Harvey D.— 769.
Miller, Joseph. — 494,
Miller, Willis A, — 752.
Mills, — Adams' sawmill, 43 ; Driggs', 43 ;
Holmes' grist mill, 44; Woodard mill,
47; Black Hawk, 51, 53; first at Cold-
water, 58; Coombs' mills, 59; Bishop
Chase at Adams' mills, 69; Gilead
mill, 71; first in Girard, 75; Hodunk,
76, 80; Union City, 79; Crater's in
Algansee, 88; Wakeman's in Algansee,
88; in California, 92; at Coldwater,
93; Quincy, 102, (See Manufactur-
Milnes, Alfred.— 212; 681,
Milnes Supply Company.— 96,
Mintling, James B,— 666.
Mockridge, Robert F. — 94-
Modern Woodmen.^ — 232.
Monlux, George, — 91,
Monroe, George.- 727,
Montague, J, H.— 717,
Moore, Bradley O. — 1538,
Moore, W. G,— 141; 186,
Morgan, F. E,— 218,
Morrill. Oliver,— 426.
Morrison, Paschal P.— 778,
Morse, John.— 50; 54.
Moseley, Augustus C, — 728.
Mosher, J. D.— 765,
Mowry, Henry P.— 224; 671.
Music, — Activity in, 184.
Mystic Workers of the Worid.-
Nationalities in Branch County,— 31.
Neal, John N.— 813,
Nesbitt, John S,— 354.
Nettleton, V, L, and Company, — 96,
Newberry, Frank D.— ^5.38.
Newberry, Mrs. Fannie £.—187; 540,
Newberry, Peter M.— 37.
Newell, Charles H.— 141 ; 483,
Newman, Stephen.— 592,
News, The Quincy.- 145.
Newspapers — History of, in Branch County,
New York House,— 41.
NichoUs, An set I. —37.
Nichols, P. P.— 140; 141; 186.
Noble Township, — 40; seltiemcnt of, Hg-go;
officials of, 313,
Northwest Territory, — Ordinance of 1787
for government of, 12,
Norton, William P,— 506.
Noyes, Orlando G, — 560.
Observer, The Coldwater,— 139,
Odd Fellows Organization,— 228 ; 232,
Odren, Alex.— 91.
Officials of Branch County and Townships
and Villages.— 297-326.
Ogden, James S, — 403,
Ohio, — Boundaries, source of trouble, 13,
Olds, Clarence L.— 689.
Olds, Fred,— 422.
Olds, Martin.— 47; 36.
Olmstead, Benjamin,— 48.
Olmstead, Moses,— 45,
OIney, Henry,— 786.
O range vi lie.— 80.
Order of Eastern Star, — 231 ; 233,
Ordinance of 1787, — quoted, 12.
Ordinance Line,— 12, 13.
Osborn, Zelotes G.— 211 ; 802.
OutWaler, John £,—663,
Ovid Township,— 39 ; settlement of, 85-87;
officials of, 314,
Owen. Charles W,— 141, 144, 145, 186, 774.
, Elm
, 710.
Paradine, Mrs, E, R. G,— 460.
Parker, Marcellus H,— 64, i8g, 413.
Parker, Richmond F,— 722.
Parkhtirst, John G,— 218; 212; 339.
Parks, John D.— 854.
Parley's Corners.— 87.
Parrish, Kimhle.— 499-
Parsons, Alfred.— 344-
Patrons of Husbandry (see Grange).
Paul, James B.— 508. •
Paul, Wilson S.— 697.
Pearce, Edwin K.— 585.
Peerless Portland Cement Co,— 121.
Phillips, John F.— 393-
Physici an s.— 221-226 ; list of, 225.
Piatt, Nathaniel.— 684.
Pierce, Charles.— 860,
Pierce, Oren L— 563.
Pierson, Clara D.— 187.
Pioneer Society— History of, 238-239.
Pioneers, Alphabetical Record.— 239-255,
Pitcher, David.— 871.
Pixley, Augustus.— I OS.
Polish People of Branch County,— ^20, 32,
Political History of Branch County,— 210-
213; see sketch of Isaac Bennett,
Pollock, Samuel. — 820.
Pomona Grange,— 114.
Pond, C. V, R,— 144, 186.
Pond. Elihu B.— 140, 186.
Pond, ^ared. — 210,
Population, — In Branch County, increase and
distribution of, 28-32; influence of
Black Hawk war on, 29 ; nationalities.
31; sources of, 36; attracted to Girard
prairie, 74; of Bronson village, 105.
Porter, Philo.— 48.
Postal Service.— 134 (see Postoffices).
Postoffices, — Bronson, 42; Prairie River, 43;
Quincy, 67; Goodwinsville, 79; Mat-
teson, 83; Kinderhook, 85; Parley's
Comers, 87; Algansee, 88; Hickory
Comers, 89; Union City, 100; Rural
Delivery, 114; 134-135.
Pofawatomi Indians, — 24; treaties with, 25;
villages, 26; on Coldwater prairie, 49;
on Girard prairie, 74, (See Indians,)
Powers, D. C. — 223.
Powers, Randall D. and Charles, — ro6,
Prairie River Township. — 39, 40,
Pratt Manufacturing Co.— 118.
Presbyterian Churches,- 200 ef seg,; Cold-
water, 200; Quincy, 201; California,
Presidents.— Village, lists of, 321-326.
Pridgeon, John, Jr. — 362.
Primary School Fund,— 148.
Probate Judges— List of, 297.
Prosecuting Attorneys— List of, 297.
Protestant Episcopal Churches— 207-208,
Purdy, Fred, — 772.
Purdy, Horace. — 87.
i^r^ xiir
Quick. Edmund W,— 408,
Quincy Independent Telephone Co— n6
Quincy State Bank.— 127,
Qmncy Township,— 39 ; early settlement, 65
et seq,; first officers, 68; officials of,
Qumcy Village,— 66; history of, 101-103 r
manufacturing, 117 et seq,; library
182; .schools, 164 et seq.; churches'
Railroads.— In the thirties, 34, 93, 98; under
.around, 99; history of railroads in-
Branch County. 120-111
Randall, Caleb D.— 176, 316
Randall, Dr. AJvah._22i
Randall, Seth 8,-654
Ransford, Edward 6—825
Ransom, Alvarado B,— ■128
Rate Bill,-i32, ,58
Rathhurn, Charles D-^7
Rathbum, P. J,-836,
Regal Gasoline Engine Co,— n8
Regiments of Branch County Soldiers (see-
under Soldiers). '
Register, The Sherwood,— 146
Register. The Union City,— 146
Registers of Deeds— List of, 298
Religion and Churches— 190-209 ; Bishop
Chase at Adams' Mills. 70; Mennon-
ioI/y.^S'^C^^ V'"^'"^^'^
Reporter, The.— 142
Republican, The,— 140,
Republican. The Branch County,-uo
Reynolds Family, in Batavia Township,-47
Reynolds, Frank 6,-619.
Reynolds, Norman A,— 617
Rheubottom, F, C— 100
Rice, Samuel W.— 353.
Richey, James.— 400.
Roads,--Oyerland, 33 et seq; Chicago road
<s«e>;34. 41; Indian road into Gilead
72;_Marshall road, 75; state road, 78;
tentorial road in Sherwood, 8i ;
Kalamazoo trail," 82; state road iir
Robinson, Arthur E— 658,
Robinson, T, F.— 146
Rohinson, W. L,— 146.
Roman Catholic Churches.— 207
Ronan, Michael,— 659.
Root. Edward R,— 123, 863
Root, Roland.— 51, So, 211,
Rose House, in Bronson.— 42
Rose, L. A,— 104, los-
Rossraan Family, in Bufler— 77
Royal Arcanum,— ^231.
Rndd, L, and Son, Bank,— 128
Runyan, Henry, — 699.
Rural Free Delivery.— 1 14, i-u-iii;
Russell, George A,-S6s. ^^'
Sager, Charles H,— 390.
,y Google
Salisbury, Joseph N.— 549-
Salsberry Family, in Ovid.— 86.
Sanders, Abishi.— 72.
Sanders, Levi. — 877.
Sanford, George R. — ?39.
Saunders, H. R.— 700.
Sawdey, R. C. and W. S.— 96-
Schaffmaster, Christopher. — 377.
Scheidler, L. F.— 755-
Schools (see Education) .—First in Batavia,
48; at Branch, 52; in Quincy town-
ship, 6g; in Algansee, 88; in Caf,-
fornia, ca; character of early schools,
148 et seq.; early schools in; Bron-
son, 151; Gilead, 151; Coldwater, 151 et
seq.; "rate bill," 152; Union schools,
153; administrative officers, 153; con-
solidation of districts, 155; Coldwater
city schools, 157-164: Quincy Schools,
164; Union City schools, 167; Bron-
son schools, 171 ; Sherwood schools,
School Books in Early Use.— 150,
School Reports,— From various townships,
154; from Bronson, 172.
School Taxes.^ — 153.
Schultz, Samuel.— 803.
Sears, Clark C.-747g.
Sears, Charles 8.-665.
Sebring, John.— 628.
Secor, John.— 874.
Seely, Southerland M.— 405-
Segur, M. S.— 103.
Sentinel, The Coldwater.— 138 ; 139 et passim.
Settlement and Beginnings.— 41 et seq.; in-
fluence of Chicago road, 34, 49-59, 65-
Seymour, George H.— 550.
Seymour, Henry.— 826.
Shaffmaster, A. D.— 146, 187.
Shaw, William E.— 744.
Shedd, Louisa. — 851.
Shepard, Albert.— 493.
Sherer, Samuel, — 442.
Sherer, William.— 442-
Sheriffs—List of, 298.
Sherman, Albert A.— 812.
Sherwood Heading Co, — 119,
Sherwood Township. — 39; settlement of, 81-
82; pioneers of, 81; officials of. 317.
Sherwood Village.- History of, 107; schools,
173 et seq. ; churches, 190 et seq.
Shipman, J. B.— 2X8, 211.
Shook, Jacob.— 77, 214,
S hook's' Prairie. — 76.
Shoudler, Hiram. — 211.
Silo Tanks. — 112.
Simmons, Reuben M. — 806.
SI Oman, Louis. —530.
Skeels, F. L.— 186, 218.
Smead, Daniel. — 46.
Smith, Abram I,. — 693.
Smith, Benjamin H.— 75.
Smith, F. v.— 94, 186,
Smith, George K.— 223.
Smith, Marshall F.— 415.
Smith, Orin L.— 578.
Smith, Sarah A.— 343.
Snider, William W.— 738.
Snow Prairie. — settled, 45.
Soldiers, Roster of.— 1st Mich. Inf., 258-
260; 7th Mich. Inf., 261-262; 9th Mich.
Inf., 262-264; nth Mich. Inf., 264-269;
■ rsth Mich, Inf., 269-270; 16th Mich.
Inf., 270-271; 17th Mich. Inf., 271-272;
igth Mich. Inf., 272-275; 28th Mich,
Inf.. 275-276; 1st Mich. Sharpshooters,
276-277; 4th Mich. Cav., 277-279; 5th
Mich. Cav., 279-280; 8th Mich. Cav.,
280-282; 9th Mich. Cav., 282-283; nth
Mich, Cav., 283-284; Battery A„ 284-
286; Battery D, 286-288; Battery F,
289-290; Battery G, 290-291. Other
regiments, 292-296.
Sorter, Delivan.— 391.
Sorter, William C. — 420.
Southern Michigan National Bank. — ^125.
Southworth, Floyd E. — 841.
Spanish- American War. — Branch County's
record in, 256-258.
Spore, Clarence B. — 518.
Sprague, W. B.— 37; history of Coldwater.
56, 210.
Sprout, DeWitt C— 468.
Stafford, Charles W.— 724.
Staley, Frederick. — 630.
Stanton, Edward D.— 823.
Stanton, John A.— 558.
Stanton, William A.^365.
Star, The.— 143.
Star, The Michigan.— 139.
Starr, George.— 707.
State Roads.— 36. (See Roads,)
State Public School — History of, 175-180,
Stearns, George W, — 675.
Stepper, John G,— 338-
Stewart, Frederick W,— 573.
Stiles, Luther,— 88,
Stillman, H, B.— 140, 222,
St, Joseph River.— 19, 78.
St. Mary's Parish.— 462.
Stokes, Mary A.— 351.
Straight, Henrv E,^220, 731.
Stray, George J,~788,
Stuart, James B.— 51.
Studley, Jerome J. — 107.
Styles, George.— 218.
Sun. The.— 143.
Sunday School Association, Branch County.
Supervisors — Lists of, 300-321,
Survey of County.— 6-15; value of, 6; "rec-
tangular system," 6; meridian and base
line, 6; "Field Notes," 7; beginning
of, 7; survey of Chicago road, 36.
Surveyors, County— List of, 9; 299,
Swain, Charles E, — 440.
Swain, Frank-,— 518,
,y Google
Swain, James.-iS3. 156, m. 5I3.
Tappan, F""'*^ T.— Hoi.
Taylor, Leonard.— 507-
Telegraph.-First in county, 130.
Telephones.-History o£, 13M36.
Thatcher, Reuben J.— S73-
Thompson, David.— 217.
Thompson. Roy.— 607.
Thorpe, Calvin J.-I43. 144, 1S6 187, 211-
Tibbits, Alkn.-54; settles m Coldwater, 55;
zeal in promoting village. 57-
Tibhits Opera House.— 95-
Tift, David.— 87-
Times, The Quincy.— 145-
Toledo War.— 13-
Tomlinson, Alex E.-Si.
Tompkins, Charles A.— 309-
Tompkins, Francis J-— 55, 839.
Tompkins, James B.-75. 76-
Tompkins, James T.--679-
Tompkins, William A.— 743. ^ .„
" Toole, John.— Pioneer teacher and mill pro-
prietor, 51 (see Bronson).
Topography of Branch County.— 16-20.
Tower, Isaac— 384.
Tower, Willis H.— 385.
Townships.— Four fractional, when surveyed,
14; drainage. 21-23; formation of, 38-
41; government and civil. 38; Green,
38; Coldwater, 39;, Prairie River, 39
(see under township names).
Township Officers — Lists of,- 300-321-
Trails, Indian.— 35 (see Indians).
Transportation.— By St. Joseph river, 78 (see
Chicago road) ; history of, in Branch
County, 129-137.
Treasurers.- Township, lists of, 300-321.
Treasurers.— Village, lists of, 321-326.
Treat, Samuel I.— 423-
Treat, Samuel M.— 86.
Tripp, David.— 434.
Tripp, George.--85.
Truesdell, C. L.— 103.
Tucker, Chester S.— 223.
Turner, G. H.— 141 ; ISS. .__
Turner, John W.— 217, 211.
Turner, Nathaniel.— 83.
Turner, Sarah M. — 709.
Turner, Samuel R. — 596.
Turner, Thomas J.— 865.
Tuttle, George A.— 460.
Twadell. Rodney K.— 685.
Tyler, Alphonso.— 446.
Tyler, William M.— 359.
Underground Railroad. — 99.
Union City.— 78; platted, 79; history, 98-11:- ■
manufacturing, 117 et seq. ; schools,
. 167 et seq. ; library, 181 ; churches, 190
Union City National Bank.^126.
Union Schools — Origin of, 153; 172,
Union Township.— 39; settlement of. 78-81;
pioneers of, 80; officials of. 318.
Unitarian Churches. — 206.
United Brethren Churches.- 205.
Upson, Alonzo S. — 125, 35°.
Upson, Charles.— 214, 216, 21?, 348-
Van Aken, George W. — 114, 712-
Van Aken, M. J.— 8i5.
Van Blarcum Family. — 75.
Van Every, Chauneey M.— 358.
Van Nuys, J. H.— 544.
Van Schoick, Rev. R. W-— 187.
Van Slvck, William,— 810.
Villages of Branch County.— 98-107.
Vosburgh, Mortimer. — 849.
Waggot, D. D,— 14s.
Walter, William,— 564.
Wanar, William,— ^52.
Warner, C. D.— 615.
Warner, E. A,— 216.
Warner, Harvey.— At Village of Branch, 52,
Warren, Elisha.— Plats Branch Village, 52;
sketch, S3.
Warren's Military Band.— 106.
Wars.— Branch County in the country's, 256-
Warsabo, L. A.— 224, 490,
Waterhouse Corners. — 85.
Waterhouse, John.— 85.
Waterman, David and Alonzo.- 42-
Waters, Samuel. — 409.
Waterworks. — In Coldwater. 94; in Union
City, 100; Quincy, 102.
Watkins, Ed«ard M.— 542.
Watkins, Ed W.— 663.
Watson, Frank J.— 634.
Watson, Joseph ,^106.
Watson, Robert,— 83, 627.
Wattles. George C— S37.
Wesleyan Methodist Church at Coldwater,-
West, Charles P.— 139, 185.
West, Laura.— 186.
White, Dana P.— 75o.
White, Geo. M.— 817.
Whitehead. Henry V.— 870.
Whitley, Henry C— 755.
Whitney, Willard,— 609.
Wilber, Havens,— 570.
Wilcox, Edward P-— 555.
Wilcox, Loring P. — 704.
Wilkins, John H.— 758-
Willbur, P, D.-614.
Williams, C. Ross.— 510.
Williams, E. H.— 485.
Williams, Frank N.— 397-
Williams, Harlow W.— 468.
Williams, Mary M.— 794.
Williams, Sheldon.— 85.
Willis. Geoi^e £,—670.
Willis, William.— 602.
,y Google
Willson, Horris.^Qiiincv pionee
Wilson, L. T. N.— 2i6.
Wilson, Reuben and Daniel. — S
Wilson, William. — 224 ; 623.
Wing, Lucius M.— 740.
Withinston, Myron J.— ?i8.
E Telephone Co.— 136.
Woman's Christian Temper
Woman's Relief Corps. — Union
Women's Clubs (see Clubs).
Wood, David H.-7-6gi.
WoodcoK, Cornelius H. — 224.
Woodward, Horace J. — 669.
Wooley, Celia Parker.— 187.
Wright, C, D.— 218.
Yeatter, Sydney E.— 789.
York Village,— Original natir
40, 42,
Young, Charles H.— 145. 6g2.
Young, D. W,— 103,
Young, Hiram, — 608,
Young Men's Christian '
Young, William F.— 475.
Youngs, Dwight E.— 861.
,y Google
The location and numbtr of every achoolhouse in the county ia indicated by a aquare and a heavy-faced numeral.
The oatne, of varion, -en.,.- a.d focm.r ,o.,offic.. a„ <iv.. .v.. thc^h no c.nt.r now .xiat. there.
Pain, have been take, to ,c,,e-.t evc„ bi(h.ay a. found in the couaty " the d.t. of p.blication. : b, ^^lOLH^ IL
History op Branch County.
"All parti-colored threads the weaver Time
Sets ill his web, now trivial, now sublime,
Ail memories, all forebodings, hopes and fears,
Mountain and river, forest, prairie, sea,
A hill, a rock, a homestead, field, or tree.
The casual gleanings of unreckoned years.
Take goddess-shape at last and there is She."
— /ajiir.( Russi-ll LoivclL
Branch County, Michigan, is a name having two distinct though closely
cfinnected meanings. It denotes a certain definite ixjrtion of the earth's sur-
face, and also the people inhabiting that portion. This definite area is a
))art of the territory of the "The State of Michigan," and is thereby also a
part of the domain of that great body politic known as " Tlie United States
of .Xmerica." In its designation of the people inhabiting this area, the name
Branch county .signifies that they are themselves an organized, pohtical " body
ci»q)orate," with a certain distinct life of their own, and that at the same
time they are a part of " The People of the State of Michigan," and also of
ihat great republic of united states of which the State of Michigan is one.
Jn this volume the writers and publishers of it have undertaken to pre-
sent in printed form a history of Branch County. Michigan, as thus defined.
"Jliese sentences are being written in the year 1905 A. D., or in the fifth
year of the twentieth century of the Christian era. We proiwse to look
at the life the people of this county have lived upon their land in the light
of the knowledge and thought of this Twentieth Christian Century. We
shall attempt to comiMse their history, as nearly as we may, in accordance
witli the principles and methods with which the Twentieth Century historian's
art portrays humanity's past.
The area now definitely known as Branch county was made definite, was
made into a county, and the name of " Branch " was given to it, by the Legis-
lative Council and Governor of the Territory of Michigan, on the 29th
of October, 1829. The part of the act by which this was done reads thus :
" That so much of tlie country as lies west of the line between ranges four
and five, west of the meridian, and east of the line between ranges eight
and nine west, and south of the line Ijetween townships four and five, south
,y Google
of the base line, and north of the boundary-hne between this Territory and
the State of Indiana, be and the same is hereby set off into a separate county,
and the name thereof shall be Branch." As thus created, defined, and
nained, this area has remained without change in its boundaries from the
above date to the present, and has been recognized as Branch County by all
the people and powers that be that have had anything to do with it. It has
thus had a continuous existence for seventy-six years. It is true, as will
be noted more particularly in later pages, that in the full political sense of
the term " county " the people residing on the area so named did not become
a complete, organized, separate county imtJi March i, 1833, or until nearly
four years after the area had been made such geographically.
The second and more important part of what the word " county " denotes
in American speech and literature, is the people inhabiting its area as
organized into a civil social body or body politic. The census taken by the
State of Michigan in 1904, one year ago, gave the population of Branch
County as 26,397. The separate enumeration of the people of Branch
Coimty as such was made in the first state census in 1837. At least this is
the first such enumeration of which the records are known by the officials of
the county and state to be in existence. That census of 1837 made known
the fact that Branch County as a distinct body poHtic consisted of 4,016
persons. Ouring the 68 years from 1837 to 1905, that body of 4,016 men,
women and children became 26,397.
The subject before us, both as writers and readers, is Branch County in
the twofold meaning of the name as thus described. In writing its historj',
its people and their life will be the continuous and chief object of our
attention. We accept the generally recognized truth, that the life of people ■
is largely determined by the land upon which they live, by climate and the
other various factors of nature's environment. But the central object of
our conteniplation will be first, those 4,016 men, women and children who
were living the county's life in 1837, and then those who inherited it and
further developed it through the decades and geiierations following. To
portray what this life has been in its manifold forms, to indicate the causes
of it, to trace the generative and formative forces at work in it, and to show
some of the facts and truths that wilt help the 26,000 people of the county
today in their efforts for even greater prosperity and welfare in the years
before them, this is the task we liave undertaken. Among the matters thus
to be written of in this history are these: the physical, mental, moral and
religious character of those who l">egan the communities of Coldwater, Quincy,
Union City and Bronson and of those who formed the sixteen organized town-
ships of the county; their nationality, whether born in the United States
or in some foreign country; from what other portions of the United States
those who have moved into the county have come, and thus what ideas
and customs they have brought with them and made a part of the county's
life; the industries in which the people have engaged, the -wealth that has been
accumulated, the kind of dwellings the inhabitants have built for themselves,
and the domestic conveniences they have had in them; the general conditions
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as to health aiKl sanitary care; the means of intercourse and transirartation,
that is, roads, highways, railroad?, vehicles, bicycles and automobiles, tele-
graphs and telephones; the kinds of persons who have been the teachers,
clergymen, physicians and lawyers of the county; the institutions and social
agencies through which education, intelligence, culture, music, painting,
morality, public spirit and religion have been promoted, that is, schools,
newsi>apers, fraternal, philanthropic and political societies, theaters and opera
houses, churches and Sunday schools ; the divisions of the people among the
great political parties of the nation, party politics in the county, and the
administration of the various offices of the county, of its one city, and its
several villages and townships. The life of the county in these various forms
has embodied itself more largely in some individual men and women than
in others. Accordingly, it is part of the plan of this work to give large space
to the biographies and portraits of persons in whom the life of the county
has more largely and influentially expressed itself. We shall strive to make
our record as complete as space will permit. Absolute freedom from error
will he impossible, but we shall take gi'eat care to make the history and bio-
graphical sketches accurate in statement and truthful to life as it has been
lived by individual men and women and by the people of the county as a
The white inhabitants of Branch coimty's area, besides thus living their
own life within it among themselves, have also lived a life in mutual rela-
tions with the rest of mankind. They have been a part of larger wholes.
They have put elements into the larger life of these larger wholes, and have
received elements from them into its own life. A complete history of the
county's, area and inhabitants must recognize this connection. The area of
the county, along with the peninsula of which it is a part, has been under
the jurisdiction successively of the kingdom of France, the kingdom of Great
Britain, and the republic of the United States. Indeed there is a still more
primary relation of this area of which a complete history must take note,
•namely, its natural relation as a part of the earth's surface to the peninsula
lying between Lakes Erie and Huron on the east and Lake Michigan on the
west. As an arena of the history of the people occupying it, beginning with
the family of " Jabe " Bronson in 1828, it has had its animal life and its vege-
tation, or its fauna and its flora, its rainfall and other meteorological condi-
tions, its surface with slopes and prairie-like portions, its land and its water,
its lakes and streams with the direction and movement of their waters, its
soil, its stone, its clay and mari, and its underlying and ontcropping geo-
logical strata. All these natural factors have affected the life of the people
who have increased from one family to 26,oc»o. But these factors and their
effect upon the i^eople cannot be understood and historically exhibited with-
out considering their relation to the large region to which this particular area
belongs. The several sciences into which these natural features fall have
described and explained the corresponding phases of nature in this large
region. Even the history of a county, or of a township, must recognize the
influence of nature in it upon man's life in it, and must use what science
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tells lis are the facts and truths of nature in the large region, in exhibiting the
facts and truths of nature in the lesser area. On this arena with its physical
condition and its previous political relations with France, Ejiglantt and the
United States, the 4.016 white inhabitants of Branch county in 1837 began
their relation with the new state of Michigan, which that year was admitted
as such into the Union. Since that time the inhabitants of the county as a
body politic have carried on their life as an organic part of the state of
Michigan, and through it also as an organic part of our great American
republic, while in numerous other ways than those strictly civil and political
the people of the county have entered into the life of tlie people of the com-
monwealth, of the nation and of the world, and have taken the life of these
larger realms into their own. Tlie forms and the products of this continuous
interaction will be to many, perhaps, the more interesting part of our county's
These introductory thoughts indicate the scope of this work and our
aims in it. Stated briefly, these aims have been three fold : i . To show how
Branch county came into existence as a definite area and what it lias been as
such. 2. To portray what the life of the people within this area has been.
3. To make the \-ision of the ])ast a pleasure and a recompense to those who
have done anything for the welfare and happiness of Branch county's people
and the world thus far, and an incentive and inspiration to all to live for this
welfare and happiness in even a higher degree in the future.
In preparing to write this history, it was natural that we should acquaint
ourselves with H^iiate\'er history of the county may have l>een composed by
previous writers. Any such previous work would be sure to be of service in
presenting another and later picture of Branch county's life. Considerable
of a historical nature relating to the county has been written and printed dur-
ing the last fifty years, and much too in the way of biography of persons who
have been resiclents in it. What has been thus done is itself material foi" our
history. Moreover, justice to preceding writers and honesty with our read-
ers require that the work of those writers be recognize{l and that acknowl-'
edgment be made of its value and use. It is our puqrose to give in another
place in this volume a complete bibliography of the county. In onlv two
instances, however, have a history of the county and biographies of its resi-
dents been printed in book form with contents extensive enough to be prop-
erly called a county history or a county biography. We make mention here
of these two works, inasmuch as the first one in particular comes into con-
sideration in laying out the plan and the periods of the present history. The
first one was entitled as follows: "History of Branch County, Michigan,
with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Some of its Prominent Men
and Pioneers." This history was written by Mr. Crisfiekl Johnson, and was
published by Everts and Abbott of Philadelphia, in 1879. Tt is a medium
sized quarto volume of 347 pages. The second work referred to has the fol-
lowing title page: ".Portrait and Biographical Album of Branch County,
Michigan, containing Full Page Portraits and Biographical Sketclies of
Prominent and Representative Citizens of the County, Togedier with Por-
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traits and Biographies of all the Governors of tlie State anil the Presidents
of the United States. Chicago, Chapman Brothers. 1888." This volume
is a smaller sized quarto than the other, but contains 654 pages. The latter
part is devoted to Branch county and begins with page 180, thus giving to
the county 474 pages.
The former of these works was a real history of the county. The lat-
ter was a collection of brief biographies of " prominent and representative
citizens of the county," 364 in number. Imt it contained no history proper
a])art from the " biographical sketches." The other volume compiled by Mr.
Johnson was a fairly full general history of the county as a whole, with a
particular history of its one city, its four villages, and its sixteen townships,
np to the date of its publication, the year 1879. Since then no such particular
history of the coimty as a whole has lieen given to the public or attempted
until the present work was begun.
We now ]iresent the periods into which the entire time of the comity's
life may be con\'eniently divided by reason of events and de\'elopments in
it. These periods will fomi the general framework which we shall use in
building up the present history.
1. From 1828 to 1842 : or, from the year of the first white settlement in
the county at Bronson to the transfer of the county seat from the village of
Branch to Coldwater.
2. From 1842 to 1865 ; or. from the location of the county seat in
Coldwater to the close of the Civil war.
3. From 1865 to 1879: or, from the return home of Branch county's
soldiers in the Civil war to the publishing of Mr. Crisfietd Johnson's history
of the county.
4. From 1879 to 1906; or. from the publishing of Mr. Johnson's hi,story
by Everts and Abbott to the publication of The Twentieth Century History
of the County by The Lewis Publishing Company of Chicago.
Let us now note precisely what and where Branch county is, its area,
and how men came to define its boundaries with the precision of civdized
custom and to make them permanent. We have already referred to the act
by which the county was created, and have quoted from it the exact language
in which its area was described and its boundaries established. The language
thus used by the legislative council of the territory of Michigan is that in
which the United States government describes and bounds the surveyed divi-
sions of its public lands. It implied that already, previous to 1S29, the sur-
veyors of the United States had been over the territory to be made into
Branch county, and had divided it into " ranges '' of townships " west of the
meridian," and into " townships " " south of the base line." These terms
assumed that these men had already measured and marked off this land into
portions six mile.s square and containing a certain number of acres.
This work of the United States surveyor must be done before people in
the domain of the United States can begin to live upon Its land and form such
associations with each other as constitute a county. Only on condition of
this preliminary work having been done can definite individual ownership
exist, and those mutual rights and duties of men with each other be established,
which make an organic body such as a township or a county possible. The
legislative council of Michigan territory were able to declare where and what
the area of our covinty should be, liecause the United States measurers of
land had already laid their measuring chain upon the land out of which the
county was to be made. It was this fact that made it possible, for example,
for John Morse in 1830 and Robert H. Abbott in 1831 to each become the
owner of "80 acres" now lying within the limits of the City of Coldwater.
In 1796 congress enacted the law in accordance with which all the public
lands were to be surveyed. The system embodied in this act is called " The
Rectangular System." The original act has been repeatedly amended by con-
gress, and the methods of making the surveys under it have been continually
modified and improved, but the system as such has been used through the
hundred years from 1796 to the present time. The entire territory of the
present state of Michigan has been surveyed and divided into townships in
accordance with this system and with reference to a certain " meridian " and
" base line."
" ITie meridian " spoken of in the territorial act as determining the loca-
tion of Branch county was a north and south Hne known in the United States
survey as "the principal meridian of the peninsula of Michigan." It is a
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line running tlue north from the niouth of the Auglaize river, which empties
into the Maumee near Defiance, Ohio. " The base Hne," or the east and
west line also mentioned in the act creating the county, is a line crossing
the principal meridian at a point 54 miles north of the southern boundary
of tiie state. It now forms the northern boundary of all the counties in the
second tier, or of the counties from Wayne on the east to Van Buren on
Lake Michigan, the tier next north of Branch. With this principal meridian
and this base line established, the surveyors of the genera! government began
to go over the public land of the peninsula of Michigan lying north of Indiana
and Ohio, with compass and chain, and to mark trees and set posts for the
boundaries of townships and sections and quarter-sections, liiese survey-
ors knew, of course, no names of counties and townships as we know them
now, neither did they give names at all to townships or groups of town-
ships as they surveyed them. They recorded and dated carefully day by
day their measurements and tfipographical notes in their note-books, thus
creating the original " Field Notes," which in Branch county and every
county today are of such primary and incalculable importance for titles,
deeds, mortgages and all transactions involving buying, selling and owning
of land. As they tramped over the surface of the country, measuring and
marking it off into portions each exactly six miles square, making a town-
ship, Ihey gave no names to the townships, but merely numbered them in
their relation to meridian and base line, according to the ingenious but simple
system, the principles of which were struck in the Land Ordinance of 178.5, but
which api^eared fairly well developed in the Congressional Act of 1796,
Mr. Silas Fanner, in his " Michigan Book " of 1901, says: " The pub-
lic surveys of the region including Michigan were begun in 1815." In the
" Outline History of Michigan." contained in the Legislative Manual of 1905,
the statement is made that " the survey of public lands began in 1816." We
shall see that there is a sense in which each of these authorities is correct
as to the year in which the United States surveyors iDegan laying the founda-
tions of the white man's civilization on the public lands of the Michigan
peninsula. The earliest date appended to any part of their records or " field
notes " of their survey of what afterward became Branch county, is January
23, 1825. It was thus ten years after the beginning of their work in the
Michigan country that the sur\'eyor's chain was first laid down within the
limits of our county. The eastern boundary of Branch county was stated
in the creating act to be " the line between ranges four and five west of
the meridian." Its distance west from the meridian was accordingly twenty-
four miles. The surveyors must necessarily start from the principal merid-
ian in measuring off their townships, and work east and west from it. In
working westward from it towards our area, they must first lay out the
townships which are now Hillsdale county, as this is the first county west
of the meridian in the southern tier of counties, and indeed is the only
county between the meridian and Branch county. The exact location of the
townships destined to become Branch county would be dependent upon the
previous location of the townships to become Hillsdale countv, and the
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dependence of all these townshijis of both counties was dependent upon the
Michigan meridian. This dependence was so close and so important that
a glance at the survey of Hillsdale's townships and at the history of the
meridian itself will be interesting and wJl] make our own history more com-
The Territorial Act of October 39. 1829, creating Branch county, at the
same time also created and set off all the counties touching it on its three
Michigan sides, namely, Hillsdale, Jackson, Callioun, Kalamazoo and St.
Joseph. The meridian itself was made the eastern boundary of the county
to be called Hillsdale. This meridian has already been stated to be a line
starting from the mouth of the Auglaize river in Ohio and running due
north. -But how come it to start from that point? Mr. Crisfield Johmson
in his History of Branch County, p. 29, has indicated the answer. In a
treaty made with the Indians Novemher 17, 1807, they ceded their rights
to certain land. The exact language of the treaty describing the western
boundary of this land was in part the following : " To the mouth of the
great An Glaize river; thence running due north until it intersects a parallel
of latitude, to be drawn from the outlet of Lake Huron, which forms the
river Sinclair." Evidently the boundary line in this Indian treaty of 1807
is the origin of the Michigan meridian, but when it was officially deter-
mined upon and proclaimed as such, or when the actual survey of it from
the mouth of the Auglaize was begun, the present writer has not yet with
certainty discovered.
However, as to when that part of the meridian lying within the state
of Michigan was actually run, the book of Field Notes of Hillsdale County
in the office of its county sur^'eyor shows us with almost conclusive certainty.
The eastern boundary of all the townships in the easternmost range of Hills-
dale county is identical with the principal meridian. All these townships
are in " range i west," that is, in the first range west of the meridian. The
present names of these townships from south to north are Wright, Pittsford.
Wheatland and Somerset. At the end of the field notes of the survey of
the " East Boundary " of Wright township, or T S S, R i W, in the Hills-
dale Coimty Book of Field Notes, is written the following: "Oct. 6, 1815.
Benj. Hough, D. S." Tlie notes of the eastern boundaries of the other three
townships are subscribed in nearly the same manner. Tiie notes of Pittsford.
or T 7 S, R I W, are subscribed thus: "Surveyed in 1815 by Benj.
Hough, D. S."; of Wheatland, "Oct. 6, iSi.^. Surveyed by Benj, Hough.
D. S." ; and of Somerset, " Surveyed in 1815 by Benj. Hough. D. S." These
subscriptions or certifications, copied from the manuscript volume of Field
Notes in the office of the county surveyor of Hillsdale county, are in them-
selves almost decisive proof that all that part of the principal meridian of
Michigan forming the eastern boundary of Hillsdale county was run and
marked out in 1815 and probably in the month of October. Quite likely
nothing more was done by the surveyors in the year 181 5 than the running
of the principal meridian. This may be thought of as the Ijeginning of the
public survey of the region, and in tliis sense the survey of the public lands
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yy / (ff ( sf-^
/I Oil f J-i} ^Si^'Z
/L^U, r J-M St /f
of Michigan may be said to have begun in tSi5- ^n the stricter sense,
tlic survey did not begin until the surveyors actuahy began to lay off town-
ships, and this probably did not commence until 1816,
But while the eastern boundaries of Hillsdale's eastern range of town-
sJiips were all run in 1815, none of the other boundaries of those townships
nor any boundary of any other township was run until in 1823. Then in
1823, 1S24 and 1825 the country which now forms the area of Hillsdale
county was marked off by the United States surveyors into six-mile square
townships in ranges west of the meridian and south of the base line, and
<!esignated accordingly. In the Field Notes of Hillsdale County over the
date. "Feb. 3. 1825." and over the name, "'John Mullett, D. S.", stands a
note which shows that on that day the surveyors touched territory that is
now Branch county. That note is this: "set jxist cor. T 5 & 6 S, Rs 4
& 5 W." This was the post now marking the common corner of the two
townships in Hillsdale now known as Litchfield and Allen, and the two
in Branch, now known as Butler and Quincy.
We thus see that in working westward from the principal meridian, the
surveyors reached what was to become Branch county land on the 3d of
February, 1825. or a week or ten days Irefore. We have already noted that
the earliest date of a day's survey entered in the Branch County Book of
Field Notes was January 23. 1825, A photographic fac-simile of the page
on which this date stands is inserted in this volume, it being j^rerhaps a repre-
sentation of the oldest official document originating within our county.
The surveyor who signed his name to these field notes and entered this
earliest date apiiears to have Ijeen William Brookfield. The latest date given
in the volume of Field Notes is June 12, 1820. The time during which
the 'United States surveyors were occupied in the survey of our county
lands was about four and a half years.
The men who, during these four and a half years of 1825 to 1829,
actually went over the land of Branch county as United States surveyors
were John Mullett, Robert Clarke. Jr., William Brookfield, and Orange
Risdon. The original " field notes " or records which they made of their
surveys are to the people of Branch cotinty without question the most import-
ant documents in existence. A few statements as to the history of these
" notes " will be of interest to those who see the important things in a
county's life e\-en though they may not be .conspicuous. At the close of each
day, these men wrote ofif in small blank books the records of the Hues they
had run, their direction, the exact <listance measured, the posts they had
set, and the trees or other objects they had marked to indicate the location
of their lines. The original note books written out by these surveyors were
deposited with the land commissioner of the state after its organization.
They are now in the office of the commissioner in Lansing. In November,
1905, the present writer called at the rooms of the state land office in the
capitol at Lansing, and at his request the land commissioner, William H.
Rose, kindly put the original note books of Branch county as written up
by the United States surveyors into his hands for examination there. These
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books are in general about four inches wide, six inches long, and alxiut a
quarter of an inch thick, and contain about thirty leaves. Each book con-
tains commonly the records of the survey of one township, that is, of the
lines which were run to form the boundaries of the township itself, and its
sections, and quarter-sections. With an eager interest the writer took in
his hand the book containing the Field Notes of T 5 S, R 5 W, now
the township of Butler, the features of which may serve as an example of
the entire set. The book contains thirty-two leaves. On the first page is a
map of the township, with its sections numbered from i to 36, and with its
streams and some other topographical features indicated. Underneath the
map is written, " Recorded S. Morrison," which is understood to mean, that
the notes of this book have been copied into books of record in the United
States Land Office in Washington, and that the fact and the correctness of
the recorded copy were certified to by S, Morrison. The pages of this par-
ticular little book are not numbered. On the leaf following that having the
map, the notes, written in ink, begin. Apparently the notes were made
during the day or at the close of each day's work, and when a day's work
was done and the notes of it were written out, the date of the day was ap-
pended to them. The first date thus written is " Oct. 30," but the year is
not written; then follow notes and dates consecutively until "Nov. 7," im-
. plying that the surveyors worked nine days in succession in going through
the timbered lands and swamps and streams and openings of Butler town-
ship as they were in 1825, one of which days must of course have been
Sunday. Thirteen dates in all are entered in the notes, the last being " Nov.
13," ali without the year. On the last page, however, stands this entry,
" Certified this 21st day of January, 1826. Robert Clark, Jr., Dep. Sun"
The " field notes " in these original small note books of the U. S. deputy
surveyors were afterward copied into books of record in Washington, as was
illustrated above in the case of the original book of Robert Clark, Jr., con-
taining the notes of Butler township. When the survey of the entire state
was completed, the original books themselves were given into the possession
of the state land commissioner in Lansing. The survey was finished in
1857, and May nth of that year the origmals were deposited with the
The records contained in these note books have been very important
in the life of the county from its beginning continuously. They are the
ultimate authority of the county surveyor in determining the boundaries of
townships and of farms owned and bought and sold. While these books
in Lansing were the only legal records of these surveys, the people of the
county were obliged to obtain certified copies of the records from Lansing
when needed. It would seem that this was done until 1871. At present
the county surveyor of Branch county has in his official possession in one
large book a copy of all the field notes contained in the small note books
as made by the U. S. surveyors in surveying the entire area of the county.
This book is the official " Field Notes " of the county. At the dose of
the notes, on page 579, stands the written certification of E. H. Parker,
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deputy commissioner in the land office at Lansing, with the date of March 22,
1871, that tliese notes are a correct and complete copy of the originals. There
exists only one other copy of these notes, it is believed, and this copy is
now in possession of Mr. lanthus D. Miner, a resident of Coldwater.
Mr. Miner obtained this copy from Dr. John H. Bennett, who had it made
from the county's book.
The act by which our county was created and its boundaries named
described its eastern and western boundaries, as we have seen, by lines be-
tween ■' ranges," and its northern boundary by " the line between townships
4 and 5 soulh of the base line." Its southern boundary, however, was
described in different terms, namely, " the boundary line between this terri-
to.^' and the state of Indiana." The year of this act was 1S29, and it recog-
nizes the lx)undai-y of Indiana as already established. The boundaries of
states are determined by Congress. The act authorizing the formation of
the state of Indiana and naming its boundaries was approved by the presi-
dent April 19, 1816. The state by this act was to be bounded on the north
" by an east and west line drawn through a point ten miles north of the
southern extreme of Lake Michigan," and extending from that point on
Lake Michigan to the north and south line forming the western boundary
of Ohio. This is the first time that this line appears in any official acts of
the national or state governments. The people within the boundaries named
responded to the enabling act of Congress by electing representatives who
were to meet in convention at Corydon, June 10, 1816. The convention
was in session from June 10 to 29. It accepted the boundary proposed by
the enabling act, and December nth of the same year the state of Indiana
was admitted into the Union with' its northern land Iwundary a line drawn
as described, from a point on Lake Michigan straight east until it meets the
western boundary of Ohio extended northward. This northern Iraundary
of Indiana, thus established in 1S16, remained unchanged from that time
on. It became consequently a line to be recognized by the U. S. surveyors
in their survey of the public lands and their laying out these lands into
townships from certain meridians and base lines. Some nine years befoi'e
any of the land now forming Branch county had been touched by the U. S.
surveyors this northern boundary of Indiana had been authoritatively pro-
claimed on paper, though the boundary was not actually run by surveyors
until 1827 and 1S28. Moreover, when the United States surveyors began
laying off the public lands of the Indiana country into rectangular townships,
they did it from another meridian and another base line, and when the year
1816 determined the northern boundary of the' state of Indiana, it deter-
mined also the southern limit of the country to be laid off into townships
from Michigan's meridian and base line. Hence, when in working south
from our base line in laying off their six-mile square townships, the sur-
veyors came to the Indiana line, they had reached the limit of land to be
made into townships from the Michigan base lijie and meridian.
It is to be borne in mind that the U. S. survey of the land that became
Branch county was made after Indiana had become a state in 1816, and
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while ilicliigau was a territory, and that the creation and naming of the
boundaries of our county was an act of our territorial authorities in 1829.
The southern boundaries of all the counties in Michigan's southern tier are
coincident of course with the boundary lines between the state and the two
states south of it, Indiana and Ohio. The history of these state lines is
the history in general of the county boundaries. We have given in brief
the history of the Indiana state line and of its particular connection with
Branch county. Branch is the easternmost of the four counties having the
Indiana Hue, a due east and west line, as tlieir entire southern boundary.
Hillsdale county lias about one mile of this Une in its boundary, which then
follows the Indiana Ixiundary south about two miles, when it reaches the
Ohio line at its starting iK)int eastward. But the northern boundary of
Ohio is not exactly a due east and west line, as 3 careful look at any accurate
map of Ohio and Michigan will disclose, and the same is true of course
of the southern boundary of Michigan and of all the counties bordering
upon Ohio. These state lines have a long, large and interesting history, and
this is especially true of the one between Ohio and Michigan. But Branch
county does not touch Ohio even at its corner, and it must suffice for a his-
tory of this county to merely indicate the movement in men's thought and
the chief events which took place in the course of the settlement of the Ohio
and Indiana state boundaries on the north.
People's thought relating to these boundary lines found its first formal
legislative expression in that great regulative document, " The Ordinance
of 1787 for the Government of the Northwest Territory." Article 5 of this
ordinance named the eastern, southern and western boundaries of what be-
came Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, and theii said: "If Congress shall find it
hereafter expedient, they shall have authority to establish one or two states
in that part of said territory which lies north of an east and west line drawn
through the southerly l^end or extreme of Lake Michigan." May 7, 1800,
Congress made the eastern part of our peninsula a part of the Northwest
Territory along with what is now Ohio, while the western part was included
in Indiana territory. The country now forming Branch county belongs to
this western part along with what is now the state of Indiana. April 30,
1802, Congress passed an enabling act, according to which the people within
certain boundaries might form a state to be called Ohio. The northern
boundary of the new state was to be the east and west line of the Ordinance
of 1787, running east from the western boundary named for it. Tlie west-
em boundary named was what it is today, and as this line lies a short dis-
tance east of Branch county's territory, Ohio's boundary lines formed no
actual part of Branch county's boundaries that were to be. Uncertaintv
arose in the minds of the Ohio people, when their convention came to con-
sider the enabling act, as to where the line running due east from " the
southerly 1»end or extreme of Lake Michigan " would strike Lake Erie. Not-
withstanding this uncertainty and a proviso adopted by the convention to
meet it. Congress admitted Ohio as a state, February 19, 1803, with the
due east and west line of the ordinance as its prescribed constitutional bound-
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arj'. But the uncertainty remained, and immediately began to produce trouble
between the ?tate and the people of the territory of Michigan.
The dispute over the exact location of this boundary line lasted from
1803 to 1837, the year in which Michigan was admitted to the Union. Janu-
ary 26 of that year the act of Congress admitting Michigan, with the consti-.
tntion which had been adopted for it, was approved by Andrew Jackson as
president. That constitution declared definitely what tlie southern lx>undary
of Michigan should be, and the act of Congress settled the dispute which
had been troubling the people of Michigan for thirty-four years, in which
die people of Branch county had become involved along with the rest. Article
I of the constitution of our state describes its boundaries, and the portion
relating to the line between it and Ohio bears so many interesting marks
uf its history that we quote it : " Commencing at a point on the eastern
boundary line of the state of fndiana, where a direct line drawn from the
southern extremity of Lake Michigan to the most northerly cape of the
Maumee bay shall intersect the same — sai<l ]Mint being the northwest corner
of the state of Ohio, as established by the act of Congress, entitled ' An act
to establish the northern Ixaundary of the state of Ohio, and to provide for
the admission of the state of Michigan into the Union upon the conditions
therein expressed," approved. June fifteenth, one thousand eight hundred and
thirty-six, thence with the said boimdary line of the state of Ohio till it.
intersects the boundary line Ijetween the United States and Canada in Lake
This boundary line between the two states, as finally fixed, was not a
due east and west line, as we have already stated. It runs a little north of
east. Branch county's southern Iwundary has not been at all a part of that
state boundary line. Our entire southern boundary is a part of Indiana's
northern line, but this was defined and laid out with a reference to the same
IKiint from which the Ohio boundary line at first and finally was determined,
namely, " the southern extremity of Lake Michigan." Moreover, Branch
county people in 1835 took part in the so-called Toledo War, which ai^ose
ill the controversy over that Ohio line.
We have already narrated the action of Congress and of the people of
Indiana, by which the northern boundary of Indiana^as a state was estab-
lished in 1816, and made to be a line due east from Lake Michigan nmning
ten miles north of the east and west line of (he Ordinance of 1787. Through
all the nearly thirty years from 1787 to 1816, the people of the Michigan
peninsula had assumed that the Or<linance line east from the southern ex-
treme of Lake M ichigan was to be recognized as the Ixjundary line of states
south of them. In 1818 the authorities of Michigan territory protested
that Congress had no right to include in the state of Indiana the strip oS
land ten miles wide north of that line. They continued to insist iiixin their
just claims to this strip even up to the years of 1835 and 1836, when the
people through their conventions were seeking admission as a state. The
convention at Ann .^rbor. December 14, 1S36, finally agreed to the condi-
tions set forth in the act of Congress for the admission of Michigan as a
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state, namely, that Michigan should accept the boundaries claimed by Ohio
and Indiana and should receive the Upper Peninsula as a compensation there-
for. The congressional act of admission soon followed, and from January
26, 1837, the boundary lines therein laid down have been accepted without
serious question.
Thus we have seen that the southern boundary of our county as a
legally described line came into existence in 1816, that that line was de-
scribed with reference to a geographical point used in the Ordinance of 1787,
and that it became the boundary of our county as it now is by, territorial act
in 1829. But this line as the northern boundary of Indiana was not actually
run and marked off until 1827 and 1828. In the former year a bill was
passed by Congress providing for its being run and marked. The work
was begun October 8, 1827, by Mr. E. P. Hendricks, under the authority of
the surveyor general of the United States. '
The four small townships of our county bordering on Indiana were not
laid ofif by the United States surveyors until 1828, and, as appears quite
plainly from the Field Notes of the county, not until after the Indiana
boundary had been run and marked by Mr. Hendricks. These four are town-
ships 8 south, of ranges 5, 6, 7 and 8 west, or what afterward became Cali-
fornia, Kinderhook, Gilead and Noble. The Notes show naturally that the
township of range 5, or California, was the first to be surveyed. Over the
date and name, "April 7, 1S28, Robert Clarke, Jun. D. S.," stands the fol-
lowing note of the east boundary of this township : " Intersected N. bound-
ary of Indiana 30.89 west of 104th mile post. Set post." April 13th fol-
lowing, Mr. Clarke ran the western boundary of this township to the Indiana
line and set a post at the intersection of the two, " Snowed this day three
inches deep," he wrote as a beginning of our weather bureau records. April
23d he did the same for the western boundary of Kinderhook, or the eastern
boundary of Gilead ; April 30th, the same for the western boundary of Gilead ;
and May 6th, 1828, he ran and marked the western toundary of T 8 S,
R 8 W, or of Noble township, and set a post, which marked the southwest
corner of the county when it came into existence in 1829, and whicJi marks
it probably today.
The southern boundaries of these townships, or the southern boundary
of the county, piay also be described in terms of latitude, if the boundary
between the two states has thus been determined and recorded, inasmuch as
the former boundaries ought to be identical with the latter one or the latter
ones. The 1906 edition of Lippincott's Gazetteer gives the north boundary
of Indiana as " the parallel of 4: degrees, 46 minutes, north," and the south
boundary of Michigan as " the parallel of 41 degrees and 42 minutes north."
There seems to be a difference of four minutes between the latitude of the
north boundary of Indiana and that of the south boundary of Michigan,
though there is no difference among authorities as to the exact location of
the one line forming the two boundaries on the surface of the ground.
The exact courses of the line referred to in the Ordinance of 1787 of
the Harris line run in 1816 for the northern boundary of Ohio and of'the
,y Google
line named as the northern boundary of Indiana, and becoming the southern
boundary of Branch county, the exact courses of all these lines depended upon
the exact location of one point, namely, the point asstimed to be the southern
bend or extreme of Lake Michigan. When this point was actually deter-
mined and marked by the United States surveyors I have not been able
definitely to ascertain. The first actual survey of a line from this point, of
which I know, was the one run in part in 1S15, and which was l>egun anew
and completed in 1816 and 1817 by a Mr. Harris, in accordance with the
proviso of Ohio's state constitution.. The point must have been established,
therefore, as early as the surveys of 1815 and 1816, at any rate. In 1820,-
imder the direction of President Monroe, a line was run and marked for
the northern boundary of Ohio in accordance with the act of Congress of
May 30, 1812, that is, due east from that point.
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Branch comity, situated as it is midway between Lake Michigan and
Lake Erie, occupies the highest position in the lower tier of counties. Its
average elevation is between ten hundred and eleven liundreii feet above sea
Its surface structure is easily seen to be due to glacial action. In fact
Branch county is situated upon the crest of a moraine beginning near Sagi-
naw, Michigan, and extending southward into Indiana. The soil, rocks,
hills, valleys and lakes all bear unmistakable evidence of a glacial origin.
There are no mountains in Branch county, and but few conspicuous eleva-
tions. " Warner's hill," immediately south of the city of Coldwater, is the
highest hill in Coldwater township, but it is a comparatively gentle slope
whose elevation is, perhaps, sixty feet. Its crest extends almost east and
west and finally merges itself into the surrounding country alwut tw(5 and
one-half miles east of the state road running south of Coldwater. There
are notably two other hills in the northeastern portion of Algansee township
conspicuous for both height and slope. They occur one directly after the
other, their elevation being about seventy feet and their slope making an
angle of al»ut fifty degrees with the horizon. These are three of the more
noticeable hills in Branch county, but all of them will bear practically the
same description.
Branch county owes its beauty almost entirely to its many l>eautiful and
picturesque lakes. In tracing out its system of lakes it is natural to start
with its largest, viz. : Coldwater Lake.
Coldwater Lake lies in the southeastern part of Ovid township in sec-
tions 26, 27, 34 and 35. and also sections 2 and 3 of Kinderhook town-
ship. Its extreme length from north to south is about two and one-half
miles and its greatest width from east to west al)out two miles. An island
consisting of 80 acres lies in the southeastern i>ortion of the lake and is
almost entirely within section 35.
There are three places along its shores where cottages have been built
for purptises of summer resort. Sans Souci, designating the largest assembly
of cottages, is directly opposite the island on the eastern shore. Crystal
Beach is next in size, and is located on the eastern shore near the northern
extremity of the lake. The third, Idlewild, is on tlie western shore facing
Crystal Beach and about one-half a mile from it. The sccnerv at Cold-
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water lake is so picturesque and attractive that many resorters irom other
parts of the county and from other regions spend a great part of the sum-
mer there.
The outlet of Coldwater lake starts about one-fourth of a mile south of
IdleAviid in section 27 of Ovid township and runs in a generally westerly
direction through that section. It just cuts across the northeastern corner
of section 28, and pursues a northerly course through the eastern portion of
section 21 into section i6, where it clianges to a northwest course and enters
section 9. In section 9 it again runs straight west into section 8, where it
empties into the eastern end of a small lake. At the western end of the
lake it resumes its westerly course and keeps it as far as the southwest corner
of section 8. At this point it receives the waters of Little lake, Lake of the
Woods, and Bingham lake.
Bingham lake lies in the northwestern portion of section 30 and covers
about 100 acres. The water of Bingham lake empties north into a very
teautifnl lake called Lake of the Woods. This lake lies mostly in section 19,
but it also occupies parts of sections 20, 17 and 18. It is about 300 acres in
extent. Its outlet is in the southeastern quarter of section 18. It flows
north and empties into Little lake, which is about equally divided between
sections 17 and i8. Little lake empties northward into the outlet stream
(]f Coldwater lake at the point mentioned above.
This stream, which is called the Branch of the Coldwater river, now
flows north through sections 7 and 6 of Ovid township into section 31 of
Coldwater township, where it empties into the millpond at the Black Hawk
mills. From this millpond it flows north through section 30 into section 19,
where it takes a northeasterly course through the southeast portion of sec-
tion 19 into section 20, emptying into the western side of South lake, which
lies just west of the city of Coldwater. Into this lake the other outlet of Cold-
water lake also empties.
Returning now to Coldwater lake, we will speak of the two Jakes, Mud
lake and Bartholomew lake, whose waters flow into it.
Long lake is situated almost entirely in section 23 of Ovid township,
lying diagonally across it. One peculiar feature of this lake is its great
depth. Of several people who have attempted to sound its depths each claims
to have been unable to reach bottom. The shore on almost all sides plunges
down almost perpendicularly. It is almost as if an earthquake had opened
up a great deep fissure which had afterward filled up with water. Long
lake occupies also small portions of sections 14 and 13. In the southwest
corner of the latter section Loner lake receives the water of Mud lake, also
in section 13.
Between Mud lake and Bartholomew lake, a distance of perhaps half
a mile, there is a natural watershed, dividing the two chains of lakes form-
ing the two sources of the two streams, the Coldwater river and its branch,
which unite west of Coldwater. Some years ago a channel was cut through
this watershed, when it was found that the waters of Bartholomew and of
the lakes north of it would flow south into Mud lake. The channel at this
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point was afterwards closed. An account of this channel is given elsewhere
in this work.
Bartholomew lake lies in the central portion of section 7 of Algansee
township and empties by a channel into Middle lake, lying for the most part
in sections 7 and 5 of Algansee township. A channel connects Middle lake
with Marble lake, a comparatively large body of water, about half the size
of Coldwater lake and located in sections 4 and 5 of Algansee township and
sections 32, 33, 28, 29 and 21 of Quincy township. Cedar Pbint on the
eastern shore of the lake in section 33 is the location of a summer resort
of increasing popularity. A small but exceedingly picturesque lake in the
northwestern corner of section 9 empties into Marble lake. This lake is also
very deep, no bottom having as yet been found, although it has been sounded
with more than 300 feet of line. It is called Hanchett lake.
Marble lake has two outlets, the one leaving the lake almost on the
north line of section 32 at the middle point, the other in the nortlieastem
quarter of section 29. The former flows northwest through the southwest
corner of section 30. where it turns to the northeast back into section 29
again. The latter flows west, uniting with the first branch in the north-
west corner of section 29. From here the stream is called the Coldwater
river, and flows northwest through section 20 into section 19, where it pur-
sues a westerly course into section 24 of Coldwater township. Immediately
over the border line its course is changed to the southwest, running into
section 25. From here the stream runs approximately west through the
northwest part of section 26. It leaves this section, entering the southeast
corner of the city of Coldwater, through which it flows in a west-northwest-
erly direction.
The stream through the city alternately divides and imites four times,
finally entering South lake west of the city in two separate places. It is for
the most part shallow, deepening only where it has been dammed.
From South lake the water flows into a channel (natural, but dredged
out by the Wolverine Cement Co. in 1905 and 1906) running due north
into section 17, where it empties into North lake. From North lake through
what is practically a continuation of the same lake the current passes into
McCrea's lake and then into Randall's lake in section 5. From here through
what is known as " The Narrows " the current flows into Morrison's lake,
which occupies about one-half of section 32 of Girard township. Resorters
have also built a few cottages on the eastern edge of this lake, which are
known as Templar Beach.
At its northwestern portion Morrison's lake sends its water into an
outlet, which runs a short distance north, then makes a bend eastward and
with another northward turn expands into something of a lake, situated in
section 29. From this the Coldwater River again takes up its course as a
stream considerably larger than before it entered South lake. Its course is
a meandering one, its general direction being westerly through sections 29
and 30 of Girard township into sction 25 of Union township, where it flows
into the Hodunk millpond. Pursuing a westerly course on the boundary
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line of sections 24 and 25 it widens considerably in a northerly direction in
section 23. Soon after leaving the Hodunk millpond it receives the waters
of Hog creek, which serves as the outlet of Vincent lake in section 4 of
Girard tow-nship and also of a few minor lakes. In section 23 the Coldwater
river narrows again and takes a northwesterly direction through sections 23
and 22 into section 15 of Union township; here it runs due north through
sections 15 and 10 to section 3, where it turns abruptly to the west into
section 4. Here it again turns to the north and then west into Union City,
where it receives the waters of another small stream from Calhoun county.
From here on the stream is known as the St. Joseph river.
The St. Joseph river now flows west through Union township into section
12 of Sherwood township. From here it pursues a generally southwest di-
rection through Sherwood township into the northwest section of Matteson
township. After only about a mile in this township it leaves Branch and
enters St. Joseph county. In section 21 of Sherwood township the St. Joseph
receives the waters of the outlet of Sherwood Jake and several minor lakes
near it. This stream also drains Haven lake and two smaller lakes and also
Blossom lake in sections 31 and 30. ,
To summarize, it is seen that the St. Joseph river has two sources, both
in Branch county and within a few miles of each other, viz. : Coldwater
lake through the branch of the Coldwater river, and Marble lake through
the Coldwater river ; west of Coldwater both streams unite and continue their
way through the cliain of lakes to Union City. This system takes in nearly
all the lakes of Branch county. The remaining lakes empty into minor
streams and creeks.
South of Coldwater lake in Kinderhook township, between Silver lake
and Crooked lake, there is a natural watershed. As we have seen, the Cold-
water lake sy.stem flows north. Silver lake of section 25, Kinderhook town-
ship, and Fish lake of section 14 of the same township empty southeast into
Indiana. Crooked lake of section 8, Pleasant lake of section 17, and Lavine
lake of sections 18 and 20 of Kinderhook township are distant from Silver
lake only by a mile or two on the other side of the divide and have Prairie
river flowing west as their outlet.
Matteson lake of section 23, Matteson township, empties west into
Little Swan creek.
The numerous marshes which accompany such an abundant supply of
lakes have been for the most part drained and turned into tillable land.
The rainfall supplying these lakes is between 60 and 70 inches annually, the
greater portion falling in the months of April, May and June.
The soil of Branch county is very fertile, and except in a few places
not stony.
The mineral wealth of Branch cormty, except for the marl ocairring
in nearly all the lake bottoms, which, mixed with clay, is used in the manu-
facture of cement, is nil.
In general Branch county is a prairie pitted here and there by prehistoric
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glacial action and these pits are now filled with water forming the beautiful
and extensive lake system we have described.
The Drainage System.
Jn Branch county in the year of this writing there are in round num-
bers four hundred public drains, approximating a total lengfth of one thousand
miles. The four townships of Algansee, Bronson, Bethel and Butler, which
have received the greatest benefits from this system, have had their land
valuations nearly doubled. Since 1898 an average of about $30,000 has
been expended each year on this department of public works. Although
under the direction of a county drain commissioner, an ofiicer elected each
two years by the board of supervisors, these improvements are, in a very
important sense, not " public works."' The cost of every drain is assessed
entirely on the area benefited, not on the county or township, and the en-
terprise is thus one of concern and expense to the group of individuals who
receive the varying benefits. But in vieu'ing the system as a whole, and its
effects on the county, the conclusion is easily and inevitably reached that the
drainage work done during the last fifty years has actually created wealth
to the aggregate of millions of dollars. One strikiing illustration will suf-
fice. For years a large portion of the township of Bronson was impractic-
able for agriculture because of its low, swampy nature. Abo\it twenty years
ago a community of Polish people settled there, bought the swamp lands in
small lots, instituted a proper system of drainage, and now own some of
the most productive farm lands in the county and have nearly doubled the
valuation of the township.
Drainage began in a limited way during pioneer times. The settlers in
the valleys of the many sluggish water courses were compelled to ditch chan-
nels to carry off the water that otherwise would have stood for a large part
of the year on the arable land. The clearing away of the timber and brusli
and the breaking up of the soil and consequent destruction of the grassy
turf that had become matted through centuries of growth, all contributed to
more effective drainage. To get rid of the excess of surface water was a
hve question sixty and seventy years ago. In fact, it demanded partial sohi-
tion at once. But the means already indicated were so far effective that the
greater portion of the lands became available at an early date, without any
general system of co-operation.
Tlie first state law on the subject of drainage was passed in 1S56. This
act created a drain commissioner for each township, who should have juris-
diction over all the drains entirely within his township; while one county
drain commissioner exercised supervision over the drains in which two or
more townships were concerned. This created an unwieldy system. Seven-
teen men, with varying views as to the usefulness and practicability of drain-
age work, and few if any possessed of the engineering skill needed in such
construction, formed a body without the concentrated ability needed in sci-
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entific drain-making. Nevertheless, the stun total of their work reclaimed
or benefited thousands of acres in the county.
In June, 1897, an act of the legislature took effect abolishing the office
of township drain commissioner, and put all the drains of the county under
the jurisdiction of the county drain commissioner. It further providerl that
the new counti,' commissioner should collate and systematize the drainage
records, which hitherto had been very imperfectly kept by the township com-
missioners. This task of recording, alone, has consumed a large part of the
commissioner's time, and it is due to the present commissioner, D. E. Wea^,
to state that the records and plats belonging to this branch of the county's
business are thoroughly we!! made and arranged. Mr. Weage has been com-
missioner the greater part of the time since the office was created, and it has
been under the new law that the county's drainage has, in the main, become
systematic and scientific.
It has been thought well to present a brief account of the important feat-
ures of the drainage work in the variotis towmships of the county. Butler
township, which is one of the four that have received greatest benefit from
the worif, has forty-five public drains wholly or partly within its borders.
The land of this township is largely a clay subsoil, originally covered with
heavy timber, and hence lacking, over a great portion, in natural <lrainage.
More land has been reclaimed in this township than in any other. The most
important drain is known as the Warren Brook ditch, which crosses tlie
township from east to west, almost centrally o\'er the area between Hog creek
and Tekonsha creek. This drain was constructed in the seventies. Another
drain, crossing the northeast comer of the townsliip, from Hillsdale county
into Calhoun, will, when completed, reclaim five hundred acres and liienefit
about fifteen hundred acres in Butler.
Girard township, whose most conspicuous feature is the beautiful and
fertile prairie in the center, has required as little artificial drainage as any
township in the county. Tliere are about tweli'e public drains, the two most
important being a continuation of the Warren Brook and the Tekonsha
Creek, which come from Butler, the former finding an outlet in Hog creek.
Union township, though originally thickly wooded, has more natural
drainage than Butler. Its thirty public drains affect about five sections of its
area. Tlie largest drains are Buell No. 10, in sections 19, 30 and 31: and
Union No. 36, in sections 2, 3. il. 13. 14. and 24, afl^ecting a lar^e area in
the northeast comer of the tow'nship.
Sherwood township is cut up with natural water courses, chiefly the St.
Joseph river, and consequently its eighteen ixtblic drains; are comparatively
short. The Kiiboura, Blackwel! and Fimple drains are the largest.
In Matteson township are twenty-five public drains, none of them ex-
tensive. No. 16 and No. 17 lieing the largest. Nevertheless, drainage has
added materially to the agricultural wealth of this township. Along the
courses of several of these drains lie large areas of peat or muck lands, and
since they have become available for cultivation the owners have engaged in
,y Google
mint-raising, a crop that is becoming a strong asset in the agricuftnre of
southern Michigan, and which is best grown on the reclaimed' swamp lands.
With an average yield an acre of such mint land as is foiind along drain No.
17 will produce sixty pounds of mint oil, for which the market price is three
dollars per pound, a large income from the land and labor expended.
Batavia township is crossed from northeast to southwest by the swampy
valley of Mill creek. Tlie principal drainage worff to be done in this
town is the straightening and dredging of this sJuggish stream, some
work having already been done. Altogether Batavia has thirty-three drains,
the largest being county drain No. 5, in sections 6, 7, 17, 20.
In Coldwater township are twenty-three drains. The most important are
drain No. 15, Benton Pond and Williams No. 28. These three especially
concern the city of Coldwater. Benton Pond was constmcted to take the
storm sewerage from tlie second ward, wliile No. 15 and No. 28 w^ere also
constructed mainiy for the city. The city is at the bottom of a watershed
of abornt five square miles extending east into Quincy township. In freshet
seasons the drainage from this area not infrequently sprrad over the prairie
and caused inundations in the city. The municipality therefore constructed
a drain along its eastern border to divert this water, in 1904, and after it
had proved ineffective against a recurrence of tli* flood, the 'county took
charge of the drain and improved it and made it county drain- No. 15.
Quincy township has thirty-four drains, the largest being No. 8, which
was laid out in 1861, but did not become fidly effective until two years ago,
when, after the expenditure of ten thousand dollars, it drained and reclaimed
a large amount of land in the township.
An interesting bit of history may be told in connection with Quincy
drainage. In 1878 was formed the " Quincy Chain Lake Channel Company,"'
the president of which was James Donovan of Quincy, and the secretary and
treasurer was R. W. Berry. These men and their associates proposed to
dredge out a navigable channel connecting the chain of lakes in Quincy, Al-
gansee and Ovid townships, so as to afford a continuous water way from
Marble lake to Coldwater lake; in other words, to connect the headwaters of
both branches of the Coldwater river, the east branch of that stream having
its origin in Marble lake, and the west branch rising from Coldwater lake.
The purpose of the channel company was to make a continuous water course
of some twenty miles' length, affording magnificent fishing and pleasure
resorts. The enterprise was begun with much popular enthusiasm and the
channel was actually dredged out and completed according to program.
About that time it was discovered that the surface of Marble lake was
eight inches higher than that of Coldwater lake. It had previously been con-
tended that the lake were of equal level, and that the connecting channel
would have no effect on the flow of the water though their natural outlets. But
as a matter of fact. Marble lake being the higher of the two. and the new
channel affording a freer escape for the waters than the natural river bed. the
result would have been for Marble lake to empty its waters through the chain
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of lakes and thence by way of the west branch of tlie Coidwater river, while
the east branch of the river would receive a greatly diminished supply and
might eventually become entirely dry.
As is known, the Quincy branch of the Coidwater supplied the W. A.
Coombs mills at Coidwater with power. As soon as he saw that the opera-
tions of the Channel Company would threaten his water supply, Mr. Coom!)s.
secured an injunction against Mr. Donovan and his associates preventing
them from diverting the waters of Marble lake frc*n. its former outlet. Tlie
courts upheld this injunction and the Qiannel Company was compelled to
fill up part of the channel, etfectually preventing them from carrying out the
broad plan they had contemplated.
Algansee township has thirty-seven drains. Most !mjx>rtant of these,
and the largest in Branch county, is the Pridgeon and Warner drain, which
was completed in 1905 at a cost of twenty thousand dollars. This ditch also
drains a large portion of California township.
In Ovid township are eighteen drains. Tlie largest is the Betts drain,
which was dug in 1901, its course lying in sections 6, 7, 8, 18, 19, 29, 30, 32.
All of section 29, as well as portions of several other sections, was long
known as " Grass Lake," and the land was sold again and again for taxes,
l>eing totally unfit for use. The old drain No. 7, which passed through it,
did little to reclaim the land. Since the completion of the Betts drain prac-
tically all this submerged land has been reclaimed.
Bethel township has for years known the value of drains. Elias C.
Tozier now deceased, was township drain commissioner for about twenty-
five yearSj.laid out most of the drains during his term of service, and the
results of his careful and energetic work make his name deserving of men-
tion in this connection. Bethel now has thirty-six drains, all of about equal
importance and size, running over fronr one to three sections.
Bronson township has thirty-two drains, the largest being county drain
No. ID, built in 1861 and ninning through sections 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21,
23 and 29.
Noble township has not required much artificial drainage. Tliere are
eleven drains, Biosser drain and Noble drains No. 4 and Noi. 5 being the
In Gilead township a large acreage in the central portion had little value
until it was cleared and drained. Lang's drain, running through this sec-
tion from Pleasant lake, has lowered the waters to such an extent that at the
liresent time the north shore line of that lake has receded south of the state
line. Drain No. 39 is also a large drain. There are seventeen public ditches
in the township.
Kinderhool< townshii) has ten drains. Kinderbook No. 4, which is the
largest, passes from the center of the town out through the lakes into Gilead.
California township has fifteen drains, the most important being the
Pridgeon and Warner drain already mentioned in connection with Algansee.
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Tlie first settlers of Branch county had Indians as their neighbors, and
for several years after settlenient began there were more red men than
whites in the county. In the work of development and civilization the
Indians had no part; in fact they were an adverse element which had to be
removed before white men could proceed to build homes, make farms and
lay the foundation of business and institutions. Happily for the history of
Branch county, the Indians were never hostile to the degree that was true of
Indians in other parts of the country, notably in the far west, Tbe repre-
sentatives of the government were able to conciliate them and generally
treated them fairly, and therefore this history can recount no revengeful
outbreaks nor pitched battles between the two races. It seems necessary in a
general way to describe the people who lived here before the coming of the
whites, the manner of disposition of their lands and their removal to the
west, and what relations subsisted between the natives and the settlers.
The Indians whom the pioneers to Branch county encountered were in
nearly every case Potawatomis, an Algonquian tribe that originally were
found by the whites in the vicinity of Green Bay, Wisconsin. But about
1670, being harassed by hostile tribes, they were moving south, and by the
close of the seventeenth century had established themselves on Milwaukee
river, at Chicago, and on the St. Joseph river, mostly in territory that had
previously been held by the Miami. By the beginning of the nineteenth
century they were in possession of the country around the head of Lake
Michigan, from Milwaukee river in Wisconsin, to Grand river in Michigan,
extending southwest over a large part of Illinois, east across Michigan to
Lake Erie, and south in Indiana to the Wabash and as far down as Pine
creek. Within this territory they had about fifty villages. The principal
divisions were those of St. Joseph river, Michigan, Huron river, Michigan,
Wabash river, and the Potawatomis of the Prairie in Illinois and Wis-
The Potawatomi sided actively with the Frencli down to the peace of
1763. They were prominent in the rising under Pontiac, and on the break-
ing out of the Revolution in 1775 took arms against the United States, and
continued hostilities until the treaty of Greenville in 1795. They again took
up arms in the British interest in 1812, and made final treaties of peace in
1815. As the settlements rapidly pressed upon them they sold their land by
piecemeal and removed beyond the Mississippi. Those who went west were
settled partly in western Iowa and partly in Kansas, the former, with whom
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were identified many individuals of other tribes, being known as Prairie
Potawatomi, while the others were known as the Potawatomi of the Woods.
In 1846 they were all united on a reservation in southern Kansas. In 1861
a large part of the tribe took lands in severalty and became known as citizen
Potawatomis, but in 1868 they again removed to a tract in the Indian Terri-
tory, where they now are. The others are still in Kansas, while a consid-
erable body, part of the Prairie band, are still in Wisconsin, and another
l)and, the Potawatomi of the Huron, are in lower Michigan. According to
the census of 1820 there were 3,400 Potawatomis in the United States. In
1884 those in the United States were reported to number 1,332, distributed
as follows; Citizen Potawatomi in the Indian Territory, 550; in Kansas,
430; Prairie band in Wisconsin, 280: and Potawatomi of Huron, in Cal-
houn county, Mich., 72. A few besides these are scattered through their
;incient territory and at various other points. The numbers in the United
States in 1903, according to the official report were as follows: Prairie
band in Kansas, 602; Potawatomi of Huron, 78; Citizen Potawatomi in
Oklahoma, I.6S6.
The Indians of this tribe are described in the early notices as the " most
docile and affectionate toward the French of all the savages of the west."
They were also more friendly disposed toward Christianity, besides being
more humane and civilized than the other tribes. Their women were more
reserved than was usual among Indians, and showed some tendency toward
refinement in manners. As slaves were found among them when first visited
])y the white^i, it is probable they were in the habit of making slaves of their
captives rather than torturing and slaying them, though no positive state-
ment on this ]H3int is on record. Polygamy was common when they were
visited t>y the early missionaries.
These \\ere the people whom the first settlers in Branch county found
dwelling in small village groups or passing across the county over the Indian
trails. But even then they were living in the county merely by sufferance of
the government, for they no longer had \ega\ claim to the land. The im-
portant treaty that affected Branch and other counties of southern Michigan
was the Chicago treaty of 1S21. which was negotiated at Fort Dearborn
on the 29th of August by Governor Cass and Solomon Sibley with the Pota-
watomis, Chipewas and Ottawas. the first named being the tribe principally
interested and the others signing the instrument as auxiliaries or friends.
By this treaty the Indians ceded to the government a tract of land embracing
nearly eight thousand square miles, containing Branch county and all those
surrounding it, besides practically all of the country now designated as south-
western Michigan. As mentioned in the history of Coldwater township, five
small tracts were reserved from this cession, one of them being in the center
of Branch county.
On the 19th of September, 1827, a treaty was made at the Carey Mission
(Niles) by Gov. Cass, the object of which was to gain the cession of a num-
ber of small Indian reservations (that in Branch county being of the num-
ber) " in order to consolidate some of the dispersed bands of the Potawatomi
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tribe in the territory of Michigan, at a point removed from the road leading
from Detroit to Chicago, and as far as practicable from the settlements of
the whites."' This last reservation was along the St. Joseph river near Niles.
A few years later this last foothold of the tribe in Michigan was signed
away, and the chiefs of the St. Joseph band of the Potawatoniis agreed that
they and their people would remove from the country in 1836. This was
the result of the second treaty of Chicago, signed on September 26, 1S33.
There were Indians in Branch county during the greater part of the decade
of the thirties. They did not willingly leave their Michigan home. When
the commissioners escorted the bulk of the tribe to their new homes beyond
the Mississippi, many eluded the vigilance of the officers and remained
behind. Some even returned after they had reached the western reserva-
tion. The efforts at collecting the Indians had to be repeated several times,
and as already mentioned, some were never taken away and their descend-
ants are still to be found in certain localities of southern Michigan.
The Indian villages that were found in the county by the early settlers
are to be mentioned in connection with the story of se'ttlement. There was
one on Coldwater prairie. When Wales Adams came along the Chicago
trail in September, 1830, and stopped over night at the Bolton-Morse taveni
on the east side of the prairie, he learned, to quote his own words, that
" a lodge of several hundred Potawatomi Indians was encamped about one
and a half miles in a northwest direction, to which place the travelers re-
paired. The Indians occupied their time in smoking, dancing and speech-
making alternately. They were discussing the subject of their removal be-
yond the Mississippi." Girard prairie was also a favorite haunt of the In-
dians, and in historical times a small village existed in Kinderhook town-
The relations of the Indians and the settlers were generally amicable.
Then, as now, vagrancy was a notable characteristic of Indian nature, and it
was chiefly petty stealing and meddling that made the whites apprehensive
of such neighbors. Dnmkenness was the source of most of the crime, and
this coupled with natural shiftlessness made the Indian a generally unwel-
come though not dangerous visitor.
The presence of the Indians actuated the establishment of the first mer-
cantile businesses in Branch county. Roland Root, the father of E. R. Root
of Coldwater, is said to have had a trading post on the banks of the Cold-
water river west of present Coldwater, and there trafficked with both the
Indians and the whites. Loren Marsh in 1831 had established a trading
post in the eastern part of Coldwater township, and later moved to a location
west of the Coldwater river, where he carried on his trade with the Indians
over a large circuit.
So often in the course of this history will Indian trails of Branch county
be referred to as affecting settlement, that credit should be given at this
point for what was practically the only public improvement which mav be
said to have originated with the Indian. The eariy settlers were familiar
with several trails, which they used until straight roads could be laid
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out. and in some cases the trail bed became the route and foundation of the
highway; the conspicuous example of this being the Chicago road.
As late as 1840 Indians were not uncommon in Branch county. They
caused the settlers much annoyance, and the latter at every opportunity urged
their removal from the country to which they had no longer any legal right.
The civil authorities finally co-operated with the military of the United
States, and a detachment of troops under Gen. Brady of Detroit was sent
to gather up and take away all the Indians who still remained in Branch
and surrounding counties. Even then some escaped the forced exile, but
with the departure of that band from the home of their ancestors the Indian
ceased to be a considerable factor in the life of Branch county.
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The first enumeration of the people of Branch county as a county by
itself took place in 1837. At least this is the year of the first census of
which there now remains any particular record. The number of white
men, women and children then making their home within the county's boimd-
aries was 4,016. This census was taken by the state government a few
months after the admission of the state into the Union. No Indians were
included in this census, and no Indians not taxed have been included in any
census of the county taken either by the state or national government.
There was, however, one enumeration, and probably two, previous to
1837, of the people residing within our county's area. The year of the first
settlement of a white man in this area was 1828, the year before the county
was created and named. The first regular decennial census of the United
States after the white man had thus begim to live within our limits came in
1830. Branch was not yet separately organized as a county, but for all
judicial purposes was attached to St. Joseph county, and along with " Cal-
houn and Eaton, and all the country lying north of the county of Eaton,"
formed the township of Green. The population of St. Joseph county is given
n the census of 1830 by four subdivisions of the county, the second of which
" Green and Flowerfield." The total population of Green and Flowerfield
s given as no, 71 males and 39 females. Green and Flowerfield were the
westernmost of the four subdivisions of St. Joseph county, and the total of
no inhabitants was the smallest of the four, "Sherman" having 205, the
"Township of Brady" 391, and "White Pigeon" 607. Within the bound-
aries of our Branch county itself there were, it can be said with certainty,
not a hundred people in the year 1830, and probably not more than fifty.
But here in this census, we see at any rate at this time towards fifty people
living within our area, the fountain head or nucleus of all our history.
In 1834 a census of the Territory of Michigan was taken by order
of the Legislative Council in preparation for the admission of the territory
as a state. The act provided that the enumeration be taken by the sheriffs
of the counties " between the second Monday of October and the first Mon-
day of November," and that returns be made to the county clerks and to the
territorial secretary. The county had been organized for its own action sepa-
rate from St. Joseph, March i, 1833. William McCarty had been elected
sheriff in April. But there is no record now in the county clerk's office of
any census taken in this county in that year, nor are there any records of
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sucli census of this county in the state hbrary or in the archives of the De-
partment of State in I,ansing. The total population of Michigan territory
bv that census is known, but not that of Branch county.
In starting with the first enumeration of our county's inhabitants, and
making our first note of the increase of population, we have, therefore, to
think of the period of seven years from 1830 to 1837. Inferring the num-
ber to have been fifty in 1830, as we have done, 1837 shows the number to
have reached 4,016. AH the counties adjoining us had in 1837 a larger
population than we. Hillsdale to the east of us had 4,749; Calhoun on
the north, 7,959; and St. Joseph and Cass, with areas exactly equal to ours,
had 6,337 ''nd 5,296, Today, according to the census of 1904, our popu-
lation considerably exceeds that of St. Joseph and of Cass.
In 1840, three years after the first state census, another national census
was taken and in 1845 the second state census. In 1850 a new constitution
was adopted, which required the legislature to " provide by law for an enumer-
ation of the inhabitants in the year eighteen hundred and fifty-four and every
ten years thereafter." Accordingly, from 1S50 on, a census of the county
has been taken every four and six years in alternation, the work being doniC
alternately by the national and by the state authorities. We present here in
one view the population of the county at the times of these several censuses
from 1837 to 1904:
1837 4,016 1870 26,227
1S40 5.715 1874 25.726
1845. ........ 9.070 1880. ........ .27,941
1850 12,472 1884 1..,. .27,661
1854 15,686 1890, 26,791
i860. , . 20,981 1894. ... ... . . .26,207
1864 22,458 1900 27,811
I9CM- 26,397
Space will not permit us to direct attention with much particularity to
the facts which appear 011 the face of these figures, nor to bring forward
facts and causes which lie behind them. We present only a few of the
more general and striking phases of the population during the seventy-four
years between 1830 and 1904.
First, as to the first decade of 1830 to 1840. Inferring as we have
done from the census of :830, that the county began with fifty inhabitants
ill that year, we see 1837 giving it 4,016, and 1840, 5,715. This was an
increase on the average of over five hundred people in each one of those first
ten years. Our knowledge of the persons who were living in the county in
1831 makes it certain that by the end of that year there were thirty or forty
families settled in it, and we may say that the fifty inhabitants of 1830 had
increased to 150 or 200. As to the points about which they were nearly
all settled, these were Bronson, Branch, Coldwater and Girard.
In May, 1832, the call for Michigan militia to aid in defending Chicago
in the " Black Hawk War" put a stop almost entirely to the coming of
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people, which had been growing; from 1830 up to that time. People coming
from the east hecame afraid to settle where there were any Indians. About
the same time in 1832, cholera was brought from Quebec to Detroit and
Chicago. Fear of cholera combined with fear of Indians to prevent emi-
gration to southern Michigan. After May many of the stages, which had
been doing a larger passenger business during the spring over the Chicago
road than ever before, were taken off. The check put upon immigration into
the county in 1832 by these two causes was felt through the two years fol-
lowing. There was increase, but it was slow. With the opening of 1835.
however, the tide began to flow strong again along the Chicago road. A
goodly share of prospectors and of the occupants of the white-covered emi-
grant wagons were attracted by the lands of Branch county. In the spring
of 1836 the tide doubled its volume. It seemed to those already on the
ground as if the whole country was alive with emigrants. Speculation in
land and platted village lots, with visions of great profits, was a large factor
in the movement. The numbers coming continued to increase through 1836,
and with the opening of 1837. In the early part of 1837 Dr. Isaac P. Alger
found thirty-three taverns on the Chicago road in Branch county in going
from Quincy to Sturgis. But in May and June of 1837 this tide of immi-
gration and of business inflated by " wild cat " currency reached its height,
and then began rapidly to decline. By the latter part of autumn [people had
stopped coming. The standstill of 1832 was repeated. But the people who
had been brought into the county by the three years from 1835 on, mostly
remained, and the state census of 1837 took them, and found them to be
4,016, as we have seen. Probably more than three thousand of this number
came into the county during the three preceding years. The three following
years added only 1,699, according to the United States census of 1840, whicli
made the population of the county 5,715.
We will next take a general view of the population of the county as
to numbers during the entire time of the county's life. We note in this
view, first, that the census of 1880 stands out as the high-water mark of all
the census years between 1837 and 1904, that highest population being
27,941. It win be natural now to note the movement during the forty-three
years preceding that year, and the twenty-four years subsequent to it.
From 1837 to 1870, or during tlie first thirty-three years, each census
showed an increase over the one immediately before it. But four years
later, or in 1874, the first decrease appears; this, however, is more than
overcome in the six years following, which brings us to the high-water
census of 1880. The rate of increase was very rapid from 1840 to the begin-
ning of the Civil war in 1861. Tlie four years of the war lowered the rate
of increase, but during the six years from 1864 to 1870 the rate rose to
about what it was during the six years before the war.
As to the twenty-four years since 1880, it will be a taie genera! state-
ment to say that the population of the county in numbers has continued at
a standstill. The United States census, taken twenty years after 1880, made
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a difference of onlj' 130 between the population then, in 1900, and that of
1880. it being 130 less.
To understan<l the nature of the i>eople, whose history we are writing,
we mnst give some attention to their nationality, to the communities from
which they came, to their occupations, and to their intelligence and moral
and religious ideals. Very few counties in Michigan, and, indeed, in any
western state, have had an American bom and homogeneous population to
file degree which Branch has had all through its history. We use a few
facts from the census of 1880 to illustrate this statement.
By that census there were no Indians and no Chinese in the county, and
only 65 colored persons. St. Joseph had"230 colored people and Cass 1,837.
In its entire population of 27,941, Branch had 1,808 persons of foreign birth.
This was one in fifteen, or six per cent of the total. St. Joseph county had
in that year 3.554 foreign-born in its poinilation, and its total was some-
what less than that of Branch. There is an interesting significance in the
several numbers of these 1,808 foreigners coming from different foreign
countries. The number born in England and Wales was the larg^est; it was
481. This is quite a sprinkling of fresh, genuine Englishmen among the
inhabitants of the county, and those who have been residents of it have
been aware that they are a perceptibly distinct element of its life. Se].>arate
from those who were born in England and Wales, the census of 1880 made
enumerations of those who were born in Ireland, in Scotland, and in British
America or the Dominion of Canada. It is rather surprising perhaps that a
less number of persons had come into Branch county from Canada, just across
t!ie Detroit and St. Clair rivers, than had come directly from old England
across the ocean, or than had come from Ireland alone. There were 276 of
Branch county's [jeople who had been born in British America, while 330
had been born in Ireland, and 481 as we have noted were natives of England
and Wales. Besides these there were 46 who had been born in the land
of Burns and Carnegie, Counting these ail together as being in the large
sense British bom, they make a total of 1,133, ^^^ become by far the largest
foi'eign-born ingredient in the county's population. But in the bearing of
this fact on the homogeneous and American quality of the population as
a whole, it is to be noted that all these English speaking foreigners are nearer
than any other nationality to native born Americans.
Next in number to the British born component stood in 18S0 those born
in Germany. There were 479 of them, two less than the 481 born in Eng-
land and Wales. ITie larger portion of the Germans have always been
found in the city of Coldwater and its immediate vicinity. Since 1858 a
German Lutheran congregation ha\-e held services in the cit;' in German.
Next to Coldwater city and township. Algansee is t^e region in which men
from the land of Luther and Lessing have settled. The numl>ers of foreign-
born in the county in 1880 from other countries were given as follows:
Born in Poland, 141; in p-rance, 9: in Sweden and Norway, 7; and in Hol-
land, 3. The Poles of 1880, with the 14.1 who had been born In the Poland
of Europe, were settled almost entirely by themselves in the township of
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Bronson, south and west of the village. They have since then multiplied
rapidly, and have been spreading out from their locality in 1880. By their
industry and cheap mode of living they have saved money, have bought not
a little of the land upon which they began to labor for wages, and have been
steadily improving their condition in every respect. They are almost uni-
versally Roman Catholics, and now, in 1906, form a large Roman Catholic
congregation with a church building in Bronson which is the largest in the
village. A PoHsh priest resides there and conducts the church services in the
Polish language and superintends a parish school in, a fine, large brick school
building, in which the teaching is in Polish. Our Polanders are gradually
becoming assimilated to our American life, but as yet they are noticeably
the most foreign and un-American portion of our county's population in
physique, in language and in religion.
With only 1,808 foreign-born people in a population of 27,941, the mass
of Branch county people are seen at once to be American born. But the
different portions, the different states even, of the Union have always shown
distinctive qualities in their people. Michigan belongs to the first or perhaps
the second group of western states that were settled by migrations from the
eastern states. It remains to glance at the nativity of the American-born
portion of our county's people.
The census of 1880 gave the following figures as to the nativity by cer-
tain states of the inhabitants of the county at that time : born in the sitate,
13,873; born in New York, 6,425; in Ohio, 2,706; in Pennsylvania, 828;
in Indiana, 790 : in Vermont, 301 ; in Massachusetts, 203 ; in New Jersey,
t43 in Wisconsin, 83. It thus appears that when the county had attained
its growth as to population, almost one-half of the people were Michigan
born. As to those born in other states, the figures confirm a fact generally
perceived and frequently commented upon by the people of the county, that
they are more largely from New York state than from any other. More
than 22 per cent of the population in 1880, or nearly one in four, were born
in the Empire state. If we go back a decade to the census of 1870, the fact
of New York state people leading those from all other states in the early
population of the county, grows more conspicuous. In that year 7,875 out
of a total of 26,227 were natives of New York. This is 30 per cent, or
■nearly one in three. The census of i860 made no note of the nativity of the
population by counties. The events and influences which caused this main
stream of the migrations from other states to flow from New York will be
set forth in a future chapter, especially in the one treating of the Chicago
In 1S25 the Erie canal, after eight years in building, was opened to
traffic, and the waters of Lake Erie flowed across the state of New York
into the Hudson river. Tlie dream of Henry Hudson in seeking a northwest
passage up the river that bears his name was realized after more than two
centuries, only instead of the spice-laden orient the new way led to the far
more desirable and potentially richer American west. The land-bound com-
merce of the Atlantic seaboard found, in this direction, outlet to the eager
west, and, borne along the same channel, the grain harvests of the inland
were brought to the markets of the world. It was no uncommon thing for
fifty ark-like boats, loaded with passengers and freight, to depart from
the eastern terminus of the Erie canal in a single day, passing to the west at
the rate of four miles an hour. While before the water was turned into the
" Big Ditch " the toilsome urging of creaking wagons had not carried a frac-
tion of the commerce that passed along this waterway.
The Erie canal not only gave a tremendous impetus to westward expan-
sion and development, but it changed its direction. Herein lies the signifi-
cance of the canal in the history of southern Michigan, including Branch
Before 1825 the trend of western migration had been down the Ohio
valley. The great water courses were fringed with settlements when the
inland country was still an unbroken wilderness. The regions bordering the
riverways and great lakes were populous before a tree had been felled for a
settler's cabin on the fertile prairies and woodlands of northern Indiana and
southern Michigan. In proof of this witness the admission of Indiana to
statehood ten years before the first settlers came to her northern tier of coun-
ties. Southern Michigan was aside from the current of emigration, and its
settlement was delayed while settlers were overrunning the country to the
south and the Illinois prairies.
There were no roads in southern Michigan even for several years after
the completion of the Erie cana!. A inap of the highways of travel in the
United States in the year 1825 shows a network of routes along the Ohio
valley, but none north of the watershed into the great lakes which would
bring emigrants within many miles of Branch county.
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The homeseekers who traveled across Lake Erie to its western end
would on their arrival at Detroit find one generally used road to the west.
'I'hat led southwest to Monroe, up the valley of the Maumee river past Defi-
ance, Ohio, through Fort Wayne, Indiana, and thence northwesterly around
the lower end of Lake Michigan to Chicago or further west. Fort Wayne
was the converging jjoint for several other roads leading from different
points along the Ohio river. The great bulk of the pioneers who settled
the northern Indiana and southwest Michigan counties bordering on Lake
Michigan came by way of Fort Wayne. This accounts for the more cosmo-
politan character of the population of that region than is found In Branch
county. Through Fort Wayne passed streams of emigrants not only from
the New England states and New York and Pennsylvania, but also from
Maryland, Virginia, the Carohnas and Kentucky,
It should also be mentioned that a large number of emigrants, instead
of debarking at Detroit and taking the Fort Wayne route, made the entire
circuit of the lakes by way 'of Mackinac, not beginning their journey over-
land until they reached the lower end of Lake Michigan. But this route
also took them far from Branch county, which remained practically isolated
except as a chance settler might fiiid his way here.
Railroads at that time had not become a factor in directing and assist-
ing emigration. In 1830 only thirty-six miles of railway were in operation
in all the United States. Only two years before had the first mile of the
Baltimore and Ohio been built. The decade of the twenties was prolific of
railroad charters and plans, but Only the beginnings were made of the rail-
road building which soon absorbed the energies of the nation. In fact, the
part of the railroad in southern Michigan was that of development rather
tlian settlement. When the first railroad penetrated Branch county its popu-
lation was nearly fifteen thousand. The lands had been taken up, and the
pioneer period was practically over when the Southern Railroad began push-
ing west from Lake Erie.
Such was the situation for Branch county at the completion of the Erie
canal. The routes of travel were around the lakes to the north or through
Fort Wayne on the south, converging a hundred "miles to the west, where
settlement was begun before Branch county had any inhabitants, except the
Indians and some wandering hunters. What reason is to be found for the
settlement, within a period of twenty, years, of fifteen thousand people in this
county? Pre-eminently above all other causes, the " Chicago Road."
While the stream of migration that poured forth from the western end
of the Erie canal would in time have overflowed all the peninsula between
Lake Erie and Lake Michigan, it was the Detroit and Chicago national ^oad
that gave it direction and caused the rapid settlement of the southern tier of
counties. To this institution more than any other except the character of the
settlers it brought, Branch county is indebted for the establishment of its
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prosperity on the substantial Ijasis which has endured more than two genera-
The famons thoroughfare which passes centrally through Branch county
from east to west may reasonably be called an overland extension of the Erie
canal. It was a national highway built to connect two important strategic
jjoints, to afford rapid transportation of military supplies and armies from the
■western terminus of the waterways at Detroit to Fort Dearborn on Lake
Michigan. Fjnpowered by the constitution to establish post roads, the gen-
eral government designed this road as an important section of the postal route
l)etween the east and the west, and for the twenty years before the railroad
came the New York-Chicago mail was carried by stage over this. road. But
its character as a government highway was almost lost sight of in the im-
portance it attained as an emigrant route. The coming of the mail coach
never lost novelty or ceased to be the event of the day for the people dwelling
along the road, but the almost continuous line of settlers' wagons became one
of the commonplaces of life at that time and attracted little attention.
In accordance with congressional legislation for the construction of a
military and postal road between Detroit and Chicago, in 1825 the president
was authorized to appoint commissioners to survey and mark this road. In
1827 congress appropriated twenty thousand dollars for the construction of
the road. It was the original purpose to build the road in a straight line
between the designated termini, but the commissioners soon found that with
the money at hand they could hardly make a beginning of the undertaking
on that basis. The straight course had to be abandoned, and one was adopted
which, while presenting fewer engineering difficulties, was, historically, more
natural and interesting.
Before civilization introduced scientific road-making, wild animals were
doubtless the markers and surveyors of roads. The narrow, deep-worn and
wavering path through the woods, indicating the route of the wild animal
i)etween its lair and the spring where it quenched its thrist or the spot where
it sought its quarry, was the course which the Indian, and later the white
man, took in going through the woods or across the prairie. Thus animals
were the first road-makers, and blazed the way for their immediate succes-
sors, the roving Indians. The latter would naturally extend and connect the
trails into certain long avenues of travel across the country, which they would
follow in making their pilgrimages from one hunting ground to another or
for their war expeditions.
Several of these trails existed in Branch county long before white man
set his foot here. Most used of all was that one extending centrally across
the county from west to east. This was not only a favorite route pursued by
the Indians of southern Michigan, but since the war of 1812 the Indians
dwelling in Illinois had been accustomed to make their annual pilgrimages
along this route to Canada, where the British government paid them their
annuity earned by loyalty to that government in its war against the Ameri-
cans. The Detroit-Chicago Indian trail, therefore, had historic importance
long before any marks of civilization had been made in Branch county.
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Accordingly, when the government surveyors who sought to carry, out
instructions and define a military road from Detroit to Fort Dearborn, found
tliat the appropriation for that purpose was far from adequate, they deter-
mined to follow the route that had been surveyed and marked by the animals
and the Indians. Of course many of the windings of the original trail have
been corrected, either when the road was made or later. But the traveler
whose journey lies along this thoroughfare may say with approximate fidelity
to history that the road is but an Indian trail enlarged and improved to a
modern highway.
The engineers who began the work of marking this road in 1825 did not
"make" the road; they merely designated its course. As late as 1829 the
pioneers through this county called the road little better than an Indian trail.
It was planned that the road should be one hundred feet wide, but in the
actual process of construction it seemed most expedient only to cut off the
trees for that width and to clear the stumps and smooth the roadway for a
width seldom exceeding forty feet. From available data, it seems probable
that the Chicago road was still in process of construction through Branch
county as Jate as 1832. For James G. Corbus in that year was a contractor
engaged in building a portion of the way on Bronson's prairie. And when
Martin Olds, the Batavia pioneer, came along this road in 1834 the first
stream over which he found a bridge was the Coldwater, the bridge at
Masonville having just been completed before his arrival in June. Stages
had been running, however, since 1830, so that the road must have been
passable at that date or earlier.
It should be kept in mind that the Chicago road was a national highway,
was constructed and maintained by appropriations from Congress. ■ At a
later date the Michigan legislature provided for numerous " State roads,"
sfeveral of which were built through or in Branch county, and are still known
as " State roads." The third class, to whicli most of the roads in the county
belong, are those laid out by the township highway commissioners. But
both state and township roads were maintained by local taxation.
One of the most interesting themes of early Branch county history is
concerned with the sources which furnished the pioneer settlers. The same
study will indicate in a graphic manner the combined influence of the Erie
Canal and the Chicago Road in directing migration to this county. This
route was the most natural one for the people of New York and the New
England states to take in moving to the west. It is from New York state,
indeed, that we find the bulk of the early settlers of this county to have
come. While that state may not be called the first state home of al! these
people, it will be found that in most cases the people of Massachusetts, of
Vermont, or of Connecticut, made some point in New York the first stage
of their westward movement, in many instances spending several years there
before proceeding to Michigan.
Samuel H. Berry, father of the Quincy pioneers among whom was the
late Dr. E. G. Berry, while a native of New Hampshire, moved from that
state to Pennsylvania, then to New York, and from there came to Brand
county, in 1835. Saratoga county, New York, was the birthplace of Peter
M. Newberry, also of Quincy, who in 1836 started from New York with
the intention of settling in Ohio, but landing in Detroit came down the
Chicago road to Jonesville, and then on to Quincy township, where he was
one of the early settlers. Other pioneers of Quincy who came from New
York were Alvarado Brown, from Orleans county; John; S. Belote, from
Albany in 1835 ; B. F. Wheat, the banker, who came from Ontario county
to Lenawee county, Michigan, in 1836; AnseH Nicholls, who settled in
Quincy township in 1836, was from Oswego county. New York; Chautauqua
county was the starting point of William P. Arnold, who located two miles
east of Coldwater along the Chicago road in 1833, and in 1839 bought a
hundred acres in the present Quincy village.
The late Dr. W. B. Sprague of Coldwater came from Rochester to this
county in 1835, and Syracuse was the birthplace of Alonzo Waterman, who
came to Bronson in 1832 and later to Coldwater and became noted as a miller,
merchant and successful business man. The Erie Canai was the route that
Lorenzo D. Halsted followed in coming to this county in 1836. He drove
a horse on the towpath from Albany to Buffalo, and from there worked
his way on a steamer to Detroit, whence the Chicago road iinally guided him
to Coldwater,
Monroe county. New York, was the home of many who later became
well known in Branch coi;nty. James M. Burdick walked from there to
Buffalo in 1830, took a steamer to Detroit, and by the roughly marked
Chicago trail reached Allen's in Hillsdale county, whence he came to
Quincy in 1836. The well known horseman, Abram C. Fisk, who
settled on the Chicago road just east of Coldwater, was from Monroe county,
and in the next year the pioneer Harvey Haynes came from the same locality.
In 1835 came Lorenzo D. Crippen from Herkimer county, and began his
career as merchant, manufacturer and public-spirited citizen of Coldwater.
And in the next year James R. Wilcox, also of Coldwater township, came
from Cayuga county.
Many other instances of this community of origin might be set down
here, but it is sufficient to indicate the subject to the reader, who will find
abimdant examples of the historical phenomenon on nearly every page of the
following narrative.
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A map of Branch county shows sixteen civil townships blocked out four
square, and laid out on the lines of the original United States government
survey. Although the government surveyors blocked out the territory that
became Branch county by means of the range and township lines that desig-
nate the boundaries of the present civil townships, it was more than fifteen
years after the creation of Branch county before the townships were all ■
organized and named as we know them at present. • The civil townships and
the townships of government survey happen to correspond in Branch county ;
but there is no necessary connection between the two, and in some other
counties one civil township is more than an area six miles square. The
civil township is created for the convenience of government, and in Michigan
the legislature has almost invariably caused its boundaries to coincide with
those of the United States survey, as has been the case in this county. But
during the period of early settlement the population was not dense enough to
warrant a civil organization in each of the sixteen surveyed townships. So
it is that the map of Branch county underwent many changes up to 1846.
There were townships of varying extent and form, and several whose
names are practically forgotten. It will be the purpose of the following
paragraphs to show how the county was divided from time to time and to
describe the process of township making until the boiindaries were fixed as
at present.
It has been elsewhere related that Branch county, although created in
1829, did not obtain a separate county government until 1833, ^nd that in
the meantime it was attached to St. Joseph county for judicial purposes.
The great area of adjoining country which for legal purixjses became a part
of St. Joseph county was divided into townships, and the township of whicli
Branch county was first a part was known by the name of Green. Not only
did the " Town of Green "' comprise Branch county, but several other counties
as well, and a vast territory not yet laid out in county form.
In the first instance, then. Branch county was only part of a town,ship.
As population increased, but before it was sufficient to warrant county organ-
ization, Branch county's area was laid off into two townships. This act
was approved June 29, 1832, but was not to take effect until March i, 1833.
In the meantime the legislature provided for the organization of county
government in Branch countv, which was also to take effect on March i
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Accordingly, on the date of the county's organization two townships
came into existence. All of the county east of a north and south line passing
through the center was called Coldwater township, from which eight town-
ships have since been made. Ail the western half of the county was made
into a township named Prairie River.
Less than two months later, on April 2,-^, 1833, the following section
of act of the legislature was approved :
" That the township of Prairie River in the county of Branch shall be
called Green, and by the name of Green shall hereafter be known and dis-
tinguished, any law to the contrary notwithstanding."
Notwithstanding the passage of this act which revived the name of
Green in such emphatic terms, the township continued to be known as Prairie
River .both in the supervisors' records beginning with the first meeting in
Octo!)er, 1S33, and also, as will be seen, in the later laws affecting the parti-
tion of that township.
March 7, 18134, was the first act in the process of division of these two
larger townships. By a law approved on that date the north tier of surveyed
townships, technically known as " townships 5 south, in ranges 5, 6, 7 and 8
west," was created a township by name of Girard. This reduced the area
of the other two townships, and made one long narrow township and two
relatively square ones.
Two years passed before the next change. By act approved March 23,
1836, three new civil townships were carved from the older ones. Coldwater
township was cut in two by the north and south line between ranges five and
six, and the east half was called Quincy, comprising the present townships
of Quincy, Algansee and California,
At the same time Prairie River was reduced by almost half. The
following is the law : " All that portion of the county of Branch designated
by the United States survey as townships six and seven south, of range
seven west, be and the same is hereby set off and organized into a separate
township by the name of Batavia, and the first township meeting therein shall
be held at the dwelling house of William Reynolds in said township."
Original Batavia was thus twice as large as now, and it so remained for
nearly a year.
Also in March, 1836, Girard was cut in half, and the two surveyed
townships on the west were set off by the name of Sherwood. In 1837, the
year of Michigan's admission to the Union, Branch county had six town-
ships—on the north were Girard and Sherwood, and from east to west they
were Quincy. Coldwater, Batavia and Prairie River, all of rectangular shape
except Prairie River, from the bottom of which projected eastward the frac-
tional township that soon became Gilead.
The act of the legislature approved March 11, 1837, gave five more
civil townships to Branch coiintj-. Sherwood was divided, and the east half
was called Union. The previous section of the same act organized the town-
ship of Ovid, bounding it so as to include the present Kinderhook. Ovid
being set off from Coldwater, the latter was accordingly left with its present
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boundaries and must be considered the first township in Branch county to be
reduced to the regular area of the government township.
At this date the southern haif of Batavia township was set off under
the name of the " Township of Ehzabetli." After two years the " Town of
Elizabeth " became the " Town of Bethel " by act of the legislature of 1838-39,
and as Bethel it has since been known to history.
The next section of this act of March li, 1837, brings into existence
the township of Galead. Up to that date the membiers of Bishop Chase's
colony and the other settlers of fractional township eight in range seven
had been citizens of Prairie River township. Gilead was the first of the
four fractional townships to obtain separate town government, its rapid
settlement entitling it to this privilege as soon as any of the full townships.
With the approval of the act of March 11, 1837, the township of -Prairie
River ceased to be a name. Originally comprising the west half of the
county, it had been reduced in size, first by the formation of Girard, then
Batavia, then Gilead, and now ail that remained, in the range south of Sher-
wood, was given the name of Bronson. The section providing for this
change is worth quoting for several historical points contained. It reads :
" All that portion of the county of Branch known as the township of Prairie
River, and the village in said township by the name of York, shall, on and
after the first Monday of April, next, be known and designated by the name
of Bronson."
The next act dealing with Branch county townships was approved March
6, 1838. On that date Matteson township was formed from Bronson, while
in the northeast comer of the county the double area of Girard was halved
and the eastern part was named Butler.
After all these divisions Quincy remained the largest township in the
coumy. But on April 2, 1838, the Quincy as we know it to-day came into
existence, and the block of territory south of it to the state line was named
The county now had thirteen townships. It was nearly four years later,
on February 16, 1842, when Kinderhook was set off from Ovid. Noble was
named and permitted to form its own government apart from Bronson on
March 19, 1845. Last of all the sixteen townships to come into being,
California was separated from Algansee on March 25, 1846. It was not
until these respective dates, of course, that Ovid, Bronson and Algansee
assumed the area which each now has.
For the past sixty years there has been no further change of civil
boundaries if we except the formation, in 1861, of the City of Coldwater
within the area of Coldwater township. Three names that once designated
areas in this county have disappeared, namely. Green, Prairie River and
Elizabeth, and references to these names and the territory they represented
would be the only source of confusion to the present generation in reading
the records of the past.
The movement of settlers along the Chicago road began in the last
two years of the twenties. A large proportion, perhaps, of those who went
through this county were prospectors for homesteads; that is, they had no
definite locality in mind, but were merely on their way to a home in that
vague country called " the west," which at the time lay anywhere between
the Alleghany and the Rocky Mountains. Some had in mind the prairies
of Illinois, but even they sometimes stopped before reaching that destina-
tion by reason of having found the land of their heart's desire along the
route. An iliiistration of this is presented in the case of a Batavia pioneer,
John Bassett. Starting from his home in New York state in 1835, he had
shipped his goods by canal and the lakes to Chicago, and he and fan-rily
came overland by wagon, his purpose being to settle in Illinois. But while
spending the night at the old " New York House " on the Chicago road, the
Bassetts discovered an old friend in the person of the wife of the landlord,
William Reynolds, and instead of resuming the journey the next morning,
were induced to locate a home in Branch county. Not on\y that, but two
other families traveling with the Bassetts also chose to settle here. It was
no easy matter to bring east the goods that had been shipped to Chicago, but
Mr. Bassett adhered to his detenni nation, and, obtaining a homestead in
section 34, became one of the substantial citizens of Batavia.
The first spot along the road to attract the passing emigrants was the
burr-oak plain in the northeast quarter of what is now Bronson township.
In 1828 Jabe Bronson, a Connecticut shipwright who had turned pioneer, in
the course of his wandering through southern Michigan found the attrac-
tions of this place too strong to resist, and remained here long enough to
become identified with history as the first settler and the first official of
Branch county. There are no records to indicate the exact motives that
caused Mr. Bronson to locate where he did, and with such a character the
ijeauty of the country and its location along the Chicago road may have
fulfilled all the conditions that would satisfy his restless nature. The fact
that he made a taverji of his log house and accommodated there some of the
first emigrants who passed through the county is itself sufficient reason for
his location. He had spent the summer of 1827 in raising a crop in St.
Joseph county, and thus had time to pick out what he beheved the most
eligible site for a home and place of business.
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By Sqjtember, 1830, six families had settled on Branson's Prairie.
This is on the authority of the late Wales Adams, who passed through that
locality at that date, and who named the heads of the families as follows:
Seth Dunham, who was then supervisor of Green township; Jabe Bronson,
who besides acting as landlord was the justice of the peace; John J. Rich-
ardson, constable and collector; Samuel Smith, who had come in 1829 and
was by trade a cooper, ahhough owning a farm and engaging in its duties
as nearly all the pioneers did ; Jeremiah Tillotson, who had located there in
the spring of 1829 and become a competitor of Jabe Bronson as inn-keeper,
and whose position in the community is evidenced by his election as the first
sui>ervisor of Prairie River township ; and Samuel Haslet.
This community was the nucleus of Bronson village. Already in 1829
a postoffice had been established in the house of Jabe Bronson. In 1833
came David and AJonzo Waterman, and in part of the building which they
erected on the east side of the present village they placed a small stock of
such things as a pioneer community would buy, and thus inaugurated the
commercial side of the settlement. It seems that these men might well be
given the honor of founding the village of Bronson, for they made the
original plat of the village, to which they gave the name " York," This
name was changed to Bronson by the same legislative act which gave the
name of the first settler to the township.
At this point it is not our purpose to give in detail the history of Bronson
village, but rather to indicate the extension of settlement with the Chicago
road as the central axis and directing force. Jabe Bronson moved away
about 1836. and his log tavern was occupied soon after by E, L. Rose, wlio
had come from Niagara county, New Y'ork, and who in 1838 built the well
known " Rose House," which stood on the north side of Chicago street. In
1837. on the south side of Chicago street, and a short distance west of Rug-
gles street, Mr. James Ruggles built a frame house in which he lived and
kept public house for sixteen years.
In the meanwhile many other historic settlements bad been made along
the great road in Bronson town. To describe one of the most important of
them no quotation could be so apt as one drawn from the oft-quoted histori-
cal sketch prepared by Wales Adams for the Branch Countv Directory of
"They (Wales Adams and Willard Pierce) traveled — after stopping
at Bronson's prairie in September, 1S70, as above referred to — through the
counties of St. Joseph and Kalamazoo and saw many beautiful and unoccu-
pied locations; but unaccustomed to agricultural pursuits and country h"fe,
they knew not in what business to engage. After much reflection they con-
cluded to retrace their steps. Accordingly, about the first of October, they
left Prairie Ronde in the morning, followed the trail through Nottawa and
reached the Chicago trail about an hour after sunset, five miles west of Bron-
son prairie and near where the Chicago road now crosses Prairie River."
Here he states that the road to Bronson was circuitous and difficult to fol-
low— an interesting side light on the condition of the Chicago road at that
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time. While debating whether to continue the journey to Bronson or to
remain without shelter in the wiiderness, the tired travelers discovered the
camp of an emigrant party consisting of Resin Holmes and Thomas Holmes
wit!) their families, who had come from Marion county, Ohio, and were
on their way further west. Adams and his friend having been accommo-
dated over night in their roadside quarters, " the next morning," to resume
Mr. Adams' narrative, " the parties examined tlie surrounding country, and
before night it was stipulated tliat Pierce and Adams should build a sawmill
where the Chicago trail at that time crossed Prairie river, and that the
Holmeses should settle in the immediate vicinity. Accordingly, in the course
of a few days, Pierce went on foot to Monroe, where the land office was then
ideated, entered the land, and returned by the way of Detroit; purchased the
mill irons and shipped them around the lakes to the mouth of the St. Joseph
river, and from thence up the river to Mottville. The following July (1831)
the mill was in operation. Mr. Pierce became dissatisfied with the country
and with the business of making himber, sold his interest in the sawmill to
William A. Kent, and returned east."
Interesting as is the story of origin of this settlement, there is httle to
cdimect this place with the subsequent history of the township. The site
cliosen for the mill (in the northwest corner of section 29), was in the dense
woods and low and swampy groiflid that did not attract settlers looking for
farms. The sawmill was an institution of great value to the settlers for
miles around, but the dam was considered a nuisance and after it was swept
away by high water no attempt was made to rebuild. " Adams Mills " was
llie |5lace at which Bishop Chase stopped over night and where he received
tlie information which led him to settle in Gilead. The Bishop mentions the
landlord Judson, who had come from New York state in the fall of 1831
and had established a tavern at this point maittly for the accommodation of
those employed at the mill. The Bishop also held services here, to wh-ich
nil the settlers came.
At the Judson House was established the Prairie River postoffice in
1832, with Judson as the first postmaster, followed by William A. Kent. The
office was discontinued on the completion of the Lake Shore Railroad tlirougb
this locality.
Yet another instance may l)e related of how one thing leads to another
ill the settlement of a new country. In the winter of 1S31-32 there arrived
at the Adams mill from the state of New York a man named Alfred I*
Diiggs, Without independent means and seeking employment, he obtained
a place with Mr. Adams as sawyer in the mill. He was ambitious to buikl
;iiid ojjerate a mill on his own account, and assisted by Mr. Adams as security
he bought the necessary material at Detroit, he had if shipped to Mottville,
as Adams and Pierce had previously done, and from there was brought by
ox team and wagon to Branch county. The location selected for this enter-
pn,sc was on Swan creek in the northeast corner of section 17. a short dis-
tance north of the present line of the Lake Shore Railroad. The mill was
limit, and its operation gave anodier industry to Bronson township. In
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June, 1836, the property was sold to Jonathan and Samuel Holmes. These
men were from the state of New Hampshire. Samuel never became a resi-
dent of this county. Jonathan was one of the best known of Bronson
pioneer citizens. In September, 1837, he brought his family to.his new loca-
tion in this county, the mill in the meantime having been run by his brother-
in-law, David Taggart. After much delay he finally completed and had
ready for operation in 1839 the first grist mill in the township. For thirty
years the Holmes mill ground corn and wheat for settlers in all the surround-
ing country. As an institution in the development of the country its im-
portance is clear. Early settlers everywhere have had to contend with that
paramount need of getting bread-stuff, and when it was necessary to go long
distances, over almost impassable roads, with a load of corn or wheat, be
obliged to wait at the mill several days and nights for their "turn," the
entire trip often consuming a week or more of time, it is easy to comprehend
how essentia! such a mill as that just described was to rapid settlement.
By the census of 1837 Bronson township contained 635 inhabitants,
ranking second among the townships of the county. But it must be remem-
bered that at this date Bronson township incUided the territory from which
have since been formed Mattesou and NoTjle townships. With this modifi-
cation the population is clearly not so concentrated as would otherwise be
supposed. Bronson's prairie, of course, was the central and largest group,
but as just indicated there were other centralizing points, and more important
stii!, there was a gradual extension of population over all the available terri-
tory. This extension can only be stated in general terms. Only the "high
lights " of settlement can be portrayed in a work that must stop far short of
being encyclopedic and at the same time tedious.
Since we have taken the Chicago road as the central theme in our nar-
rative of the settlement and growth of Branch county, and having begun
with Bronson prairie as the chronological starting point of this narrative,
it will prove not uninteresting to pursue the subject in like manner, consid-
ering the townships through the center of the county successively from west
to east.
Going east from Bronson the Chicago road next enters the town of
Bethel, passing through the northwest corner. Since so much emphasis
has been placed on routes of travel as factors in the development of this
county, it is preliminary to the following paragraphs to state that Bethel
township had two other roads that influenced early settlement. One was the
old Indian road already mentioned, running from Adams mill along Prairie
river across the southwest corner of Bethel township. The other was the
state road, authorized by the legislature in March, 1S36, and running centrally
across the county from north to south toward Fort Wayne, Indiana. This
road, however, was not immediately constructed, and did not become a
large factor in the very early settlement of the south part of the county.
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It runs along the eastern Lx^rder of the town of Bethel, and when built be-
came a route much traveled by immigrants.
As to the original topography of this township, it has been stated that
the timber lands and the burr-oak openings were about of eqvial extent, so
that its attractiveness to early settlers would compare favorably with that
of other townships. When the process of settlement was practically com-
plete, the population of Bethel was equal to that of any of the townshipis
except those containing villages or cities. None the less, Bethel township re-
ceiA'cd the smallest proportion of the early settlers of all the townships trav-
ersed by the Chicago road. This is shown by the figures of the census of
T837. which gave Bethel (or Elizabeth as it was still called) township only
177 inhabitants. An outline of Bethel beginnings may be briefly given.
The article by Wales Adams already quoted tells of Bethel's first settler.
"A Mr. Snow (EJeazer Snow) boarded with Mr. Tillotson {at Bronson in
tS^o), and was cultivating a patch of corn and potatoes without a fence,
alxjut three miles east of Bronscwi, at a place now called ' Snow Prairie.' "
This was the first improvement commenced in Bethel, and likewise gave to the
locality the name it has ever since borne. This first settler is thus honored
more by accident of time and circumstance rather than as a builder. He was
of the restless, wandering sort, and in the fall of 1831 sold out his claims and
improvements to Moses Olmstead, a man of sturdier mold. It was at the
letter's home that the first town meeting was held. Of his sons, Lyman Olm-
sead was for thirty years one of the substantial citizens of Bethel.
In the following years other accessions to the Snow Prairie settlement
were made, and it is one of the oldest distinct localities in the county.
The best farming land of the township lay in the southwest comer, and
it was there, along the Indian road above mentioned, that the strongest settle-
ment was made. First of all are the names of the Freeman and Marsh fami-
lies. They increase the list of strong pioneers that Onondaga coimty, New
York, gave to Branch county. Having entered land in the timbered region
nf I^nawee county, Mr. Isaac Freeman, in the fall of 1834, started west
by the Erie Canal and Lake Erie to Detroit, and then overland to Ypsilanti.
There he met a man from Jackson Prairie, Indiana, who convinced him of
the far superior advantages of the burr-oak region over the timber lands
of I^nawee county. Determined to see this country before settling perma-
nently on his first claim, Mr. Freeman came on west to Bronson township,
and then southeast along the road leading to Jackson prairie. The region
of Bethel and Gilead townships through which he passed fulfilled all his ex-
pectations, and he at once returned to Ypsilanti to bring on his familv and
his goods. The Marsh family, consisting of the mother and four sons,
Ebenezer, Daniel, Wallace and John, had accompanied Mr. Freeman on his
prospecting trip, and when all were once more united they moved into a
house on section 5 in Gilead township, half a mile south of the Bethel line.
Soon after Mr. Freeman bought land in section 30, of Bethel, and later in
section 32. This was the beginning of the community in southwest Bethel.
Others came soon after, among whom should be mentioned the Scotchman,
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James Bemiie, whose first experiences in Branch county were connected
with the Bishop Chase estabhshment, and who in 1836 located on the south-
east quarter of section 31 in Bethel. About the same time the families of Mc-
Millan, McWilliams and Olds located in this vicinity. Mrs. Margaret Mc-
Millan and sons, Stephen and James, bought land in sections 29 and 30, near
Prairie river, building their house on what was known as the Bronson road,
a short distance north of the section line. Philander Olds bought a small
plat of land in section 29, and had a cooper shop there several years. Ebenezer
Green and sons, Amos and Silas S.. were other accessions to this settlement,
their land being on section 30.
A sudden illness was the cause that deprived the state of Illinois of a
party of settlers and gave them to north Bethel. Daniel Smead, at the
head of his family of eleven persons, had halted for the night at the Taylor
Tavern, and while there was prostrated by a disease which precluded the
possibility of further progress. It was in the month of November, 1835, that
the party stopped there, and being compelled to spend the rest of the winter
there, the sons spent the time in prospecting ateut the surrounding country
and were so pleased that they determined to locate permanently instead o£
continuing the journey to Illinois. The father, on recovering from his
illness, was brought to the same way of thinking, and early the next vear
they entered a large tract of land in sections 3, 4 and 9, of Bethel township.
Two of the sons, Morgan L. and Lyman Smead, lived there nearly half a
By the state road from Coldwater there came into the eastern sections
of the township the families of Heman Lake. Origen Bingham. Lemuel
Bingham, Adam Bower, Thomas Judson, Lyman Seymour, Timothy Colby,
Job Devol and Otis Davis, all being from Erie county. New York, and
coming to this county in 1S36. Most of them settled in section 25, about the
Bethel postoffice neighborhood, and all had their homes adjacent to the state
It has been stated that at the census of 1837 there were 177 persons in
Bethel township. It is likely that the township officers elected at the first
town meeting, held in the spring of the same year, would fairly represent
the citizenship at that time, and for that reason their names are given, as
follows : Elijah Thomas, David M. Clark, Silas S. Green, Isaac Freernan,
David Cummings, Ebenezer Green, Daniel Smead, Moses Olmstead, Jr.'
Lauriston Smead, Stephen McMillan, Morgan Smead. Phillip Olmstead Mor-
gan Johnston, O: Dickinson, Samuel Handy, James Thurston.
In October, 1837. Batavia township had 357 inhabitants. When one
considers the position of this township both with reference to the Chicago
road which runs for four miles across its southeast corner, and to the village
of Branch' which lay close to the east line of Batavia, it will be possible to judge
beforehand about where this population of 1837 was largely located. Topog-
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raphy also played its part in the shaping of settlement. Mill creek running
from northeast to southwest gave a strip of low land along its banks in the
central portion of the township. Between this strip and the line of the
Chicago road was the oak-openings land, which seems to have been favored
most in the settlement.
In the northwest corner of section 25, on the north side of the Chicago
road, Timothy R. Wallace, in 1832, established the first public house in this
township. Five years later it was purchased by Leonard Taylor, a New
York state settler, and under his ten years' management became known far
and wide as the " Taylor House," and still later as the " Batavia House."
During the twenty years before the coming of the railroad, thousands of emi-
grants must have stopped there, and in many ways it was a part oif the
pioneer life.
Even more noted was the " New York House." a log tavern on section
■^3 on the south side of the Chicago road, built in 1833 by Jeremiah Tillotson,
the first supervisor of Prairie River township. About a year later the house
and tlie farm were sold to the Reynolds family, who had come from Genesee
county, New York. Tliis family, so long identified with this portion of the
county, consisted of the father, Alpheus, and his sons, Alpheus, William,
Lewis, Jacob and John. The " New York House " had the distinction of
being a stage station. A stage station was not so important to the sur-
rounding locality as a railroad station of later date, but many a village that
grew up along the Chicago road dated its history from the time when the
,st.iges began making their over-night halts at that point. And for a time it
seemed likely that the " New York House " would be the nucleus of a
village, for about a dozen houses were grouped around the station. The
railroad was built, the stage coach ceased to arri\'e, and the community dis-
integrated. It is of interest that the first town meeting of Batavia was held
at this place, in 1836.
The next important settlement was made at the east side of the town-
ship. In the southwest corner of section 24, Abel Olds settled in 1834.
His brother, Martin Olds, one of the most prominent of the early settlers,
came in June of that year. He journeyed hither from Ohio, and passing
through Coldwater halted at the Wallace House already mentioned. Here
his family remained until he had completed his land entries, which were made
in the oak-openings of sections 13 and 14. His house was built at the
southwest comer of section 13. Martin Olds became the first supervisor
of this township, and was later probate judge of the county.
John H. Stephens, one of the early sheriffs of Branch county, also settled
on section 14 about a year after Mr. Olds, his farm being located along the
state road. Another neighbor of Mr. Olds was Allen Stoddard.
Tliere was soon a settler on every section of the land south and east
of Mill creek. The circumstances connected with the settlement of John
Bassett on section 34 have been recounted. In 1835 the first blacksmith
shop in the town was established in section 2S, its proprietor being John
Woodruff. In the same section, on Mil! creek, was located, in 1836, the
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first sawmill of the township, long known as the " Woodard Mill." It was
built by Alphens, William and John Reynolds, but was later owned by
Samuel Woodard, hence its name. Here, too, was the site of a boom town,
" Lawtonville," whose location was described as beautiful and whose lots
were sold in the east to any credulous purchaser who was willing to take a
well executed village plat as evidence of a flourishing village.
In 1836 Benjamin Olmstead and Philo Porter located on section 27. The
latter served two terms as sheriff of the county. In 1838 another tavern was
opened along the road, in section 34, by Sainuel H. Gary, a settler of that
year from Ithaca, New York. He also gave the name to Gary's Lake, and
when the government consented to the estabHshment of a postoffice in this
town in 1840, he became first postmaster. On the building of the railroad
the office was moved and became the central institution of the little hamlet
since known as Batavia. The office was-kept in another of the Chicago road
hostelries, the " Dudley House," which had been built by Albert Dudley.
That the sections just mentioned contained the bulk of the early popu-
lation, finds additional proof in the fact that when, in 1835, ^^^ citizens
decided they needed a school they built the first one in section 13. A year
later the site was changed to a location on the Chicago road in section 27.
The second district, organized in the winter of 1836-37, had its building on
section 25, the land being donated by Timothy R, Wallace.
The names of the first settlers already mentioned find repetition in the
record of the first town meeting of Batavia, held in April, 1S36. The fol-
lowing are the men who were chosen at that meeting to act as officials of the
township : Alphens Reynolds, Martin Olds, J. H. Stephens, Jabe Bronson
(who hved in Batavia after leaving Bronson), Samuel Woodard, L. Taylor,
Abel Olds, Morgan Smead, Shirlock Cook. Amasa Miller, T. R. Wallace,
James L. Young, Ira Gifford, George D. Babbet, Horace Field, John Bas-
sett, John M. Chapin, Moses Olmstead, Benjamin Parker, John Woodruff.
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When the census of 1837 was taken, Branch county had ten townships.
Of these Cbldwater was by much the most populous.; indeed, it contained
nearly a fourth of the entire population of the county. That ratio has been
maintained practically throughout the subsequent seventy years. Approxi-
mately, a quarter of the entire population of Branch county now live in
Coldwater township, including Coldwater city.
Coldwater township did not receive, the first settlers of Branch county.
This is a circumstance retjuiring some attempt at explanation. It might
ha\-e been an accident of history. But when we consider that the west-
bound emigrants saw the beautiful plain known as Coldwater Prairie before
they reached Bronson's Prairie, it is pertinent to ask why the nucleus of the
county's settlement was formed at Bronson, that Jabe Bronson's house was
the first civic center, rather than on Coldwater prairie.
Major Abraham Edwards, of Kalamazoo, who went along the Chicago
trail in August, 1828, stated that on the site of the village of Coldwater was
an Indian trading post kept by Beaubien and that on the prairie adjacent
was a large Indian settlement. The same traveler found Bronson settled on
his prairie, and both Hillsdale county on the east, and St. Joseph county
on the west had begun to be settled. But the existence of a large Indian
reserve in central Branch county and the presence of a number of Indians in
)Kissession of one of the most eligible regions along the Chicago road, would
seem to be sufficient explanation of the fact that no settlement had yet Ijcen
attempted there.
At the Chicago treaty of August, 1821, the Indians of southern Mich-
igan ceded to the government all their lands except five comparatively small
reservations, on which it was the policy of the government to collect the
various bands and retain them until the convenient season should arrive for
removing all the tribes to the west. The " Mick-ke-saw-be " reservation,
which was one of the five, was located wholly in Branch county. It was six
miles square, and comprised the eastern two-thirds of what is now Coldwater
township, and the western one-third of the present Quincy township. How-
ever, in compliance with the request of the Indians, the west boundary of
the reserve was run sixty rods west of the appropriate section line in Cold-
water township, and the same was true of the east boundary in Quincy
Thus the greater part of the present Coldwater township was an Indian
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reserve, until it was ceded to the United States by a treaty of September,
1827. Notwithstanding this treaty, the Indians did not at once quit their old
reserve in this county, and there can be no doubt that their presence acted as
a retarding influence on settlement for at least a year or so after the treaty
of 1827.
But with a population of 960 in October, 1837, Coldwater township
must have been settled very rapidly between 1830 and that date. In the other
townships we have indicated the focal points of settlement and the general
directions of growth. In Coldwater township the prominent facts are con-
cerned with the county seat at Branch and with the gradually overshadowing
importance of Coldwater village. Therefore, the story of beginnings in
Coldwater township becomes the story of the origin of Coldwater City,
around which the rest of the township extends as a fringe to the central
coinmercia) and social area.
A little more than seventy-five years ago, not a habitation nor institu-
tion of white man existed on the ground now covered by Coldwater city.
The Chicago trail, entering at the center of the east line of the township,
continued a distance of one mile over the gravelly drift ridges that were
once the east shore of a large lake, and then descended, at what is known as
the Fisk schoolhouse, to a plain of burr-oak openings, almost perfectly level,
and stretching to the west for a distance of over three miles until the trough
of the Coldwater river and the chain of marl lakes is reached. Along the trail
a small band of Indians still had their homes, and there was an Indian trading
post near the east side of the prairie, and another on the ground now occupied
by the cemetery. From the point where the trail came to the level, a ridge of
gentle ascent passed around the northwest, while to the southwest a more
prominent acclivity, since known as the Warner hills, seemed to guard and
give direction to the little stream that wound at its northern base.
At this point, at the eastern edge of Coldwater prairie, there settled, in
1830, Abram F. Bolton and John Morse, on the east part of section 23. This
was " university land," and had not yet come into market, consequently these
men, and those who became their neighbors, were " squatters." They built a
log cabin of two rooms, which they opened to the use of the traveling public
as the lirst hotel in the vicinity. Here also was held the first town meeting of
Coldwater township, and the " Morse Tavern " belongs among the institu-
tions of early Branch county. Another well known family that settled on
these university lands east of Coldwater were the Arnolds, who located there
in 1833, and who soon after became identified prominently with Quincy town-
But this was not the only event of that year of beginnings, 1830. Lem-
uel Bingham put up his cabin near the house of the Indian trader, Phineas
Bonner, also near the east side of the prairie, and there established a black-
smith shop, at which many an emigrant's horses were shod and wagons
In another important event of that year, Mr, A. F. Bolton was con-
cerned. Although, as stated, he had located with Morse at the east end
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of the prairie when he brought his family here in 1830, in 1829 he had been
over this ground and had purchased a tract of land on the east side of Cold-
water river where the Chicago road crossed the stream. In the summer of
1830 the three commissioners appointed to locate the spot where the county
seat should stand when the county was organized came to transact their busi-
ness in Branch county. Mr. Bolton at once became an interested party, and
explained convincingly the eligibility of his land for the purposes intended.
As one looks back from the present, it seems that the commissioners exercised
good judgment in locating the site of the future court house on the east bank
of Coldwater river near where the bridge is located; for it must be remem-
bered that the village of Coldwater had not yet begun, and few spots along
tjie Chicago road, and in the central area of the county, offered more advan-
tages than the one selected. But the commissioners had failed to be " sworn
in " before proceeding with the exeaition of their duties, and for that reason
iheir action in " sticking the stake " on Mr. Bolton's land was invalid. Had
their work been legal, the history of the Branch county seat and of Cold-
water city might have been different.
This event leads us to the brief recital of the ephemeral existence of the
village of " Masonville," which long since became an empty name, and whose
site many years ago was absorbed in the growing city of Coldwater. Mason-
ville was the name given, probably by Mr. Bolton, to the prospective village
that would inevitably grow up around the county seat. Furthermore, at the
spot now occupied by the cemetery, there had been for some years an Indian
trailing post, and as early as :83i Roland Root and James B. Stuart were
engaged in merchandising there, principally with the Indians. About the
(iame time Mr. Bolton had procured the services of two carpenters, and just
east of the river, on his land, had a frame hotel constructed. The " BoHon
House," according to the authority of the late Dr. W. B. Sprague, was kept
for awhile by such well known men as EJisha Warren and Harvey Warner,
and in 18.33 Passed into the hands of James E. Stuart, who was a very popu-
lar landlord. Shortly after his death the hotel burned, and so far as known
that was the last page in the history of Masonville, which had once aspired
to be the county seat and commercial center of Branch county.
For the time being the western side of the township was in the lead.
Ill 1830 John Toole, the schoolmaster and pioneer of Eronson, had begun
the construction of a sawmill on the west branch of the Coldwater, on sec-
tion 30, at the site of the historic Black Hawk mills. The work progressed
slowly, and during the same year Seth Dunham, John Allen and others took
a share in the enterprise. Toole became discouraged and left, but the others
had the mill in operation by the spring of 183 1, Mr. Allen being in, charge.
This was the first sawmill in the county, and from it the settlement at Cold-
water obtained its lumber for several years.
Village of Branch.
Half a mile north of this mill site the land rises rather abruptly from
the river and forms a well defined eminence. On this broad surface the
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three commissioners appointed imder an act of March 4, 1831, formally
located the county seat of Branch county. Mr. Bolton tried without effect
to prevail on them to accept the original but invalid location of Masonville.
No settlement or improvements had been made on the spot thus designated
for the county seat ; but no censure can attach to the commissioners on that
account. Nothing resembling a village had yet appeared in this vicinity;
and their choice not being circumscribed except in a general way, the com-
missioners selected what at that time must have seemed the most suitable
spot for the civic center of the county.
This action of the commissioners gave official cause for the existence of
the " village of Branch." There yet remained two years before the seijarate
organization of the county when this county seat should really become a place
for the transaction of county business; but men of judgment were on hand
to make the most of the opportunity thus presented. EJisha Warren and
others purchased all the land about the site, and at once laid out a village.
The fortunes of the village are soon told. A few of the old pioneers
lived there and were identified with the only years of prosperity the village
had. Seth Dunham, the first county treasurer and one of the proprietors
of the mill near by, was one. Another was Harvey Warner, who, born in
Warren county. New York, in 1809, had come from Monroe county, that
state, by the Chicago road to Coldwater prairie in 18:30, and in 1832 was
appointed the first postmaster, the office being located in Branch. A store
was opened in 1833 ^Y ^- ^- Pa^ton, a distillery was put in operation about
1835. and a schoolhouse was erected that served not only its essential pur-
pose but also for religious worship and was the first court house of Brancli
county. In the summer of 1837, in accordance with previous action of the
board of supervisors, a jail was built. Branch county's prisoners up to that
time having been detained in the St. Joseph county jail. Five hundred
dollars was the sum set aside for the construction of this building. It was
thirty feet square, built of hewn logs, and while the lower floor was utilized
as a jail, the upper part was used for court purposes. This was the only
public building that Branch county had until the construction of the first
court house of Coldwater.
The village of Branch was also the home of the first newspaper published
in the county, the Michigan Star, issued by County Clerk Charles P, West
for the first time in May, 1837. At this time of s],ieculation and " wild-cat "
business promotion preceding the great financial panic of 1837, several efforts
were made to establish in Branch a bank, along the lines of the old Cold-
water Bank elsewhere descril>ed. The principal mover in this enterprise,
which never succeeded, was Joel Burlingame, father of Hon, Anson Bur-
lingame, the statesman and diplomatist. Four or five years of the latter's
youth were spent at his father's tavern in Branch, and he got his first ac-
quaintance with men and affairs in the original county seat.
So far as authentic records go, the above may be considered a fair
description of the village of Erandi in the high tide of its existence. One
other institution is of pregnaiit importance to the succeeding iiarrative.
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As already stated, the water power of the west branch of the Coldwater
was the first utihzed for mill purposes in the county. The same power was
used to turn the first grist mill in the county. The " Black Hawk " mills
have been an institution in Branch county almost from the beginning of its
history. One of the first physicians in the county, a Dr. Hill, was the pro-
moter of the enterprise, and it is probable that Seth Dunham and others had
a part of the control, and, as Dr. Hill soon left, they must have become sole
proprietors. The mill was a small affair, located alongside the sawmill, and
the stones were about two feet in diameter, and the bolting clotli a sort of
gauzy cotton fabric. At that early day it was best known for the bad qual-
ity of flour it produced. The date of construction of this mill is usually
given as 1832.
But the important fact in connection with this mill was explained by
the late Judge Harvey Warner at a pioneers' meeting in 1884. While the
rush of settlement was at its height, about 1836, several enterprising men,
among whom was Francis Smith, determined to establish a mill. " And
as the water power at Branch was better than that where Coombs' mill is
now situated, they proposed to Mr. EUsha Warren of Branch to buy the
half interest in his property at that place for $75 and then build the mill there.
This offer Mr. Warren would not accept, and on that account the mill was
located at Coldwater. This was the death blow to Branch; and this transac-
tion was the turn in the tide that ended in the prosperity of Coldwater.
Otherwise what is now the city of Coldwater woulcl have remained a beauti-
ful broad field dotted with elegant farm houses." Perhaps the importance
01 the mill transaction is overestimated in the quoted words. But it is
certain that the proprietors of the village of Branch, by holding the land
at high price, did not encourage the formation of an industrial and business
center at that jMint, and this fact is to be kept in mind in considering the
waning importance of Branch and the growlh of Coldwater.
The situation of the village of Branch off the line of Chicago road must
also be considered an adverse circumstance in its struggle to become the
center of the county. M'hen we remember that mail stages began running
along this road from Tecumseh to Niles in 1830, and that travel increased
constantly from that date, it is evident that a position even a mile south
of the thoroughfare was a detriment to the fullest development of the village.
Concerning Elisha Warren, the founder of the village of Branch, Caleb
D. Randall, in a paper read before the Pioneers in December, 1884, gave
this sketch :
Born in Connecticut in 1795, and died in 1857, he married Caroline
Hanchett, daughter of Joseph Hanchett, and moved to this county in 1831.
Mr. Warren settled at Branch, where he purchased five eighty-acre lots and
platted and established the village of Branch, where he secured the estab-
lishment of the county seat. In connection with the ten years' contest over
the county seat the name of Mr. Warren is intimately associated. After the
first location of the county seat (at Masonvijle) had failed, new commis-
sioners were appointed in 1831, who located the county capital at Branch
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where the court house and jai! — a cheap wooden building — was located on
the fine rise of ground just west of the present group of houses. From that
time until 1840 there was a contest for the removal to Coldwater, in which
Mr. Warren took an active part and fought his battle well. Mr. Warren
frequently visited Detroit, the then seat of the state government, to defend
his county site, and it was not till 1840 when the legislature passed the definite
act of removal to Coldwater. The question entered into politics. The
county was canvassed for votes. Mr. Warren was able to carry the western
part of the county with him, and he had much merit on his side. First, the
county seat was already located at Branch; second, it was the geographical
center of the county; third, the site, by its high rolling ground, purer water,
drainage, etc., was better adapted to a village. But he had a hard battle
when we recall that against him were the Crippens, Spragues, Daugherty,
the Hayneses, Francis Smith, Cross, Chandler, and a host like them, young
vigorous men. It was not, after all, the merits of the case that decided the
issue. The population of Coldwater and the eastern part of the county in-
creased the more rapidly, and so it had by 1840 votes enough to secure com-
missioners favorable to the change, which was accomplished. Mr. Warren
remained and died at his post.
I Origin of Coldwateii.
In the meanwhile Coldwater Prairie had become the seat of a thriving
population. In October, 1829, when the first lands of this vicinity were
offered for sale, two brothers, Robert J. and William H. Cross, obtained a
patent, signed by President Andrew Jackson, to three-fourths of section 22
in Coldwater township. The following year both these men came to this
land and built a flat-roofed log shanty on the north side of the Chicago road,
a few rods west of the present eastern limits of the city. The improvements
they made became proverbial with the people in the county and with travelers
who passed through this region. This land was sold in 1835 to James Fisk,
Rev. Francis Smith and William B. Sprague, and Robert J. Cross then went
to Illinois. His brother, William H., who held oflicial position in the first
years of the coimty, was at one time in the mercantile business as a partner
with Silas A. Holbrook, and his later career was identified with St. Joseph
county, where he died in 1886.
On section 15 John Morse purchased eighty acres, in 1830, and in Jan-
uary of the following year A. F. Bolton, Robert J. Cross and Robert H.
Ablwtt each purchased eighty acres of this section.
On section 21, Joseph Hanchett, Jr., took up eighty acres in the fail
of 1830. In 1831 entries were made on this section by Elisha Warren,
Audrain Abbott and Robert J. Cross.
Section 22 was entirely taken upi by Hugh Campbell and the Cross
brothers, their entries being dated in the fall of 1830, and by Allen Tibbits,
who entered the remaining eighty acres in June, 1830. In February, 1831,
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Campbell sold his eighty acres, in the northwest corner, to the Crosses.
Twenty acres of this had been plowed and sixteen apple trees set out.
These three sections comprised the area on which the village of Cold-
water had its beginnings. The first entry on section i6, which was the public
school section, was not made until 1837. It is reasonable to suppose that the
men above mentioned were on the ground in 1831, and were the landed
proprietors most concerned in the inauguration of any village enterprise,
Hugh Campbell, whose eighty was located in the northwest corner of
section 22, built a log house on the north side of the Chicago road. This
was in 1830, and is accredited with being the first dwelling erected on the
original site of the village. It stood near the corner of what is now Hudson
and Chicago streets, about the site of the Y. M. C. A. building.
This was the approximate situation when the Rev. Allen Tibbits came
along the Chicago road to this spot in the autumn of 1830. An itinerant
Methodist preacher, with headquarters at Plymouth, twenty-five miles west
of Detroit, he was at this time a young man of twenty-six years, having been
born in Lyons, New York, in 1S04, The purpose of his visit to Coldwater
prairie in 1830 was to find a permanent home, and when he returned in 1831
he located, as above shown, eighty acres in the southwest quarter of section
22. In the meantime Hugh Campbell had moved from his residence, and in
liis rough log cabin, which was without a floor, Mr. Titoits made his first
home. About the same time, also, he must have purchased this Campbell
eighty (from the Crosses) in the northwest corner of section 22, From the
records above given and from what follows, it is certain that, in the year
183 1, the eighty acres in the northwest corner of section 22 was owned by
Mr. Tibbets, and the eighty adjoining that on the west, in the northeast cor-
ner of section 21, was owned by Mr, Joseph Hanchett.
Mr. Hanchett, who had arrived on the ground a few weeks before Mr,
Tibbits, also lived during the summer of 1831 in the Campbell cabin. These
two men decided to establish a village on jjart of their land. To them be-
longs the. honor of being called the founders of Coldwater, Calling in the
services of James B. Tompkins, they platted a village. The original plat,
signed by James B. Tompkins, the surveyor '( whose son, of the same name,
died in Girard township in 1905), and dated July 29, 1831, is now in the
register of deeds ofiice at Centerville, where it was filed for record December
I, 1832. This plat was acknowledged by Allen Tibbits and Joseph Hanchett
on November 29, 1832. From these facts it is proper to date the origin of
Coldwater on July 29, 183 1, so that the city may in the year of this writing
celebrate its seventy-fifth anniversary.
The first name given to the village was "Lyons," assigned by Mr. Tib-
bits in honor of his birthplace at Lyons, New York, But in the following
year it was christened Coldwater, which was a translation of the Indian name
"Chuck-sew-ya-bish," by which the natives are said to have designated the
waters of the stream flowing south of the village.
The two eighty-acre lots owned respectively by Joseph Hanchett and
Allen Tibbits, as above stated, were both included in the act of incorporation
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of the viliage. But only part of this land was surveyed into village lots at
first. The extent of the original village of Coldwater is easily stated. On the
west it was bounded by what is now Monroe street ; on the east by what is now
Jefferson street. The north boundary was the section line, or, approximatelyj
Church street; while the south was what is now Washington street. This
area was divided into fifty-five numbered lots, each six rods wide by twelve
rods deep. The conspicuous features designated on the original plat were,
the Public Square, sixteen rods wide from east to west, and thirty rods long
from north to south ; the Chicago street, one hundred feet wide, a width that
has been one of the chief charms of this broad avenue and a matter of pride
to citizens; the other streets named on the plat — Pearl and Church streets,
running east and west, and Hudson ant) Division streets, north and south-
were each four rods wide.
The manuscript history of "The Origin of the City of Coldwater," by
the late Dr. WilHara B. Sprague, describes the first twelve buildings erected
on this village plat and which were standing at the time the Doctor came to
Coldwater in 1S35.
The first was the log structure put up by Hugh Campbell, the location
of which has already been mentioned.
The second was more pretentions, a log residence, finished and occupied
by Mr. Joseph Hanchett in the fall of 1831. This stood on Lot 44, a little
north of the E. R. Clarke and Company building, and on what is now Monroe
In 1832 John Wilson, a brother-in-law of Allen Tibbits, built for him-
self and family a frame residence on Lot 41, on the north side of Chicago
street and next to the Loomis Battery Park. Mr. Wilson was a carpenter
and joiner by trade.
On the next lot east, where the Episcopal church now stands, William
McCarty in the same year built a frame house. This house is still standing,
externally intact, as part of the barn on the rear of the premises of Mrs.
Sarah E. Conant, next east of the Loomis Battery Park. We were assured
by Mr. L, D. Halsted early in the present year, 1906, that this is the oldest
house in Coldwater ever used as a dwelling. It still shows so well what it
was originally that an illustration of it is given. Mr. McCarty used his
dwelhng as a jail during his service as sheriff.
Where the Edwin R. Clarke Library building now stands, Peter Martin,
the first probate judge of Branch county, erected in 1832 a frame dwelling.
Also in 1S32, the first building used for store purposes was built. It
was a frame structure, and stood on the south side of Chicago street just
west of the public square, on part of the site now occupied by the Bovee
block. Silas A. Holbrook and Grover Hibbard had come here early in 1S32
from Tecumseh, and in this building the first Coldwater store was opened,
the attic being used for the residence of Mr. Holbrook and family.
On the north side of Chicago street, near Hudson, on the' spot now
occupied by the Milo Campbell residence. Rev. Allen Tibbits erected a small
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Tlie House occupied in 1833 in Coldwater by the first
Sheriff of the County, W^illiam McCarty. as tome and jail:
now, 1905, the oldest huilding in Coldwater and part of a
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frame house in 1833. Up to that time he liad continued to live in the log cabin
built by Hugh Campbell.
On the west side of Hudson street, a short distance south of Chicago,
Hiram and George Hayden, cabinet makers, put up two dwellings in 1834.
On the northeast corner of their lot, that is, on Chicago street, they had
their sliop.
■ There is evidence in what has just Ix^en said, that the proprietors of
Coklwater village were very miicli in earnest in promoting the interests of
their village. Every encouragement was held ovit to the settlement of those
who would become factors of usefulness in the community. The good judg-
ment of the founders is seen in the fact thai all of the settlers just mentioned
became closely associated with the affairs of the village and county, excepting
only the Hayden brothers, one of whom soon died and the other moved to a
farm in the county.
The zeal with which Allen Tibbits undertook to build up Coldwater is
well shown in the case of the next settler. Matthew Brink, a blacksmith, had
located in the village of Branch. Early in 1835 he was induced to move to
Coldwater by the gift of a lot in the village, on which he was to build his
home and have his shop. This lot was on the south side of Chicago street,
at the east edge of the village, near the present Jefferson street.
Dr. Sprague mentions three other buildings that were on the village plat
in 1835. One was a plain frame house on the west side of Division and
between the square and Pearl street, about where the Baptist church stands.
On the east side of Hudson street, a little north of Pearl, was built the first
\illage schoolhouse,' standing on a lot also donated by Mr. Tibbits. And on
the north side of Chicago street, just west of the public square, where the
Southern Michigan Hotel now stands, was a two-story frame structure still
in process of building. Edward Hanchett was building if for a tavern. It
remained for John J. Curtis to finish it and open it to the public, as the "Eagle
Such was the pioneer Coldwatei-. seen at a time when it was still possible
tu distinguish the individual units. In the men who were there in 1835 lay
great possibihties for ftiture development; but still more in the group of
settlers who came that year. In that list would be found such names as
Bradley Crippen and his four sons, Lorenzo D,, Pliilo H., Benjamin and
Rev. Elliott M.; James Fisk, Thomas Dougherty, Rev. Francis Smith, Dr.
William B. Spragive, Dr. Darwin Littlefield, James Haynes and his sons
John T., Levi, Harvey and James. These men, whh those already men-
tioned, formed the bulk and sinews of the community and were the real
founders of the city of Coldwater.
The developments of the next few years are all important. The de-
tailed features of the growth of Coldwater cannot be noted. The strength of
its citizenship has been noted; it was a live, enterprising community, with
business and industrial promise. Alert and determined to make the most
of their opportunities, the citizens pressed on to the next step in civic
growth. In February, 1837, the legislature passed the act of incorporation
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for the village of CoMwater, and when, pursuant to this act, the citizens
convened on the first Monday of May at the "Central Exchange," they chose
the following men to direct the affairs of the village during its first year:
Hon. Hiram Alden, then Branch county's representative in the legislature,
became village president; Hiram Shoudler, recorder; and William H. Cross,
Silas A. Holbrook, Joseph Hanchett. Reuben J. Champion, Harvey War-
ner and John J. Curtis, trustees.
So much for the civic community. It was still a pioneer village, barely
put of the first stages of individual activity. Organization of industry and
classification of pursuits had only begun. The tilling of the prairie soil was
a part of the work of nearly ali. There were several physicians, whose range
of duties, however, covered most of the county, Dt. William H. Hanchett and
Dr. Hiram Aiden being most prominent ; there were several merchants, hotel-
keepers, mechanics, and in 1837 came the first lawyer. Altogether, the basis
of village growth and prosperity was well laid.
Manufacturing received its first strong impulse at this time. It is not
an overstatement of the truth to say that this form of activity was the vital
element in Coldwater's subsequent growth. Up to that time Branch, with the
nearby "Poka" or Black Hawk mills, had been the manufacturing center for
lumber and flour.
Of similar enterprises at Coldwater, the first is best described in the
words of Allen Tibbits: "Joseph Hanchett and myself were the sole pro-
prietors and builders of the first grist mill erected at Coldwater. It con-
sisted of a piece of an oak log some three feet long set firmly in the ground
with a hollow on the top and in the shape of a bowl, hacked and burnt
smoothly out for a nether millstone. It would hold a peck. For the upi>er
stone a large piece of timber made roughly in a pestle form was suspended
from a strong springpole above, and then we were ready for custom work
as well as our own. But how to obtain the corn to grind was another con-
sideration, none could be furnished so early by the people — it had not yet
been grown ; so we went to northern Indiana where the settlements along the
Vistula turnpike were more advanced, and this all here were obliged to do.
Our profits from this investment were not large, scarcely enough to pay for
outlays and labor, though our patronage was large," This mill, operated in
the summer of 1S31, stood at the south front of Mr. Hanchett's log resi-
dence already described.
In 1834 Peter Martin, the judge of probate, built a sawmill that stood
a trifle north from where Division street intersects Clay street, and the dam
occupied the line upon which Division street crosses the Coldwater river.
Traces of the old mill race may still be seen along the north bank of the
river. The pond, which spread over quite a large surface, was after about four
years considered to be a source of disease and was torn away by the people
as a nuisance. On the authority of Dr. Sprague, this property had passed into
the hands of L, D. and P. H, Crippen about 1835.
On a previous page, in connection with the history of the village of
Branch, has been mentioned the failure of an attempt to establish a mill
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there, and the significance of the event in the contest between Branch and
Ccildwater. It is now proper to describe how that attempt which failed at
Branch resulted in the estabhshment of early Coldwater's chief manufactur-
ing industry.
Early in 1836 the partners, Francis Smith, Thomas Dougherty and Will-
iam B. Sprague, selected a site at the west end of Pearl street as the location
for their saw and grist mil!. Work on the sawmill was begun the same season
and was finished some time in the fall. The flouring mili was commenced
quite early in the spring of 1837, and completed early in the following winter.
Samuel Etheridge, another pioneer citizen of Coldwater, was chief engineer,
architect and builder. The mills were built in accordance with the most mod-
ern standards of the time.
In 1838 the mills were sold to John J. Curtis and O. B. Clark, from whom
thev passed, in 1841, to L. D. and P. H. Crippen. On the withdrawal of
P. H. Crippen in 1844 the firm became Crippen and Etougherty, and later
L. D. Crippen was sole owner. The mills were burnt in 1S58, but rebuilt the
next year. James B. Crippen became owner, and then E. R, Clarke, and in
r86g William A. Coombs bought the plant, since which time his name has
|]een connected with the institution.
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With this understanding of the growth of Coldwater village, the ability
of its citizenship and its material resources, we may now describe the final
stages of the county seat contest, which resulted in the complete loss of
prestige for the vitiage of Branch and the transfer of all its power to the
rival village on the prairie.
As mentioned in the sketch of Elisha Warren, the citizens of Coldwater
never allowed the county seat to rest quietly with Branch. In the end the
question was settled by local option, and Coldwater, being able to summon
the greater political power to the support of her contention, won the county
An act of the legislature approved March 16, 1840, declared that after
July 4, 1840, the seat of justice of the county of Branch was vacated and
that the same should be selected and fixed upcn by "three commissioners to
be appointed by the governor by and with the advice of the senate." Of course
these commissioners could choose to allow the seat to remain with Brancli,
and removal to another location was conditioned on a land site being donated
and all cost of court house and jail being secured by money or bond from the
interested parties. The entire transaction of removal should cause no expense
to attach either to the state or the county.
The commissioners were to make their selection on or before the first
Monday in June, 1841. Whether the opposition to the change was still too
strong in the western part of the county, or whether the citizens of Cold-
water were unable or unwilling to fulfill satisfactorily the conditions of the
bill, cannot be definitely stated, since neither the county nor newspaper rec-
ords throw any light on the matter. Certain it is that the county seat was not
changed under the provisions of this bill of 1840.
But on February 5, 1842, an act was approved declaring the seat of
justice vacated and to be established in the " village of Coldwater;" provided,
that security should be given to the county commissioners for a sum equal to
the appraised value of the court house ami jail at Branch; that at least three-
quarters of an acre of land in the village of Coldwater should be donated
for the county site; and that the persons interested in the removal should
furnish free temporary quarters for the holding of the terms of circuit court
until a court house could be erected. The terms of the bill were to be com-
plied with on or before March i, 1842,
By this act the selection of the site was to be determined by the three
county commissioners. (It should be stated that the system of countv gov-
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enimeiit by a board of township supervisors had been abolished in 1837 and
the county's affairs placed under the jurisdiction of a board of three county
commissioners. The office of county commissioner had been a.boHshed in
1841 and a return made to the township supervisor system. Accordingly the
last important official acts of the Branch county commissioners was the selec-
tion of the new county seat) The county commissioners at this time were
Hiram Shoudler, of Union, chairman of the board; Oliver D. Colvin, of
Kinderhook; and Hiram Gardner, of Matteson. Mr. Gardner had been chosen
the preceding autumn in place of Wales Adams of Bronson, and as stated in
the sketcJi of Mr. Elisha Warren, the election had largely hinged on the
county seat question.
The political issues involved had been settled, therefore, before the act
of the legislature passed, and there was no delay after the act had been a\y-
proved, on February 5th. The issue of the Coklwater Sentinel of February
nth contained the following paragiaph: "The requisitions of the bill which
■ h,'is passed the present legislature to vacate the seat of justice and establish
the same at the village of Coldwater have been complied with^he county
commissioners have performed their duty under the law ; and the result of
their deliberations has been to drive the stake for the court house on a lot on
the southeast corner of the public square, taking land for the jail a little east
of the public square on land owned by Mr. James Shoecraft."
One other incident of the contest should be noted. It was provided that
the jail at Branch should be used for the confinement of prisoners until one
could be built at the new seat. Tlius Branch retained a part of the county
seat until the event recorded by the Sentinel of June 16, 1843: "Tlie old
court house and jail at Branch was destroyed by fire during the night of Sun-
day. tJie I ifh. Tlie building had not been in use by the county except as a jail
since the removal of the county seat to this place. One room in the building
was occupied as an office by Dr. H. B. Stillman. Tlie fire was evidently the
work of an incendiary, and circumstances having transpired to fasten sus-
|)icion on Lawson Woodward, a young man who had previously been confined
in the prison, he was arrested," etc. Thus ended the first county seat. It
has l^een asserted that the former prisoner was paid to bum the old building,
the motives being, apparently, to destroy Branch's last claim to the seat of
justice, and also perhaps to hasten the building of a jail at Coldwater. Until
a new jail was provided, Branch county prisoners were kept in St. Joseph
Pursuant to the act for the removal' of the seat of justice, the citizens
of Coldwater had guaranteed three hundred dollars toward the erection of a
county building, that sum representing the value of the structure at Branch.
In October, 1843, the board of supervisors resolved to submit to the electors
a proposition to raise four hundred dollars in addition to this, sum of three
hundred, with which to build a jail. But the people were not yet ready to vote
money for county buildings, and this resolution and similar ones were neg-
atived. In the spring of 1846 a proposition to expend a thousand dollars,
besides the sum guaranteed by Coldwater, was approved by the votes of the
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people. The jail was built in the summer of that year, and was accepted as
completed in January, 1847. This old jail, which was built of heavy plank-
ing straight up and down, and riveted together, stood on the north side of
Pearl street and about midway between Hudson and Jefferson streets. It
was burned in April, 1S59, while Sheriff David N. Green was residing in
it. After the fire a bam that stood on the comer where the jail now stands
was converted into a lock-up, and five or six years later that, too, was burned.
A temporary wooden structure was then erected, and served as a jail until the
present brick jail was erected in 1875. The present jail, which was built at
a cost of $18,358.70, was constructed under the direction of a building com-
mittee of which the late Cyrus G. Luce was chairman, the other two mem-
bers being the late Judge David N. Green and William P. Arnold. Their
committee report was accepted bv the board of supervisors on October 12,
More than six years elapsed from the time Coldwater became the county
seat before a court house was erected. The various permanent officials had
their quarters in hired rooms, while the courts were conducted in a rickety old
building that occupied the site of the brick residence erected by the late Dr.
J. H. Beach. During one of the presidential campaigns this building received
the name of "Coon Pen." It was well entitled to this name, and bore it long
after it was given up for court purposes.
The jail being the important public building, it was not until after that
had been provided that the svipervisors turned iJieir attention to the erection
of a court house. Resolutions were finally passed making the building of a
court house a proposition to be voted on by the people of the county at the
spring election of 1847. The vote cast in favor of the building was 824, with
797 votes against it. It is a noteworthy coincidence that this majority of
27 by which the building of the first court house in Coldwater was assured,
was exactly duplicated forty years later, when the erection of the present
court house was decided upon, 27 being the decisive number in both instances,
although of course the total vote was much larger in 1887.
The old court house pictured on another page was accordingly erected
in 1848, at a cost of five thousand dollars, being accepted by the supervisors
in the fall of that year and first occupied for public purposes in December.
The court house erected by the county in 1848 served for the home of
official business a generation of time, and then as the county developed there
came a time when the building became unsuited to be the seat of a flourishing
county like Branch. All this and more is recited in the preamble of a resolu-
tion offered for the consideration of the board of supervisors at their regular
October session of 18S5 by the committee on county poor and county prop-
erty. This committee consisted of ElHston Warner, Jerome Corwin and C. C.
Van Vorst. After describing the unsuitableness of the court house for its
purposes, the lack of fire-proof offices for the keeping of the records, the
impossibility of repairing the court house so as to accommodate the business
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of the county, and calling the attention of the board to the cheapness of
labor and material as opportune for the erection of a new building, the com-
mittee resolved "that the question of raising by tax upon said county the
sum of $50,000, one-third of the same to be raised in eadi of the years i886,
1887 and 1888, for the purpose of building a new court house, be submitted
to the electors of Branch county at the next annual township meetings."
The resolution was adopted without a dissenting vote.
When the real decision of the question came before the people of the
county on April 5, 1886, an adverse majority of 687 was rendered against
the proposition. Nothing more was done during that year, except to carry
on the agitation and call for plans of a proposed building.
At the January session of 1887 Supervisor Warner offered another
resolution, which was adopted by the board, to submit the matter of raising
the required sum for the new court house to the people. Some of the super-
\'isors had evidently been instructed by their constituents, for five votes were
recorded against the resolution. This motion, it should be noticed, provided
for the raising of the sum of fifty thousand dollars by loans instead of by tax,
such loans to be paid with interest in five animal instalments on the first of
February of the years 1888, 1889, 1S90, 1891, 1892.
To safeguard the interests of the people another motion was then car-
ried to the effect that "we as members of the board of supervisors pledge
ourselves individually and collectively that in no event shall the amount ex-
pended in the erection of the court house exceed the sum of fifty thousand
The vote was taken in April, 1887. The people of the county were by
no means unanimous, the canvass of votes showing 2,791 for and 2,764 against
the proposition, so that the erection of a new court house was assured by a
bare majority of 27.
The construction of the court house was entrusted to a building com-
mittee of five, elected by the supervisors from their own number. As the
executive responsibility devolved on these men, it is proper that their names
should be given in the history of the building that is still in use for county
business. They were George W. Ellis, David B. Purinton, George Miller,
M. B. Wakeman, and J. H. Davis.
It should also be noted that the block of land on which the court house
ami jail are now situated was squared ofif to its present proportions at this
time, when the board purchased a lot of land fronting on Pearl street for seven
rods and running north fifteen rods and three feet, "excepting a strip ten feet
by sixty feet out of the southwest corner."
To finance the building operations it was resolved that bonds of five hun-
dred dollars each to the amount of forty thousand dollars should be issued,
dated July i, 1887, with interest at five per cent, payable in four equal instal-
ments on the first of March of eacli of the years 1889, 1890, 1891, and 1892.
There were two local bids for the bonds, that accepted coming from Mr.
George Starr and reading as follows : "I will give par and $425 with accrued
interest to the first day of any month within one year from the date of bonds
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for the court house bonds in lots of ten thousand dollars until the whole
amount of forty thousand dollars in said bonds are delivered to me."
The preliminary arrangements completed, the actual work of construction
was soon begtin. The plans of Mr. M. H. Parker, a Coidwater architect, were
adopted, and at the June sessitai of 1887 the committee was authorized to let
the contract for the construction. In the following August the committee
was authorized to tear down the old building, and provision, was made for the
accommodation of the various offices during the time of building, the clerk,
sheriff, treasurer and superintendent of the poor being quartered in the old
postoffice building, the register of deeds in another building, rooms in the
Masonic block being rented for the judge of probate, whil»the circuit court
sessions were held in Armory Hall.
Crocker and Hudnutt, of Big Rapids, Michigan, who were awarded the
building contract as the lowest bidder, rapidly pushed the work of construc-
tion, and since the summer of 1888 the present court house has been in use
for the transaction of all county business. The building committee made its
finai report on August i, 188S, and a few days later the report was approved
and the building formally accepted as complete. At that time the committee
reported the total receipts for the building of the court house tabe $52,098.99,
and the total disbursements as $50,131.34, leaving a balance to the people of
$1,976.65. Not oniy the financial management, but the entire transaction was
creditable to those officially concerned.
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The preceding pages have carried the narrative of settlement and begin-
nings along the Chicago road np to the last township traversed by that thor-
oughfare, namely, Quincy. One of the main propositions with which we
started this account of settlement was the remarkable influence of the Chicago
road. Nowhere is it more graphically illustrated than in the case of Quincy
township. According to the original land entries, the locations for the year
1830 were chosen on sections 12, 13, 14, the last two sections being bisected
by the road ; the locations for 1832 were on section 15 : those for 1833, on sec-
tion 19; and those for 1834, on sections 17, 18 and 20 — all being on or near
the road. Only one circumstance can qualify in any way the deductions to be
drawn from these facts — namely, that the best land for settlement lay along
the central area traversed by the Chicago road, the "prairies" and the ^ak
openings being situated in this portion, while both the north and the south
sides of the township were originally heavily timbered.
The first .settler who came along the road into this township was Horris
WiUson, who came from Detroit, where he had lived since 1825, his native
place being Batavia, New York. His land purchase, which was the first in
the township and was made in June, 1830, consisted of three hundred and
twenty acres in one body but lying in sections 12, 13 and 14. Being a
carpenter, with the assistance of a hired man, he constructed a house of hewn
logs on the north side of the Chicago road in section 14, and soon afterward
opened it to the public as a tavern. To quote the words of another, Mr. Will-
son "purchased the first land, built the first house, plowed the first furrow,
planted the first corn, sowed the first oats, and kept the first tavern in the
township of Quincy." He did not live long to enjoy the fruits of his pioneer
labors. Ellis Russell kept the tavern for his widow after his death. Mr.
Willson's daughter became the wife of Dr. E. G. Berry.
A pioneer whose connection with the township was longer and who became
one of the prominent men in the early history of the county was James G.
Corbus. who was born in Detroit in 1804, and came to Branch county in
June, 1832. It has already been stated that he was a contractor during the
summer of that year on a portion of the Chicago road in Bronson township,
and it is possible that this work led him to locate in Branch county. Anyhow,
in the fall of that year, he purchased some land in section 13, and on taking up
liis actual residence in 1833 he began the erection of the first frgme house.
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When this was completed it was also opened for the accommodation of the
traveling public. This house was located on the north side of the Chicago
road and almost opposite the road since called Maple street. The house stood
for many years. In it was organized the first Sunday school and the first
temperance society of the township. It afforded shelter to many of the work-
men engaged in the construction of the Lake Shore railroad, which destroyed
the importance of the Chicago road and at the same time took away the
patronage of the inn. Mr. Corbus was the second treasurer of Branch
As already stated, the year 1832 showed a land entry on section 15, but
as this has particular reference to the village of Quincy, it will be well to
omit its consideration at present and speak first of the course of settlement in
the other portions of the township.'
On the western side of the township, in section 19, Joseph L. Hartsough
entered land in 1833, and in this same section Rice T. Arnold, the father
of William P. and Anselum, soon after purchased land. Henry Van Hyning
entered land in section 17 in 1834, and about the same time settlement began
in sections 18 and 20. Not until 1835; did the land entries reach beyond the
central belt of the township. In that year sections i and 2, on the north,
and section 30, showed entries, but by that time all of the two middle rows
of sections were entered in whole or in part.
Quincy township and village have shown the slow and steady growth that
marks the purely agricultural community. In the period of pioneer years
which we are now discussing, scarcely any occupation was followed except
farming. The population spread out over the thirty-six sections of the town,
and in time, by a process of natural selection, began grouping around the
civic center. Here settled at any early day some men of unusual personality
and strength of character, whose influence was exerted for village life, and
gradually there appeared such institutions as the church and school, the post-
office, the store, and representatives of the trades and the professions. The
point to be emphasized is, that for many years the community which became
Quincy village was the central settlement of Quincy township and without
the sharp distinctions which we have seen marked off the village of Cold-
water so soon from the rest of the township. This natural growtli and ab-
sence of rapid business changes may account in a measure for the appearance
of permanence, of continuity in life and institutions, and the whol-esome civic
interest and pride, which impress themselves most definitely on one who
studies and observes the history of Quincy village.
On October 16, 1832, the first land was entered in section 15, it being
in the southwest corner of the section, with its west boundary the main street
of Quincy village. The course of history, we might say the accidents of his-
tory, caused the locator of this land to be honored as the pioneer of Quincy
village, the man who made the first improvements which the thousands of
after generations would enjoy and carry on to greater development. This
pioneer was John Cornish, who was living in Girard township at the time he
made his land purchase at Quincy, being one of the pioneers of the former
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to\vnslii|D. He did not put up a log cabin and move his family to his new pur-
chase until the fall of 1833. In the spring of 1834 he began the erection of
a frame house on the north side of the Chicago road and where Main street
now intersects that thoroughfare, this being the site of the present "Ouincy
House." As soon as this house was ready he opened it as a tavern. That
e\ent marked a b^inning. Travelers along the road, on reaching the beau-
tiful prairie which surrounded this house, chose to stop there for entertain-
ment. Being situated at the center of the township, the electors made the
Cornish tavern the place of their first township meeting. Mr. Cornish was
moderator at that meeting and was elected one of the justices of the peace.
He rented his tavern in the spring of 1836 to Pearson Anson, and soon after
Kfild the property to Joseph Berry, and then lived in his first log house until
he could move to a new home on a farm in the township.
But for the first year after the establishment of his tavern, Mr. Cornish
was practically alone so far as permanent neighlrors were concerned. Other
parts of the comity were attracting the majority of the immigrants. But in
1835, a year which gave hundreds of strong and able citizens to Branch
county, Quincy township and especially its central area received a great im-
pulse in settlement.
In 1834 Joseph Berry, one of the several sons of Samuel Berry, the
family being originally ^rom New Hampshire but at this time residents of
Chautauqua county. New York, had come to Branch county and spent the
summer at the Arnold home in east Coldwater township. His enthusiastic
descriptions of this region, recited again and again when he had returned
to his home in New York state, were sui^cient to induce all the Berry family
to become pioneers. The father came out in the spring of 1835 and after pros-
pecting as far west as Illinois, in the summer purchased land in the north-
east corner of section 21 and began building a frame house near the Chicago
roa{l. In the same spring his son, Ejios G., had come to Branch county, and
ill the fall Joseph arrived with the household effects. Ezra, the youngest of
the toys, then fifteen years old, arrived about the same time, having driven
the two cows that belonged to the family the entire distance from New York
to Michigan.
Tile Berry home, which was located on the south side of the road about
lliree-quarters of a mile west of Main street, became a hotel, and the boy
Ezra assisted his father in its management. In 1836 the hotel was leased
to another party, and Mr. Samuel Berry built for his home a small house a
few rods east. This house is also of historic importance, for when the first
postoffice was established in this vicinity it was located at the Berry home, in
1837. Dr. Enos G. Berry was the first postmaster, and it is of well established
tradition that a bushel basket was the receptacle in which the mail was kept.
Ezra Berry, however, performed the active duties of the office, and was gener-
ally called upon to examine the contents of the basket.
The Berry family, father and sons, owned most of the land on which the
village of Quincy was afterwards built. Samuel and Dr. E. G. were the
"li^inal purchasers of a large part of section 21, and Joseph Berry bought of
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John Cornish the southwest comer of section 15, and also owned a large part
of section 22. At the time now under consideration this part of the town-
ship had few evidences of village life. Dr. Berry was the physician for the
people of the vicinity, besides being postmaster. In 1835 Daniel Bagley had
arrived at the settlement. Buying an acre of ground from Mr. Cornish, he
put up a frame house on the north side of the Chicago road and on the
south side a blacl^smith shop, where he attended to the mechanical needs of
the community. This was located where Dally street now intersects Chicago
road. Consequeni ly, a blacksmith shop, a postoffice. two hotels and a physi-
cian were the elements of village life that would have been found here in 1S37,
But several other settlers had come in during 1836 and 1837 who were
to take a prominent part in the affairs of this township. In 1835 John
Broiighton, a native of Vermont, had come from Lorain county. Ohio, and
had located on the Chicago road )vst over the line in Coldwater township.
' In the double log house which stood adjacent to the l>rick kiln (one of the
first brick-making establishments in the county), he kept a tavern for the
first year, but in 1836 moved to the Quincy settlement. Oii the north side of
the Chicago road, about opposite what is now Grove street. Silas Hamilton
{who was a settler of the fall of 1835) had begun the erection of a large
log house. This was still unfinished when Mr. Broughton bought the prop-
eity, completed the building, and moved his family to the new home in
December, 1836. Just across the road from the Broughton home, the same
Mr. Hamilton had erected a Httie shanty to serve as his first shelter, and
here, about 1837, a cobbler named Thomas Valier had a shoe shop.
One other settler in 1836 deserves mention. James M. Burdick, who
came to Branch county and spent the year 1831 in the employ of Abraham F.
Bolton near Coldwater, and then lived in Hillsdale county for several years,
moved to Quincy township in the spring of 1836, locating on section 24,
which was his home during many years of worthy citizenship.
During all this time the area of the present Quincy township had not
been organized separately, and as we know, the first Quincy township com-
prised also what are now Algansee and California. Therefore, at the first
town meeting, which occurred in April, 1836. some of the men who took
part were resident south of the present south line of the township. But
almost all the officers chosen came from the settlers whose names have been
mentioned, the first official list of the township comprising the following:
Enos G. Berry, David W. Baker, John Cornish, James G. Corbus, Samuel
Beach, Samuel H. Berry, Luther Briggs, James Adams, Joseph T. Burnham,
Pearson Anson, James M. Burdick, Griswold Burnham, Conrad Rapp,
Thomas Wheeler, Joseph L. Hartsough.
In October, 1837, Quincy township, still comprising an area of two full
townships and one fractional, had 569 inhabitants. Just what per cent of
these lived in the present township of Quincy cannot be stated, but it is
certain that they were the great majority, and furthermore that they lived
in the sections convenient to the Chicago road. This concentration of popu^
iation is further proved by the location of the first three schools of the town-
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ship. The first school house, of logs, was built in 1837 on land nuw owned
by the railroad in Quincy village ; the second, built the same year, was in the
'■ Hog Creek district," in the eastern part of the township; ami the third, ni
JS38, was at the west edge of section 20 on the Chicago road.
Bishop Chase and Gilead Township.
The Chicago road was the avenue by which Bishop Philander Chasi
came to Branch county. The story of his settlement in Gilead, apart from
the iniportarce attaching to it as the historical beginning of Gilead township,
is of even more interest for the threads of fact concerning the county in
general and the conditions and customs of the time.
Bishop Philander Chase was born in Cornish, New Hampshire, in i775t
graduated from Dartmouth College in 1795, studied for the ministry of the
Episcopal church, and in 1819 was consecrated bisliop of 04iio, the first
bishop of the Episcopal church west of the Alleghany mountains. He was
the founder of Kenyon College in Ohio, which is regarded as his greatest
achievement, but which was also the source of his greatest personal disap-
pointment. For, being unable to carry out his plans for that institution be-
cause of the interference and persecution from his enemies, he felt it his duty
fo resign the episcopate of the diocese and the presidency of the college,
which he did in September, 1831. On Easter day of 1832 he administered
holy communion for the last time in Ohio, and on the following morning set
out on horseback with a friend, Bezaleel Wells, with the intention of visiting
a son of the latter at Prairie Ronde in Kalamazoo county, Michigan. It was
also a half -expressed hope of the bishop to find in the course of his explora-
tions a region where he might found a home and build up the institutions
of the church and education in accordance with the plans which were still so
cherished by him.
Going to Monroe and from there to Adrian and to the Chicago road, the
j)arty came on through Jonesviile. Coldwater and Bronson's prairie. At
this point we may quote the bishop's own " Reminiscences," written in 1847,
only a few years before his death. " It was Friday night when they reached
a place called' Adams' Mills on one of the streams of the St. Joseph river.
'And who is this?' said the landlord of the log-cabin tavern to Mr. Wells,
in a low voice. ' Is he come out to purchase lands? ' ' He may purchase if he
finds some that suits him." Mr. Judson, for that was the man's name, then
strode through the room and raising his voice, said aloud, as if still speaking
to Mr. Wells, ' Much more beautiful scenery and richer land are to lie found
ill this neighborhood than further west. And men would find it so if they
would only stop, go about and examine." These words were meant for the
ear of the wTiter. He took them so and inquired. ' Where is this good land
>ou speak of?" 'Within eight miles of this, to the southeast, there is a
charming, limpid lake, surrounded witli rising burr-oak and prairie lands, in-
terspersed with portions of lofty timber for building. The streams are of
clear and running water, and like the lake, abound in the finest kind of fish ; and
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what is quite an essential point, tliese lands are now open for market, and
(except some choice sugar-tree eighties already taken by persons from In-
diana) may be entered by anyone going to White Pigeon where the land
office is kept.' ' Will you show me these lands if I stay with you a day or
two ? ' * If I do not, Mr. Adams, the owner of the saw null, will. I
furnish him with a horse; and Thomas Holmes, who lives near us, shall go
along with you on foot with his rifle to kill game and keep off the wolves.'
* * *
" The next day was Saturday. Notice was given to the few settlers in
the neighborhood of these then solitary mills that divine service would be
celebrated and a sermon preached on the morrow. The day proved fine and
nearly all the inhabitants attended. This was the first time the prayer book
had ever been used for public worship in all the St. Joseph country.
" On Monday Mr. Judson's pony was made ready, and Mr. Adams and
Thomas Holmes were in waiting. The weather was mild and the streams
of water soon crossed. The path we fell on was an old Indian trail
leading from northwest to southeast. On this trail we had traveled mostly
through grass land, thinly studded with trees, till the eight miles
spoken of by Mr. Judson were judged to have been finished; when, on the
left of us, we came in sight of a lake of pure water and sloping banks thinly
covered with trees, having grass under them all around. The lake itself was
of an irregular shape, and about a mile and a half long. It had a promontory
running into it, covered with trees of peculiar majestic shape, in the manner
of the finest rookeries in England. * * * All things were like magic.
Such charming scenery seemed to rivet the beholder to the spot. This was
no wonder ; for it was the first time that any such lands had ever met his eye.
" The remainder of the day was spent in riding round this charming
region, which the writer named ' Gilead;' a name it still bears. Before night
a family was discovered to have just moved on to these beautiful grounds;
a few logs had been rolled one upon the other, around a space of nine or ten
feet square, and a covering put over it. six feet high on one side and five
feet high on the other. In this was Mr. John Croy, his wife and three or
four children. * * *
" The writer soon after this went to the land office, thirty miles to the
west, and entered and paid for a farm in this charming land of Gilead, in-
cluding the promontory, or ' English Rookery ' just described. The price
was one dollar and a quarter per acre, and no more. As he returned from
White Pigeon he engaged a carpenter to find materials and draw them to the
newly named place, Gilead, sixteen miles, and put up and cover a framed
room for a ploughman and his family, fourteen feet square. The ploughman
was hired nearly at the same time to break up fifty acres of prairie turf-land.
All this was accomplished in a short time, so as to allow of a crop of sod
corn and potatoes the same year. This was very difficult to accomplish, havuig
little help in planting besides himself, for all the neighbors in the surrounding
settlements were called to tear anus in the ' Sac War ' then raging in the
state of Illinois, with the famous Black Hawk as its head."
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After the planting was over the bishop went back to his family in Ohio,
and then returned to Gilead with his sons in July, 1832. They set to work
hewing timber and framing it for a house of five rooms, digging a cellar, and
making preparations for the arrival of the rest of the family. He also looked
out a proper place for a saw mill, which he selected on Prairie river at the
ontlet of Island Pond on the east side of section 4, and purchased the adjacent
woodland. This was the first saw mill in the town, and the site continued to
be used until recently. The bishop says in his reminiscences: " The fenced
fields were enlarged, and every year produced more and more. The number
of horned cattle increased to more than one hundred. A mill was buit on
the stream, for the preparing of lumber to erect a schoolhouse; and all things
seemed to flourish and succeed beyond his fondest expectation."
The home of Bishop Chase while in Gilead was located on the west line
of section 9^ at the site of the present residence of Mr. Ed Keeslar. When
preparing to erect his house a few years ago, Mr. Kesslar discovered the re-
mains of the foundation of the Chase house. At one spot he found a depres-
sion that required several loads of earth to make solid, and at this point no
doubt was located the well or perhaps the cellar. As mentioned in the chap-
ter on education, a schoolhouse was built, and this stood to the south of the
residence, and just west of where Mr. Kesslar's barn now stands.
The bishop remained in this place of " exile " as he felt it to be, for
three years. He attracted many other settlers to this township and his work
as a pioneer must not be underestimated, but so far as founding a church or
carrying out any other ambitious plans he may have cherished on coming
here, his success was little and the members of his church numbered only
a handful. Then in the spring of 1835 came bis appointment as bishop of the
newly formed diocese of Illinois, and his acceptance preceded by only a few
months the removal of his home and active influence from Branch county.
He went to Illinois to look over the field of work, and on returning to Gilead
made preparations for a visit to England, where he spent the fall and winter
of 1835 in soliciting subscriptions for his new work.
While in England the bishop received a letter from his wife in Gilead
which cannot fail to be of interest to those who prize the history of that por-
tion of Branch county. This letter, containing so many side-lights on the
Gilead community, was dated December 23, 1835, and reads in part as fol-
lows :
" Last Saturday night we went to bed in apparent security, but about
twelve o'clock a slight noise, like the kindling of a (ire in a stove, startled
me- I sprang from bed and throwing open the dining room door, saw the
flames bad burst from the upper part of the chimney into the garret. A cry
of fire instandy assembled all the family. A tub of water was in the kitchen,
and three pailsful in as many seconds were thrown on the fire. It was, I saw
ill vain; the fire had seized the roof; and I bid them lose no time but throw
cut as fast as possible. My first care was your sermon box, and then the box
of English letters, with your letters to myself from England, certificates
and three hundred dollars in money received for sales of cattle.
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" The most of our beds and clothing were saved. * * * That we
saved so much is more to be wondered at than that the rest perished, when I
assure you that in the judgment of the family five minutes was the utmost
allowed us from the first alarm, until safety compelled us to abandon the
building. The west wind soon wrapped the back kitchen in flames, from
which they saved but one bag of flour. By tearing down the board flaming
fence the ruin was stayed, and the schoolhouse and milkhouse were preserved.
As soon as things were moved back near the well, we had our beds taken to
the schoolhouse, had a candle lighted, and tried to preserve our health by
wrapping up in blankets. * * *
" With the help of Mr. Glass and sons, a partition has been nailed up
(in the schoolhouse), the floor laid double, two windows put in, and every
hour adds something to our comfort. * * * Eennie, the Scotchman, served
us faithfully; the other poor fellow, a Dutchman, who was hired for a few
days, on hearing the alarm, like most weak-minded persons, was so bewildered
that, instead of going down stairs, which were perfectly safe, he threw him-
self out of the window without even raising the sash. It is a wonder he did
not break his neck."
Until June, 1836, the family lived in the schoolhouse (which remained
standing until 1877 and was used as a dwelling within the memory of many
now living). The bishop returned on the 28th of June, and a few days later
the family departed, by way of Chicago road, for the west. Thus ended the
Bishop Chase episode in Gilead history and the romantic settlement which
was the starting point of the township,
Gtlead Township.
In a passage already quoted, Bishop Chase mentioned the Indian trail
which -he followed southeast from Adams Mills (in section 29 of Bronson),
to Gilead lake. By noticing some of the settlers who followed the bishop
into Gilead. it will be seen that this trail was the important route that directed
the pioneers. Abishi Sanders, one of the prominent Gilead pioneers and the
first supervisor of that township, came along the Chicago road from Marion
county, Ohio, about the same time as the bishop, and on reaching Bronson's
prairie, turned aside and followed the trail into Gilead, where he entered two
hundred and forty acres of land in sections 8 and 18.
In one of her letters to the bishop Mrs. Chase mentions her neighbors,
the Booth family. Benjamin Booth started from Onondaga county, New
York, and came first to Oakland coimty, Michigan, whence he journeyed along
with another Gilead pioneer, William Purdy, both intent on finding a suita-
ble place of settlement. Arriving at Bronson in the spring of 1832. they heard
of Bishop Chase and decided to make him a visit. Delighted with the beauti-
ful country about Lake Gilead, and especially with the burr-oak openings,
Mr. Booth entered land and built what was the second frame house in the
township, on the south shore of Gilead lake. Mr. Purdy likewise made settle-
ment, being the first blacksmith of that community.
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In Mrs. Chase's letter describing tlie Inirning of the home, she men-
tiniis the faithfulness of Mr. Beiinie. who was then in the employ of the
Chase estabHshment. This was James Bennie, who with his brother-in-law,
f<ihn McKiiiley— both names being familiar to Gilead citizens — had come
from Scotland, and after spending a few years in New York state came to
Cilead in 18,33. Mr. McKinley made his' first location on section 8, while
Mr. Bennie soon moved into Bethel.
It is easy to see how settlers coining from the same locality in the east
wonld tend to settle down in adjacent conmnmities at the end of their west-
ern migration. The necessary isolation of pioneer life would be overcome
to some extent by the grouping together of families who had been associated
in their old homes. This fact seems to find illustration in the number oi
families w-hich Onondaga county. New York, furnished to the early settle-
ment of Gilead. Included in the mimber are the well known names of Ben-
jamin Booth, Francis Bull, the Marsh family — Wallace. Daniel, Ebenezer
and John — and William .Sweeting, all of whom came early and settled about
Lake Gilead, on sections 5. 6, 7, 8 and 18.
Thus the first Gilead community was formed on the high rolling land
about the lake. But in entering this part of the county, some followed the
Indian trail on acmss the low. marshy land to the east of the Cliase settle-
ment, and locating near the east line of the township, formed the nucleus
of East Gilead. The first of these was Ezekie! Fuller, who settled near the
Kinderhook line. In 1836 came Benjamin S. Wilkins, who took up land in
section 13. And in the same year Samuel Arnold, from New York state,
located at the southeast corner of section 11. His name became distinctive
nf the locality of "Arnold's Corners." now East Gilead.
Bv the census of October, 1837, there were 184 persons in Gilead town-
ship. The greater mimber of these were at the original settlement, the Ar-
nold's Comers community being just at the beginning of its growth. A
postotfice had been located at the Chase home in 1834, and in some other
directions progress was being made from the first stages of pioneer existence.
Included in this census, besides the families of those already named, were
probably Don C. Mather, who lived near the south side of the town and was
a millwright by trade; Burr D. Gray, a carpenter and joiner, who built some
nf the early houses of Gilead; Obed Dickinson, who, having stopped over
night at the old Taylor Tavern on the Chicago road, was induced to buy
land in Bethel and Gilead. and who at this time had the largest log house in
the \'icinity ; and Job Williams, whose three hundred acres of land were on
tiie north shore of Lake Gilead.
GiRARD Township.
As concerns fertility of soil, ease of cultivation and drainage, beautiful
Girard prairie, seventy-five years ago as to-day, was one of the garden spots
of Branch county. There is little doubt that at one time this level area was
the bed of a large lake, whose waters were hemmed in by the encircling hills
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on all sides until finally a cleft was made for tlie outlet at the western end,
a short distance west of the Hodunk mills and the junction of the Coldwater
and Hog creek streams. When this shore line was torn apart, the waters
gradually escaped and left a beautifully level floor, soon to be overspread by
luxuriant vegetation, in which state it remained until the appearance of white
Without conspicuous advantages of nature, Girard prairie would not
have been one of the first spots chosen for settlement in the county. It was
situated five or six miles north of the Chicago road. It was not in the line of
migration. Yet Girard's history is practically contemporaneous in its begin-
nings with that of Bronson and Coldwater townships. The excellence of the
locality for agricultural purposes offered attractions to home-seekers which
no other parts of the county could surpass, and thus it is that Girard was one
of the first townships to be organized.
By reference to the account of the civil organization of the townships,
it will be seen that when Girard was organized in 1834 it contained the entire
north tier of townships; that in 1836 this long strip was cut in half and that
until 1838 Girard township comprised what is now Butler and Girard. Con-
sequently, the census of October, 1837, which gave 448 inhabitants to Girard,
included also the settlers in the present township of Butler. But with few
exceptions the families enumerated at that date lived in the central area of
Girard township.
The Corbus family was the first and best known of Girard's pioneers.
Joseph C. and Richard W. Corbus, leaving Detroit, their native home, came
along the Chicago road as far as Hillsdale county in 1828. In the following
spring Richard W. came to Girard prairie. The specific reasons that brought
him thither are not assigned, but it was good judgment that directed him to
choose that place for his home. He did not remain alone for long, and he
was only the first of a group of strong and worthy pioneers.
From a preceding chapter we know that an Indian village existed on
the prairie at this time. It consisted of about twenty huts and a large dance
house, and was located near the northwest comer of section 22. The Indians
were very friendly, were generous in sharing what they had, and in one of
the rough houses which was not then in use by an Jndian family, Mr. Corbus,
with his mother and niece, made his first home. He at once went to work
to build a log house of his own, on section 21, and in about six weeks after
his arrival it was completed and ready for occupancy. Richard, though the
first settler, remained only until 1831, when, having made aji exchange of
property with his brother, he returned to Hillsdale county, while Joseph C.
continued the name and activity of the Corbus family in Girard, His brother
John also settled with him, but lived only a year or so. Joseph C. Corbus
was one of the most prominent of pioneers, and .his name often figures in
township and county history.
Thus the first white settlement was located near where the village of
Girard has since grown up. This was the favorite localitv. and was known
as the " east prairie," to distinguish it from the " west prairie " settlement.
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which was nearer the forks of the Coldwater river and Hog creek. Edward
S. Hanchett became a neighbor of Mr. Corbus in the fall of 1S30, locating
in section 22, and in July, 1831, section 15 received a noted settler in the
person of James B. Tompkins, the surveyor who platted the village of Cold-
water, who became the first supervisor of Girard township, and whose own
career and that of his descendants is identified most honorably with this
part of the county. His land was partly in section 15 and partly in section
22, being covered in part by the present village. John Cornish, the Quincy
pioneer heretofore mentioned, had come here about the same time, but was
not a permanent settler. William McCarty, the first .sherifT of Branch county,
also settled on section 15 in 1831.
Another well known family that settled on the " east prairie " before
the censtis of 1S37 was taken was the Van Blarcums, consisting of the father,
William, and his sons, Joseph, John, Abram and William W. The first
entry of land in section. 16 was made in 1837 by Aura Smith, who had come
from Saratoga county, New York, He opened the first stock of goods in
the township and made the beginning of commercial enterprise for the village
of Girard,
The " w^st prairie " settlement was just as large and important, and
almost as early, as the one just described. On the west side of section 20
Henry Van Hyning had located in the latter part of 1830, and in January,
1831, Martin Barhhart, whose name has already figured in other connections
with this narrative, located on the section to the north, section 17. Barnhart
was from Wayne county. New York, and from the same county was John
Parkinson, who settled on section i8s and was the first postmaster of this
portion of the county.
Section 20 was also the first home of Benjamin H. Smith, so well known
to the early annals of this township. A native of New Jersey, he came from
Wayne county, New York, to Michigan in-1829, and in 1831 settled in Girara.
He was an associate of Abram Aldrich, Martin Barnhart, James B. Tompkins,
J. W. Mann and Lyman Fox in the first mill building in the township. Other
" west prairie " settlers were Samue! and James Craig, who came in the
spring of 1831 and moved into the partially completed log house begun by
Mr. Van Hyning on section 20.
Abram and Asa Aldrich, whose names receive mention in connection
with other localities and other affairs, were settlerson section 19 in 1833.
and helped to increase the number of aggressive men who were bent on de-
veloping this part of the county.
In the line of public improvements the most important early event in
the history of Girard township was the establishment, in the summer of 1831,
of what has ever since been known as the " Marshall road." This is the
thoroughfare that bisects the township from north to south, passing through
the village of Girard, and continuing on till it meets the Chicago road at
Coldwater. Furnishing the route of immigration to the feriiie Girard
prairie, as well as the means of ready communication with Coldwater and
the central Chicago road, the Marshall road proved a great boon to the devel-
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opment and growth of this township. This road was surveyed hy James B.
Tompkins, and was opened by the commissioners of highways, William H.
Cross and Edward S. Hanchett, all well known to the early history of the
When the first township meeting was held, April 7, 1834, Girard was,
as already mentioned, four times as large as now. Several items from the
record of that meeting throw light on the history of the township. The
first is that it was held in a schoolhouse, situated in the' present Girard vil-
lage. Furthermore, all of those who took official part, in the proceedings, with
one and perhaps two exceptions, were settlers in the area of present Girard
township and on the two "prairies." John Parkinson was the moderator
and Joseph C. Corbus the clerk. The others who were chosen for officers
were James B. Tompkins, Benjamin H. Smith, Justus Goodwin (from what
later became Union township), James G. Corbus, William Aldrich, Robert
Waldron, James McCarty, Stephen Hickox, SamueJ Craig, Asa Aidrich,
James Craig, Martin Bamhart. It was resolved to hold the next town meet-
ing at the house of " Mr. Aldrich, at the mill," which was the mill on the
site of Hodunk.
From the Girard prairie as the nucleus the settlement spreaiJ out over the
rest of the township, and by the end of the thirties every section had one or
more settlers. Some of the pioneers of this period who have not been men-
tioned were: Jabez Aldrich, Harris H. Aldrich, Mains Aldrich, Lyman Al-
drich, Stephen Birdsall, D. B. Ogden, Israel Hoag, Samuel Estlow, William
Barker, David Stanton, John Strong, Allen Cobb, Christian Estlow, Chaun-
cey Barnes, John Worden. John Moore, Backus Fox, Cornelius Van Aken,
John B. Mason, Jacob W. Mann, Lyman Fox, Robert Gorbal, Peter I. Mann.
Girard township has always retained its value and importance as an
agricultural center. It was one of the first townships to have a grange organ-
ization, and some of the liest known farmers of the county have had their
home in Girard.
Butler Township.
In marked contrast with the settlement of Girard was that of Butler.
The first settler came to Girard prairie in 1829: it was six years after that
before permanent settlers located in Butler. In Girard the first settlements
were in one locality. No conspicuous grouping of settlers can be observed
in Butler. Girard prajrie was beautifully level, comparatively free from
heavy timl^er, and had a natural drainage. Butler township, with the ex-
ception of " Shock's prairie " in sections 26 and 27, was densely wooded ;
the topography such that large areas were under water or in a swampv condi-
tion, and, as elsewhere stated, Buder township has received incalculable bene-
fits from the public drainage works.
Such natural conditions did not favor early settlement. And vet when
the era of settlement was completed and the population of the county had
assumed something like its present standard, Butler township had a few more
inhabitants than Girard. Its property valuation has increased to a remarka-
ble extent since the introduction of scientific drainage. The forests have
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been cleared off and given place to fine farms. Some of the most productive
land in the township was formerly swamp and considered unfit for any in-
dustrial purpose. The township is agricultural: a very small part of the
population is grouped in the two hamlets known as Butler and South Butler.
Several stave and heading and cooperage mills and saw mills have found
a iiatiiral field in this township at various periods of history, but aside from
this department of manufacture the industry of the township has been almost
entirely the tilling of the soil. With this general understanding of the town's
history as a whole, we may speak briefly of the period of Iwginnings and the
first settlers.
Wayne county, New York, furnished a majority of the pioneers of But-
ler township, which was given its name to commemorate the home town of
Butler, New York. From Wayne county came Caleb Wilcox, the first set-
tler, who found a home in section 2 in the spring of 1836; he did not remain
long, but sold out to Charles C. Hayes and moved away.
The southeast corner of the township was favored with settlement about
the same time. In sections 26 and 27 settle<l Jacob Shook, whose name
ligures in county history as one of the few county judges that Branch county
had. He was also prominent in township affairs. At the same time Robert
Wootl settled in the same locality, buying land in sections 35 and 36. Ail
three of the men mentioned were from Wayne county. New York. George
Lockwood came to this part of the town in the fall of 1836 and for half a
century was a well known citizen.
Calhonn county on the north furnished not a few early settlers to Butler,
among these being the Rossman family, consisting of Isaac, the father, and
the sons, Thomas J., Solander and William, who had located in Calhoun
county about 1833, and all came to Butler township before 1839. From
the same county came Henry S. Lampman, another well known pioneer of
Butler, who was originally from Green county. New York, and who spent
several yeai;s in Calhoun county before removing to Butler in December, 1836.
John T., Asa and Charles M. Wisner were active and influential in early
township and business affairs; Asa being the first township clerk and Charles
M. the first school teacher. David Lindsay, the first supervisor, who located on
section 15. opened the first store at what is now South Butler (then known
^s Whig Center) in 1843.
The first town meeting was held at David iLindsay's house in April, 1838.
There were only twenty voters in the town. Most of these received office,
and the names of those who were burdened with the official managment of
the town for the first year of its organized existence will be a fairly complete
record of the pioneer settlers. They were : John T. Wisner, southeast But-
ler: Jesse Bowen, sec. 36; Asa R. Wisner, sec. 24; Tyler McWhorter, sec.
35: David Lindsay, sec. 15: Jacob Shook, sees. 26 and 27; T. J. Rossman,
sec. 14; Charles M. Wisner. sec. 24: Solander Rossman, sees. 12 and 13;
Henry S. Lampman, sec. 14: Daniel Shook, sec. 26; Caleb Wilcox.
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Union Township.
In October, 1837. the ni'niber of persons residing in Union township
was 260. The town had already heen or^iiized with its present boundaries,
so tbo^e figures apply to the Union township as we now know it. The popu-
lation has since increased more than ten times, and material development
has been even greater.
Though topographically one of the most attractive townships in the
county, Union was not easily accessible for several years after the heavy
stream of immigration began and the dense woods that covered its fertile
soil were here, as in Butler and elsewhere, an impediment to early settlement.
The abundant water power furnished by the St. Joseph and Coldwater rivers
had undoubtedly induced a considerable proportion of the first inhabitants to
locate in this town. The principal centers of settlement were at the junction
of the Coldwater with the St. Joseph — ^Union City — at the junction of Hoff
creek with Coldwater river- — the Hodunk community — and the more open
countrv in the southwest part of the township.
The Chicago road could not influence settlement in this township to the
extent that was true of the townships previously described. The State road,
tliat follows an angling course from Hodunk to Union City, forming part of
the route from Kalamazoo to the state line, was not authorized, until 1837.
Communication with the centra! part of the county was by the haphazard
windings of Indian trails or blazed paths through the woods. The first
regular road into Union township was probably the state road that followed
the course of the old Washtenaw Indian trail, and was laid out in 1834 from
Jackson to White Pigeon through Union City. This road and its predecessor,
the Indian trail, as well as the St. Joseph river, which was utilized for trans-
portation to no inconsiderable extent in the early days, brought north Union
township in connection with Calhoun and other second-tier counties and many
of the earlier settlers came along that way. The building of the railroad,
in 1870. along practically the same route strengthened the commercial connec-
tion with the towns and cities along that line.
It was at the confluence cff the Coldwater and the St. Joseph rivers that
settlement was first made. Because of its accessibility by water this spot had
been conspicuous for many years. Perhaps the French missionaries of the
eighteenth century had penetrated this far. and it is reasonably certain that
French traders had a trading post at this point. A successor to these Indian
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HJL li
Congregational Cliurcli^and Soldiers'
Monument, Union City
traders. John Clawaon, was located at tlie mouth of the Coldwater about
1830, and it has been customary to grant him the honor of being the first
settler in Union township.
Abont 1831 Isaiah W. Bennett, a well known pioneer character and the
founder of the city of Jackson, and Jeremiah Marvin bought a large tract of
land about the forks of the two rivers. Tliey understood the advantages
offered by the site for commercial and industrial development, and bought
the land with the intention no doubt of personally exploiting a village at this
point. Bennett did not locate here until 1834. He kept the old Union City
House in 1837, and later a store on the southwest comer of Broadway and
High streets.
!n the meantime, in 1833, the first permanent settler had come to the
site of Union City, He purchased of Bennett and Marvin a large tract of
land, including the present site of the business section, and began the work
of improvement. According to his own notes, when he came here in May,
1S33, with the exception of two settlers and a few settlers on Dry prairie
there were no persons between his location and Homer, all being " an un-
liroken wilderness, chiefly government land, and no road made nor even laid
Let the historical notes of Mr. Goodwin carry the narrative a httle
further: " Early in the fall of 1834 J. Goodwin, having agreed to build and
sell a saw mill at Union to I. W. Bennett, commenced improving the water
power by making a race and building a saw mill. (the mill being located south
of the Coldwater road and about where the municipal power plant now
stands). In doing this work — or rather the first part of it— though from ten
to twenty men were at work, there was no woman at Union. * * *
Alxjut the first of December of that year a postoffice was estabhshed by the
name of Goodwinsville, and J. Goodwin appointed postmaster, who held that
office until 1846."
In November, 1833, Mr. Goodwin had sold to E. W. Morgan of Ann
Arbor 322 acres of land, and in 1835 Mr. Morgan platted a village to which
the name Goodwinsville w-as given, the plat being recorded August 27, 1835.
This was the first plat. In the spring of 1837 the " village of Union City "
wits platted on a " two hundred acre tract " that had been purchased by a
company of eastern men with the purpose of founding a village and develop-
ing the mill facilities of the place. The men most prominent in this transac-
tion were Israel W, Clark and Isaac M. Dimond, both of whom came here
in 1838 and with a targe force of men began extensive improvements. The
water power was improved and both a saw and a grist mill built, A store
was established by the comj>any, in addition to one or two that had been con-
ducted previously by individuals. The " company " store, which was kept
by John N. Stickney, was located on the northeast corner of Broadway and
High streets, opposite the hotel.
Other settlers during the pioneer period of Union City, were various
members of the well known Hurd family, some of whom lived over the line
ill Calhoun county but whose interests were closely identified with Union
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City — namely, Horner C. Hurd. Dr. William P. Hurd and Dr. Theodore
C. Hurd. Chester Hammond; originally from Chenango county. New York,
located in Union City in 1836. His son., Charles G. Hammond, was agent
for the company that purchased the village site m January, 1837, and he
did as much to establish the town and further its interests as any other pioneer
From this chief center, whose subsequent history will be recorded else-
where, we turn to other portions of the township. In the history of Girard
we have aiiuded to the prominence of the Aklrich family as settlers and
citizens on the west sijJe of the prairie. " Abram Aldrich. who had located and
purchased lands on Girard prairie in 1833. built his home just over the town
line in Union township, and became the tirst settler at what became known
as Orangeville and later as Hodunk. Here, near the confluence of the Cold-
water and Hog creek, he built a saw mill. Lumber from this mill went into
buildings in many parts of the county. When James G. Corbus. the Quincy
pioneer, built his frame house in 18-33, '^^ obtained his lumlier from this mill.
Several years later Mr. Aldrich built a grist mill, which was a story and a
half in height. It was the second grist mil! in the county, and began grinding
in 1837. Its product was superior to that turned out by the old Black Hawk
mill at Branch, and it drew a large patronage from all over the county.
This mill was the predecessor of the present " Hodunk Roller Mills." a five-
story structure, which was erected by Roland Root in 1847. after the first
mill had burned. Nearly sixty years of use have caused many changes in the
Hodunk mill. The old millstones have been removed, modern roller pro-
cesses have been introduced, and the old-fashioned water wheel has given
place to the powerful turbine. The mill building is a striking witness of these
changes of more than half a century, for some of the old machinery is stiil
to be found on the floors, and the location of former mechanical parts and
their wear on the woodwork have not been entirely obliterated.
In the southwestern part of the township there settled beginning with
1836 a very prominent group of men, including AJpheus Saunders, Lewis
Hawley, David Kilboum, Archibald and W. M. Mitchell. Two other names
that have been closely identified with this part of the township as well as
with Union City are those of Lincoln and Buell, Thomas B., Chauncev and
Justus Buell came to Union City in 1836. their original home having' been
Chenango county. New York. Thomas and Chauncey purchased land in sec-
tion 30. Justice Buell came to the township with Charles A. Lincoln, who
was also from Chenango county and became a well known and useful citizen
in this county. He was a carpenter and helped build the first Union City
House and the Red Schoolhouse, and spent many years of his life on section
17. Caleb Lincoln, his brother, is also well remembered as one of Union's
pioneer citizens.
In April, 1837, the first town meeting was held in the town of Union,
and the names of the official participants no doubt represent the principal
heads of families who were enumerated under the census of 1837. Chester
Hammond was moderator of the meeting, while Briant Bartiett was clerk
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ami the inspectors of election were Alpheus Saunders, Isaiali W. Bennett ■
and Lewis Hawley. Then the Hst of officers chosen for the succeeding year in-
cluded, tjesides these, the following pioneers: Solomon Parsons, James Pen-
clell. Henry Rcaser, Rufus Hill, Thomas Buell, Henry W. Potter, Archibald
M, JNIitcheil, Carpenter Chaffee, Gideon Smith. Chauncey Buell.
SnERWOOo Township.
The pioneer history of Sherwood township has more in common with
Calhoun county than with Branch. Here the influence of topography and
means of communication upon settlement is seen with peculiar em-
phasis. The north tier of sections in Sherwood belongs, topographically,
to " Dry Prairie," which is also a conspicuous feature of Athens township
in Calhoun county. From a reference already slated in the history of Union
township, it is known that Dry prairie was one of the early settled regions.
It had a considerable group of settlers as early as 1832, though nearly all
li\-ed in Calhoun county.
This region of oak openings and arable land was not the only reason
for early settlement. The " territorial " road that pursues an angling course
from Union City westward along the northern part of this township into St.
Joseph county was laid out about 1834. An old Indian trail was its basis.
This was a much traveled route, and many emigrants along its course chose
homes in Sherwood township. Another important early road was that which
followed approximately along the northern liank of the St Joseph river.
It was in the northern sections of the town, therefore, that the first
settlers located. The first was Alexander E. Tomlinson, who in the spring
of 1832 left his home in " Sherwood Forest," England, and in the following
July arrived at Dry prairie. When this township was organized four years
later he was allowed to give it the name which suggested his English home.
In section 2, Mr. F. C. Watkins located a farm in 1835, and on the terri-
torial road kept for eighteen years what was well known as the " log tavern."
The settlement increased rapidly and Sherwood had a considerable population
before its neighbor. Union, had fairly started. Among the names of early
pioneers may be mentioned Joseph D. Lane, Clement Russell, Robert Wal-
dron. who came in 1833; Joseph Russell and William Minor, in 1834;
Thomas West, Geo. Moyer, Benjamin Blossom, in 1835; followed in the
\Kxt few years by John Giltner, Thomas Lee, John and Nahum Sargent,
David Keyes, David R. Cooley, Ira Palmer, and many others. I. D. Beall,
:ifterward so well known in the public affairs of his township, settled along
the St. Joseph road in section 30 in 1837.
All these settlers were north of the St. Joseph river, and the central
group was on Dry prairie. John Onderdonk and Ephraim Plank were
probably the only settlers living south of the river who were enumerated
in the census of October, 1837, at which time Sherwood township had 217
inhabitants. This number was only slightly less than the similar census
(inures in Union. The latter township began to be settled at a later date,
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but grew more rapidly each succeeding decade, until in 1S70 it showed twice
as many inhabitants as Sherwood.
The first township meeting of Sherwood (with the government town-
ship of Union attached) was held in 1836. The records for the first years
have not been preserved, and no deductions can be drawn from the first civil
proceedings. The second, and' perliaps the first, supervisor of the township
was the late Hiram Doubleday, conspicuously successful for many years in
Sherwood and Union as farmer, business man and public-spirited citizen.
He had come to Calhoun county in 1832, and moved into Sherwood four
or five years later, purchasing land in sections 2 and 4.
The history of the village of Sherwood, which belongs to a later period,
is given in another part of this volume.
Matteson Township.
In common with the other townships of the county, Matteson has been
" settled " for many years. Only its oldest residents can remember the time
when the land was not all taken up and farm houses and tilled fields were not
to be seen in every direction. With a knowledge of present conditions only,
the casual obseryer would with difficulty select any portion of the township
that is historically older than the rest; for the superficial aspects, the evi-
dences of material development, are generally the same throughout the town.
The settlement of a country has often been compared to an overflood of
water. Like all similes, this cannot be appHed too exactly. Settlement does
not proceed like a tide, covering all points in its course and in regular order
from the source. It is rather a selective process, much as a winged seed
is carried in the air miles from its parent stalk, finally lodges and germinates
and becomes a new source of plant life and its distribution. The pioneers
did not, on finding one section filled up, always pass to the next contiguous
one and thus always keep in close touch with the main nucleus. But rather,
as has been repeatedly illustrated in this history, considerations of soil, topog-
raphy, communication and other grounds would induce one or more home-
seekers to press on beyond a community that had already been established and
break out a place of habitation in some new locality, perhaps miles away
from other settlements. Such was true of Matteson township, and the his-
tory of its early settlement has some individual features that are interesting
and instructive.
Entering the western side of the township in section 18 was, at the time
the first white men knew this country, an Indian trail, often called the " Kal-
amazoo " trail. The course of this trail southeastwardly through Bronson
township and thence to the state line has elsewhere been alluded to, also its
prominence in connection with the settlement. This trail has been partly
preserved and adapted to modem conditions, for the angling road that passes
out of the township in section 18, toward Colon in St. Joseph county, follows
af^roximately this Indian trail, which originally continued its course south
of Matteson lake. About 1837 a state road was laid out over part of this
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trait, this being the weli traveled highway leading west from Coldwater
through Matteson postoffice and out of the township and county by the
angling road just mentioned. Not only this state road but the Indian trail
pla^yed a large part in the early settlement of Matteson, and because of their
significance this brief description is an apposite preface to the pioneer set-
Along the Indian trail, in section i8 and adjoining portions of the town-
ship, lay a large area of oak openings, always attractive to the pioneers as
))laces of settlement. In the fall of 1834 Robert Watson, from western
I'ennsylvania, was seeking a home in Michigan and, passing through this
region, chose to inake his land entry on section 18 in the southwest quarter.
In September, 1835, he brought his family from Pennsylvania to Detroit and
thence followed the Chicago road until he could branch off on the trail which
led him to his new location. He built a story-and-a-half log house near the
trail, along which during the first years of his residence it was a common sight
to see large bands of Indians passing from one camp ground to another.
By the time Mr. Watson (who continued a resident of this township
until his death in the eighties) had arrived to begin actvtal residence, two
other settlers and families had come and taken up land on the same section.
These were Nathaniel Tiimer and Abiathar Culver, both of whom were
identified closely with the upbuilding of the town and left descendants who
are well known in the county. They were from Ontario county. New York,
and the date of their settlement in Matteson was in the fall of 1835, shortly
before the return of Mr. Watson. The three of them assisted each other in
estalilishing themselves according to pioneer fashion and in erecting their
lirst houses. Mr, Watson rendered especially valuable assistance, being
trained to the trades of millwright, cabinet-making and carpentering.
That was the banning of settlement in the west part of the town-
ship. In the spring of 1836 Amos Matteson, a native of Rhode Island but
directly from Otsego county. New York, came to Branch county and settled
Oil the west shore of the lake which now bears his name. A man of mature
\ears and with the natural worth and experience which made him influential
among hts fellow citizens, it came about that when a name was sought for
the newly organized township his friends honored him by transferring the
name of its leading citizen to the town.
In the fall of 1836 Mr. Matteson obtained a neighbor in the person of
Hiram Gardner, who settled about a mile north on section 11. Mrs. Gard-
ner was a daughter of Amos Matteson. The Gardner family has also been
prominent in the township from pioneer times to the present, both Hiram
and his son Amos having served as supervisor at different times.
On the east side of Matteson lake at this time there was another settler,
John Corson, whose family was long well known in that vicinity. In the
same neighborhood, but in section 13, James K. Bennett, of Ontario county,
New York, located in 1838. His log house about a quarter of a mile east
of the " corners " was doubtless the first structure in the settlement that has
since become dignified with the name of Matteson postoffice. His son, C. C.
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Bennett was the second postmaster at the " corners," the office having been
established at that point about 1S55. A saw mill, a store, blacksmith shop,
etc., have at various times given a business aspect to this spot, but it never
attained the dignity of a village and a few years ago, when rural free delivery
was extended over the county, even the postoffice was discontinued.
It will be noticed that the early settlers were mostly located along the
State road through the central part of the township, and until the inflow of
settlers became so great that little distinction as to location could be made the
population of the township was very noticeably concentrated along this road.
No statement as to the number of inhabitants in Matteson in 1837 can be
made, for at that time the township was a part of Bronson, which then had
635 population. Just what share of this number lived in Matteson cannot
be determined, but it was small, for when the town of Matteson was formally
organized in the spring of 1838 there were hardly enough active citizens to fill
the official positions.
The first township meeting was held in April, 1838, at the house of
Abiathar Culver, located, as we know, at the western side of the township.
Nearly all those who took part are familiar to the reader from the preceding
narrative. Amos Matteson was moderator of the meeting, with Robert Wat-
son as clerk; Jphn Corson, James GilHs and Hiram Gardner were inspectors
of election. Those elected, besides the ones just named, to fill the various
offices were, Joseph Rudd, Ephraim Cline, John Vaughan, I^zarus Everhart,
John Stailey, Charles F. Jackson, Ashley Turner (son of Nathaniel), Thomas
E. Watson, James L. Gillis, Abiathar Culver, Nelson Washburn.
With reference to the early history of Kinderhook township the follow-
ing extract from a letter written by Mrs. Chase to Bishop Chase on October
21. 1S35, furnishes some interesting though not necessarily literally accurate
information: "How many thousands," she exclaims, "are flocking to this land
of promise, without a shelter or any provision for the coming season ! Tlie
Indian village Episcopiscon, six miles east, had not a white inhabitant when
you left this May; there are now more than forty families. And I hear from
Coldwater that sixty families often pass through in a single day bound west."
Many continued along the Indian trail that led Bishop Chase into Gilead,
and found advantageous sites for settlement in the region that later became
Kinderhook township. As Mrs. Chase said, settlement did not begin there
until 1835, bnt in that and the following year it is probable that more than
half the land of the township was taken up. The presence of the Indians in
the vicinity of the present Kinderhook postoffice, as also the large amount of
water and marshy surface which was a more marked feature of the town in
the early days than now, may have combined to retard settlement.
Some of those who entered land in this township in 1835 were George
Tripp, Boaz Lampson, David Tift. Hiram Canwright, George Matthews,
Joshua Baker, Sherldon Williams, Joseph Hawks, Oliver Johnson, Jacob Hall,
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Hiram Baker. The sections adjacent to t!ie old Indian village were most
favorer! bv the pioneers. When George Tripp, whose name is one of the
ini)st familiar among those of Kinderhook pioneers, arrived in 1835 he found
otdy three settlers who had precedeci him, namely. Joshua Baker, Sheldon Will-
iams and Boaz Lainpson. Others came during "that year, although it is hardly
possible that there were forty families here at the time Mrs. Chase wrote.
Of those who came the first year George Ti'ipp became very prominent
ill township afliairs and successful in private business. His brother David
came to the township in 1S36. In the same year came John Waterhouse, from
Oswego county. New York, and purchased the land where in time the hamlet
of \\'ater]ionse Corners grew' up, this afterward being changed to Kinder-
hook Postoffice.
Joseph S. Hawks, who was a native of Otsego county. New York, lo-
cated his land on the banks of Silver lake, in sections 10 and 15. Almeron
W. Case, of Livingston county. New York, came in 1837. locating in section
3, half a mile from the Corners. Others who belong among the prominent
pioneers, either assisting in the organization of the township or being identified
with its life through a long period, were William Chase, who came to the
township in 1841 : O. B. Clark, who was an early settler l)uf whose career
was mainly identified with the city of Coldwater; Oliver D. Colvin, and
As elsewhere stated, Kinderhook was one of the last townships to be organ-
ized, the legislative act for that purpose being dated iu February, 1842. The
township received its name from the birthplace of Martin Van Buren, then
presidential candidate, and not because any considerable proportion of the
settlers were of Holland extraction or were* from Kinderhook. New York, or
Tlie first town meeting was held in April, 1842, and the official list com-
lirises in the main those who were foremost in the affairs of the township at
the time. Oliver D. Colvin was the first supervisor, and the other offices
were filled by George Tripp, Almeron W. Case, William Chase, Ira Bonner,
David Tripp, Ellery Patterson (who entered land in 1841), Isaac Eslow, Jolm
I). Depue (a settler of 1836), Arba L. Lampson, Bentley Reynolds, Lathrop
G. Fish. Hiram Canwright, John Waterhouse. Jr., John Bradley.
Kinderhook has always been an agricultural community. Aside from the
settlement at Kinderhook postoffice. which has experienced the usual business
activity and general importance of a rural center, and leaving out of consid-
eration the several mills for the manufacture of lumber or fJour which at
various times and in different locations have existed in the township, the
occupations of the people of Kinderhook have been essentially agricultural,
and the progressive men and the leading citizens have with few exceptions
been farmers.
Ovid Township.
It is a remarkable fact, therefore one permitting repetition, that certain
townships of Branch county were settled within a year or so after the first
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land entry was made ; by a "settled" condition would be meant that on nearly
every Section in the town would be found one or more famihes, and that the
time of biazing pathways through the wilderness and groping about in un-
certainty for homes was past.
This was true of Ovid township. Coldwater village was an ambitious
village, with an energetic though smalt population, and with several busi-
ness enterprises, before the first permanent settlers had located in the wilder-
ness to the south and become pioneers in what was organized by the legisla-
ture in March, 1837, as Ovid township. But in 1835, 1836 and 1837 such
a number of immigrants came in that when the census of October, 1837, was
taken Ovid township (which then included the as yet unorganized town of
Kinderhook) contained 209 inhabitants.
The proximity of the villages of Coldwater and Branch no doubt had
some influence in directing this settlement, the more so from the fact that the
early settlements of Ovid were grouped in the northwestern corner of the
township, largly in the sections traversed by the Coldwater river. In this
part of the town Howard Bradley and Richard and Nelson Salsberry settled
about 1834, being the first settlers, and their land being located in sections
6 and 7. In 1835 several prominent men located in that vicinity, among the
best known being Uriah Lockwood and his son Henry, whose large landed
possessions were also in sections 6 and 7.
The others who entered land in 1835 were William T. Green. Horatio
J. Olcott, Silas Hutchinson, Elisha Spencer, Alexander Marshal!, Charles M.
Marshall, Isaac T. Dudley, Oliver Johnson, Moses Hawks, Charles Fox, Joel
L. Putnam, Reuben Wilson, William Bockes, John Wilson, Don A. Dewe\*
and Amos Hough,
The northwest corner of the township continued to receive the large
share of the immigrants. In 1836 Samuel M. Treat, a native of Oneida
county. New York, located in section 8 and with eighty acres of land as a
nucleus began a successful career which in time made him one of the large
land owners of Ovid. Henry Treat also located in this vicinity, as also Jared
G. Brooks and Stuart Davis, Tlie south side of section 8 was the site of a
sawmill, built by Gardner Scofield during the early forties. Stephen Bates
was another early settler in this vicinity.
A httle further east, sections 3, 4 and 10 furnished homes to the well
known famihes of Baldridge, Smith and Willets. That the bulk of the first
settlers were in the northwest corner of the township is further indicated by
the fact that the first school of the town was established in section 6.
One of the best known later settlers was Dr. Daniel Wilson, whose
home for many years was in section 28, His father. Reuben Wilson, was one
of the earliest settlers in this portion of the township, much of his land being
in section 21. Dr. Wilson located permanently in this township in 1839, and
became noted as a physician, farmer, sheriff of the county and in many ways
identified with public interests.
The part of the township lying east of Coldwater lake was also early
settled, the Ouimby family being perhaps the best known.
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One otiiei' locality should be mentioned — Parley's Corners, which at one
time had business activities almost sufficient to dignify it with the name of
village. Parley Stockwell, mentioned in the history of Coldwater township,
settled in the northeast corner of section i6 about 1842, and established an
asherv for the mamifacture of potash. A little later a postoffice was estab-
lished there, with Mr. Stockwell as postmaster. He usually kept the mail for
the community in one of his pockets. A schooliiouse was also built at this
point, a blacksmith shop and tavern opened. But little growth toward vil-
lage proportions was made, and Ovid has always continued an agricultural
community. In recent years the 'attractions of Coldwater lake as a summer
resort and' the building of numerous cottages around its shore have made it
a center for social life, but the business center for the people of the township
is at Coldwater.
Algansee Township.
From the history of earJy settlement in Branch county certain conclu-
sions might be deduced that would obtain almost with the force of Jaws. One
is that those portions of the county which bore the topographical definition of
''oak ojjenings"' were almost invariably the first spots to be taken in settle-
ment. It would also seem true that where water power has been advantage-
ously situated it has been made the object of enterprise on the part of one or
more of the earliest settlers. In the case of Algansee township we find very
|)ei"tinent illustration of these historical observations.
Algansee was one of the later townships. No settlements were made until
after 1835. The census of 1837 did not name it, and the inhabitants then
residing within its present boundaries were included with those of Quincy
township, Algansee was set off from Quincy in April, 1838, as already ex-
plained, but even then included, until March, 1846, what is now California.
When the first settlers came to this township they found its southwest
corner the only considerable area that was not densely timbered. It is not
surprising to find, therefore, that the resident landowners in the township in
1837 were mostly grouped on sections 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 and 33. In the very
c(jrner of the town, with his residence on the State road through section 31,
we find in that year the pioneer and prominent citizen, Asahel Brown, who
liad entered and purchased land here in 1836 and lived here in active useful-
ness until his death in 1874. He was town supervisor twenty-one years, a
oiemlier of the state constitutional convention of 1850 and later of the state
senate, and easily the foremost citizen of his part of the county.
Near him, on section 33, Hved E. S. E. Erainard, another pioneer name
that evokes many personal associations in that part of the county. He had
also come to the town in 1836, making the journey overland from Detroit
with ox team. He was prominent in the organization of the township, and
his name will frequently be found in the list of township officers.
Owning land in sections 28 and 29 was Horace Purdy, at whose house
\\"as held the first township meeting in 1838, in accordance with the act of
legislature. Section 29 was also the home of David Tift, who on coming
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to Branch county in 1836 had first settled in Kinderhook but in the same year
located in Algansee, where he lived until his death in 1859. His two sons
Roswald and Jerome B. were long residents of this part of the township.
Other settlers in the southwest corner of the township, according to the
census of 1837, were Jesse Craft and James Nichols, on section 29; Isaac
George, whose land was in sections 19, 28 and 29; Thomas Pratt, who had
located on section 33 only a few weeks after his brother-in-law S. E. Brainard;
and Nathan Austin, on section 32.
The only other settlers in the township in 1837, so far as the records
show, were Leonard Nelson and Almon Nichols, on section 25 ; Ludovico Rob-
bins, who owned a large tract of land in sections 15 and 22; and Morris Crater
and Luther Stiles.
The last two settlers deserve some special mention. Luther Stiles shares
with Ludovico Robbins the honor of being the first permanent settler of
Algansee, both ari-iving, though not as companions, on the same day. Morris
Crater came from Livingston county, New York, to this township in July,
1S36, his land entry being on section 13, while that of Stiles was in section 9,
bordering on Hanchett creek. In the fall of 1836 Crater and Stiles began the
construction of the first sawmill in the township and completed it for
operation in the following February. This mill was located on the creek in
the east half of section 9, at the site so long utilized for mill purposes. Mr.
Stiles left the township in 1837 and Mr. Crater moved to Quincy a few years
later, but in establishing this mill they did an important pioneer work.
This was the status of settlement in Algansee in 1837. From that time
on population increased steadily and in time even the heavily timbered portions
were cleared and occupied and beginnings were made in the work of drainage
which, as explained elsewhere, was of first importance to the proper agri-
cultural development of this township. Two of the prominent settlers of
1838 were Seth E. and Samuel B. Hanchett, both locating on section 9. An-
drew Crater located on section 15, and the settlement in the southwest comer
was increased by Daniel Eickford, w^hose land was in section 29. In this lo-
cality and in 1838 was taught the first school, a summer term by Miss Jane
Woodard. Jasper Underhill, the first town clerk, settled in section 31 about
this time.
Others who may have taken part in the first town meeting at the house
of Horace Purdy, in May, 183S, were John Vanderhoof and Eli Gray, from
section 6; Barney Smith, on section 13; Abram Ackerson, on section 20; H.
Hildreth, section 25 ; Thomas Goodman, section 22 ; and Jesse Doyle, sec-
tion 35.
In the vicinity of the Stiles-Crater original mill there m time grew up a
little center, consisting of the posfoffice, school, several churches. It was the
home of the well remembered physician and public official, Dr. James A.
Williams, who located there in 1854.
In the southern part of the township, in section 27, a steam sawmill was
built by the Wakemans in 1854, and in 1878 a large grist mill was erected
at the same place by Eli and Mortimer B. Wakeman.
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Noble Township.
The fractional township of Nohle was not set off from Bronson until the
legislative act of March, 1845, o'^'*^^ "'"^ years after the first settler had lo-
cated within its borders. At the first township meeting, which was held at
the house of John Grove in section 9, in April, 1S45, the following settlers
took official part : Ambrose Hale (two of the same name), E. W. Craig, Will-
iam Butts, William Rippey, Sidney Marble, I. Driggs, Thomas Siiane, Cyrus
Ueardsley, Jared Fuller, Samuel S. Bushnell, William Shane, I. H. Foust,
J. H. Smith, William Milliman, Sidney S. Matthews, John Curtis, James
Anderson, David Foster, Levi M. Curtis, Andrews Watling, Walter W.
Smith, Moses Strong, I. D. Hart.
In this list of active citizens can undoubtedly be found the majority of
the first settlers and those most prominent in the time of beginnings for Noble
township. The group of first settlers, who came in 1836, would comprise
tlie names of Walter W. Smith, on the northwest quarter of section ro; Will-
iam Rippey, William Butts (who was a blacksmith), and John Grove. In
the same year what has always been known as the "Dutch settlement" was
started in the northwest corner of the township by the settlement in section
6 of Daniel Himebaugh, a family name that has been conspicuous in southwest
Branch county from pioneer days to the present. Others of the Pennsylvania
Dutch stock followed, bringing with them their habits of simplicity and thrift-
iness and their Mennonite religion. Tlie Mennonite church on section 2
is the visible evidence of the faith which has bound this community together
in Noble townsliip for many years.
David Foster was one of the settlers of 1837, locating half a mile east
of Hickory Corners. Hickory Corners, while a well known landmark In
Noble township and with historical associations running back seventy years,
has never been a business center further than having been the location of
the postmaster's home at one time and of the schoolhouse. The name was
given and clung to this crossroads because at one time a group of hickory
trees stood there. Thomas Henderson was a settler there in 1836; also Am-
brose Hale, the first supervisor of the township. Joseph Smith and his son
C. R. Smith were early settlers in the same locality, their land being in sec-
tion 3. William Robinson settled on the same section in 1836. A settler
of 1841 in the oak openings east of the Corners was John H. Lane. John
Ciutis, also mentioned as taking part in the first town meeting, had located
in the year preceding the meeting on section 2.
James Anderson, a native of Scotland, who settled in the southeast corner
of Noble in 1842, where the little lake still bears his name, was responsible for
the name that was given to the township. He was an active citizen of Noble
for alrout six years, and then moved to Coldwater and went into business.
Samuel S. Bushnell located on section 11 in 1838 and lived there until
liis death in 1872. He and his son Ephraim B. were both active in township,
iiffairs. Section 5 was the pioneer home of Peter Mallow, one of the best
known of Noble's early settlers, who located there in 1840 and spent his life
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in developing a home from the wilderness which he found. His sons Will-
iam and George W. are still living in Noble and active in business and citizen-
Until rural free delivery brought postal facilities to every home, Noble
township had a postofTice, located at different times with different residents in
the eastern part of the town. Further than this, there has been nothing in
the way of a center in the township, which from the first has been chiefly noted
for its agricultural possibilities and its thrifty farming class.
California Township.
California township, which was not separately organized until March,
1846. began to be settled, nevertheless, about the same time as Algansee, Ovid
and Kinderhook, the adjoining towns. Although there is little distinctive in
the history of this town's settlement, some very interesting personalities and
worthy characters are found among the pioneers.
The late James H. Lawrence, whose death occurred in 1897, wrote and
published a number of reminiscences concerning his first experiences in Cali-
fornia township, where he was one of the first settlers. In the latter part of
1S35, in company with Samuel Beach and son William Beach, he traveled the
Chicago road as far as Coldwater, and from there came by trail as liest they
could as far as Waterhouse Corners in Kinderhook township, where they
met the Kinderhook pioneers already known to the reader — Tripp, Water-
house and Lampson.
Evidently the Beach -Lawrence party bad determined beforehand on a lo-
cation in the fractional township that later became California, for they con-
tinued on to their "destination," on section 4. where they commenced to build
a house "by felling the first tree cut by a white man in Cahfomia township."
Whilg engaged in this labor two other home.'ieekers already known to ns,
Asahel Brown and Nathan Austin, paid them a brief visit, but did not re-
main in California, locating instead in the southwest corner of Algansee as
told on a former page. The log house was soon constructed and properly
chinked with mud and roofed over, and then, early in 1836, Mr. Beach came
with his familv and made his settlement permanent.
According to the description given by Mr. Lawrence, the isolation of
this family for a time was almost complete, and of course the same was true
of many other pioneer households in Branch county. Only rough and devious
Indian trails led from one part of the country to another, and not even these
could be relied upon since the white settlements were often situated without
regard to these primitive avenues of communication.
To quote a paragraph from Mr. Lawrence's narrative: "Ira Purdy was
the next settler, and the first one to build after us. He came early in the
spring of 1836. and built a small log house on section 3, He too had to go
into the hotel business, and declares that some nights he kept as many as forty
people. The same spring we went to Ouincy, ten miles north of us, to attend
town meeting, when Mr. Beach was elected a justice of the peace. Our route
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la}- through an unbroken wilderness, and our only guide was section lines,
w iiicli were followed through swamps and marsh, brush and brakes."
Many settlers came during 1836, and it is noteworthy that most of them
settled in the northern part of the township- and about the site of the present
California village. Ira Cass, George Monlux and Alexander Odren, arrivals'
of that year, were founders of families that have been well and favorably
known since. Alexander Odren, who died in this township in 1888, aged
ninety-seven years, perhaps the oldest native of Michigan at the time, located
on section i and spent over fifty years there. Ira Cass was a well known pio-
neer character, about whom many anecdotes were told, and he had a large
family of four sons and six daughters. Israel R. Hall was another settler of
this year.
According to the census returns of 1837 the resident land owners in Cal-
ifornia were located as follows : Samuel Beach lived on section 4. Israel R.
Hall had land in the same section and also in sections 3 and 9. Another
neighbor was Ira Purdy, in section 3. The Lawrences, comprising J. W., J.
\V., Jr., and James H., lived on section 5, but James H. soon became a resi-
dent on section 10. George Monlux was on section 4, Ira Cass had his land
in sections 2 and 3, while in the northeast corner of the town were Alexander
Odren, on section i, John W. Harris, section i, and Theodore G. Holden,
whose extensive landed possessions were on sections i, 3 and 12. The other
settlers were Azam Purdy, a brother of Ira, on section 23; William ThomiJ-
son. section 12; Stiliman Ehvell, section 10; and Jacob B. Brown and Jonathan
Hall, on section 6.
The two north tiers of sections also received most of the settlers of 1838.
Some of the settlers of that year were: On section i, Fowler Quimby and
Kidgeway Craft; section 12, Justus Leuse; section 11, Joseph F. Reynolds
and John Vincent; section 8, Gilbert Gordinier; section 6, Asel Whitney and
Isaac Withey; on sections 15 and 21, James Craig; section 16, Rev. George
'iliese were the -pioneers. By the time California township was organ-
ized the process of settlement was fairly complete, for not a section was with-
out at least one landowner, and at the first town meeting sixty male voters
took part in the proceedings. Some of the pioneers aixive mentioned were
chosen to office, as will be seen in the list from supervisor down — George
MonJitx, William Beach, Ira Purdy, Samuel Beach, George D. Avery, James
M, Hall, Robert Merrill, James Craig. Talcott Merwin, Isaac n' Miner,
Thomas H. Reynolds, Chauncey Miles, Cephas B. Dresser, Alexander Odren,
Jr., Andrew J. Critchfield, John C. Reynolds, Isaac Purdy, Hart Hazen,
Screno Gillelt, Ebenezer Adams, James Hall.
We have noticed that the first settlers formed a group on sections 3, 4,
9 and 10. At the crossroads corners of these sections, about 1846, Joseph Hall
opened a stock of goods and became the first merchant. From this circum-
s^tance this locality was long known by the name of "Hall's Corners." but the
present generation has been more familiar with the designation of "California"
village or postoffice. This place has gone through the usual stages of growth.
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A biacksniith shop was built near the store, ]. W. Lawrence of pioneer fame
being the blacksmith, a carpenter furnished another kind of mechanical skill.
The first schoolhouse in the town had been located, about 1838, on Ira Purdy's
farm, not far from the Corners, and in time it was moved to the northeast
corner of section 9, making another institution that promotes community life.
A postoffice was established there, the Presbyterian church had been located
there since 1S40. Edward and Thomas Morrow erected a steam sawmill in
1867. With these institutions and industries California has long maintained
its quiet position as an inland village, having a population of 162 at the last
census. Cephas B. Dresser was the first lawyer with a home at that point,
and since then several professional men have been located there. Unfor-
tunately, when the Fort Wayne and Jackson branch railroad was constructed
about 1870 CaHfornia was left to one side, and the hamlet is three miles from
the State Line station. With a railroad California would doubtless have ex-
perienced similar growth to that of Sherwood in the opposite comer of the
Tlie origin of Coldvvater has been sketched on other pages; as the of-
licial center of the county and the principal business place and the only city,
it lias necessarily occupied a large share of attention in the narrative. It
seems fitting, however, in the following paragraphs to set down in consecu-
ti\e order such facts as will show the progress of the city from the village
Hlnte to the prosperous city which with proper pride can celebrate its existence
oi three quarters of a century.
From the incorporation of Coldwater village in 1837 to the incorporation
of Coldwater city in 1861, there are few matters to chronicle more than the
steady growth which made a city government appropriate and necessary. As
eli^ewhere mentioned, the transfer of the county seat from Branch to the pub-
lic square where it is now located was the event of pregnant importance for
the early development of Coldwater. The building of the mills along Cold-
water river inaugurated the manufacturing which in 1905 was represented by
34 firms.
In speaking of the growth of Coldwater one fact deserves prominence.
Tiie city has maintained an even balance, a fair proportion between the various
institutions, industries and professional and commercial activities. Coldwater
is not a "factory town," and yet its annual aggregate of manufactured prod-
ucts is large. It is not pre-eminently a trade center, in the sense that the
daily retail transactions on Chicago street are the index of the city's prosperity.
Nor is it the home of retired wealth and latent capital, notwithstanding a
million dollars of surplus and deposits in its three Iranks. Coldwater could
not be called a "county seat town," meaning that the court house was the hub
of its enterprise. In fact, Coldwater is all of these things, and yet in sucli
proportion that its welfare does not depend on any one class of enterprise.
Coldwater has never been "boomed," but has grown steadily and conservatively
since Allen Tibbits and Joseph Hanchett platted the first site seventy-five years
ago. Very few towns survive a genuine "boom," just as very few speculators
e\er leave the stock market with a fortune — and for the same reason. The
business men of Coldwater would not welcome a flush of enterprise whose
after effects might prove disastrous to the stability of the city. For fifteen
years Coldwater and Branch cbunty have been doing business on the credit
side of the ledger, have ceased to be borrowers and become lenders, and this
is the kind of prosperity that is worth maintaining.
The courthouse was built in Coldwater in 1848. About the same time
came the telegraph, and in 1850 the Lake Shore Railroad These were the
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events of most importance during the history of the village. The stage coach
ceased as an institution, and the expectant postmaster ceased to listen for the
blast which announced the coming of the mail coach, and instead Hstened for
the whistle of the locomotive on the south side of the village. Aflother evi-
dence of growth was the organization of the first regular fire protection serv-
ice, in August, 1856, when Excelsior Company No. i came into existence with
its manual engine and hose cart.
These improvements led the way for the formation of a city government
in 1861, by special charter from the legislature. The first mayor was the late
Albert Chandler, and his fellow ofticials comprised such well known names as
Robert F. Mockridge, John S. Youngs, Franklin D. Marsh, F. V. Smith, J. S.
Barber, Isaac P. Alger, E. W. Bovee, L. D. Crippen, David N. Green, E. A.
Knowlton, The principal city and village officers from 1837 to the present
will be found in the official lists.
The municipal improvements and institutions of Coldwater have come
into existence in keeping with its material wealth and the general spirit of
progress. By looking back it is possible to date the beginning of many im-
provements that now seem to be the very basis of comfort and security. We
recall the frequent admonitions of the editor of the Sentinel during the forties
that the citizens should give attention to the streets and sidewalks, which
were in an execrable condition, calling particular attention to the many mud
holes and lack of sidewalks on the business .section of Chicago street. It is
the faculty and privilege of "practical optimism" while realizing the much
that remains to be accomplished that it yet delights in the present conditions
which form so happy a contrast with the past. Since the decade of the forties,
and in every subsequent decade, a constant change for the better has been
going on to affect the beauty and convenience of Coldwater's thoroughfares.
Some day the grateful citizens may erect a monument in honor of those whose
foresight and care proyided for the planting of the thousands of shade trees
along the principal streets. The usefulness of the cement which is now manu-
factured in such large quantities in the county finds no better evidence than in
the miles of sidewalk which have taken the place of the old-time board or
grave! walk and to a large extent the brick walks.
The business section, which was the special object of attack on the part
of the Sentinel editor, now would certainly satisfy his ideals. About 1900
Chicago street from the public square to Jackson street was substantially paved
with brick, and one or two of the intersecting streets, notably Monroe, were
paved for a short distance on either side. This paving has done as much as
anything else toward rendering the business section cleanly, convenient and
giving it a metropolitan appearance.
This anticipates the consecutive order of municipal progress. The most
valuable of all municipal works is water works. The proposition to build a
system of water works in Coldwater was submitted to the citizens on April
8, 1890, and carried by a majority of 345 out of 1,199. votes cast. The first
cost of the plant was seventy thousand dollars, but improvements and exten-
sions since that date have cost half as much more. Mimicipal ownership of
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these and similar public utilities is fixed by principle and long custom in Cold-
water, and so we find the water works and the electric lighting plant run in
conjunction. The city electric lighting plant was installed in 1891.
From the time of their establishment until 1903 these plants were under
the control of an electric light and water works committee, but in the latter
\ear the legislature created a boai'd of public works with supervision and
control over these utilities. The meuibers of this board are appointed by the
mayor with the consent of the council, and are chosen outside of the council,
and after the first year one new member has been chosen each year for a term
of five years. The first board of public works, with varying lengths of term,
were A. A. Dorrance, J. M. Crocker, E. D. Luedders, A. A. Sherman, B. H.
Water works is a very essential factor in fire protection, but as already
stated, Coldwaler had provisions in this line years before the water works were
established. In 1866 the different companies were organized as "The Fire
Association of Coldwater," and in 1872 this dejiartment of jmblic service be-
came " The City of Coldwater Steam Fire Engine Company," that being the
date of the purchase of the first steam fire engine. The department was or-
ganized on its present basis in the nineties, consisting of a chief and a num-
jjer of firemen, all of whom are paid a salary, but only two are constantly on
duty at the fire station. James B. Smullen is at present chief of the depart-
ment. The apparatus, consisting chiefly of engine, hose cart and hook and
ladder truck, is housed in the lower story of the city hail, on South Monroe
street, the second story of this building being used as council chamber and of-
fices for the city officials:
Churches and schools are described on other pages, also the public li-
brary, which was instituted in 1880, and the E. R. Qarke Library building,
erected in 1886. A building, which, though buiit by private enterprise, is in
every sense a public institution, is the Tibbets Opera House. It was erected
by B. S. Tibbits, and was opened for the first performance. on September 21,
1882, the " Maid of Arran " being given on that night. This beautiful little
playhouse on South Hanchett street has been a familiar center for meetings
and entertainments of many kinds through nearly a generation.
It remains to record briefly some of the more important and long estab-
lished business concerns of Coldwater. The professions and the manufactur-
ing interests are elsewhere described. No doubt the oldest mercantile con-
cern of Coldwater is E. R. Clarke & Co., which was established in 1850
by the late Edwin R. Clarke as a drug store. The store has always been con-
ducted by the Clarke family, and has grown to be one of the best known es-
lablishments in Branch county, its location always having been on the north-
east corner of Monroe and Chicago streets.
One who was familiar with the mercantile section of Coldwater thirty
years ago but who had in the meantime been away, would find on returning
at this time several of the familiar merchants and stores that he had once
known. Among these would be the Sloman clothing house. The drug house
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formerly conducted by A. A. Dorrance would now be found in the hands of
his son, A. J. E>orrance. The Flandermeyer boot and shoe house was in bus-
iness thirty-five years ago as well as to-day. The Woodward, Barber & Co.
of that time, general dealers, has since become the Woodward & Son dry
goods and furnishing store. Another outgrowth of this old firm is the
present department store of J. B. Branch & Company, which was organized
in 1877. In 1877 also was established the Conover Engraving and Printing
Company, by the late J. S. Conover. Charles A. Conover now conducts the
business, which covers an individual field in Coldwater and is one of the larg-
est concerns of its kind in Southern Michigan.
T. A. Hilton, the clothier, is another business man who has been suc-
cessfully engaged in merchandising on Chicago street for thirty years or
more. Mr. A. B. Walker, proprietor of the Coldwater steam laundry, has
been in that line of business since 1888. The real estate firm of R, C. Saw-
dey & Son, which was founded by the late R. C. Sawdey over thirty-five
years ago and is now conducted by W. S. Sawdey, has a long and enviable
record in its line of business.
L. M. Bassett & Son are jewelers at 48 West Chicago St. in the
same building in which Mr, Bassett, the father, began business in 1851.
The business of the Milnes Supply Company, 54-56 W. Chicago St.,
was begun by Mr. Henry Milnes, the grandfather of Mr. Harry L. Milnes
of the present firm, in 1863.
The hardware business of the Chandler family dates back to 1S41,
when Hon. Albert Chandler began his long and active life as a resident
of Coldwater. The family has been represented in this business ever since,
the name being continued now in the firm of Chandler & Lee, 38 W.
Chicago St. V. L. Nettleton & Co., at 49 W. Chicago St., continue the
hardware business begun by the father of Mr. Vernon L. in 1866. Previous
to 1889 there had been only three hardware stores in Coldwater. In that
year Kerr Bros, opened the fourth in the city's history, goiilg into the fine
building which they erected and now occupy in 1891. On Dec. 30, 1889,
David C. Allen began to carry on the hardware business which had been
previously owned by John T. Starr. He continues the business at 9 W.
Chicago St., under the firm name of D. C. Allen & Co.
The planing mill of Ball Bros, has for years shaped the lumber for
the woodwork of many a building in the county. Their business was
begun in 1866 with the firm of Ball & Mauger. Lewis Hedgerton has a
record of thirty-four years' continuous work in the city as blacksmith and
horseshoer, He began in the stone shop on W, Chicago St. in 1872, but
soon came to Hancbett St., where he now is with Mr. John M. Chadsey
as his partner. Rumbing is no unimportant item in the life of a modem
civilized community. The firm of Mansel] & Kappler, plumbers, con-
tinue at 23 South Monroe St. the business begvm by Mr. George Mansell
in 1865. when he bought out the business of Mr. Wilder. Mr. Mansell
has been continuously in the plumbing business in Coldwater for over
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forty years. The first real modern plumbing in any house in the county was
that in the residence of Mr. Henry C, Lewis on E. Chicago St., which was in by Mr. Mansell in 1S64. The son, Mr. Edwin Mansell, now has his
father's place in the firm.
Union City.
A brief .summary of the conspicuous features of Union City's history
from the time of settlement, which has already been sketched, will be given
in this chapter, as also similar sketches of the other villages of the county.
Union City had splendid natural advantages, especially in the way of water
power for manufacturing purposes, and we already know that the site was
selected for this reason. That these resources were not developed and that
Union City did not become a place of first imixjrtance was due evidently
to the fact that during the greater part of the last century the village had
no transportation facilities. It was the building of the Air Line Rail-
road in 1870 that gave the village its greatest impulse, and since then it
has in large nieasiu'e overcome the handicap which its sister villages of
Quinry and Bronson did not have.
riuring the thirties and forties the people of the middle west were
about efjiialiy agitated and divided in opinion as to advisabiHty between
ship canals and railroads. Union City declared in favor of canals. That
was not unnatural, because in the St. Joseph river the citizens thought they
had a natural water way that needed only a httle dredging and straighten-
ing to become navigable from I-ake Michigan to Union City, whence an
overland canal would connect with the Lake Erie watershed. Both the
Michigan Central and Michigan Southern railroads were in process of con-
struction at this time, hut, absorbed in the canal project. Union City let
both pass her to the side. The hopes of a canal soon after died and' the
disappointed villagers had to wait twenty years before opportunity again
appeared. This time it was the railroad, the short line that was being con-
structed largely by private enterprise and popular subscription from Jack-
son to Niles. Union City became a station on this road, and when trains
began running over the line in 1870 the problem of transportation was
solved and the industrial and business development so long delayed could
now proceed without interruption.
Union City during her early days made no mean efforts to become a
manufacturing center. The " Union City Iron Company," which was in-
corporated in March, 1847, was the most pretentious of these pioneer en-
terprises. Bog iron ore exists in many places in southern Michigan, Butler
and Union townships having large deposits in their lake beds, and the
company was formed to manufacture this ore into pig-iron. A blast fur-
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nace was built at Union City, and the smelting of the ore continued for
some years. Finally the plant was converted into a foundry for the manu-
facture of ijlows and other iron work.
Before the coming of the railroad, Union City was incorporated as a
village. The petition for incorporation was put before the board of super-
visors in 1865, when there were 545 inhabitants within the area proposed to
be incorporated. In response to the petition the board incorporated the
" Village of Union City," and at the first election, held January 25, 1866,
the following were the citizens chosen to direct village affairs : President,
Isaac Jones; Trustees, H. F. Ewers, J. D. Hawthorn, J. W. Smith, Caleb
Lincoln, Ansel Knowles, Richard Avery ; Clerk, G. W. Buell ; Treasurer,
C, A. Seymour; Assessors, E. Barber, Hiram Crissy; Street Commissioners,
C. E, Ewers, S. B. Simms, J. S. Rowell. Mr. Jones did not qualify and
the vacancy was filled by the appointment of Dr. H. F. Ewers as president.
At the regular election held March 6, 1866, the following officers were chosen
for the ensuing year: President, S. H. Nye; Trustees, A. P. West. J. C.
Leonard, H. F. Ewers, Solomon Parsons, A. B. Aiken, C. A. Whiting;
Clerk, C. W. Saunders ; Treasurer, J. T. Leonard ; Marshal, M, Morrill ;
Assessors, Edwin Barber, Hiram Crissy; Street Commissioners, Sindal Mor-
rill, Asa Hawley, J. S. Rowell. Tlie village was granted a new charter
by the state legislature March 23, 1869, under which aff'airs were con-
ducted until the passage by the state legislature in 1895 of the blanket
charter now governing all villages in the State of Michigan.
Union City was a station on the " underground railroad '" in the years
of anti-slavery agitation. The village was a hotbed of freedom. Many of
the citizens had pronounced views on the vital questions then disturbing the
country. But the foremost actor in the cause of anti-slavery when it came
to practical helpfulness was the late John D. Zimmerman, blacksmith by
trade, a pioneer settler of 1838, and one of the strongest and most pictur-
esque tigures in the early history of the village. He was the " station
master " for the " slave railroad," and many a time he would get up from
his bed at midnight to carry a slave to the next station at Marshall. He
was a man of deep religious and moral convictions, and never once did
he murmur at the hardships and actual dangers that this work put upon him.
In public improvements Union City is abreast of the times. Naturally,
one of the first movements would be for efficient fire protection, which
resulted in the fire department. The bucket brigade system was superseded
when the village council voted an appropriation of fifteen hundred dollars
to buy a hand engine and complementary equipment. This apparatus was
installed in July, 1872, and on February 4, 1873, the fire company was
organized, consisting of 43 members, A new fire company, of 33 members,
was formed in January, 1875, and called the " St. Joseph Fire Company of
Union City." In 1876 a lot was purchased on High street east of Broadway
and the two-story brick engine house was built at a cost of $2,150. This
building is still the fire department and municipal headquarters, the council
rooms being located on the second floor. A steam fire engine was purchased
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in 1886. btit lias been little used since the water works were built. Tlie
. Union City Fire Department now has twelve volunteer members, of which
the chief is W. H. Rowe, and their prompt and efficient service is all that
is needed to supplement the excellent mechanical equipment.
In 1894 the citizens of Union City voted to build and operate a water
works plant and also purchase the electric-light plant which had been there-
tofore operated as a private enterprise by Rheubottora and Bond. The
proposition provided for the issue of $25,000 of municipal bonds, $20,000
to build the water works and $5,000 for the electric-light plant. In the
spring of 1895 both plants were in operation by the city. The original cost
of the water works was $21,450, and extensions have been made to new
portions of the village at various times since then. The water supply is
obtained from deep wells. The pumping station is in the same building
with the electric power house, and the two plants are run in conjunction.
The electric light plant was entirely remodeled in 1900, a new equipment
of the best and latest electrical macliinery being installed. For this im-
provement additional bonds to the amount of $8,000 were voted.
In describing Union City in 1903, Mr. T. F. Robinson of the Register-
Weekiy had this to say of some other features of the village, and the de-
scription is as true to-day as three years ago:
" The wide streets of the city are remarkably well looked after and
there are miles of handsome and durable cement sidewalks and cross-walks.
Two public parks are well cared for and they prove most convenient for
public assemblages in the summer time. In Monument Park stands a fine
soldiers' monument, flanked on either side by cannon which were contrib-
uted by the United States government. Thousands of beautiful shade trees
line every residence street, and citizens generally take great pride in the
appearance of their lawns and grounds. The Union City Opera House
has been just recently remodeled by its new owner, Mr. N. E. Tower. The
Union City postoffice now occupies a new brick block on Hammond street,
and the interior was fitted up expressly for the purpose. The outfit is
unexcelled in this section, and patrons feel correspondingly proud of it."
For a list of the important village officers, for a description of the
schools, the manufacturing and banking interests, the churches and societies,
the reader is referred to other chapters of this volume. This sketch of
Union City may properly be concluded with brief notice of some of the
men who have for 3 number of years been connected with the mercantile
life of the village.
One of the first to be named would be F. C. Rheubottom, who entered
upon his career as manufacturer and merchant at Union City in 1868.
H. H. Chase, the jeweler, made the beginning of a large business in 1S67
and his is one of the few names of the present that were listed in the
old Branch County directory of 1870. One of the long-time merchants now
deceased was Horace A. Corbin, who became the partner of Hiram Crissv
in a general store as long ago as 1856, and was for about thirty years jn
business. He died in 1896. The associate of Mr. Corbin in the dry-goods
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business during the later years was John B. Tucker, who died in 1895 after
half a centtiry of business activity in Union Citv-
In the death of George W.'Buell in 1905' Union City lost a pioneer
business man, who was in mercantile business here during the sixties and
was a principal in the old Exchange Bank and in the organization of the
Union City National Bank, and in many ways was identified with the in-
terests of his village.
Other business men of Union City are Martin R Buell, now retired, but
for twenty-eight years, from January, 1871, station agent at this point.
Mortimer Vosburgh has also been in various positions here since 1871, Fred
C. Wilkins began the drug and book business here in 1878. James R.
Corwin, who established a marble and granite business in 188 1 ; Samuel
Corbin, who began business as wool and grain buyer here before the com-
pletion of the railroad : Henry Seymour, who began the grocery business in
1877 and afterward ijecame prominent in other lines as well as public
official; M. P. Maxon, whose career as merchant began in 1880; Chauncev
W. Saunders, now deceased, who began a retail shoe business in 1858 and
who for years was influential in business and civil life, are names verv
closely associated with the business life of Union City,
In time the settiement at the central portion of Quincy township de-
veloped into a village. The stores and mechanical and professional activ-
ities, already described during the first years, did not stop at the stage
which would make a country hamlet, as we have seen to be the case in more
than one such nucleus of settlement. No doubt the great impulse to growth
was given by the railroad, which was built through the site of Quincy in
1850. It is said that, had not the enterprise of several citizens intervened
to prevent, Quincy would not have been made a station on the railroad,
but the station would have been located several miles east on the county
line. The location depended on the ability of Quincy to build a freight
house, and it was owing to the energy and zeal of the late Lucas Josepih,
whose career was so markedly identified at ail times with the best interests
of this village, that the building was erected.
In 1853 the old tavern on the site of the Quincy House, one or two
stores, the postoffice, and some professional and mechanical interests were
all that Quincy could claim in the direction of village growth. But in the
following three or four years a number of business and dwelling houses
were erected. In 1856 the village was platted, the plat being signed by
the owners of the site, being the well known names of Enos G. Berry,
Joseph Berry, John Broughton, William Cole, John Sebring, WiUiam
Arnold, Cyrus Lusk, Christopher Conley, and Martin Hawley.
Two years later, when it is estimated there were four hundred people
on the village plat, the village was incorporated by the county board of
supervisors, on October 14. 1858. At the first village election, which was
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held in the following November, the following men were chosen to conduct
the affairs of the corporation: Ebenezer Mudge, President; Moses A.
Hewett, Cierk; Cornelius Shear, Havens Wilhur, David C. Myers, John
Sebring, William P. Arnoid, Martin Hawley, Trustees; Aldeii Gregory,
Treasurer; Harlow W. WilHams and Julius I. Gregory, Assessors; Allen
C. Culver, Marshal. The principal officers of the village for all the years
will be found in the official lists.
By 1870 Ouincy had become a village of nine hundred population.
During the preceding decade its enterprise had been broadened in many
ways. A stave and heading factory had been established in 1864. and was
one of the cornerstones of the village's subsequent growth. A sawmill had
been built in 1855 and a flouring mill in 1863.
An interesting contrast illustrating the growth of the village is found
in the character of the buildings. The first brick building was erected on
Chicago street in 1855. The Imsiness section for a number of years has
been composed almost entirely of this class of buildings, and there are only
a comparatively few frame structures in use for business. Furthermore,
the sidewalks are largely of cement or brick. The change from wooden
material to brick and stone has done more than anything else to alter the
outward appearance of villages and cities from the conditions of a genera-
tion past.
In the direction of public improvements Ouincy has much to be proud
of. A special election on August 4, 1890, provided for the bonding of the
village to an amount not to exceed $6,000 to build an electric light plam.
In a short time the old kerosene street lamps, which were the cause of
frequent complaint to the council, disappeared in favor of electricity on the
streets and in many of the stores and private homes.
Only four years later Quincy made another step in municipal progress,
and this by far the most important in its results for the comfort and con-
venience of the citizens. There was a special election in the village, August
6, 1894, to vote on the council's resolution to raise not to exceed $18,000
by bonds for constructing and maintaining water works. The proposition
was carried by a vote of 203 to 118, and the water works were built. Tlie
water is pumped from driven wells adjacent to the power house in the
public park north of the depot. Both the water works and the electric light
plant are conducted by the city. Municipal ownership and operation of
purely public utilities seems to be a well established civic principle in Branch
The fire department and council chambers are located in a two-story
brick building on Main street north of Chicago. The fire department, with
complete apparatus of hose cart, hook and ladder, truck and other appur-
tenances, with electric signal alarms, and with a disciplined force of volun-
teer firemen, had its origin in some very primitive means of fire protection
adopted by the village council over forty years ago. In January, 1863, the
council authorized the purchase for village use of eight ladders, fire hooks
and other like equipment, and in 1869 a hundred feet of hose was bouo-ht.'
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The Quincy Union Fire Company was organized in January, 1871, but
their apparatus at first consisted only of " hooks, ladders and pails." Soon
after a house was constructed for the storing of apparatus. In 1873 a
second-hand engine, hose cart and hose were purchased from Adrian city,
and since then the apparatus has been added to in keeping with the growth
of the village.
Leaving for other chapters the mention of specific interests of Quincy,
this sketch may be concluded with the mention of the business men who
have longest been identified with the trade and other interests that center
about the intersection of Main and Chicago streets. D. W. Yoimg. who
has recently retired, has been in the grocery business in Quincy for forty-
two years. Tlie name Houghtaling is synonymous with the drug business
as welt as with the public spirit that has been responsible for Quincy's
advancement. C. H. Houghtaling has lived in Quincy and been con-
nected with its mercantile affairs since 1864, and almost continuously since
1881 has been in business on his own account, the firm now being C. H'.
Houghtaling and Son. G. J. Fillmore, proprietor of the Commercial Hotel,
which was formerly the Fayette House, is another who has been identified
with the business affairs of Quincy for a number of years past. H. A.
Graves, the present postmaster, who has lived here since 1865, has been in
the grocery business nearly a quarter of a century. F. E, Marsh, former
postmaster, has lived in the village practically all his life. As stated in the
sketch of the First National Bank, C. L. Tniesdell has been connected
with that institution over twenty years. Mr. M. S. Segur, who occupies the
position of cashier with the State Bank across the street, was in the mer-
cantile business many years before entering the bank.
The oldest merchant in Quincy is A. L. Lytle, who has conducted a
general hardware store since 1866. forty )'ears. In the line of lumber and
building material and planing mill products, the name Salisbury has been
known for half a century. Thirty-five years ago J. B. Salisbury appears '
in an old directory as proprietor of a sash, door and, blind factory and
steam sawmill, and the business is now conducted by his son J. N. Salisbury,
who has been a resident of Quin?y since 1856. Other business men are
J. B. Ganong, who engaged in the hardware business in Quincy in 1882 and
for some years has conducted a plumbing business and windmill and gas-
oHne-engine retail house; also E. H. Kinyon, proprietor of a general store,
and C. N. Wilcox, the boot and shoe man.
The Village of Eronson.
The Bronson in Branch county was not the first village in Michigan
to receive that name. In fact, it is probable that the name of the pioneer
Jabe Bronson would not have been perpetuated by the Branch county vil-
lage had not another pioneer been deprived of a similar honor. Here are
the historical facts of the case:
In June, 1S29, Titus Bronson, a native of Middlebury, Conn., came to
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the site of the present Kalamazoo city and soon built a shanty, pre-empted
a large share of the plain on which the village was built, the hamlet beinig
called Bronson after its founder. Mr. Bronson laid out the village and
set apart land for public uses, and for several years, when people spoke of
Bronson, they referred- to what we now know as Kalamazoo. But in 1836,
the legislature, at the instance of Bronson's enemies, it is alleged, changed
the name to Kalamazoo, and in the same year Titus Bronson moved away
to Illinois.
A year before Titus Bronson, the founder of Kalamazoo, settled at
that place, Jabe Bronson had located on Bronson's prairie. He was also
from Connecticut, and it is a reasonable inference that he was a relative
of Titus. But as the first settler of this locality he fared better. For
not only was the township named for him, but the village of York, as
it was first known, became and has since remained Bronson village. This
was done by an act of the legislature approved in 1837, and reading as
follows :
" All that portion of the county of Branch, known as the township of
Prairie River, and the village in said township by the nam-e of York, shall
* * * be known by the name of Bronson."
The village of Bronson has been the continuation of the early settle-
ment begun on Bronson prairie in 1828. An account of the beginnings of
this settlement has been given in a pre\'ious chapter. Though this Bronson
community was the first in the county to begin its life, that of Quincy
preceded it in becoming incorporated as a village, Quincy was incorporated
in 1858. it was not until eight years later, 1866, that the Bronson people
applied to the powers that be to become a village. In this same year of
1866, though a few months earlier, Union City had been incorporated, so
that of the four villages in the county Bronson stands third in the order
. of their incorporation. Sherwood, the fourth, did not reach this status un-
til 1S87.
In 1866 the law relating to the incorporation of villages was the legis-
lative act of 1857, which vested autboMty for it in the boards of super-
visors of counties. At the October session of the board of supervisors of
Branch county, a petition was presented to them asking that they incor-
porate the Village of Bronson. This petition is spoken of in the records
of the board in the county clerk's office as having been signed by George F.
Gillam, Henry Powers, L. A. Rose and fourteen others. October 10, 1866,
the board granted unanimously the petition, and made the persons within
a certain tract of land a body corporate and [Xilitic under the name of the
" Village of Bronson." Tlie tract of land was just a mile square, and lay
in sections 11, 12, i;^, and ,14. It was thus described: The south half of
the northeast quarter and the southeast quarter of section 11, the south
half of the northwest quarter and the southwest quarter of section 12,
the north half of the northwest quarter of section 13, and the north half of
the northeast quarter of section 14. The area as then defined has remained
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unchanged in its IxJundaries, and will be observed to stand uijon any map
of it as a perfect square.
The act of incorporation ordered the f:rst election to " be held in
that territory at the hotel in Bronson formerly kept by Mariam Thompson,
on Monday, the 26th day of November next." At that election officers were
chosen as follows : President, Warren Byms ; trustees, Cyrus J. Keyes,
Jason Shepard, Augustus Pixley, Lorenzo A. Rose, Leonard C. Qark,
Henry Powers; corporation clerk, Andrew S. Parrish; treasurer, Joseph E.
Earl; marshal, Spellinan Dennis; assessor, George Gillam; highway commis-
sioner, Joseph E. Earl.
In 1871 the village was reincorporated by an act of the state legisia-
ture, approved March 2. The first election under the new charter was or-
dered to be held " at the hotel on the corner of Matteson and Chicago streets "
on the first Monday of March, 1871. By this new charter the marshal was
to be appointed by the trustees and was to hold office for one year.
The numlier of people who Fssociated themselves together in 1866 to
live as an incorporated village was 603. This was the number found by a
special census and reported to the board of supervisors in the petition for in-
corporation. The volumes of the national census of 1870 and of the state
census of 1874 do not give us the inhabitants of the village separate from
those of the township. Not until 1880 do the census men seem to realize
that the village is distinct and important enough to be reported by itself.
But from 1880 on we can give its population according to every census taken
by the state and by the general government. It is as follows: in 1880. 826;
in 1884, 823; in 1890, 875; in 1894, 864; in 1900, 1,176; and in 1904, 1,107.
In the 14 years from 1866 to 1880, the population increased from 603 to 826,
or about 200. The next 14 years it was virtually stationary at about 850.
But during the next six years from 1894 to 1900 it jumped from 864 to 1,176,
an increase of 312. The stationary period of the village from 1880 on is a
part of the stationary period of the population of the county as a whole
from that year on. exhibited in a previous chapter. The local break and
large increase in the population of the village in 1900 is doubtless due to
the establishment of the Portland cement plant a mile northeast of it
in 1897. That year igoo was the high-water mark of its population in
the census years, the census of 1904 showing a decrease of 69 in the four
years following 1900.
A large number of Poles have settled in Bronson township, but only
a few have ever lived in the village. In 1884 there were only 45 foreign-
born persons in the village in a population of 823. This was only a
little more than five per cent, or one in 18. ■
The more important events that have taken place in the life of Bronson
during the forty years of its corporate existence as a village are the fol-
lowing: The burning of the store of Powers & Gillam, Jan. 9, 1867;
the erection of a fine brick business block on the south side of Chicago street
next to Matteson street in 1867; the building of the Methodist Episcopal
church in 1871; the building of the first Roman Catholic church and the
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organization of the Bronson Cornet Band in 1877; the organization of the
Ladies' Library Association in i88o; the erection of Clark's opera house,
the establishment of the bank of L. M. Rudd & Son, and the great fire on
the north side of Chicag-o street in 1884; the fire on Matteson street in
which the Htirleys perished in 1886; the introduction of electric light in
this same year; the erection of the Congregational church in 1887; the
change of the Ladies' Library to the Bronson Public Library in :888; the
burning of J. Francis Ruggles' valuable collection of books and historical
material, and the erection of his present building on Chicago street in i88g;
the organization of Warren's Military Band in 1892; the erection of the
new Roman Catholic church about this time, and later of St. Mary's School ;
the establishment of the Portland cement plant and the beginning of Coward
Monroe's banking business in 1897; the erection of the fine new school
building in 1901 ; and the or^nization of the Bronson Woman's Qub
in T903.
Mr. Wells Knapp has been a business man of Bronson for thirty-nine
years, having succeeded his- father in the shoe business. He came to a
farm in Coldwater township in 1866 and to Bronson in September, 1867,
where he opened a shoe store and has been in the same bxisiness on the same
spot continuously ever since, arid his business career excels in continuous
length that of anyone in Bronson.
Joseph Watson, now postmaster and member of the firm of Watson
and Davis, has been in the jewelry business for a quarter of a century.
George Robinson, the grocer, has been here fifteen years; Turner and Bush-
nell, furniture, succeeded Amasa Ruple & Son ten years ago. A. J. Ash-
breck, the druggist, has been in business fifteen years. Charles Whitaker
has conducted his market 15 years. Randal! D. Powers, dry goods and gro-
ceries, succeeded his father, Charles Pmvers, who was listed as a " general mer-
chant " in the okl directory of 1870. Werner Brothers, hardware and
carriages, have been located here fifteen years. The Clark family have been
identified with the commercial side of the village for many years. Milo
Clark built the principal hotel about 1875. L. D. Clark was a merchant on
Matteson street about thirty-five years ago, and Eugene R. Clark, the dry-
goods merchant, began business in his father's store. Another son is Mvron
Clark, also a merchant.
The library, the schools, the churches, the banks, the cement works and
other features of Bronson are described in the proper place on other pages.
Warren's Military Band, now the Bronson Band, was organized in
August, 1892. Mr. Fred L. Warren was the first leader and continued in
that capacity about seven years. William Henry Davis was also with the
band at the beginning and succeeded Mr. Warren as leader and is such at
the present time. Tliere were thirteen members at the start, now there are
eighteen. There has been no break in the organization, and only one death-^
that of Mr. Charles Knapp. The " Bronson Cornet Band " was an active
organization some years ago.
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SheTHOod village was born of tlie Air Line Railroad. E. F. Hazen
owned most of the land in section 28 on which the village has since l^een
built. The railroad was, constructed and trains began running in 1870. Al-
most coincideiit with that event Mr. Hazen and Manton E. Sawin platted a
village, whose original name was designated " Hazenville," in honor of its
founder. This site was considered either so unpromising or so inconse^
qiiential by the directory-makers of 1870 that no mention is to Ijw foun<l of
any such village.
Frank M. Warner is said to have been the first merchant opening a
grocery, in a building afterward used as a hotel. He was succeeded in 1871
by Jerome J. Studley, who was also postmaster. E. F. Hazen was. the rail-
road agent at this point and also dealt in grain. The only im^Mrtant industry
in the place at this time was the steam planing mill, on the south side of the
village, its early proprietors being Sawin & Safford. Tliere was also a
steam sawmill north of the railroad.
From this state of beginnings Sherwood increased so that in 1887 it was
incoqrarated. In the subsequent twenty years its improvement has been even
more marked. The wide streets, lined with luxuriant shade trees, the hand-
some public park, the cement walks — and the extent of these is a matter of
special pride— are the superficial aspects of a well ordered and enterprising
village. The first village cotmcil convened March 31, 1887, the principal of-
ficers in that first body being Robeit Eraser, president, and Elgin Barton,
clerk. The principal officials of the village will be found on other pages.
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Agriculture as the basic industry of America is taken so much as a
matter of course, and in this history has been so considered in its smaller
application to Branch county, that specific statement of its importance would
be superfluous. The first settlers in almost every instance were farmers.
Even when his ostensible occupation was in other lines, the pioneer usually
cultivated a patch of ground. We remember that this was true of Jabe
Bronson, the tavern-keeper and justice. It was true of all those who had
inns along the Chicago road; it was true of the earliest merchants and doc-
tors. Specialization of industry did not arrive till after the county was well
settled, and ability to till the soil was the first requisite of the pioneer. With
all the building of factories and mills, the increase of trade, the growing
importance of mechanical pursuits, and the attraction of the professions,
agriculture yet remains the supreme industry of Branch county. Leaving
aside statistics concerning the industry, any abundance of which may be
found in agricultural reports and census returns, it will be the purpose of
this chapter to describe as far as possible the methods and circumstances of
early agriculture, and from the point of view of the past indicate the great
changes that have preceded modem agriculture.
The pioneer farmers of Branch county were probably as progressive
as those of any other part of the country at that time. TTiey brought with
them from their homes in the older states the methods which prevailed there.
And as many of them came from the east, which was considered the most
progressive section of the. country, they must have known the best methods
of farming which were practiced in their day.
But the first farmers of this county were confronted with a task such as
has been unknown in the settlement of the more western prairie states. The
obstacles to be overcome were great, the implements and means were primi-
tive. The steel plow was not invented until after Branch county had been
substantially settled and improved. Whereas the western prairie sod is
turned over for the first time by immense gang-plows, drawn by four or
five horses or even by a traction engine, the farmer of the twenties and
thirties had to depend on a wooden moldboard shod with an iron share
roughly made at a local blacksmith shop. With this hint at pioneer condi-
tions it is evident that agriculture has undergone development in as wonder-
ful degree as any other phase of the county's history.
The pioneer farmer's first work, after a nide temporary shelter had
been provided, was to prepare a little spot of ground for the first crop. Those
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who located on Coldwater, Girard and other well known prairies — and as
we know those were the favorite selections of the first settlers — were very
fortunate in this respect. Relieved of the necessity to clear off the trees,
they had only to turn over the sod. But even so the undertaking involved
labor that one man alone could hardly accomplish. The turf on the so-
called prairies was very tough, and the ground in most places filled with a
net-work of wire-like roots. If the location was in the woods, it was neces-
sary to girdle the. trees, clearing away the underbrush and sweeping the sur-
face with fire. The dead trunks of the trees were usually left standing the
first season, and the corn grew up among the aisles of the blasted forest.
Although the surface of the ground had been cleared, just beneath
there remained the roots of the former growth, and these, formed into
massive " stools," were for several years insuperable obstacles to easy farm-
ing. An ordinary plow team would have been useless among the stools and
grubs, and a common plow would have been quickly demolished. The plow
used was a massive construction of wood and iron, and was known as the
" buH plow." The share and coulter were of iron and made very heavy and
strong. The beam was long and of huge proportions to resist the enormous
strain brought upon it. Usually the weight of one of these ponderous bull
plows was about three hundred pounds. Six or seven yoke of oxen, and
sometimes more, were required to pull this implement through the ground.
With such an equipment the ordinary roots were torn from the ground
like straws and subsequent cultivation was made easy. It usually took two
persons to do the plowing, a man to hold the plow and either a man or a boy
to drive the team. This process of " breaking " new land was made a regu-
lar business by some of the pioneers, just as threshing is at the present
In a few years plows with iron moldboards were introduced, but as
they would not scour well in all kinds of soil they were not considered a
success at first. Besides, as the ground was full of roots, of new stumps
and standing trees, the wooden moldboard was less liable to break than one
of iron, so it was better adapted to the conditions than the iron one. The
cultivation was done with the hoe at first, then came the single-shovel plow,
which was in use for a number of years. Among the trees, stumps and roots
both the plowing and cultivation were tedious, laborious and disagreeable
work. This condition continued for a number of years until the stumps had
decayed sufficiently to make it possible to remove them.
The planting was likewise primitive. As the sod was turned over a
man followed about every third furrow, dug into the top of the furrow with
his foot or with a hoe and planted corn, covering it the same way. In some
instances the corn was dropped in the furrow very near the outside, so that
the edge of the next furrow when turned over would be directly over the
grain. The corn would then come through between the furrows. In a
somewhat similar way Bishop Chase planted his first crop of potatoes in
Gilead in the summer of 1832. Wheat was sown among the stumps and
trees. The grain was harrowed in with a wooden-toothed harrow. The
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farmer who did not have even one of these rude implements would cut a
small tree, trim off part of the limbs so as to leave a bushy end, weight jt
with a log, and hitching his team to it would get about the same results as
from a tooth harrow.
In harvesting the corn, the stalk was not utilized as is done at the pres-
ent day. The prevailing practice was to pull the ear from the stalk, husk
and all, haul the corn to a pile and then husk it. The husk was utilized for
feed, and as much of the grain as was not needed for home consumption
was hauled away to market. As soon as large crops of corn were grown
husking bees became the fashion. The corn was pulled from the stalk and
put in a pile, as when the farmer himself or he and his family did the husk-
ing. Then a number of neighbors assembled and everybody husked. This
was repeated at the home of each farmer until all had their crops husked.
Wheat was harvested with the cradle, such an implement as a reaper
or harvesting machine of any kind not then being dreamed of. Besides
the cradle the sickle also was in use at that time. But that was used only
in wheat that had blown down or grew among stumps and trees, making it
difficult and sometimes impossible to cradle. And for the first few years
that was a large portion of the crop. It was well that only a limited areai
could be sown, because had there been a greater acreage it doubtless would
not have been harvested. The work of harvesting with those old-time im-
plements was extremely slow in comparison with the way it can be done with
our improved harvesting machinery, Tlie inventions with which we at this
day are so familiar at that time, even in their crudest form, seemed far-off
and visionary. For instance, it was with the air of wonder that a twentieth
century newspaper would describe the achievement of a dirigible air-ship
that an issue of the Coldwater Sentinel of June, 1843, speaks of a new reap-
ing machine invented by McCormick. The reader can judge from the
description how crude that machine was when compared with those that will
be found in nearly every farmer's barn at this age. " The machine," reads
the article, " placed on small wheels, was moved by two horses around the
rye field where the exhibition took place, at a quick pace: making a clear
passage through the grain as it moved, about five feet wide. This it did
with a completeness which it is impossible for a cradle to accomplish. The
wheels of the machine kept in motion a saw, with edge and teeth not unlike
a reap-hook, which saws down the grain as it is bent and forced against
its edge by a revolving apparatus resembling a seine-reel. The grain falls
upon a bed or platform just behind the teeth, whence it is raked by hand,"
The threshing was done either with a fJail or the grain was tramped
out by horses. Both processes were very slow, the former being about as
slow as harvesting with the sickle. When horses were used a threshing floor
was made out of doors by smoothing the ground or beating it until it was
as solid as could be made. The horses were ridden by boys, while two men
worked the grain toward the center of the floor and threw out the straw.
In the early forties a machine came into use which threshed out the
grain and dispensed both with the use of the flail and the tramping of horses
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This machine consisted only of a cylinder and was operated by horse power.
When the threshing was done by any of these methods the grain had (o
be separated from the chaff by fanning with a sheet, the wind blowing the
chaff away. There were no fanning mills then, but they were introduced
a few years later. These mills were in the crudest form, but they were
considered a great improvement over the winnowing sheet. All of this
labor had to he done in order that the farmer might produce a supply of
wheat sufficient to provide bread for his famiiy and if possible a small sur-
plus to sell.
Com and wheat were the two leading crops then as they are now.
Other crops that were grown were oats, rye, potatoes, buckwheat and flax.
Oats were usually fed in the straw, only enough being threshed out for the
next year's seed. A patch of potatoes was planted on every farm for home
use, but there were very few, if any, grown for market. The crop being
a bulky one and the market so distant made the growing of potatoes as a
market crop impracticable. Flax was raised for home use, the product being
manufactured into hnen for a part of the family's wearing apparel.
For many years the bay crop consisted of the native grasses. Many
farmers belie\^ed that the improved domestic grasses could not be grown
here, and it was some time before this prejudice was overcome. When
the settlers were yet few in number the prairie grasses furnished an abundant
supply of hay for their live-stock. When the prairie lands were all taken
up each farmer on those lands set off a portion of his farm for meadow, but
this was sufficient only for the owner, and those who had settled in the
timber had to look elsewhere for a supply. There was ar» abundant growth
of grass on what were then known as wet prairies, which we now call marshes.
At first every settler could find a sufficient supply of this marsh grass near
his home if he had none on his farm. This hay had to be mowed by hand,
then thrown together and hauled from the marsh on a small sled drawn by
a yoke of oxen, or even at times had to be carried to firm ground " on a
. pole," as was the expression used at the time. The ground was so soft that
a team of horses and a wagon could not be driven over it. Only a small bit
could be hauled out at a time in this way, and it took a number of these sled
loads to make a wagon load. The same method of making hay had to be
employed on all the wet prairies of those days.
With this view of the status of agriculture sixty years ago, it is not
difficult to realize the broad developments that have taken place since then.
Farming has become easier with every year. Its conditions and surroundings
are no longer those of the common laborer. Several things have contrib-
uted to this change. Some claim that the invention of labor-saving machin-
ery and its general use has done more to elevate agriculture than any other .
factor. It certainly is not wide of the mark to measure the progress of
agriculture by the distance that separates the self-binder from the cradle.
Yet there are other factors. The working and hiring of help has been
quite reformed from the methods of forty years ago. The progressive
farmer no longer depends on transient labor. Not many years ago, when
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harvest time or other extra press of work arrived, the farmer would start
out into the surrounding country and hire by the day such men as were
available. This is neither practicable nor possible now. Improved ma-
chinery has done much to relieve the farmer of the necessity of hiring day
laborers. Hi.s policy now is to hire a man by the year, and often a man of
family, who will Jive on the farm and give it his entire attention.
Transportation has also effected many changes in farming methods. In
place of marketing by the bushel, the farmer now markets " on the hoof,"
that is, feeds his grain products to stock. And of recent years the farmers
do not hesitate to import stock cattle from distant ranges of the Dakotas or
the Southwest and feed them for market on grain raised in Branch county.
This in itself is one of the most important developments in Branch county
agriculture. In the words of a well known farmer, " Branch county is now
becoming a feeding ground for foreign stock and grain."
In a general upward trend of property values, land is the last thing to
appreciate. At a distance of ten years from the beginning of the present
era of remarkable prosperity, the farm lands of Branch county show only a
slight upward trend in value. But there is greater demand for land than
ever before, and as a rule it is passing into the hands of an immigrating
farmer class from Ohio and Northern Indiana, where farm lands are held
about twenty per cent higher than here. This direction of immigration will,
if it continues, prove a considerable factor in the next twenty-five years in
giving type and character to the population of the county.
In the matter of stock-raising one example will suffice. Branch county
has always been a sheep county. Wool was one of the first commodities to
be produced, and in an early day there were several woolen mills in the
county. Formerly each farmer had a few sheep among his other stock, but
no extensive sheep-feeding was done. As instanced above, sheep are now
being brought in from western ranges to be fed on Branch county farms,
and while the native sheep are still a large number it is more profitable tb
import the stock and only condition them for market in this county.
One of the conspicuous methods of caring for crops should be men*-
tioned. Within recent years progressive farmers have built silo plants for
the purpose of preserving the essential qualities of " roughening " or fodder
throughout the winter season. One of the first things to catch the atteji-
tion on many farms in the county is the silo plant, and often there are several
of them. In these huge cylindrical, air-tight tanks, built of " silo lumber,"
and some of the recent ones of cement, the green corn, stalk and all, after
being cut up by a special machine, is stored very much as vegetables are
canned. While in the reservoir it undergoes a slight fermentation process,
but with the exception of a small portion on the surface, which rots and
molds just as the top of a can of fruit often does, and which is thrown out
before the rest is used, the entire contents of the tank are preserved with
original sweetness and wholesomeness for feeding to stock during the severe
winter season. M'hat an improvement this method is over the old one of
stacking the dry fodder in the late fall, when most of its essential qualities
had dried out, even one unfamiliar with agriculture can readily realize.
The Grange,
We have sijoken of some of the factors which have worked for the uplift
and improvement of agriculture and its conditions. The leading organized
movement tliat has worked to this end is conceded to be the Grange, whose
basic purposes are educational, fraternal and the general improvement of
the farmer and his family and the conditions under which he works. The
Grange was the first fraternal organization to admit the wives and daugh-
tei's on an equal basis in every way, and it has done more to educate farming
communities than any other movement.
The national Grange organization was commenced in 1867, but it was
the fall of 187,^ before the movement had reached Branch county. High
tide was reached in 1875, when the county had seventeen granges. The
general name applicable to the organization as a whole is " Patrons of Hus-
fendry." the " granges " being the subordinate branches, but the name grange
is the one generally used in referring to all departments of the •organiza-
The oldest grange in the county with a continuous existence from the
date of foundation to the present time is Butler Grange No. 88, which was
organized October so, 1873. As will be seen from the number, Matteson
Grange No. 86 was organi;:ed some time previous, but is no longer existent.
The granges in the state are numbered according to the order of their for-
mation, and taking the granges of Branch county in the order of their age,
the eleven active granges as well as those no longer active are as follows:
Matteson No. 86 (defunct), Butler No. 88, Bronson No. 91, Batavia No. 95,
Sherwood No. 96, Union No. 97, Athens No. 98 (whose members were mainly
from Branch county — now defunct), Kinderhook No. 135 (defunct), Girard
No. 136, Coldwater No. 137, Grove No. 13S (defunct), Bethel No. 148
(defunct), Quincy No. 152, Summit No. 217 (defunct), California No. 233
(defunct), North Algansee No. 234, Champion No. 261 (defunct), Gilead
No. 40c, and Four Towns, which has been recently organized. How rapidly
these granges were organized during the first years of the movement may
be inferred from the fact that though Girard Grange No. 136 was organized
November 25, 1873, only a few weeks after Butler, there were six Branch
county granges that intervened, while its number was forty-eight removed
from Butler,
The grange meetings were at first held in some convenient schoolhouse,
but now nearly every grange in the county owns its own hall, which is dedi-
cated to the use of the society and is seldom used for any other purpose.
The strength of the grange in this county, in point of membership, is be-
tween eight hundred and a thousand members. There is a regular system
of representation in the organization from the subordinate bodies through
the State and National bodies. From the eleven subordinate granges in
this county three delegates are elected to the annual meeting of the State
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Grange, and Pomona Grange, which is the county grange, is entitled to one
delegate to the State Grange. The masters of the State Grange are the
official delegates to the National Grange.
Branch County Pomona Grange No. 22, which is a connecting link
between the subordinate granges and the State Grange and which exercises
friendly and advisory oversight, but no official control, over the subordinate
bodies, was organized March 21, 1878. The petitioners for its organization
were : George W. Van Aken, a pioneer granger, who was active in the
formation of the Girard Grange in 1873; John G. Parkhurst and wife, Eli
Bidleman, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. George, Charles H. Austin. D. C. Fonda,
A. S. Archer, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pierce, William Joseph, Wallace E. Wright,
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Jones. r>arwin Thompson, and John Bell.
The officers of Pomona Grange for 1906 are: Master, Isaac E. Corless;
overseer, Belle Bailey; lecturer, Mrs. Lucy Corless; steward. A, L. Smith;
asst. steward, P'rank Coward; treasurer, I, A. Martin; secretary, Asa W.
Ferguson; gatekeeper, I. A. Van Orsdal; pomona, Mrs. Elmer Warner;
flora, Mrs. Fred Locke; ceres, Theda Bailey; lady assistant steward, Mrs.
L A. Maj-tin.
A few words should be said about the work of the grange in general.
The grange was one of the most active forces behind pure-food legislation
in Michigan, and to its efforts— to give only one example — is due the fact
that oleomargarine must be labeled with its true name and not as butter.
The grange has more or less actively entered the field of commerce. In
some counties " Grange Stores " have been established and successfully
The grange claims to be the father of rural free delivery. Certainly
it has used its influence nowhere to better advantage, for free delivery in
the country is now conceded to be the greatest boon that has come to the
farmer. It has brouglit the farmer in touch with the world and more than
anything else has made obsolete the term " countryfied " as applied to the
tiller of the soil. And this is in direct line with the purposes of the grange,
as stated in a former paragraph,
When the grange first brought the matter before Congress, it was
objected that the " system would be too expensive," despite its great benefits.
Tentative experiments were made at rural delivery of mail about 1894. In
1896 the annual report of the State Grange " hails with delight that the plan
is to be started in this state." As is well known, the movement thus begun
has now spread all over the country and every farmer in Branch county can
have his daily paper with little if any more exertion than the citizen of the
village or city.
This society, so closely identified with the interests of the agriculturist
that its history belongs to this chapter, was organized at Coldwater July 27,
1895, with thirty-two charter members. The constitution proposed by the
state board of agriculture was adopted, and the following were elected its
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first officers: L. M. Marsh, president; A. J. Aldrich, secretary-treasurer.
The executive commitlee was composed of the president, the secretary and
A. L. Smith, E. E, Lewis, and A. M. Ettieridge. TTie vice-presidents from
the various townships and wards were: Butler, T, P. Evans; Quincy,
A. M. Etheridge; Algansee, A. F. Archer; California, John Flynn; Kinder-
hook, A. C Doerr: Ovid, E. C. Lockwood; Coldwater, Henry Straight;
Girard, A. L. Smith; Union, Byron W. Bray; Batavia, Edwin R Lewis;
Bethel, Henry Fowler ; Gilead, E. G. Luce ; Noble, Ambrose Eushnell ; Bron-
son. Richard Coward; Matteson, Amos Gardner; Sherwood, L. P. Wilcox;
Coldwater, first ward, Cyrus G. Luce ; second ward, George W. Van Aken ;
third ward, G. H. Turner; fourth ward, E. W. Treat.
The society had a totai membership in 1899 of 335, and it has main-
tained that strength, the membership in 1906 being 332. The meeting of
February, 1906, was the largest ever held, 3,731 persons attending the lit-
erary, musical and educative programs offered.
The officers for 1906 are as follows: Abram L. Smith, president;
Henry E. Straight, secretary-treasurer ; and vice-presidents : California, D.
T. Bascom; Kinderhook, A. C. Doerr; Gilead, W. J. Bucklin; Noble, A.
Bushnell; Algansee, L. G. Taylor; Ovid, Lafayette Scheidler; Bethel, Charles
Daniels; Bronson, Frank Coward; Bronson Village, T. A. Eberhard; Quincy,
M. D. Knauss; Quincy Village, A. L, Bowen; Coldwater, Robert Brewster;
first ward, M. E. Wattles; second ward, L. E. Lockwood; third ward, C. J.
Thorpe; fourth ward, E. W. Treat; Batavia, L A. Martin; Matteson, Frank
Martin ; Butler, F. M. Holmes ; Girard, E. T. Waffle ; Union, B. W. Bray ;
Union City, D. D, Buell; Sherwood, J. S. Dunks; Sherwood Village, F. m!
This society, under whose auspices the county fairs have always been
conducted, was organized October 17, 1S51. The first officers of the society
were James B. Tompkins, president ; John Allen, vice-president ; F. V. Smith,
secretary; and H. W. Wright, treasurer. Other well known men took part
in the work of organization, such as Asahel Brown, Alvarado Brown, K B.
Pond, William P. Arnold, Darwin Wilson, John Root, Oliver Burdick, Jr.,
Emerson Marsh.
The first annual fair was held at Coldwater October 7, 1S52, only one
day being given to it and the premium list aggregating only two hundred
dollars. In 1854 the session was extended to three days. In the same year
the society purchased six acres on Grand street near the north edge of the
village, as a place for holding their exhibitions. This ground was sold in
1863, and the Agricultural Society and the Coldwater Agricultural and
Breeders' Association, which had been organized in 1862, united in buying
twenty acres on the west side of Marshall street near the north side of the
village. This is the ground now commonly referred to as " the old fair
grounds." It was increased to thirty acres in 1878.
Fairs were held annually until after 1897, and the association did much
to promote agricultural and live-stock interest in the county.
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It would be interesting to know just how the population of Branch county
is classified among the various business activities, that is, the proportion of
the county's twenty-six thousand people engaged in each general class of
occupation. At best it would be possible only to approximate such a classi-
fication. But as regards the industrial and manufacturing situation, some
very interesting deductions may be drawn from the last report of the Michi-
gan Bureau of Labor, giving the results of factory inspection made in this
county in April, 1905,
In this report sixty-one firms and factories are named, thirty-four of
which are located at Coldwater, nine at Union City, eight at Quincy, seven
at Bronson, two at Sherwood and one at Batavia. The whole number of
employes found at the time of inspection was 1,173. This approximates per cent of the population of Branch county dependent on what are
officially designated as " factory " industries. Were the data at hand for
a!i the handicrafts and manufactories of the county, the proportion of those
engaged in industrial pursuits would he much larger, perhaps at least ten
per cent of the entire population.
Of the plants reported, thirty-four were located at Coldwater. In
these twenty-three kinds of goods were made or handled. There were re-
ported 712 employes, indicating that in a city of six thousand population
one person out of nine depends on these industries for means of livelihood.
This proportion is too small to place Coldwater among so-called " factory
towns," where the percentage of factory operatives is often twenty-five per
cent of the population; at the same time this form of activity is a consid-
erable and distinct part of the city's general prosperity.
Of the manufacturing establishments named in the report, those which
extent of business or length of time established make worthy of mention in
this chapter are :
At Bronson: The Bronson-Kalamazoo Portland Cement Company,
which was established in 1897 and at the date of inspection had 61 employes'
(See elsewhere.) The Bronson Basket factory, established in 1895; the
electric light plant, established in 1886; the William Friedrich -Company
(see elsewhere).
At Coldwater: Ball Brothers Planing Mill, established in 1866 and
employing 14 hands at the time of inspection; the Coldwater Gas and Fuel
Company, organized in i860, having 14 employes in 1905; W. A. Coombs
Milling Company, the early history of which is given elsewhere, and which
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at its three establishments employs 36 men ; the Conover Engraving and
Printing Company, established in 1898 and employing nine persons; the City
Brewery, established in 1894; Charles W. Chapman, manufacturer of cigars,
established in 1880: Henry B. George, custom flour and feed grinding, estab-
lished in 1880; Hellinburg & Son, turning and wood work, 16 employes,
and established in 1876; Johnson Cooperage Company, established in 1868;
National Burial Device Company, 14 employes, estabiished in 1899; Pratt
Manufacturing Company (see elsewhere) ; A. J, Pierce, cigar manufacturer,
10 employes, established in 1890; Regal Gasoline Engine Company (see
elsewhere); William H. Schmedlen, carriages, established in 1SS3; Titus
Thurlow, iron castings, established in 1868: Tappan Shoe Manufacturing
Company, with 86 employes, established in 1897; Wolverine Portland Ce-
ment Company (see elsewhere.)
At Quincy: Globensky Brothers, barrel manufacturers (see elsewhere) ;
Felix A. McKenzie. milling (see elsewhere); J. N. Salisbury, building ma-
terial, established in 1886; Wolverine Portland Cement Company, estab-
lished in 1899 (see elsewhere).
At Sherwood: J. N. French, iumljer, with 22 employes, established
in 1881 ; Sherwood Heading Company (see elsewhere).
At Union City: B. F. Green, general repairing, established in 1870;
Peerless Portland Cement Comixiny (see elsewhere).
B. H. Calkins & Son Co., manufacturers of cooperage and cooperage
stock at Coldwater, was first organized in Butler township in 1869. by
B. H. Calkins and his brother M. M. Calkins, and was known as Calking
Brothers. Owing to a lack of railroad facilities in that place the factory was
removed in 187;] to its present location. After locating in Coldwater, Mr.
L. B. Johnson, G. H. Taylor, and the banking firm of Bowen & McGowan
also entered into partnership. This arrangement existed imtil 1877. During
all of the subsequent changes, Mr. B. H. Calkins has been at the head. Since
1897 Mr. M. D. Calkins has been a member of the firm, and up to June 23,
1905, the firm was known as B. H. Calkins & Son, at which time the com-
pany was incorporated under its present name, B. H. Calkins & Son Co.
The business has always been successful, although passing through five fires,
the last being March 6, 1901, at which time Mr. B. H. Calkins was severely
burned, and was forced to give up active business relations. He never re-
covered from the shock to the nervous system, and passed away October 1 5,
1905. Mr. M. D. Calkins, who has had charge of the business since March,
1901, is president and manager of the corporation, Miss Almera H. Calkins,
secretary and treasurer. This business has afforded a market to the farmers
for all kinds of timber, at good prices. The firm purchase each year from
♦Letters asking for data were sent to sll the larger mami tact n ring firms in the county
and information has been nought from other sources, but sufficient material for a sketch was
not, obtained in every case.^EoiTOH.
eight to ten thousand cords of timber, which means a yearly expenditure of
$30,cxx> in that Hne. They also pay out an equal amount for labor. The
firm enjoys a large trade in flour, cement, poultry, glass, fruit and pork
barrels. A great amount of the heading and staves manufactured is also
shipped to outside shops.
The Pratt Manufacturing Company was established in 1882 by J. F.
Pratt and Wellington Chase, who came to Coldwater from Homer, New
York, in that year. The business was started under the name of Pratt ■&
Chase' and continued under that title until the death of Mr. Chase in 1890.
The business was established in a modest way in an old country tavern or
inn known as the Bolster House and located at the corner of Railroad and
Division streets. Changes and additions to the building were rapidly made
until within ten years the old tavern had almost entirely disappeared. In
1902 Mr, J- F. Pratt retired from the business, and a corporation was formed,
which took over the entire business and plant which had accumulated up
to that time. At present the buildings have about 80,000 feet of floor space,
and gi\'e steady employment the year round to about 125 men. The product,
which consists of children's sleds as the larger part, is sold through the entire
snow-belt of the United States. During the spring and summer months
this company manufactures a line of porch and lawn furniture, which is
shipped throughout the United States from ocean to ocean. The officers
of the company are H. B. Fisher, president ; A. B. Schied, vice-president :
A. J. Pratt, secretary and treasurer.
The Regal Gasoline Engine Company, manufacturers of marine and
stationary engines, Coldwater, was incorporated in August, 1901. The pres-
ent officers of the company are A. E. Robinson, president: H, D. Robinson,
vice-president ; H. R. Saunders, secretary and treasurer. All of the stock is
owned by these and Elmer J. Allen. They build a line of marine engines,
also some sizes of stationary engines, but give marine engines the most
attention, They employ 30 to 40 machinists. The output is sold princi-
pally on the eastern coast from Maine to Florida, on the western coast from
Seattle to San Diego. They also have many desirable agencies in New
England, middle states and extreme south. They have an excellent trade
with New Zealand, Australia. Fiji Islands, Italy, Belgium, and Finland,
The Regal Gasoline Engine Company started in rather a small way, but
has steadily increased in size.
The Conover Engraving and Printing Company was founded in 1877
by the late J. S. Conover, The beginning was a small one, the outfit con-
sisting of a small hand lever printing press and some second-hand tvpe from
the " hell-box " of a Quincy printing office, but under careful management
the business grew rapidly and in 1881 the present building was purchased
and new machinery and material were added as fast as needed. Althmigh
all classes of engraving and general commercial printing are done here, still
the Conover Engraving and Printing Company makes a specialty of labels
and show cards, as well as high-class color work.' A leading feature is the
manufacture of 'cigar labels. The Conover establishment is a model engrav-
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ing and printing plant. The headquarters, are in a substantial three-story
brick block on West Chicago street, the three floors being devoted to the
business. The printing equipment is one, of the best in this portion of the
state and, as can well be imagined, the patronage is very large.
The Johnson Cooperage Company was established in Coldwater in 1868
by Mr. Chas. W. Johnson. The first plant was of necessity a small one,
but it has steadily grown until today the factory and yards cover over five
acres of ground. The company manufactures barrels, kegs, paiis, etc. The
Johnson Cooperage Company was organized in its present form in 1894,
capitalized at $15,000.
The Coldwater Gas Light and Fuel Company had its origin in i860,
when A. W. Parkhurst, H. C. Lewis, J. G. Parkhurst. D. S. Harrington and
Artemus Allen organized the Coldwater Gas Light Company, with a capital
stock of $25,000. The works were built in i86i, and extensions and im-
provements have taken place consistent with the growth of the business and
the city. Through the efforts of the late William A. Coombs the business
was reorganized in 1895 as the Coldwater Gas Light and Fuel Company
with a capital stock of $40,000. It is estimated that there are a thousand
patrons of the company in Coldwater, where gas has been in general use for
fuel and light during nearly half a century. The present officers of the
company are: L M. Wing, president; J. W. Thompson, vice-president;
Geo. C. Turner, secretary and superintendent; W. E. Moss, treasurer.
The Sherwood Heading Company, manufacturers of slack barrel and
keg heading, was organized and put in operation about the year 1883 by
Stafford & Ott, sold to H. Sayers & Son about 1886, then to C. B. Wilcox
in i8g6, then to J. F. Mclntyre & Company. April 15, 1903, and reorganized
January i, 1906, under the name of Sherwood Heading Company, which
is the firm name now. They employ about fifteen men, on an average, and
turn and sell about one carload of heading per week, which is sold al! over
the country, but principally in New York and Pittsburg, Pa. They use
from five thousand to six thousand cords of bolts each year to get out this
amount of stock. The officers of the company are : J. F. Mclntyre, presi-
dent and general manager : Geo. H. Seymour, vice-president and treasurer ;
Guv E. Mclntyre, superintendent and secretary.
The William H. Friedrich Comixiny, manufacturers of veneers at Bron-
son, whose plant was entirely burned June 3, 1906, commenced operation in
Bronson in 1900 by remodeling and installing an electric light plant which
■ then had about 450 lights. The village now has over three thousand lights
installed, which shows a lively increase for the size of the town. In 1901
the company added the coal business, which has been well patronized ever
since, and m 1902 .started the veneer mill,_ making a good home market
for high-grade logs and timber, which business has also increased every
year. In 1903 was added a saw mill, which also made a home market for
cheaper grades of timber, and with the combined industries the plant was
running day and night at the time it burned. They took measures to rebuild
at once.
Globensky Brothers, at Quincy, are the successors in manufacturing of
the Quincy Stave and Heading" Factory, which, as elsewhere stated, was
one of the first large industries in the village. It was established by H. L.
and E. G. Lownsberry and L. P.' Alden in 1864, was for some time con-
ducted under the firm name of H. L. Lownsberry & Company, and its manu-
factured product of staves and headings was very large, as many as fifty
persons often being employed. Gfobensky Brothers bought the plant about
1890, and after remodeling and refurnishing, began a general tarrel, stave
and cooperage business.
The McKenzie Cereal Food and Milling Company is another Quincy
manufacturing plant that is historical as well as extensive in its present
business. Tlie first flour mill was built in Quincy in 1S63, and it is from
this small mill, through a number of successors, that the present plant origi-
nated. Mr. F. A. McKenzie has been the energizing spirit since 1887, at
which time the business passed under control of the firm of McKenzie and
Hyslop. In 1894 Mr. McKenzie became sole proprietor, and in 1903 the
business was incorporated mider the name as given above, Mr. McKenzie
owning most of the stock. The plant has been entirely rebuilt five times
and its capacity increased accordingly. From ten to fifteen men are employed'
and the company has a warehouse in Erie. Penn., for the distribution of
their products, which consist of several special food preparations, liesides
flour, buckwheat and mill feed.
The Portland Cement Industry.
Until a few years ago the natural products of Branch county were prac-
tically all confined to the agricultural class. There are no coal deposits
beneath the surface, no certain supply of gas, no minerals. Brick has been
made here from an early day, there is a supply of building stone, but aside
from these the products of the county have been mainly those of the soil.
From the enrly days the settlers had known of the existence of marl,
more populariy called " merle " or " bog lime." No doubt they had discov-
ered it in sinking their wells. They also found that this marl would serve
as a substitute for quick-lime in making building mortar, and as lime, like
all other materials that had to be imported, was hard to get and exjiensive
to the first settlers, where a marl deposit was convenient they used the raw
material for plastering up the chinks of their log houses. In some locaflties
the marl was burned in kilns and thus reduced to quick-lime. It is said that,
scattered over the marl-producing area, many log houses are still standing
which were built with mortar of this kind, or even with the nnbvirned marl
Lime lake on section 26 of Batavia township was named because of
the deposit of marl found along its shores. The manufacture of lime from
this deposit is proved by an advertisement that appeared in the CoMwater
Sentinel in November, 1843. In this paper it is stated that Hervev Miller
" has constantly on band a quantity of lime at his kiln, five miles west of this
village on the- Chicago road. It is nmnufactiired from the marl of the
marshes, and is as strong as the best stone lime."
But aside from this manufacture and use of the marl deposits, marl did
not become an article of commercial importance in Branch county until very
nearly the close of the last century. From the preceding paragraph it is evi-
dent that marl is not a recent " discovery " in this county, any stories to that
effect notwithstanding. But it was only ten years ago that the marl deposits
became the basis for the most valuable manufacturing interests which the
county possesses.
Marl and clay are the principal raw materials in the manufacture of
Portland cement. The existence of both in large quantities in Branch
county makes this a field of great value for the production of cement. It is
hardly necessary to state the commercial uses to which Portland cement is
now put in the world's industries. It is only a few years since it began to
enter into engineering and architectural construction, and now it is being
used by the millions of barrels. Vast quantities will be used in constructing
the Panama canal. Its use in steel construction is now thoroughly estab-
lished. Cement blocks are being substituted for stone and brick in dwelling,
business and public edifices. Stone, brick and wood have been building ma-
terials through all the ages. The age of " steel construction " began some
years ago ; and this history is being written at what is probably the beginning
of a " cement age," in which cement either alone cr in combination will be
employed in greater quantities than any other material.
Michigan now manufactures cement next in quantity to New Jersey,
although ten years ago this product was inconsiderable in this state and was
confined almost entirely to New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania. Branch
county can claim recognition as a pioneer in this manufacture. Not only had
the existence of marl beds been known for years, but experimentation and
prospecting had been done for several years before the first plant was actually
established. Hiram Bennett, of QuJncy, after having visited the cement
■works at South Bend and finding that marl was used in *he manufacture of
cement, in 1892 prospected in and around the lakes in the eastern part of
the county, and tried to induce capitaHsts to invest nn^ney in an enterprise
which would make use of the marl. But nothing was effected, and it re-
mained for another village of the county to gain the first h^nor for beginning
the manufacture of cement from the marl beds.
The oldest cement manufactory in the county is at Union City. Not
only so, but it is claimed that it is the oldest successful Portland cement com-
pany in Michigan. The Peerless Portland Cement Company was organized
August 23. 1896, incorporated under the laws of Michigan, with a capital
of $250,000, and first began the manufacture of cement in 1897. Important
changes in equipment and methods were made from time to time, and the
daily capacity is now 1,800 barrels of the Peerless brand. The plant is
located at Union City, and the company owns marl and clay lands within a
mile of the works and also at Spring Arbor. Mr. J. R. Patterson has been
manager of the company since 1899.
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A brief description of the process of manufacture at'this plant will
apply to cement manufacture in general throughout the county. The
marl is dredged from the lakes and loaded on cars and hauled to the factory
by a railroad owned and operated by the company. There the marl is weighed
and dumped directly into a mixing machine, where water and the right
amount of clay are added. After a thorough mixing in this, it is dumped
into a pug mill, where the mixing process continues. After a sufficient
pugging, the mass, then called " slurry," is run into a large vat, which is
furnished with mixing and stirring devices. As soon as one vat is filled and
thoroughly mixed, two samples are taken for analysis. If the composition
proves to be lacking in any respect the required ingredient is added and the
whole mass mixed, sampled and analj'zed as before. Thia is repeated until
the correct chemical composition is obtained. The slurry is then elevated
and run into large cylinder tube mills half filled with Bint pebbles. As these
mills revolve the slurry is ground to a fine silky paste. As the slurry leaves
the tube mills it is conveyed into large storage vats, where it is kept in con-
stant motion by the aid of compres,sed air, thus avoiding all, settling and
assuring additional mixing. From these vats it is again elevated and passed
into a battery of rotary kilns. These rotaries at the Union City plant are
each seventy feet long. The slurry runs in at one end and in its progress
through the kiln is thoroughly dried and burned, dropping out at the other
end in the form of clinker. The fuel used is pulverized ct^l, which is ignited
and blown into the kiln at one end. After the clinker is passed through the
cooling machines, a steel conveyor delivers it into a set of very heavy steel
rolls, where it is reduced to the size of rice. Then it is conveyed to the
hoppers which feed the Griffin mills, by which it is ground to a fine powder.
These are the salient features of the manufacture. A cement plant is
a large institution, representing a great outlay of capital (it is said that the
first cost of a plant is at the minimum three hundred thousand dollars),
much executive aiblity, and a large supply of skilled and common labor.
When it is recalled that Branch county now has four of these plants within'
her area, all built within the last ten years, it is seen how large and important
has been the contribution of this industry to the permanent wealth and active
resources of the county. According to the state reiwrt for 1905 there were
only thirteen plants in operation in the entire state of Michigan, the total
number of plants being seventeen. Thus Branch county has at least a fourth
of the cement-producing equipment of the state of Michigan. From the same
report the total daily capacity of the seventeen plants was 19,200 barrels, and
of the four Branch county plants, 5,800, which is more than a fourth of the
combined cai>acity of Michigan cement industries. The total number of
employes in these four industries is 458, taking the figures of the factory
inspector in 1905.
At Eronson village is the cement plant, the largest manufacturing in-
dustry in the western part of the county. Cement was first manufactured
at these works in 1897, and the capacity has been increased to 1,200 barrels
a day. The company owns about five hundred acres of low, wet land about
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the works, and both the clay and the mari are obtained from the land. The
stvatiim of marl is found three feet below the surface, the top three feet
being peat, which is removed by dredging.
The Bronson plant was first operated as the " Bronson -Kalamazoo Port-
land Cement Company," but in 1905 it was made a part of the Chanute Ce-
ment and Clay Product Company, the Bronson plant being known as the
" Brongon Division" of the same. The officers in igo6 are: President,
John F. Townsend, Akron, O. ; vice-president and general manager, J, R.
Patterson, of Union City ; treasurer, Henry Robinson ; secretary, W. E..
Wheeler; Michigan agent, C. H. Powley, Bronson.
The history of the Coldwater Portland Cement Co., which was organ-
ized May 25, 1898, and of its successor, the Michigan Portland Cement Co..
which was organized June 30, i8g8, is continued in the Wolverine Portland
Cement Company, which was organized early in 1902, with a capital stock
of $1,000,000. Tliis group of companies has had a somewhat varied finan-
cial history, but this has not prevented the steady production of cement under
the Wolverine brand. The first company planned, the Coldwater, was a
relatively modest affair, with a capital stock of $300,000. Soon the plans
were enlarged, and the original company under the name of the American
Construction Company took the contract of preparing the plant, turning in
what it had done to the larger company, the Michigan Portland Cement
Company, which issued a million dollars of bonds, covering the plant and
the lands. In recapitalizing, $100 in six per cent bonds was offered with
every $100 of stock for $100 cash. When, therefore, in the fall of 1901,
interest failed to l>e paid on these bonds, foreclosure proceedings were begun,
and as a result of the conference between the bondholders, who may be
taken to represent the subscribing public, and the other creditors, prominent
among which was the Constniction Company, representing the promoters,
the present company, the Wolverine Portland Cement Company, was formed.
The Wolverine Company control and operate both the plant at Quincy
and that at Coldwater. The " Wolverine " brand of cement has been on
the market since 1898, when the Coldwater plant was completed, and the
" Eclipse " brand since 1900, when the plant at Quincy was put in operation.
The present officers of the Wolverine Portland Cement Company are :
L. M. Wing, of Coldwater, president; Frank M. Rudd, of Bronson, Mich.,
vice-president; and E. R. Root, Coldwater, secretary and treasurer.
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The history of hanking in Branch county goes back to the days of
" wild-cat " currency and reckless speculation, which set in shortly after
Michigan was admitted to statehood. The old Coldwater Bank began its
existence in December, 1837, when it was organized under the provisions of
an act of the legislature passed in the preceding March. Some of the most
prominent men of that day were directly concerned in its organization, the
stockholders being Hanchett & Holbrook, William A. Kent, L. D. & P, H.
Crippen, James H. Hanchett, Robert Baker, R. J. Champion, William Rey-
nolds, H, Cowles, Ed Sloan, B. Crippen, Lewis Goddard of Detroit, John J.
Curtis, Loren Marsh, John Conley, Martin Olds, Harvey Warner, Lot Whit-
comb, J. S. Ware, Enoch Jones, L Taylor and E. G. Fuller.
The bank was opened in a little one-story building on the north side of
Chicago street, east of Monroe, where Sloman's and Flandermeyer's stores
" are located. L. D. Crippen was the first president. The directing spirits
of the institiition, however, were two men from outside the county, Goddard
and Ware, whose business it was to organize banks and to manipulate the
clever financial schemes of that day. Their theories as to banking and
finance were so elaborate, yet so plausible, that the other stockholders and
directors submissively put away practical opinions and every-day business
methods and followed their lead almost without question. The bills of the
bank were issued to the amount allowed by law, with no specie in the vault
to redeem them. The two promoters soon after carried away with tiiem
about fifty thousand dollars of these bills for the purpose of turning them
into cash and, as they said, " creating specie." They did dispose of most
of the bills, but they never returned with the proceeds to Coldwater, and
the honest pioneer stockholders who remained behind were left to pay the
incoming bills as best they could. The Crippens struggled hard to main-
tain the integrity of the institution, becoming personally responsible to the
amount of twenty thousand dollars, but without avail, for the bank failed
utterly within a year after it was founded.
Some time after this experience in " wild-cat " finance, Lorenzo D.
Crippen and Clinton B. Fisk ooened the " Exchange Bank of Crippen and
Fisk," ITiis bank, though without a hint of the methods of Its predecessor,
had a very difficult career, for banking and finance were in a state of terrible
confusion owing to the lack of uniformity and inadequacy of the laws, both
state and national, that regulated such matters. Crippen and Fisk suspended
payment in 1857, during the financial panic of that year, but the proprietors
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of the Exchange Bank settled with all their creditors in full and no stigma
attached to their failure. The following partnerships successively operated
the Exchange Bank after the suspension: Clinton B. Fisk and Henry C.
Lewis; H. C, Lewis, Alonzo F. Bidwell, and I. G. Miles; Lewis and (George
A.) Kellogg: Lewis and (George) Starr; Edwin R, Clarke and Starr; and
David B. Dennis and Starr.
Coldwater National Bank.
Dennis and Starr were succeeded by the Coldwater National Bank,
which with over forty years of continuous financial operation, not to men-
tion its antecedents, is the oldest banking house in Branch county. It was
organized May 30, 1865, with a capital stock of $100,000. The first officers
and directors were: H. C. Lewis, president; D'. B. Dennis, vice-president;
George Starr, cashier, who had begun with the Exchange Bank in 1856.
The directors were : H. C. Lewis, D. B. Dennis, George Starr, Artemus
Allen. Charles Upson, C. B. Jones, A. Waterman, David Thompson, D. R.
Cooley, C. G. Luce,
The Coldwater National Bank now has a capital and surplus of $135,000.
Its present officers and directors are: L. M. Wing, president: Z. G. Osborn,
vice-president; H. R. Saunders, cashier. Directors, Louis Sloman, H. R.
Saunders, K. R. Williams, F. W. Moore, John T. Starr, Z. G. Osborn,
L. M. Wing.
Southern Michigan National Bank.
The Southern Michigan National Bank of Coldwater has a history of
nearly thirty-five years of continuous and successful activity. A bank, when
prosperous, comes to be regarded by the people generally as an " institution"
and the personal character behind it seldom comes to light. None the less
the strength of the institution depends on the directors and officers who control
its affairs, -and the confidence of tlie people in the bank is only another way
of stating the reliability of the men responsible for its financial management.
Many well known men of Branch county have Ijeen identified with the South-
ern Michigan National Bank, and it is also noteworthy that some of the
original stockholders and officials are still connected with the active control.
The names of the original stockholders are: Caleb D. Randall. Juhu3
S. Barber, Cyrus G. Luce, Henry Safford, Lester E. Rose, Edwin R. Clarke,
John O. Pelton. David C. Powers. Luther F. Hale, Charles A. Spaulding,
Robert F. Mockridge, Simon B. Kitchel, Alonzo Waterman, Thomas W.
Dickinson. Hibbard>. Jones, Olivia Safford, Isaac Mains, Emeline Barber,
Thomas Smith. Noah P. Loveridge. Robert Reade, Daniel E. Dyer. D. C.
Smith, J. Sterling Smith, Lois Smith. Mary Rodman, Orlando Wilder.
The first board of directors were: Henry Safford, E. R. Ciarke, J. S.
Barber, C. D. Randall. L. F. Hale, D. C. Powers, C. G. Luce. The present
directors are L. E. Rose, J. S, Barber, E. G. Luce, R. E. Clarke, M. D. Camp-
bell, A. S. Upson.
The first executive officers are: C D. Randall, president; C. G. Luce,
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vice-president: Lester E. Rose, cashier: A. Sidney Upson, teller and book-
keeper. On the resignation of Mr. Randa!!, Mr. Rose became president, and
the recent death of C. G. Luce necessitated the only other change that has
occurred since the bank began business. The officers at present are : L. E.
Rose, president ; J. S. Barber, vice-president ; A. S. Upson, cashier.
In February, 1872, the Southern Michigan National Bank was opened
for business in the Southern Michigan Hotel block, but since the fall of the
same year has been located in the building erected by the banking associa-
tion at the southeast corner of Chicago and Monroe streets. The capital
stock is $165,000, and the surplus and undivided profits are $145,000.
The Branch County Savings Bank.
The Branch County Savings Bank at Coldwater was organized Decem-
ber 9, 1890, with the following officers: President, B. S. Spofford; first
vice-president, F. L. Burdick; second vice-president, B. R. Moore; cashier,
C. T. Gilbert; directors, B. S. Spofford. B. R. Moore, N. A. Reynolds, C. T.
Gillwrt, W. S. VanBlarcum, H. J. Woodward, F. L. Burdick, G. W. Van-
Aken, R. G. Chandler. The bank proved a success from its inception, its
savings feature being particiilarly attractive to the small depositor — an im-
portant branch of the banking business too often overlooked by many banks.
A general banking business is conducted in all of its branches and the out-
side connections of the Branch County Savings Bank are extensive. The
present officers of the bank are B. S, Spofford, president; F. L. Burdick,
vice-president; M. W. Wimer, cashier. The directors are B. S. Spofford,
A. Milnes, j . W. McCausey, F. L. Burdick,, S. H. Clizbe, N. Baldwin, G. W.
VanAken, N. A. Reynolds, Harry P. Woodward. The capital and surplus
are $65,000.
Union City National Bank.
The building of the railroad through Union City was, as told on other
pages, a powerful impetus to business and growth of all kinds. Further
proof of the statement is found in the fact that the village's oldest bank was
established about that time. The Union City National Bank was organized
under a charter, May 17, 1871, with the following officers: President,
David R. Coolev ; vice-president. Dr. Wm. P. Hurd ; cashier, Ira W. Nash ;
directors, S. P. 'WiiHams, I, W. Clark, Ezra Bostwick, J. B. Tucker, H. H.
Hitchcock. Mr. Cooley was president for three years when he was succeeded
by Dr. W. P. Hurd, who filled the position in a satisfactory manner until
his death in 1881. Mr. Ezra Bostwick succeeded to the office and was
president until his death in 1895. Mr. J. W. McCausey, who had been
cashier of the institution since 1883, was then elected president, a position
which he still fills. The bank is situated in commodious quarters of its own
at the comer of Ellen street and Broadway, where steel vaults and safes of
modern construction afford safety to the funds of the institution. A general
banking business is done, and that the bank possesses fully the confidence of
the public is evidenced by the large volume of business transacted. The
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present ofikers are as follows: President, J. W. McCausey; vice-president,
Isaac Tower; cashier, J. S. Nesbitt; teller, L. F. Holcomb; directors, J. W.
McCausey, Isaac Tower, Mrs. C. E. Hurd, M. F. Biiell,' Henry Seymour,
Warren Baker, W. H. Tower,
Farmers National Bank of Union City.
The Farmers National Bank was incorporated October 4, 1877, with
the following officers: Tliomas B. Buell, president; H. F. Ewers, vice-
president; H. T. Carpenter, cashier; T. B. Bnell, R. F. Watkins, Rnfus
Osborn, H. F. Ewers, H. T. Carpenter, D. R. Cooley, H. L. Bisbee, directors.
Thomas B. Bueli continued as president until his death in 1900, when he
was succeeded by his son D. D. Buell. Ever since its organization the bank
has been under the management of its cashier, H. T. Carpenter, whose long
record in the same position is not excelled in the history of Branch county
banking. The present officfers are : D. D. Buell, president ; J. P. Fox, vice-
president; H. T. Carpenter, cashier. According to one of its latest state-
ments, the Farmers National has a capital stock of $50,000, surplus and
undivided profits of nearly $18,000, and deposits of nearly $200,000.
First National Bank of Quincy.
In April, 1877, the banking house of Lee and Hannan was estabHshed
in Quincy. Four years later, in 1881, Mr. Charles R. Hannan organized
the First Notional Bank of Quincy, which now, at the close of its twenty-'
fifth year, is the oldest bank of Quincy and one of the most successful in the
county. Its management has been solid and conservative throughout, and
it has the record of never having paid a cent of interest on deposits. Its
deposits in April, 1906, were nearly one hundred thousand dollars.
Associated with Mr. Hannan in the establishment of this bank were
the first president, B. F. Wheat; the vice-president, John H, Jones, while
Mr. Hannan took the post of cashier. One instance of the solidity of the
bank is to be found in the length of service of the men now officers. Mr.
C. H. Winchester, the president, has been with the bank about fifteen years,
following Mr. Wheat ; the vice-president, E. B. Church, has a record of
twenty years with the institution, while Mr. C. L, Truesdell, the cashier,
has stood regularly at his window for twenty-three years.
Quincy State Bank.
The Quincy State Bank was incorporated January 20, 1899. With
the exception of the office of vice-president, which for the first three years
was held by H. W. Whitmore, the principal officers and the directors have
remained the same to the present time. They are: F. A. Roethlisberger,
president; N. H. Andrus, vice-president; M. S. Segur, cashier; directors,
S. M. Golden, N, H. Andrus, M. S. Segur, Harvey Chase, F. A. Roethlis-
berger. Charles Harphan was assistant cashier two years, L. T, Etheridge
for one year, and Pearl Power now holds that position.
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The Farmers' and Merchants' Bank at Sherwood was established in
1883. It is capitalized at $10,000. The president is Henry Seymour anc!
the cashier George H. Seynronr, who are the owners of the institution.
Sketches of these business men will be found elsewhere in the volume.
Bronson Banks.
The L. Rudd & Son private banking- business was begun in 1883.
Laurendus Rudd, the founder, who was Ixirn in New York in 1815, and died
in Bronson, December 27, 1884, came to Bronson in 1854 and was foremost
in business affairs until his death. His was the first banking house in the
village. The firm aie now the only bankers in the county whoi are mem-
bers of the American Banking Association. F. M. Rudd, the son, now car-
ries on the principal interests in succession to his father and has also enlarged
the scope of his business efforts.
The Exchange Bank, also a private bank, was established in 1897, the
original firm name being Coward & Monroe Brothers. In 1902 Wallace
Monroe sold his interest, and the firm became Coward & Monroe. Richard
Coward and William Monroe are now the proprietors of this bank, which has
a capital of $50,000 and large deposits and is in a substantial condition. Mr.
Coward, who is of English birth, has lived in Branch county since 1865.
Farmers' Mutu.\l Insurance Company.
One of the oldest and best known financial institutions of Branch county
is the Farmers Mutual Insurance Company of Branch County, which has
had a continuous and successful existence since the date of its founding,
January 21, 1863. The mutual plan has always been strictly adhered to,
and the insurance reports issued from the state have always given the com-
pany favorable mention, which is substantiated in the sworn statements of
business. The founders of the company are named in the first official list,
namely: Philo Porter, president; John S. Strong, secretary: and Asahel
Brown, Stuart Davis, Moses V. Calkins, George W. VanAken, E. W. Pliet-
tiplace, directors.
The company has written policies for more than forty years. Its im-
portance as an individual financial institution is shown in the erection, during
the year of this writing, 1906, of a brick building on Division street opposite
the court house, which will be devoted to business offices for the company.
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The laying- out of the Chicago Road and the operation of the line of
stages from Detroit to Chicago had a tremendous importance in the devel-
opment of southern Michigan. But the time came when the last coach rum-
bled along this thoroughfare, and the stage-coach era passed on beyond the
Mississippi river. Following it, as one phase of progress follows another,
came the railroad period. The very fact that the transition from one to the
other was a gradual process, covering some years, partly ohscured the sig-
nificance of the event even to its actual beholders, while to people who have
never lived out of hearing of the locomotive whistle, imagination affords a
dim idea of the epoch when the stage coach and the Conestoga wagon were
the onl)' means of transportation.
Railroad building was extended westward in the wake of the great
emigration movement of the thirties and forties. Although the first rail-
road in the United States was not built until the decade of the twenties, each
year thereafter increased the railroad mileage by hundreds and then by
thousands of miles. Branch county was fortunate in being on the route
of westward extension which finally Ixtund the east and the west by trunk
lines, and in 1850 was traversed by one of these lines and twenty years later
by a second.
It was not until 1S37 '^'''^t ^^^ Michigan pioneer could make any part
of his journey in this state by rail. The Erie and Kalamazoo Railroad, the
oldest of the original companies which are now embraced under the name
of the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern, was incorporated in 1833, was
built between Toledo and Adrian, a distance of thirty-three miies, and opened
for traffic in 1837. The motive power was furnished by horses until a loco-
motive could be obtained. This road had many difficulties, and its owners
finally, in August, 1849, leased it to the Michigan Southern.
In 1837 the then new state of Michigan launched out in a grand scheme
of internal improvements, providing for a loan of five million dollars (an
enormous sum 'at that time) for the improvement of rivers, ccwistroction of
canals, and for three railroads — a Southern, a Central and a Northern Rail-
road. The Southern Railroad, it should be noticed, was fJanned to start
at Monroe, on Lake Erie, traverse the southern tier of counties, and ter-
minate at St. Joseph on Lake Michigan. The Central was to cross the state
and terminate on Lake Michigan at a point further north. At the time these
roads were planned, Chicago was little more tlian a trading post, but long
before either of them was completed it became obvious that the value of each
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road depended on having its western terminus in Chicago. The Central, af-
ter the state relinquished its control, was constructed rapidly and across the
prescribed route of the Southern through New Buffalo and along the south-
ern shore of Lake Michigan, its arrival in Chicago anticipating that of the
Southern by several months.
In the meantime the state was proceeding with the construction of the
Southern Railroad also. The road was opened from Monroe to Petersburg,
eighteen miles, in 1839, to Adrian in 1840, to Hudson in 1843, and to Hills-
dale in 1843, i" ^" ^ distance of 66 miles. That was all of the Southern
Railroad built by the state. Michigan's experience in the construction of
great internal improvements was unfortunate, and in less than ten years it
seemed the part of wisdom to turn over such enterprises to private capital.
In 1846, accordingly, the state sold its Southern road to a company for five
hundred thousand dollars, to be paid in ten equal annual installments.
Tliis was the status of the railroad question at the time when we may
begin to view it from the standpoint of the people of Branch county.
Despite the constant agitation on the part of the citizens, the mass meet-
ings, the memorials to the legislature, the western terminus of the railroad
remained at Hillsdale for nearly seven years. The inhabitant of Coldwater
who wished to go to Detroit must make the first twenty-two miles of the
journey by stage, and the trip was not at all tempting to one bent on a holiday
excursion. The railroad question was vital. Hardly an issue of the Cold-
water Sentinel during the late forties did not contain an editorial of protest
against the delay. The progress of negotiations was followed in great detail,
and at a time when neivspapers gave scant attention to matters of local inter-
est this fact is significant of the importance that marked the building of the
railroad in contrast with all other affairs.
The Telegraph,
The villages of Branch county were placed in communication with the
world by means of the telegraph a year before the railroad came. In 1S45
the first commercial use was made of the telegraph. Four years later its
wire threads were being carried across the continent, enabling the people of
Coldwater to know what had occurred in New York two hours before. " On
Tuesday, Nov. 6, 1849, the office of the Southern Michigan Telegraph line
in this viliage was put in operation," But while marking this as an im-
portant day in the history of Coldwater, the editor of the Sentinel in the
same issue sagely comments that, despite material inventions and improve-
ments, the disposition of men remains about the same. " We have wit-
nessed," he savs, " the anxiety of our citizens when the lumbering stage
coach was the "only medium by which news was conveyed. We saw no less
anxiety when the stage coach gave place, in part, to the locomotive as it
rolled along its iron track. An increase of speed had increased their expec-
tations. And now, when they can talk by lightning, send their communica-
tions and receive answers in less than no time, they are more dissatisfied
than ever. There was more anxiety depicted on the countenances of the
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crowd in waiting Tuesday evening and Wednesday, whik the election re-
turns were coming in, than we ever saw manifested by a postoffice full of
politicians when they had waited patiently a week or ten days without any
intelligence. Lightning was too slow, and we were convinced that the more
me*n have, the more they want."
The First Railroad.
But now the attention of the press and the people became concentrated
on the railroad situation. The rivalry between tbe Michigan Southern and
the Michigan Centra! was by this time intense, and each company was using
all the means in its power to prevent the other from reaching Chicago. As
already mentioned, the Michigan Central had been diverted southward from
its original course. The Southern people were fighting in the legislature
for the privilege likewise of diverging from the straight course across the
southern tier of counties and building a large part of their line across north-
ern Indiana. The interest in this matter was not confined to the legislative
halls and railroad circles. In March, 1850, a mass meeting of citizens was
held in the Branch county court house, long series of preambles and reso-
lutions were adopted, of which the main tenor was a protest against the
monopoly of the Michigan Central and an emphasizing of the uselessness
of constructing the Michigan Southern to a terminus within the state of
Michigan instead of to Chicago.
The agitation here and elsewhere bore fruit. Greided to action by an
aroused constituency, the legislature in the closing days of its session of
1849-50 passed a bill, two important features of which were that the South-
em road should be extended from Hillsdale to Coldwater by the fall of 1851,
and requiring the road to strike the St. Joseph river before it should be
diverted from the state. The line was to be equipped with a heavy T-rail
instead of the strap rail, " so that trains may whiz along at thirty miles an
hour," to quote again from the Sentinel.
The railroad now became an immediate and definite prospect for Branch
county. By the latter part of October, 1S50, trains were running to Jones-
ville, with the grading between Coldwater and Jonesville nearly ready for
the track. On December 6. 1850. the eager readers of the Sentinel saw this
item : " We saw the locomotive come snorting through Quincy on Monday
last, with a load of iron ; a somewhat unusual sight, but with all the noise
and confusion, an agreeable one."
The next issue contained the climax of the story. '■ What our citizens
have looked eagerly for during the last twelve years is at last accomplished,
and the Michigan Southern is finally completed to Coldwater. For the first
time, on Tuesday (December 10, 1850), the iron hqrse made .his appearance
in this village. A freight train arrived at noon and commenced taking on a
load of flour at the depot. About 4:15 a large number of our expectant
citizens witnessed the arrival of a passenger train from the east." That
was a. red letter day in the history of Coldwater. In the evening-a ball was
held at the old Franklin House in honor of the event, and on the following
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Friday, when a train load of visitors from Adrian, Toledo and other points
along the line came to the Coldwater terminus, there was a second cele-
bration and rejoicing, all the homes in the viilage were open to entertain
the strangers, and there was another dance in the evening. These social
gi a tula t ions, however, were mere incidental manifestations of the intro-
duction of an epoch which closed the pioneer era of Branch county.
Constmction work did not stop at CoMwater. By the middle of Feb-
niary, 1851, track had been laid to the county line, thus giving Bronson
communication by rail, and on March 13th a train ran through to Sturgis.
A year later, in March, 1S52, the road reached Chicago, and the distance
of two hundred and fifty miles between Toledo and Chicago was open to
traffic without the use of the stage for any portion of the way.
Air Line Railroad.
The Air Line branch of the Michigan Central, which enters the county
at Union City and crosses the county diagonally out through Sherwood
township, was projected almost entirely by local capital and enterprise, the
corporate name being the Michigan Air Line Railroad Com[mny. The peo-
ple of the counties of Cass, St. Joseph, Calhoun, Branch and Jackson were
the ones most vitally interested. In the latter part of the sixties the town-
ships of Union and Sherwood were thoroughly canvassed for contributions
to the enterprise, the promoters sending a man of address and eloquence
all over this section to hold meetings and to use personal suasion in the
interest of the project. The following item from the first copy of the Union
City Independent, in October, 1867, indicates how local interest and finan-
cial support were worked up for this railroad.
" We understand that Dr. H. F. Ewers and E. Perry, Esq., are can-
vassing the townships of Union and Sherwood for stock subscriptions and
right of way for the railroad, and that thus far they have met with good
success. Nearly or quite enoug'h stock has been taken east of Jackson to
prepare the road-bed for the iron, and we understand that on that portion
of the rotite, the contracts are to be let this fall."
Jackson county subscribed nearly two hundred thousand . dollars to the
undertaking, and the principal officers of the original organization were
citizens of Jackson. The line was opened to travel from Jackson to Homer
in the summer of 1870, to Three Rivers in the autumn of the same year, and
was completed to Niles in February, 1S71. Almost coincident with the
completion of the road it was leased to the Michigan Central Railroad Com-
pany, and soon became the property of that company. The Air Line has
been of special value in upbuilding Union City and was the foundation of
the village of Sherwood.
Other Railroads.
The Fort Wayne, Jackson and Saginaw Railroad, which crosses the
southeast corner of California township, was completed and opened for
traffic from Jackstin to Angola, Indiana, in January, ig^o, about the same
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time the Michigan Air Line was constructed across the northwest corner
of the county.
The futility of forecast even in such a substantial matter as railroad
building' is well illustrated in the Branch County Atlas published in 1872.
With this as his only guide we mJ^it conceive of a trrtveler planning- to take
train at California postotfice and riding thence north through Coldwater and
Girard and leaving the county about the center of the north boundary. For
this is the designated route of the Mansfield, Coldwater and Lake Michigan
Railroad, over which, unfortunately, no train of cars ever ran through
Branch county. None the less, the map makers were not open to censure
on that account, for they merely indicated the line which it was confident!;'
believed at the time would soon be in operation, and which was even graded
and ready in some portions for the laying of the iron. And now, as one
unacquainted with this chapter of Branch county history rides over the
county, he would be puzzled in places to account for the grass-grown cuts
and ridges which are a!! that remain of the ambitious attempt.
The Mansfield, Coldwater and Lake Michigan Railroad was largely a
ColdAvater project. The report of the state railroad commission for Decem-
ber, 1872, gave among the list of officers of the corporation the names of
H. C. Lewis as vice president (who soon after became president), David
B. Dennis, treasurer; Justin Lawyer, assistant secretary-, and F. V. Smith,
register of transfers, ail of Coldwater, and besides these the late Gen. J. G.
Parkhurst was a director. It was planned to build this road from Mans-
field, Ohio, to Allegan, Michigaii. In 1875 eleven and a half miles were in
operation from Allegan to Monteith, and the official railroad map of 1875
shows it as a stump line projecting east of Monteith a few miles and under
lease for oi>eration purposes by the Grand Rapids and Indiana. August 28,
1877. t^^^ road was sold under foreclosure of mortgage, the name then
changing to the Allegan and Southeastern R. R. Co. Its subsequent historj'
is not pertinent to present consideration.
Contemporaneous in origin and perhaps connected in other ways with
the above enterprise, was the Marshall and Coldwater Railroad. This road
was projected to run from Coldwater to Elm Hail in Gratiot county, and a
map of the time indicates its line as parallel to the Mansfield road as far as
Girard village^ whence it goes directly north towards Marshall. " That part
of the line from Coldwater to the Peninsular Railroad, a distance of forty
miles, was. January T. 1873. substantially graded, bridged and tied." Such
was the railroad commissioner's report, but no track was ever laid, and the
name and record of the corporation disappear from the reports after 1873.
Neariy all the officials named were citizens of Marshall.
It is within the province of this history to record the status of electric
lines in the county. About three years ago the Toledo and Michigan Elec-
tric Railroad was " in course of construction " through the county, the
designated termini being Toledo and Elkhart. Along the highway between
Coldwater and Quincy for nearly the entire distance can now be seen the
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grade that was made for this road. But so far this construction is for
nothing, although it is expected that a new corporation will utilize the grade:
Furthermore, at the time of this writing, a company is in the field
acquiring right of way and other concessions along the route of the old Cold-
water and Mansfield route from Coldwater to Battle Creek, with the inten-
tion of constmcting an electric line that will cross the county at right angles
to the steam roads and furnish much-needed transportation between por-
tions of the county that are now practically isolated.
It remans for a later historian to describe the improvements which
these proposed electric lines will accomplish. No doubt many things that
are now novel or tentative will be obsolete or thoroughly founded twentyr
five years from now.
Postal Service.
One of the first improvements soug'ht after actual home and shelter and
means of subsistence were provided was a postal service, such as all the
settlers had been familiar with in their former homes in the more settled
regions. We have seen how the government early made provision for the
establishment of a great post road from the east to the west. But the actual
transportation and distribution of mail was a very uncertain matter for
many years, and depended largely on the provision that each community
could make for that purpose. The mail stage b^ail running in the early
thirties along the Chicago road, and the various stations along that highway
were the distributing points from which mail was carried to the settlements
in the remote townships. Some convenient settler's cabin was selected a?
the posVoffice. and there the neighbors would gather to recei^'e a chance letter
or hear the reading of a newspaper brought in by the last mail. Since the
establishment of a postoffice usually marked an important stage in the history
of a village or hamlet, the individual postoffices of the county have received
appropriate mention in connection with the account of the different localities.
Letters were a luxury in pioneer times. Tliey were written on foolscap
paper and so folded that one side was left blank, so as to form its own
envelope, it beJng sealed with wax or a wafer. This latter custom was
followed for many years, and some of these sheets folded according to the
usual manner, with some of the wax of the seal still adhering to them, and
with the post-mark " Mic. T." showing that they were sent during the
territorial days, may be seen in some of the first miscellaneous, files in the
county clerk's office.
Postal advantages were centralized formerly. To get one's mail it was
necessary to go where it was distributed, whether that was at the settler's
cabin above mentioned or at a pennanent office fitted up for the purpose, as
is the case with larger places. The most striking change in postal service
was effected when mail matter began to be carried to the persons addressed
instead of those persons calling at a central place where the mail was kept.
Mail delivery marks a great step of progress, not so nnich in the case of the
cities, as in the country, where the system of rural free delivery has undoubt-
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fldly effected more for the welfare and intelligence of the rural population
than any other factor of recent years.
In the history of the grange movement something has been said con-
cerning the beginnings of rural delivery. The first routes were established
from the Coldwater postoffice in 1901, and since that time the entire county
has received these facilities, there being sixteen carriers over as many routes,
with CoMwater city and each of the four villages as centers, with one or
more routes also from Batavia and Kinderhook.
ComnninJcation by telephone is now in such general and familiar use
in the county that it is difficult to realize that this invention is modern.
There is probably not a person in Branch county who does not at least know
of the telephone, and in hundreds of homes and in nearly every business
house will be found one of these instruments. Every road has its line of
poles and strings of wire, binding together separate homes, communities,
villages and distant cities. Less than thiry years have sufficietl to effect this
condition. Mr. A. Graham Belt, the inventor of the telephone, was suc-
cessfully conducting experiments in the early seventies, . but the first time
his invention was exhibited in a practical form to the general public was at
the centennial exposition at Philadelphia in 1876. A standard encyclopedia,
pubHshed in 1877, in describing this invention, speaks of it as " telegraphic
transmission of articulate sounds," and further goes on to state as the climax
of the wonderful discovery that " we may confidently expect that Mr, Bell
will give us the means of making voice and spoken words audible through
the electric wire to an ear hundreds of miles distant."
Branch county began using this invention in 1882. Tlie Coldwater
Republican of September i. 1882, states that "the labor of putting up a
line has commenced. The central office will he located in the third story
of the F. V, Smith & Co.'s building. About forty instruments have been
ordered, and connection will also be made with Quincy and Union City."
How the invention was regarded is best told in an issue of the same paper
published in October, 1882. The telephones by that time were in operation,
and the writer declared that " a person standing at any telephone in the city
can converse with parties at the State School in an ordinary tone, and many
times can distinguish the voice of the speaker. It is certainly a wonderful
and useful instrument, and we hoix; to see our city connected this fall with
Union City and Quincy."
This was the beginning of telephone communication in Branch county.
The first telephones were operated by the original Bell company, but not
long after the system of which they were a part was formed under the sepa-
rate name of the Michigan State Telephone Company, which is now virtually
a Michigan company, run by Michigan men and capital, and with long-dis-
tance connections.
7 he Michigan State Telephone Company now has 950 subscribers to
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the Coldwater exchange; in 1889 there were 39. The headquarters of the
company are in Detroit, The Ouincy exchange of this company was opened
about igoi, and that Jn Union City about fifteen years ago. In Quincy
there are about 60 subscribers, and in Union City 300 subscribers, two-thirds
of tiljese being farmers. Three hundred of the Coldwater subscribers are
farmers. In Sherwood is an exchange with 75 subscribers, and at Kast
Gilead Mr. F. J. Conldin is a sub-licensee with 50 subscribers. An exchange
is also to be opened in Bronson.
The Wolverine Telephone Company was the first independent telephone
company in Branch county. It began oi^erating in the county March 25,
1904. December 29, 1905, this line was consolidated with the Southern
Michigan Telephone Company, whose main office is at Burr Oak, and which
was fomterly known as the Himehaugh line.
Ttie Quincy Independent Telephone C'.MTipany began operating May
15, 1904. Though a separate line, it works in connection with the Southern
Michigan Company, and service from one to the other of these lines over
the entire county is free. The establishment of these independent hues has
brought alxiut reduction of rates from the older company and both lines
liave been stimulated to offer better service. Besides these, there are three
or four farmers' private lines in the county, the best known being the DoiJar-
hite line, working south of Ouincy, with some eighty subscribers. Mr. John
Babcock, now of Quincy, was the original promoter of the indqiendent lines
east of Coldwater. In 1902-3 he was living about four miles east of Quincy.
In 1903 he and eight other farmers formed a line of their owTi. Mr. H. W.
Noble. Mr. A. L, Bowen and Mr. Samuel N. Swan were associated with him
in the management. The Quincy Independent Line now has 130 subscribers
in the village and 250 in the country about it.
Present Conditions.
One other aspect of communication deserves mention. Tlie rapid
progress in this department of human affairs is almost bewildering, and the
events fellow in such succession that at this time it is difficult to designate
each one witn date and results. In June, igo6, there were 107 automobiles
owned by citizens of Coldwater. a remarkable number considering the size
of the city and comparing favorably with the number in cities of twice tl'e
size. There are also several machines in each of the villages.
In the year of this writing the automobile measures the highest develop-
ment cf what may be termed " individual conveyance." that is, means of
transpoi tation apart from the organized and systematic facilities furnished
by the railroad or steamship companies. Ten years ago the bicycle repre-
sented that highest development. Wagons and carriages drawn by horses,
which have been most depended on throughout the period of this history,
have not been superseded, but it remains a matter of interesting speculation
what the subsequent decades will bring about in this matter of communica-
tion. What roads have done in directing the settlement and upbuilding of
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this county has been described at length, and easy communication has been
emphasized as a dominant factor of our development. But with the improve-
ment of roadways in keeping with the progress in means of conveyance, the
civilization of the next quarter century may be entirely rearranged.
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Something should be said concerning the general character and make-
up of the early newspapers. An examination of newspaper files dated during
the forties and fifties and published in various parts of the country, leads one
to believe that there was little individuality in the pioneer press. A uniform
method was followed in arranging and selecting matter thought to be suita-
ble for the public's reading. Cut off the title head and the place of publica-
tion, and it would require considerable search to discover the exact locality
where the paper was issued.
Of local news scarcely any is to be found in the papers of sixty years
ago. For that reason the historical investigator is usually disapix)inted so
far as large returns for his study of the files are concerned. Here and there,
lodged between an account of a political campaign in another state and a
continued story, may be found an item of value, like a bit of gold quartz
buried in worthless drift. Of the columns of personal mention and local
happenings, which are the real life of the modern newspaper, nothing can
be found in the early files in Branch county, which is no exception to tiie
rule in other counties. As a veteran Michigan editor says, the old-time
publisher would delightedly seize upon a letter from Europe containing
news three months old, giving it several columns on his front page, while
matters of local concern would be disregarded entirely.
The most graphic illustration of these facts about the old-time news-
paper is to be seen in a description of the contents of the first number of the
Coldwater Sentinel, which was issued April i6, 1841, and which is no doubt
typical in form and content of three-fourths of the local newspapers pub-
lished throughout the country in that week.
The first two columns of this old Sentinel are filled with advertisements
of medicine, of the magazine New World, the millwright Jeremiah Case
of Broiison, an insurance company, a list of letters, and some legal notices.
The third column begins with some selected poetry, and is filled out with
paragraphs of wit and humor. The fourth, fifth and sixth columns, half
of the front page, are devoted to foreign news, which is also continued in
the first column of the second page, followed by two columns of news from
the state legislature. All the column rules of the two inside pages are
inverted in token of the death of President William Henry Harrison, which
occurred on April 4th. An account of this fills the remaining columns of
the second page. Page three is entirely filled with political news, legal
notices, advertisements, with a few miscellanies intermingled. On page four
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begins the story. " The Banker's Daughter," and her interesting fate is told
in three and a half cohimns. The story, by the way, was clipped from a
London paper. The rest of the page contains advertisements of " household
magazines " and a certain brand of pills. In the entire sheet the only items
of local interest are a few advertisements inserted by business and profes-
sional men, and a brief account of the formation of a county medical society.
Michigan. Star.
The first newspaper ])ubHshed in Branch county was the Michigan Star,
by the Branch County Printing Company, the first number being issued at
the old county seat at Branch village in May, 1837. Charles P. West wai
the first and only editor and publisher, for the career of the Star was ended
in less than a year, and it was the only paper that Branch village ever had.
CoMzoatrr Obscn'cr.
The rivalry between Branch and Coldwater during the thirties is in no
way better illustrated than in the history of this paper. The Observer was
established to offset the advantage that accrued to Branch from having the
Star to advertise the county seat village to the world and thus focus atten-
tion upon its location. Dr. Thomas N. Calkins and- E. G. Fuller were
behind the enterprise, circulated the subscription paper, and when the paper
was started acted as editors and managers. How shrewdly they engineered
the enterprise to the detriment of its rival is shown by the fact that they
procured the foreman of the Star to act as publisher of the Observer. The
first number was issued July 18, 1837, and its appearance was an occasion
of rejoicing among the people of Coldwater. Dr. Calkins was soon called
to a higher place in journalism, becoming one of the editors of the Detroit
Free Press. Another physician. Dr. Bement, succeeded him, some time in
1838. and changed the pa[>er to the Branch County News. In the meantime
the old Michigan Star had discontinued, and the necessity for a paper iq
Coldwater was no longer so great. The publication was soon suspended,
The material remained, however, and two young men named Jocelyn
and Horton originated and gave a brief existence to the Branch County
Coldwater Sentinel.
April 16, 1841, Mr. Albert Chandler, so long and prominently identified
with the newspaper and business interests of Erandi county, published the
first number of the Coldwater Sentinel, announcing that he had bought the
Horton printing equipment, so that in a sense the SenUnel was a continua-
tion of the first Coldwater paper.
The Sentinel had an existence of nearly twenty years, and its bound
volumes, which are preserved practically complete until 1854, contain the
most exact and detailed data on Branch county history of that period that
can be found anywhere. Various firm names appeared as publishers through
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this time. Chandler and Haynes (John T.) were publishers in 1844. In
1846 it became Chandler and Stillmaii, the latter being- Dr. H. B. Stillman,
and in September of the same year the firm was Chandler and Waterman
(David). In 1849 Elihu B. Pond became editor and proprietor. He was
one of the most forceful of early Branch county editors, and made his paper
a practical and decided influence. He began what he called the " new
series " of the Sentinel, the issue o£ December 7, 1849, heing numbered as
Volume J, No. i. In June, 1854, S. W. Driggs and H. C. Gilbert became
proprietors and conducted the Sentinel two years, Barrett and Reynolds
conducted it two years longer, from the fall of 1856, and it then passed into
the possession of Judge J, H. Gray, who soon sold the plant and it was re-
moved to Port Huron, where it was used to print the Port Huron Press.
The Sentinel was the upholder of Democratic principles on all occasions.
Branch County Journal.
In the meantime Coldwater had another paper. B. F, Thompson estab-
lished and issued the first number of the Branch County Journal on No\'em-
ber II, 1851. This was the first Whig paper in the county. In June, 1852,
the proprietors became C. A- and B. F. Thompson, the former being the
father of B. F. March 8, 1853, E. J. Hard and H. B. Robinson became
proprietors, two years later Bames and Way, and it then passed through
the hands of Bates Dewey and Clinton B. Fisk to E, B. Dewey, who moved
the plant to Elkhart about 1856.
The Branch County Republican.
This paper, the first in Branch county to become the outspoken exponent
of Republican party principles, was established at Coldwater in the fall of
1857? by Messrs, Eddy and Gray. Judge J. H. Gray has already been men-
tioned in connection with the concluding history of the Sentinel. About a
year and a half after its establishment the Republican became the sole prop-
erty of Judge Gray, who conducted it with his son Horace J. Grav, until
In the latter year F. B. Way bought the Republican and changed the
name to the Branch County Casette, although it was conducted loyally to
the Republican party and to the Union cause during the succeeding Civil
war. Diiring this period two well known men in county politics were
editors for a time, J. H, McGowan and C. P. Benton. Tlie next event in
the history of the Gazette brings us to the consideration of
The Republican.
August 23, 1866, Major D. J. Easton, later the founder of the Union
City Register, published the first number of the Republican at Coldwater.
In the following December Dr. P. P. Nichols, another well known news-
paper man of the county, purchased an interest and became one of the editors
of the Republican. Easton and Nichols sold out after a year to W. J. and
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O. A. Bowen. The Republican was growing as the leading Republican
paper of the county, and in 1868 the firm bought its only rival for the
patronage of that party, the Gazette, the history of which paper ends at that
time. W. J. Bowen continued as one of the proprietors of the Republican
for several years, and the firm at one time was Bowen, Rose and Skeels, the
latter being F. L. Skeels, the Coldwater lawyer.
In 1873 A. J. Aldrich and Company bought the Republican. Mr. A.
J. Aldrich, who was born in Girard township and whose grandfather built
the first mill on the site of Hodunk, is yet Jiving in Coldwater. He was in-
terested in the Republican as editor or proprietor imtil 1893. The enterprise
of the new firm was manifested in the issue, August 3, 1875, of the first
number of the " Setm-Weekly ReptihUcan," the first newspaper in Branch
county to break away from the once-a-week issue. Tlie paper was enlarged
on December 3, 1875. Th^ Republican continued as the leading Republican
newspaper for many years, and for many reasons is the best known of former
Coldwater papers. It continued to hold a place in the field of active and
enterprising journalism until 1897, when it was consolidated with the
Courier, and its history is practically a part of the following account of the
The Canrier.
The history of the Coldwater Courier dates from November 4, 1882,
when the first numlier, a large size folio, was issued with the names of W. G.
Moore and P. P. Nichols. Mr. Moore, who is still a resident of Coldwater,
was connected with this paper as citj' editor for about twenty years, until
he was succeeded by Mr. H. F. Bailey, the present city editor. In Decem-
ber, 1885. the Courier became an eight-page paper, and at various times the
size of the page was changed to conform to the needs of the publishers.
The next change of proimetorship to he noted from an examination
of the files occurred in November. 1888, when J. N. Foster became the asso-
ciate of Mr. Moore, the firm being known as Foster and Moore. September
28, 1889, they announced the sale of the Ccnirier to C. H. Newell and C. W".
Owen. Mr. Newell had been connected with the Wabash, Indiana, Plain
Dealer, and Mr. Owen came from Bronson, where he had been editor and
publisher of the Herald. This partnership continued until September 27,
1890. when Mr. Newell went to other fields, and Mr. Owen then conducted
the paper alone until April 2, 1892, when we again find over the editorial
column the names Newell and Owen. A little more than a year, and on
.April 8, 1893, the Courier was pubhshed by Mr. Owen and Major G. H.
Turner. September i, 1894, Mr. Neweil took the place of Mr. Owen, and
for more than six years these gentlemen remained in iiartnership. Since
February 22, 1901, Mr. C. H. Newell has been sole proprietor.
March 23, 1897, a consolidation was effected of two of Branch county's
well known journals. On that date Newell and Turner bought the Cold-
water RepuhUcan. and three days later the issue appears with the title " The
Courier and Republican." Although generally known as simply the Coitrier,
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this combined title remained until April 30, 1906, when the second part of
the heading was dropped.
Beginning' with the issue of November 24, 1899, the Courier and
Republican was enlarged to twelve pages a week instead of ten, and was
issued in two parts — four pages on Tuesday and eight on Friday. On July
7, 1902, the Courier became a daily paper, and was so continued through the
political campaign of that year until December ist, when the number o£
weekly issues was reduced to three, or, to quote its own statement, it is
published " every other day."
The Reporter.
The Daily Reporter of Coldwater was founded as the result of a spon-
taneous interest in journalism combined with the means to gratify that
interest without the large outlay for plant and equipment needed by the
modern newspaper. The late Mr. S. B. Kitche! had for several years before
the establishment of the Reporter conducted a considerable plant to supply
the printing required for a very extensive system of advertising. A regular
force was employed in this department, and the machinery and type assort-
ment were quite equal to the publishing of a periodical paper.
Tt was during the early winter of 1895-96 when, to avoid a shut-down
of the printing plant during the usually dull period in that department, it
was deemed expedient to start a daily paper. Accordingly on the i6th of
December, 1S95, the first number of the Daily Reporter appeared, with S. E.
Kitchel as publisher. At the time there was no intention to continue the
enterprise beyond the holiday season, when the business printing would
again make full demands on the establishment. But the Daily Reporter
seemed to fiU an important place in the city and county. The people were
pleased with the new journal, and the publisher was satisfied with his new
departure in business. So the Reporter continued to be issued daily, and
has maintained an iminterrupted record in this respect to the present time.
As a financial investment the Reporter was not a dividend-maker for several
years. ,Tn fact Mr. Kitchel is reported to have said, " I do not want any
money out of the Reporter. Keep the balance just enough on the right side
to be sure not to lose money, and give the people all the news they will pay
for." The personal satisfaction he got in maintaining a daily paper in Cold-
water was more important to its publisher than financial returns,
i After the Daily Reporter had been in existence about a year a weekly
issue was established, and then on March 15, 1898, the Semi-Weekly Re-
porter b^an its first volume. Mr. S. B, Kitchel continued in active control
of the paper until his death in July, 1905, since which time his son Horace
has been publisher.
The mechanical equipment of the Reporter office is not excelled in
southern Michigan west of Detroit. To guard against delays the important
machinery has been duplicated, so that there are two engines, dynamos, two
folding machines, three job presses, a large cylinder press, and recently there
has been installed a Cox Duplex newspaper press with a capacity equal to
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aH the demand that many years of increase may make. All the regular news-
paper composition is done by linotype, there being two of these machines
in the office. The foreman of the press room is Harry W. Barber, who has
been connected with this department in various capacities for ten years.
Of the city editors of the Reporter there should be named Charles
Segiir, until recently with the Hudson Gazette; A. J. Aldrich, now retired ;
Willis Bailey, now in the job printing business in Coldwater; Harry Bailey,
now city editor of the Courier; James J. Hudson, now with the Jackson
Citizen, and A. Riley Crittenden.
Of the general character of the Reporter as a newspaper and in its rela-
tions to the community, it may be stated that it has been conducted inde-
pendently as to political and general afifairs. It should also be said that its
columns have always been open to the individual citizen, and contributions
to its pages have come from a large number of locai writers covering a wide
variety of topics.
The Sun and Star.
The Coidwater Sun is one of the papers of the county with a continuous
existence of a quarter of a century. It was established in 1881, its first
publisher being Mr. C. J. Thorp> still a resident of Coldwater. After Mr.
Thorp the principal management of the Sun passed into the hands of Mr.
W. C. Bailey.
September 24, 1891, the Sun Publishing Co., was organized and in-
corporated, with a capital stock of five thousand dollars, all paid in. The
original stockholders were well known men of Branch county, the articles
of incorporation being signed by Gen. J. G. Parkhurst, Judge J. B. Shipman,
Rev. Henry Hughes, C. E, Barlow, A. E. Elackman, Gilbert Hoopengarner,
C. McKay, of Quincy; W. B. Downer, H. D. Pessell, of .Qnincy. The first
directors of the company were H. D. Pessell, president ; C, E. Barlow, vice
president; J. G. Parkhurst, secretary and treasurer. Mr. A. E. Blackman
was the principal stockholder, and two days after the organization of the
company the plant was leased to A. E. Blackman and Son, who published
the paper. In June, 1892, H, C. Blackman, the son, and now of the Hills-
dale Democrat, succeeded to the management of the paper. The next change
occurred Jime 14, 1892, when C. A, White became owner of most of the
stock and took the lease from Mr. Blackman. The next lessee of the plant
and publisher was Mr. H. A. Bates, who conducted the Sim from April
26, 1894, until June 15, 1903.
On the latter date Mr. J. S. Evans came into control of the stock. The
Sun Publishing Company is still a corporation, but Mr. Evans is virtual
owner and has entire control of the management and policy of the paper.
The present directors of the company are J. S. Evans, president; Mrs.
Carrie E. Eigenherr, vice president; Nellie F. Evans, treasurer, and Robert
G. Evans, secretary.
On June 15, 1893, a number of Branch county citizens associated them-
selves under articles of incorporation as the Star Publishing Company. The
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authorized capital was five thousand dollars, but only about a fourth of the
stock was issued. The incorporators comprised a long list of well known
names in Coidwater and vicinity, and the first directors were D. T>. Pretty,
president; DeWitt C. Shaw, Rev. E. O. Smith, E. E Bostwick. of Union
City, and I^ancaster Coffnian. These men founded the Coldwater Star as a
Prohibition newspaper. It has since remained the official organ of that
movement in Branch coitnty, opposing the liquor business either through the
formation of public opinion or through political means or in whatever way
the fight is carried on.
Mr. W. C. Bailey was employed as the manager and editor of the Star,
at first on a salary basis, and later took the entire business management.
Mr. J. S. Evans was one of the original stockholders of the enterprise, had
acted as legal adviser of the company, and on July 12, 1899, he took the
management of the paper, Mr. Evans has since published the Star, and
after acquiring control of the Sun, as above mentioned, he continued both
pai>ers as independent ptiblications until December, 1905. when he joined the
two papers into the nature of a semi-weekly, issuing the Star on Monday
and the Sun on Thursday.
Other Coldwater Papers.
Several other newspapers have had a more or less brief and influential
career in Coldwater. After the passing of the old Sentinel, the next Demo-
cratic organ in the county was the Democratic Union, published from 1859
to 1861 by J. U. Hackstaff. In 1864 the Coldwater Union Sentinel, Demo-
cratic but loyal to the Union, was established by F. V. Smith and W. G.
Moore, they purchasing the plant of the ephemeral Southern Michigan
News, which had been published for a short time in 1863 by T. G. Turner.
Smith and Moore continued the publication of the Sentinel until 1870, and
Gibson brothers were the publishers until the plant was burned and the paper
In 1S72 the old Coldwater Reporter was started, as an independent
paper, by the late J. S. Conover. It passed through several proprietorships,
Mr. C. J. Thorpe, now of Coldwater, having been connected with it from
1874 to 1876.
The Coldwater Weekly Press was established in October, 1877, by B. L.
Kingstcm and J. L. Dennis, and soon after was purchased by D. D. Waggot.
This was the first paper to attempt a daily issue, which continued from
January l, ta March 15, 1878, when the usual aistwn was resumed.
Quiney Herald.
The Qnincy Herald was first issued Novernijer 8, 1878. It was pub-
lished by the well known soldier and Quincy citizen, C. V. R. Pond, until
June, 1884, at which time it passed to Mr. F. E. Kittredge, and on April 7,
1888, to Robert J, Stephens. Mr. Stephens conducted it little more than
two years, selling to J. C. Joiner on August 22, 1890. Mr. C. W. Owen,
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the present editor and publisher, boug-ht the Herald of Mr. Joiner, October
r, 1894-
The Herald has long been issued as a six-column quarto, has been
issued continuously, and is a Ouincy paper, devoted to the welfare and in-
terests of that village. Complete files of the Herald are preserved in the
oflice, although not bound.
Quincy Neivs.
The Quincy Netvs was established in T889, as a weekly. Mr. C. H.
Young, the present editor and manager, has been directing head of the paper
since its establishment, and he was its founder. In the early part of 1899 the
Nezvs was improved by being made a twice-a-week newspaper, and its eighth
volume as such is now being issued. At first it was published as a six-
column quarto, but is now a large seven-column folio. The News Pub-
lishing Company is the name of the business corporation publishing the
Nezvs, but as already said, Mr. Young has always been the leading spirit in
the management. No important changes other than those named have
occurred to lengthen a historical account of the Nczvs. As its history is
brief, so its career has 1)een successful,
Quincy Times.
The above are the newspapers still in existence in Quincy. The first
paper of that village, however, was the Quincy Times, which was estab-
lished September 11. 1868, by R. W. I^ockhart. The "Times Company"
soon purchased it, Ebenezer Mudge becoming the editor, and his business
associates being S. Mowrey and I,. L. Briggs. Mr. A. C. Culver purchased
the Timfs March 25, 1876. The Times was conducted until some time in
the eighties, when it yielded the field to its competitor.
The predecessor of the Quincy Herald was the " Grcenbacker," which
was established in May- 1878, by L. E. Jacobs. Its existence terminated in
October, and shortly after Mr. Pond obtained the material and began the
publication of the Herald.
The Literary Reporter was a monthly magazine, established in Decem-
ber, 1872, whose publisher was Mr. C. W. Bennett, now of Coidwater.
Branson Herald.
The first paper published outside of Coidwater, except the Michigan
Star at Branch, was the Bronson Herald, which was established in the fall
of 1865 by T. Babcock and Company. It suspended publication in 1871 and
the proprietors moved the plant to Nebraska.
Bronson Journal.
The Bronson Journal was founded in 1881 by Daniel D. Waggot. In
August, 1885, the well known Branch county newspaper man, C, W. Owen,
purchased the Journal of I>. D. Waggot, In February, 1886, Mr. Owen
consolidated his paper with the Bronson Independent, which had been estab-
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lished in 18S4 by W. H. Wieand and N, Byron Rii^gles, and the paper was
conducted as the Independent- Journal for a few months by the firm of Owen
;md Ruggles. In September, 1886. Mr. Owen boug'ht his partner's interest,
changing" the name to the Bronson Journal. As such it has since been con-
ducted. Mr. Owen sold the Journal in 1889 to Lon E. Draper. In 1894
Mr. Allan D'. Shaffmaster, the present editor and proprietor, jiurchased
the paper of Mr. Draper.
The first newspaper established in the village of Sherwood was the
SherwootI Neii'S. Its career began in 1884 under the direction of A. C.
Culver, although previous to this time Maj. D. J. Easton had issued a Sher-
wood edition of the Union City Register. Mr. Culver's Ne-cvs continued for
two years, and was succeeded by the Sherwood Press, published by Ran-
dall & Robinson. The Press was conducted until 1895. Mr. E. S. Easton
established the Sherwood Register in 1896 and it is still flourishing. It is
a four-column, eight-page paper, with illustrated supplement each week, and
faithfully advances Sherwood's interests.
Union City Newspapers.
The hi.story of newspapers in Union City is furnished by Mr. T. V.
Robinson, who himself has been connected with the newspaper interests
of that village for more than twenty years.
The first newspaper published in Union City was the Union City lyide-
pcndent, it making its appearance in six-column folio form, October 5,
1867. It was published weekly by A. H. Pattee, but was suspended in 1868.
The Union City Independent was followed by the Union City Register,
which first made its appearance as a weekly publication in 1869, the pub-
lishers being Major D. J. Easton and Jerome K, Bowen. Major Easton
soon became the sole proprietor, and he continued as such unti! the time of
his death, Augnist 37, 1901. Major Easton was for many years a leading
spirit in the advancement of the material interests of the town. In his posi-
tion as publisher of the sole paper here for an extended period, he had oppor-
tunities for doing good work in these lines, and these opportunities he did
not neglect. He was also a capable city official for years, and he was in-
strumental in securing for the place many of the modern improvements we
now enjoy. After his death the newspaper was continued for several months
by his son, Glenn S. Easton, until the sale of the property to F. A, Bement,
May I, 1902.
Randall and Robin,son established the Union City Local here in August,
1885. In conjunction with this paper they also published the Sherwood
Press, the Tekonsha News and the Burlington Echo. A large business was
done until the plant was destroyed by fire in 1894, and then the subscription
list was sold to the Union City Register.
May I, 1896. Tom F. Robinson commenced the publication of Robin-
son's Weekly, and in 1899 Will L. Robinson was taken into the business,
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the firm name being; Robinson Bros. They continued the publication of the
paper until it was merged with the Union City Register as the Register-
Weekly, the publisher being Frank A.. Bement.
A. T. McCargar and Son purchased the plant and good will of the
Register-Weekly in November, 1902. Mr. A, T. McCargar, the senior
member of the firm, came here from New York City, where he had been for
some years as president and treasurer of the Baldwin & Gleason Company,
engravers, lithographers and printers. Mr. Will I.. Robinson, whose name
now appears as publisher, has had the management of the Register-Weekly
since November i, 1895. May i, T906, it was enlarged to a seven-column
quarto. On July 20, 1906, it will be enlarged to twelve pages, of seven col-
umns each.
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" Schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged."
These words are found in the famous ordinance of 17S7 for the govemraent
of the Northwest Territory including the region which is now Michigan.
A congressional act of 1804, also with reference to what is now Michigan,
reserved from sale section 16 of each township " for the support of schools."
These acts of the national government were passed before the territory of
Michigan was organized, and years before the surveys were made and the
hoimdaries defined for Branch county. But the educational system which
the people of this count}'' have used has been provided by the state in so far
as the state has undertaken to control the scheme and machinery of educa-
tion. A brief glance at the history of education in Michigan will be a
proper introduction to a more detailed account of the educational affairs of
the county.
The national government took the first steps in providing for educa-
tion in Michigan. The sixteenth section of each township granted for the
support of schools became, through the efforts of Gen. Isaac E. Crary, Mich-
igan's first congressman, a principal source of the State Primary School
Fund, which is now a matter of pride to every citizen of the state. It was
a wise provision, based on the experience of other states, that turned the
proceeds from the sale of school lands into a state fund instead of giving
them to the township in which the section was located. Where the latter
system prevailed serious inequalities resulted from the fact that the desig-
nated section was in many cases inferior land and when sold brought little
or nothing to the township treasury. And, also, the management of one
large central fund was more economical and subject to less risks than if the
money had been left in the many township treasuries. It is unnecessary to
go into the history of the Primary School Fund further than to say that
it has increased from year to year so that the per capita annual distribution
of interest therefrom has more than kept pace with the increase of school
population; so that while in :845 the amount apportioned among the various
schools of Branch county aggregated $596, the November, 1905, distribu-
tion alone amounted to $17,563.50, or two dollars and seventy cents per
The school legislation of Michigan while a territory had little bearing
on the schools of Branch county, nor, in fact, on those in any other part
of the territory. But the legislature in 1827 provided that " every township
containing fifty inhabitants or householders should employ a schoolmaster
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of good morals to teach children to read and write and to instruct tlieni in
the English language as well as in arithmetic, orthography and decent be-
havior." A department of education was also establishecl, at whose head
was to be a superintendent of common schools appointed by the governor,
Bitt very little was actually done in the way of public schools previous to
the state organization. The first schools in Branch county were the result
of voluntary effort on the part of the pioneers. Tlie first settlers came, as
we know, largely from the northeastern states, where education was funda-
mental and thoroughly a part of every-day life. It was natural, therefore,
that whenever half a dozen families within a circle of two or three miles
had secured a comfortable home shelter, the next business in order was to
organize a school. A site was selected, a log building erected, and some
person in the community who had had exceptional advantages in the east or
who professed an ability as pedagogue was employed to conduct the school.
And from each home a path was blazefl through the forest trees by which the
children could find their way to and from the schoolhouse.
The building of this first schoolhouse marked a stage in the history
of the community. Almost without exception in this part of the middle
west the school was the first institution. It preceded the cimrch, and some-
times the first town meeting was held there. Tt was the central point of the
community life. There the settlers met to vote and perform the civil busi-
ness; there the questions that confront a new social organization were dis-
cussed and solved; there men and women met for social enjoyment, and
there they came together for religious worship. The schoolhouse was the
focal point of pioneer life, and its imixirtance cannot be too strongly em-
The early schoolhouses have often been described. Many were built of
logs, some of sawed lumber, while a few were of stone or brick. That the
log schoolhouse is something more than a tradition to men and women of
Branch county who are still in the prime of life, may be inferred from the
fact that as late as 1868 the county superintendent of schools reported five
log schoolhouses in use. In the following year he reported that all these
had disappeared but one.
While the exterior of the building varied, the interior furnishings were
about the same. Built at one end of the room was the mud and stick chim-
ney, with the broad fire-place. To keep the fire blazing briskly by a plentiful
supply of logs was the task of the older boys, while in the summer some of
the girls would often fill the bare hearth space with flowering plants. The
rough walls of the room were unadorned except as the individual taste of
a teacher might seek to relieve its dreariness; the floors were often of broad,
roughly hewn puncheons laid on the ground, or, if the building was of
frame, thick boards were spiked to ground sills, with wide cracks between
the boards affording an easy escape for pencils, jack-knives and other school-
boy impedimenta.
The seats w;ere indeed primitive. They were nothing more than a split
log with the flat surface up, and resting on It^s driven into holes on the
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under side, or the timber for the seat might be a plank with some attempt at
smoothing' the top surface. But there were no backs to these benches, and
the tired httle bodies of pioneer children got no rest except by leaning for-
ward; little attentioti was paid in those days to erectness of carriage. There
were no desks in the modern sen?e of the term. Around two or three sides
of the room was fixed a broad board, with a slant convenient for the writer,
and on this the pupils, or as many of them as this rough form of desk would
accommodate, did their writing and figuring. A piece of slate was used for
all calculations, and paper was only used for penmanship exercises.
Of school apparatus there was none. In tlie report for t868 alxjve
quoted the superintendent says a blackboard was the extent of equipment
in most schools, and the blackboard was introduced many years after the
pioneers' children had gone from the schools into actual life. Graphite
pencils were also unknown. A "pen knife" was then a necessary part
of the teacher's equipment^ for he used that instrument in a way to suggest
the name, that is, to manufacture for each scholar a pen from a selected
goosequill. Paper was coarse and expensive, and the era of cheap wood-
pulp paper tablets did not begin until comparatively recently.
When the settlers came from the east many of them brought along
a few school books such as the parents had used, coming from every one
of the New England and middle Atlantic states, these books when brought
into the school by individual pupils formed a heterogeneous collection. Yet
from these the teacher was supposed to assign the lessons, and from a chaos
of texts to reduce uniformity. The difficulty was not so great as might
be imagined. For the curriculum consisted of the three r^s, " reading,
'ritmg and 'rithmetic." and so far as the instruction in these branches went
it might be obtained from almost any set of books. The one book that
seems to have an abiding place in ever;- memory was the old blue^backed
Webster's Elementary Speller. This was the backbone of every school, and
far from being cast aside when school days were oi'er it continued as the
basis for the spelling schools which young and old attended until within
the memory of men and women who are not yet past the prime of life.
And if we may trust the judgment of many, spelling was a more carefully
cultivated art in those days than at present, and the boys and girls of half a
century ago would be more than a match for the present generation of spellers.
A school inspector's report on Batavia township for 183S names the
following books as most commonly used in the schools: The Elementary
Speller, OIney's Geography and Atlas, Daboll's Arithmetic, and Murray's
Grammar, and Murray's English Reader. To modern taste, these books
are dry and unattractive both in form and content. What would a bov or
girl think of a reader without a single illustration and with such a title
page a.s this : — " The English Reader : or Pieces in Prose and Poetry, sel-
ected fron\ the Best Writers, designed to assist young persons to read with
Propriety and Effect; to Improve their Language and Sentiments, and to
inculcate some of the most important Principles of Piety and Virtue; with
a few preliminary observations on the Principles of Good Reading." Such
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was the Murray English Reader, printed in 1818 and in common use among
the first schools of Branch coimty.
Such were, in general, the first schools in Branch county. Although no
efficient system of education was established until after Michigan became a
state, there were, as above noted, voluntary associations among the settlers
for holding school sessions in certain localities. The data is not available
for a complete .sketch of the eariy schools, and no complete reports from
over the -county are to be found previous to 1850.
Tile first school was taught in the locality of the first settiement. John
Toole, an immigrant of i82g, located in what is now Bronson township
and taught a small school there in the winter of 1829-30. There were at
that time probably not more than five or six families in all to contribute to
its support. Shortly after, perhaps in the next winter, a school was taught
rai Bronson prairie by Columbia Lancaster, the versatile pioneer who could
be pedagogue, lawyer and doctor at will. School was held in a log build-
ing, probably the first erected for that purpose in the county. Mrs. David
Waterman was teacher of a summer school at the same place. Cynthia
Gfoyd is also named as one of the first teachers of the township.
In 1832 the well known Bishop Philander Chase, who did so much in
building up Episcopacy in the west, came to the county seeking a farm.
Delighted with the country about Gilead, he settled there with his family,
and built a school building in 1833. Tliis house was twenty by thirty feet
and two stories high. The first teacher was the Bishop's nephew, Samuel
Chase. The old " seminary " building remained standing on section 9 for
over forty years, and became in time a dwelling, being used as such until
lorn down. This Episcopal school was maintained for several years, and
the children of the first settlers were schooled there. Mrs. David N. Green
of Coldwater is probably the only surviving pupil of that school, she having
come to the settlement in 1838 and attended tlie school while Dudley Chase,
a son of the Bishop, was teacher.
The subject of the early schools of Coldwater has been very thoroughly
treated by Mr, C, N. Legg. He says: "The earliest settlers appear to
have combined to hire instruction for their children by tutors, and the chil-
dren, the few there were, met in the cabins of the pioneers. Cynthia Gloyd,
a woman who later taught in the first schoolhouse, was engaged to teach
at different places prior to the erection of a schoolhouse. The first build-
ing for use as a schoolhouse was erected at the comer of where is now
Pearl and Hudson streets, and very near the present location of the residence
of Mr. Frank Treat. This was a frame one-room building and painted red.
It was called as long as it stood the " Red School House." It was built in
1834. but when it ceased to be used as a schoolhouse I have no means of
learning. Cynthia Gloyd was probably the first person who taught here.
A man bv the name of McWhorter also taught for some time. Mr. L. D.
Haisted recently related to me his recollections of this schoolhouse and the
man McWhorter. One circumstance which fixed in his mind the man wa.s,
that in the winter of 1836 he attended a singing class taught in the school-
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lioitse, and McWhorter became angry because he was compelled to «\veep
up the room after the sessions of the sin^ng class. The late Harvey Haynes
also taught here in 1838. Here the children of the pioneers were taught the
rudimeiits of such an education as they were able to acquire. It is a fact
which should be borne in mind by this as weli as subsequent generations that
the first task of the early pioneers of this city was to provide shelter and
food for their families, and the next was to provide shelter and teacher for
instruction of their children.
So much for the first schools and those originating while Michigan was
yet a territory. Under the first state constitution Rev. John D. Pierce was
appointed the first superintendent of public instruction. In accordance with
a vote of the legislature Mr. Pierce reported to that body in January, 1837,
a code of school laws, which was adopted with but little change. The gen-
eral plan of education thus established is the foimdation ujx)n which the.
present system has been built.
The township was the unit. Each township had three school inspectors,
whose duty it was to organize school districts, to apportion the school moneys
to the districts ; to examine teachers and grant certificates ; and to appoint
one of their number to visit the schools twice a year and to make an annua!
report to the county clerk. These boards of inspectors continued to exercise
control over the schools of their respective townships until the county super-
intendency was established in 1867.
Each district, however, had the control of its own school. A district
could vote a tax for buildings, not to exceed five hundred dollars in any
one year. Each district was required to hold school at least three months
each year. Each district had to assess a tax to the primary school fund
apportioned to the district, and if the teacher's wages exceeded the funds,
the board could assess a tax to meet the deficiency, but not to exceed ninety
dollars, the limit fixed by law. Also, the district could vote ten dollars a
year for a library,
it was soon found that this method of raising school revenues by district
taxation proved insufficient for the support of schools. To remedy this the
legislature pas.sed. in 1843, the famous " rate bill " law, which provided that
the patrons of each school might raise the funds necessary to continue the
school through the term. The parents or guardians of the children were
assessed a tax in proportion to the time such children attended school. This
rate bill was made out by the teacher at the close of each term, and the amount
distributed among the patrons. The law did not work well, for the poor
parents or those indifferent to education would send to school as long as the
public funds lasted, and when the rate bill set in would take their children
out. Primary education thus became a question of ability to pay for it, and
the fundamental principle of popular education was threatened. Neverthe-
less, despite the inequality, the rate bill law was not repealed until 1869.
Some idea of the working of this rate bill law may be gained by reference to
the township reports for 1850. The report from Batavia shows that district
No. S raised $62.65 on the rate bill. Estimating the teacher's wages at the
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tlieii prevailing average of six Hollars a month for a woman teacher and
thirteen for a man. it will be seen that this school was continued for several
months of the year from the proceeds of the rate bill, the children of the
jXHirer. parents probably being without instruction during this time. In the
same township district Nu. 2 raised by the same method $43-14. and dis-
trict No. I, $33. In Bronson township the four districts raised $184.06 in
this way, and the six districts in California raiseil $217.
TTie original plan, as above outlined, contemplated only single districts,
■with a single house, and but one teacher; and all references to teacliers and
sites were in the singular number. But as the population increased it was seen
that expediency often demanded more than one teacher, and sometimes more
than one schoolhouse in the same district. The township board under these
conditions would have had no option but to sub-divide the district and pro-
vide for two or more separate schools in the original district. To maintain
several adjacent district schools, co-ordinate in work and rank, was evidently
at the expense of efficiency and economy. H'he laws were therefore amended
so as to permit a union of adjoining districts wherever the population was
sufficiently dense to admit of bringing a large number of children into one
system of graded schools, without embracing too much territory to be thus
well accommodated.
Tiiis was the origin of the " union school " in Michigan. The true sig-
nificance of the term had reference not so much to the uniting of the districts
as to the system of grading which resulted from the union. Tlie real mean-
ing of a "union school " was therefore a graded school, located in the more
populous communities, with one central schoolhouse, having several differ-
ent rooms and employing several different teachers. No such school was
established in Branch county until the decade of the 6ft!es. and the organi-
zation of a union or graded school marked in important stage in the devel-
opment of educational institutions in each of the villages.
Ttie genera] supervision and control of the sdiools of tlie county and
townships has been vested by the legislature in difYerenf bodies at various
times. The township board of inspectors established by the original laws
was changed, as noted above, by an act of March 13. 1867. which created the
office of county superintendent of schools. Less than ten years later this act
was rei^ealed, and on March 31. 1875. the law took effect transferring the
control once more to the township, and requiring the election in each town-
ship of one superintendent of schools and one school inspector. The town-
ship superintendent was required to examine teachers, grant certificates and
visit the schools of his township twice a year. He with the school inspector
and the township clerk constituted the board of school inspectors for each
township. This system endured for a number of years, until it was again
thought best to centralize the control of county schools in one office. June
JO, 1891, the law still in effect was approved. This required that the board
of supervisors should appoint a county commissioner of schools who should
hold office until July i, 1893, at which time the commissioner regularly
elected by the voters' at the election in April should begin his duties. At
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the same ineeting the supervisors were to appoint two school examiners, for
one and two year terms respectively, and the board should thereafter appoint
one examiner at each annual meeting. The county commissioner and the
two examiners constitute the board of school examiners. The county com-
missioner has general oversight of the schools in the county, being required
to visit each school, and also advises with the board of school inspectors in
each township.
As soon as the machinery of education was set in operation by
the first state legislature; the various townships took measures to form dis-
tricts and conform to the general scheme of education. The existing reports
and other school data do not suffice for a complete account of the status of
schools in 1837, but it will be of interest to describe conditions as far as pos-
sible, tor that year one report of the school inspector in Ovid township has
been found. In this it is stated that there was one district school in tlie
township, thirty-six children of school age and twenty-three who attended
the sessions of the three months' term. The total amount raised in the dis-
trict was eighteen dollars, which went to pay the teacher. This no doubt was
the first school in the township, but no further information is given concern-
ing it. This also indicates an error in the History of 1879, in which it is
stated that Mr. Parley Stockwell, who came to the township as !ate as 1842,
built the first schoolhouse and taught the second term of school that was held
therein. It is probable that Mr. Stockwell's school was the first in that part
of the township, that is, at Parlej''s Comers in section 16.
The only other report found for 1837 relates to Butler township. No
school had been kept there during the year but there were twenty children of
school age and five hundred dollars had been raised for a schoolhouse. This
school was built on Shock's Prairie, and during the winter of 1838-39
Charles M. Wisner presided as the first teacher.
Batavia township reported in 1838 three district schools, with 29, 46
and 31 pupils respectively, and the total amount raised by taxation in the
township as ninety dollars. TTie record pertaining to the organization of two
of these districts will be found quoted in the former history, and from these
it is seen that the meeting for organization of district No. i took place in
May, 1836, and that for the formation of No. 2, in December of the same
Each township established one or more schools about this time. As is
well known, although the settlement of Branch county had hardiv begun in
1830. in twenty years from that date the population had increased to a stage
from which there has been only moderate changes to the present day. The
formation of schools kept pace with this increase of population, and it is
unfortunate that the records of this period of growth have not been preserved,
for at the time complete statistics are available the school iwpulation and
number of districts had reached very nearly the normal figures.
Thus the whole number of children included in the school census of
1905 was 6,505, while in 1855 the* number was 6.359. While the school
population and the number of districts has remained about the same, the
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story of educational growth in fifty years is best told in a comparison of
the money expenditures. Whereas the Primary School interest apportioned
for the year 1855 totaled $3,383.23, or a little more than fifty cents to the
child, in 1905 the total distributed in the May and November apportion-
ments was $21,466.50, or two dollars and thirty cents to the child. While
population has remained stationary, wealth has increased enormously. The
county schools in 1855 raised nearly $3,500 by means of the rate bill, in addi-
tion to the $2,500 raised by the mill tax. At the present time some of the
districts support their schools almost entirely throug-h the income of the state
Fifty years ago a blackboard was the extent of apparatus in most
schools; now the schools in the majority of the 127 districts in the county
are supplied with dictionaries, globes, maps, and the scholars have access to
libraries which in themselves offer advantag'es unknown to the children of
the former date.
As early as 1868 the state superintendent of public instruction called
attention to the need of uniting rather than dividing districts. He showed
the waste and inefficiency of small districts, which condition continued be-
cause the people desired to have a schoolhouse " near by," a false estimate
being placed upon the value of a home school. Since then conditions have
materially changed. Roads are better, and with increased facilities of trans-
portation the bounds of community life have been widened. Tlie interests
of the people are more closely knit tog^her, and old fom^ of individualism
are disappearing.
The movement which fifty years ago resulted in the formation of the
first " union schools " is now being extended to the rural schools. In line
with this direction of progress, the state legislature enacted a law which be-
came effective September 17, 1903, permitting the transportation of pupils
to and from school at the expense of the districts concerned. This is per-
haps the most important legislation of recent years affecting the rural schools.
As yet the people of Branch county have not taken advantage of recent leg-
islation permitting the consolidation of school districts into larger districts
comprehending in some cases an entire township, with a central graded school
accessible, by means of public transportation, to all the pupils in the district.
As the county school commissioner, Mr. James Swain, has said in his report
for 1905, " We have too many small schools, but many people seem to be
jealous of their rights and are very slow to see the benefit to be derived from
consolidation of schools."
One or two other statements from the county commissioner's report may
serve as a basis from which subsequent developments in educational affairs
may be reckoned. With reference to the study of agriculture in the rural
schools he says, " Agriculture is best taught by practical experiments, and
many schools have placed the book 'Agriculture for Beginners', in their li-
brary, which is a source of help and a guide for the boys and girls." As to
manual training, it " has reccivetl attention only in a limited way in the
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rural schools. A few teachers fee! that they have the time to devote at least
one hour each week to the subject"
Another subject that should be mentioned in a history of the Branch
county schools is that concerning compulsory education. Until 1905 the law
vested the power to compel attendance in the township hoard, the chairman
of which was the executive officer to carry the law into effect. Practically,
it was optional with this boarti whether the law should be enforced, and at
best the board could require the child to attend school only four months of
sixteen days each, or sixty-fonr days in the entire year. Tliat the plan was
defective is shown by the fact that in 1905 only 47 out of 127 districts in the
county attempted to enforce the law.
Beginning' with the year 1905-06 a new law became operative. Instead
of the enforcement of the law being left with each township, it is the duty
of the county commissioner of schools to see that its provisions are effective
in all districts throughout the entire school year. The executive or truant
officer is a deputy sheriff appointed by the sheriff and acting under the super-
vision of the county commissioner. All children between and including the
ages of seven and fifteen years are compelled to attend school so long as
schools are in session in their district, in other words, for the entire school
year. 'The only exception to this rule are children excused by physician's
certificate; or those in attendance at a private or parochial school in which
the same grade of work is done as in the public schools; or in case of chil-
dren over fourteen years of age whose labor is necessary to the support of
the family, who may be excused from attendance with the unanimous consent
of the township board and the recommendation of the county commissioner.
As to the actual workings of the law during the first year it has been in
effect, County Commissioner Swain states that no difficulty has Jjeen experi-
enced in enforcement except among the few foreign families in the county.
This is evidence of the strong sentiment for popular education in the county,
and it is no weak proof of the prosperity of the county which after three
quarters of a century of growth and development can afford to provide all
the means of primary education and require its children for the first sixteen
vears of their lives to attend school an average of eight months in the year.
CoLDWATER City Schools.
With reference to the schools of Coldwater village and city. Mr. Legg,
whose article has Iweii above quoted concerning the first Coldwater school-
house, continues thus: " The next schoolhouse was built on a part of the lot
No. 104 at the comer of Pear! and Clay streets on land largely ownerl by
Dr. I. C. Ives. A meeting was called at the ' Exchange' on June 1, 1839, at
which time a new district was formed designated as ' district No. 11.' This
new district embraced all the territory north of Chicago street and for a
mile west of Marshall street and extending north two miles: also all the land
on section 21 lying south of Chicago street and west of Division street.
Tlie officers of this new district were : Silas A. Holbrook. moderator ; Orse-
mus B. Clark, director; Henry Lockwood, assessor. At a meeting cailetl
and held eight days later, the district board was authorized to purchase a
part of the lot mentioned above as a school site and to raise money to con-
struct a building. This was built in 1839. Mr. Halsted remembered the
building well, and Mrs. R. M. Wilder attended school in this building and
remembers seeing it being moved away years later. It is not probable that
this building w'as used as a schoolhouse longer than about ten years, as
about this time population began to increase very rapidly and more commodi-
ous quarters were soon demanded. This building th«i was the second for
school purposes. It evidently was of modest proportions, as its cost must
have been less than five hundred dollars. The district contained in 1839 but
68 children of school age. In the following year the number increased to
93. It is probable that the late Hiram Shoudler taught here. A Mr. Ethe-
ridge also taught here, but whether tt was the late Burt Etheridge who li-\-ed
here at that time, or Samuel Etheridge who was moderator of this district
in 1 84 1, or a younger man, I have not been able to ascertain.
" The next school building in order of construction was the ' Old White
Schoolhouse ' as called in later years, erected on the present site of the sec-
ond ward building. After searching the files of the Sentinel, edited by the
late Albert Chandler, it appears that this building was erected in the sum-
mer of 1847. The dimensions were 30 by 60 feet, two stories high, and the
contract price of the construction was $1,200. During two or three years
prior to this time, notices of political meetings and other assemblages men-
tioned the ' White Schoolhouse ' as the place of meeting. It is therefore evi-
dent that the schoolhouse on lot 104 at the corner of Pearl and Qay streets
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was painted white. The records of St. Mark's church mention a meeting at
the ' White Schoolhouse,' where the society had heretofore held stated meet-
ings, for the purpose of organizing a parish. This was in February, 1848,
and probably refers to the building' on lot No. 104 rather than the new
building. There remain quite a number of the older people of the city who
attended school here and the names of Mrs. George Holbrook, John Murphy,
Mrs. D. H. Davis. Miss Hadley, L. R. Austin and others are remembered as
teachers in this building. The first county fair was he!d in this building and
on the adjoining grounds. It served the purposes of a schoolhouse for many
years an(> was finally removed to the comer of Chicago and Hudson streets,
where it was occiipied as a wagon shop until finally destroyed by fire.
" The next biiilding erected for school purposes was the two-story brick
building on the present site of the third ward building. In recent years of
its existence it was commonly known as the ' Old Brick.' This was con-
structed in 1848, the year following the building of the 'Old White.' but in
district 1 1 . The movement to consolidate the two districts appears not to
have been carried into effect until several years later. This building con-
tinued in use for school purposes until torn down in 1887 to make room for
the present third ward building. In this building the late D. H. Davis taught
for several years while it remained the principal school of the city before the
erection of the Old High School. One of the teachers whom some may
recall was Miss Parthenia Havens. A man by the name of Gibson was prin-
cipal at the time the Old High School building was afterwards constructed,
and was transferred to the new- building as its first principal. The late
George W. Stevens, as well as his wife, taught here for many years after
Gibson left."
Mr. Legg has referred to the movement to consolidate the two Cold-
water districts. Some facts taken from Principal D. H. Davis's report to
the superintendent of public instruction, dated Jan. 16, 1858, will show when
this consolidation took place and some other features of the schools at that
time. " Our union school," says Mr. Davis, " was organized in September,
1853. It embraces two school buildings, on sites distant from each other
one-haif mile. The east site embraces two acres, the west one and a fourth
acres. The school has no apparatus or library. We have, however, a town
library of about four hundred and fifty volumes, to which the pupils have
access. The number of teachers at present employed is eight; the average
number of students the past year was about three hundred and fifty. The
num1)er at present in attendance is about four hundred and fifty. After con-
siderable experience I am of the opinion that the co-eilucatinn of the sexes is
decidedly preferable to their being educated sejrarately. * * * jYi^. ex-
penses of the school are, in part, met by a rate bill. Perhaps one-fifth of the
expenses are paid in this way. * * * Our union school organization
has from the first encountered considerable opposition, and T am not pre-
pared to say that the views and feelings of our citizens are as yet quite united
and harmonious in its favor."
" The building about which cluster the memories of the school davs of
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the early and older alumni," continues Mr. Legg, " was the first Union or
High School so-called, erected in 1861 on the site of the present high school
buikiing. It was dedicated by public exercises held in the auditorium on
Saturday evening, February i, 1862. This was an imposing structure,
and contained thirteen rooms, as I remember, including the two recitation
rooms adjacent to the high school room so-called. The rooins were high,
the stairways were long, and by the time students attained the third floor
it was time to rest.
" This building was the home of most of the members of the Alumni
Association in their school days. It was unfortunately constructed for
school purposes, being high and difficult to climb and dangerous perhaps to
descend. I am egotistical enough, however, to believe that few if any high
schools in the state have afforded better or more efficient instruction. Janu-
ary 19, 1890, in the later hours of the night, when the building fortunately
was unoccupied, it v/as completely destroyed by fire, including most of the
school records and books, and the books of the students."
May 5, i8go. the city voted a new school building, only twenty adverse
votes being recorded against the proposition. Tiie large Lincoln school
building, which is one of the architectural features of the city, was accepted
as completed by the board of education on July 9, i8i9i, and since that time
it has been in use throughout the school years. As large as is this building,
it is crowded to full capacity, and in a short time additional room will have
to be provided either in the shape of a new high school building separate
from the grades or some other combination of facihties.
Of the ward schools, the fourth ward building was erected in 1867 and
has been in continual use as a ward building since. The present second
ward school was built in the summer of 18S3.
Of school life forty years ago. Mr. Leg^ says: " In those years ath-
letics cut a slight figure. There was no base ball, foot ball nor field days for
the display of physical prowess. Considerable attention was given to lit-
erary exercises and as I believe to the great advantage of the students. Two
literary societies in the high school 'alternated in giving Friday afternoon
exercises, and considerable rivalry existed between them. Charles S. War-
burton was, for a greater part of the time he was a student in the high
school, president of one of these societies until he left to complete his educa-
tion at Evanston, Illinois. He was a persistent fighter and debater— ele-
ments of his personal character which have been the key to his success in
after life. He is now a resident of Springfield, Mass., a director of the
Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co., having charge and control of the
loans of that company, amounting to many millions of dollars. Among the
students of those days who were active in the literary societies were : R. F.
Tinkham, Frank Sherman, Cad White, Amos Jennings, W. V. W, Davis,
Anna Chandler, Celia Parker, Franc Wendell, Eliza Benton, and others
equally active whom I do not now recall."
It was on June 30, 1866, that the nucleus of the present Alumni Associ-
ation was formed under the name of " The Retmion Society of the Cold-
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water High School." The first officers elected were Charles N. Legg, pres-
ident: R. F. Tinkham, vice president; Ahce Adams, secretary; NeHie Dib-
ble, treasurer. All of these are living. Alice Adams later became the wife
of Prof. George E. Church, and Nellie Dibble the wife of Norton F... Cham-
pion. In addition to the officers a committee of arrangements was appointed
consisting of Miss Franc Wendell, Mr. Hastings, Laura A. Warren, and
George A. Coe, Jr. A committee on constitution and rules comprised C. M.
White, Charles T. Allen and Eliza Benton.
The alumni of the Coldwater high school from 1868 to the present year
are as follows :
186S— Eliza Benton, Chas. N. Leg'g. R. F. Tinkham.
1869— *Anna M. Chandler, Alice L. Rose (Mains). *Frank L. Sher-
man, IJbbie E. Townsend (Inland), Mary L. Wright (Meyers).
1870 — ^Florence J. Bums (Howd), Mary E. Bums (Mcl-aughlin).
*Eliza Day, George L. Harding, Carrie L. Perry (Towne), Augusta E.
Rose (Burr), *Merritt Sherman, A. M. Steams, *P!iny W. Titus, Homer
B. Walling.
1871— Kittie M. Cutter (Buggie). Milo D. Campbell. M. L, Dakin
( Campbell ) .
i872^Celia Cohen, Byron S. Spofford, *Dora S. Titus.
1873— Eva M. Abbott. Frank R. Cook. *Allie E. Hudson (Drake),
Albert J. Norton, *Sarah E. Warne, Hattie E. Wright (Ingram).
1874 — John W. Barron, Lillian M. Burdick (Galloway), Anna S.
French (Young), H. Clarence Loveridge, Eva L. Tinkham (Seaman),
*Cora I. Townsend, Rose E. Wade (Dickinson). Andrew J. Wh^telieat],
1875 — Eva A. Ball (Martin), *Wa)lace A. Demarest, Jennie M. Dick-
inson (Bishop), Emma Kritchbaum (Quay), Lillah M. Mockridge (Van-
derhoof), Ella E. Murphey, *Henry C. Stafford, Belle Whittaker (Alex-
1876— Belle J. Culver (Shinn). I^wis F. Culver, Birdie L. Cutter
(Pratt), Nellie L. Driggs, *Judson. P. Etheridge. Nellie H, Ferguson
(Evans), Fred W. Fonda, Mary O. Hyde, Flora Oakley (Jaynes), Alice C.
Perkins (Kerr), Ella V. Perkins (Taylor), Jessie D. Pope (Sawyer). Julius
Rodman, Dell Root (Howard). Maggie C. Upson (Clarke).
1877 — ^*Annie L. Alden (Sampson), Albert A. Allen, Lizzie M. Bur-
nett, Clara E. Bushnell (Castle), Florence A. Cornell (Palmer), Mattie A.
Griraiell (Green), Hattie L. Grove (Wurtz). Allie Mansfield (Cunning-
ham), C. Burdett Sawyer. Norton D. Walling, Etta A. Warne (Hathaway),
Edwin K. Whitehead, Leilah G. Woo<!ward.
1878 — Florence E. Buck, *Ida E. Burrows (Calkins), Frances E
Chandler (ElHs), Ralph F. Clarke. L. Belle Cogshall (Barnard), *Hattie
E. Demarest (Schrontz), I.^ura M. Halsted (Dunn), *Flora T. Hyde,
Mary E. Ketcham (Crippen), Mary E. Lockwood (I..ockwood), *CIara' m!
Murphey, Ida L. Newton, Emma L. Perkins (Edgerton), Emma L, Purin-
*Dec eased.
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ton (Howe), Fannie G. Shaw (Streeter), Belle Stevenson, William Streeter,
Mae C. Warren (Parker), *Herbert J. Williams, Harry P. Woodward.
i879~Floyd Bellamy, Henr>' Bradley, Delia Buffham (Potter), *Mary
Burt (Schrontz), Mary Button (Johnson), Lilla Carletoo (Hatch), Sue
Everett (Cot*), Delia' Filkins (Osband). *Mary Fonda (Beebe), Eva
Haynes (Snover), Ella Ludwig, *Belle Mansell. Willis Phinney, Maggie
Parkhurst (Morey), Fannie Rose, Ettie Twadell, M. J. Withington.
1880— Mae Bradlev. John S. Evans, Philip Gilbert, Sarah Hanburg
(Cody), *Rufie A. Jordan (Blake), Clarence Vincent.
1881 — Fanny Andrews (Goodjon), Edson P. Bradley, *Ethel Snyder,
John T. Starr. *Minnie Tinkham.
i8S2--*Mable Clarke (Worcester), Juno Edmonds (Conover), Nettie
l~isher (Baldwin), Warren French, Mary Gruner (Mitchell), Belle Kerr
(Cudner), Flora Moss (Jackson), WilHs H. Osborn, Cora Styles (Hmn-
plirey), Carmi Smith, Blanche Vincent.
1883 — Elmer J. Allen, Mamie Boc^lass (Sayks), Cora Crippen (Kel-
ly), J. Amanda Davis (VanNess), Adda Filkins (Breed), Clayton C. John-
son, Harry King, Eva Nye (Myers).
1884 — Carrie Adams, Cora L. Allen, Flora Burr (Shaffmaster), Nina
Clark, Mary Crippen (Buttrick), Edith E. Holbrook, Cora Lee (Osborne),
Jessie F. Marshall (Woodward), Lizzie Orr, *Stel]a Rosenbauni, Linnie
Sanford (Parker), Jennie Vincent (Nettleman), I^ura E. Whitley
1885 — Flora Barnes (Gallaher). Charles U. Champion, James Smith
Chandler, Ida Engle, Nettie E. Filkins, Georgia Fisher, *Orson Fonda,
Florence E. Munson (Nason), Minnie Painter (Howe), Mabel Randall,
*I^Iattie R. Robinson, Mary Whitten.
1886 — Inez Bell, Aggie Brown (Wise), Eva Engle, Charles F. Howe,
George S. Lee, Maud Paddock (Lee), Lottie Rawson (Hawes), Elizabeth
Wallace (Cogshall).
18S7— L. Dell Gripman, Arthur G. Holbrook, John' T. Holbrook, Car-
rie V. Ingram (George), Jennie M. Lind (Gripman), Will S. Lockwood,
Minnie A. Nivison, Jesse F. Orton, *Edwin M. Reynolds, Mabel Tliorpe
( Jones) .
1888 — Anna M. Coombs (Moore), M-'ilHam Smith Chandler, *Burr
Fairbanks, Ella L. Fisher, *Harriet Ives, *Sarah Ives, *Della Saxton, Mabel
Smith (Biery), Cora Taggart (Westfall), Maude B. Wheeler (Champion),
Eliza M. Young (Weaver).
1889 — *Len9 Amner (Gowciv), *Kate Bishop, Carl Brundage, Ralph
Drake, tida GiUett (Bixler), Edwin D. Hoyt, Lola Paddock, Ida M. Rob-
lee (Van Aken), Anna Seely, George C. Turner, Edward T. Waffle.
T890 — Qara M. Bennett, Maud E. Chestnut (Stebbins), Ruth H.
Crippen, David N. Gillett. W. Edwin Hodgman, Florence M. Holmes,
Nathaniel L. Holmes, *Michael E. Keely, *Maud L. Milnes (Burnell),
Edna L. Paddock, Helen L. Randall (Kidder), Hari-y W. Simons, Rose E.
Sweet (Smith).
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1891— Mabel Aldrich (Griffin). William I. Aldricli. George W. Bar-
ron, Mary Esther Bowers (Olds), Nellie F. C. Bray (Bennett). Carrie H.
F,g^leston, Maude Lucile Eggleston, Thomas Fofman Ewing, Olive Blanch
Lind, William Henry Milnes. Frank Bernard Reynolds, Effie I^s Roberts
(Luedders). Byron Clement Thorpe, Cora Blanch Thorpe (Spotts), Lottie
E. Weidy. Myrtle Enola Woodcox (Stevens).
1892 — Reg-ena E. Bates (Corless), Hella B. Bixler (Lee), Harrison
W. Brodhead, *Harriette E. Brown, Mary Louise Brown (Bingham), E. Vir-
ginia Ewing (Pitcher), Florence E. Hiatt, Bertha Hilton (Mason), Jessie
E. Ives, *Thomas B. Lee, Esther C. Paddock, Leroy Palmer. Edith Irene
Root (Calkins), *Charles Coville Shearer, Louise AdeJle Spaulding
(Miines), Georgiana L. Starr, *L. Dudley Stevens, Lizzie M. Stevens
(Campbell), Ralph R. Stoddard.
1893 — Nathan E. Barlow, Nettie C. Bate,s, Everett D. Brodhead,
Charles J, Chubb, Dollie N. Cosper (Morey), Leon L. Goodnow, Floy Hun-
gerford, F. Eo!a Kerr, Charles C. King, Fanny C. King (Mafbone). Dora
Maxon, F. Maud Pratt, Jessie M. Styles (Cross), Mayme A. Williams
i894^NelIie M. Burk, Celia Belle Bums (Oxenham), Howard Brod-
head, Jr., Kate Eemice Conover, Edna Adelle Cummings, *Clarence G.
Dickey, Harriet E. Estlow (Randolpb), Harlow J. Evans, Lola Adelle Fair-
banks, Myrtle Elizabeth Filkins, Fred H. Harris, Minnie Chandler Hawks,
Albert Curriden Howe, Alva M. Hungerford, Horace Kitchel, *Clayton B.
LangweSl, Cecelia Adeline Miines (Turner), Myrtle K. Montague, Grace
Newberry (Kitchel), Elizabeth H. Paddock, Minnie E. Pollock (Brown),
Frank Ira Post, Nina Rosamond Spaulding (Turner), LaVeme W. Spring,
William J. Sweeney.
1895 — Gertrude Anna Baxter (Brock), *Adeibert Guy Bender, .*Ai-
meda Maud Black, Ella Porter Bowen (Hudson), Marietta Bvirdette, Fran-
cis Xavier Busch, Grace Homan Dennis (Barlow). Eber Ward Farwell,
George W. R. Ferguson, Nellie Mae Hiatt, Volney R. Hungerford. Vanchie
Parks Moses, Bertha Louise Nixson, BeuJah Grace Palmer (Manning), Ma-
bel Julia Perry. Charles Milton Perry, Bertha V. Sitter (Bowerman), Evelyn
Fernica Squires, Clara Louise Thompson, Guy A. Thurston, Carl Yaple.
1896 — Daisy Gathel Allen (Tift), Stanislaus J. Bounavicz, Josephine
M. Brown (Warner), Sarah Gertrude Chubb, Leon Bennett Clark, Eliza-
beth Eugenie Compton, Louis Jerome Compton, Sarah Belle DePue
(Straight), *Carlton L-eroy Gorman, Emily E. Hungerford, Josie Margar-
ite Keetey, Margaret Louise Maloney, Anna Marie Monroe (Thurston),
Mamie B. Nixon (Johnson), Grace Aima Smith (Vernon), Lena L. Teach-
out (Gruner), Orton AJonzo Turner, Nina Roxana Walker (Holz).
1897— Lyle D. Balcom. Burt E. Barlow, Clifford Allen Bishop, E. R.
Clarke, Jr., Jessie Ethel Corless, Joseph Thomas Deuser, Emery Jennings
Doerr. Rollin Lawrence Drake. Lela EHza Dustman (Sherwood), Kittie
May Eligh, Claude D. Filkins, Hervey Canfield Fisk, Frank Willis French,
Rua Ethelind Greenamyer, Edith Hazel Holt (Mannerow), Blanche Hutch-
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ins, Verna Mae Kerr, Margaret Ang-ella Lilly (Clare). Bertha Mae Morgan,
Clarence Lee Morrison, Max E. Neal, Carrie Mae Olmsted (Sweet), Carl
Byron Paddock. Alice Amanda Patterson (Goble), Myrtie E. Phillips (Bur-
nett), Ella Belle Quimby (Bassett). J. Gordon Spofford, Eva Lena Spring
(Herrick), Iva Leona Thompson, Ciara S. Warsabo (Haynes), Clark Wil-
son Williams.
1898 — Maggie Lulu Anderson (Miller), Paul Barnhart. Nina Barron,
A. Frederick Bruehl, Mabel Burk. C. Elizabeth Coombs (Saunders), Alta
Lorene Coppin (Robbins), Merle Evelin Darrow, D. Duella Dickey, Esther
Clarina Dimond. Delsie Dorena Dubendorf (Cook), Roy Kerr Eldridge,
T\Iabei Ariean Ewing (McCrackai), *Mattie Maude Freeman, Lloyd C.
Greenamyer, B. lone Gripman (Tripp), C. Vernon Hathaway, Flora E. Hil-
ton (Fellman), Edmund George Johnson, Agnes Anna Lilly, Robert E. Lee,
F. Edith Miner (Russell). Owen Bayard Parham, Ethelyn Gertrude Simons,
C. Steele Spofford, Myrtle Irene Thornton.
1899 — Grace W. Barron, Marie Elizabeth Blye (Perine), Frederick
Starr Buggie, Carolyn M. Chubb (Baker), Harriett Bernice Cooley, Edith
Joyce Goodman. Jennie Berdenah Hickey, Louis Alton Hutchins. Nellie
Ethelyn Jones, Elsie AlMayda Long, Arthur George Lyon, Jessie Harriet
Paddock, Kathleen Pratt, Charlotte S. Ray, Harriette G. Yesner.
1900— Bertha M. Basselt, Mabel A. Black, Hugh Wallace Clarke,
Bertha R, Cook, Florence Rena Cooley, Lois Maude Cowell, Ralph Norton
Conkhn. Frank Meek Hiatt, Louise Margaret Hoyt (Hamilton), Rachel E.
Ladd, Lewis Henry Osborn. Jessie M. Pollock, Eliatheda Spofford, Mabel
Ellen Smith. Leon Clarence Yapp.
igoi — Joel Martin Barnes, Archibald Lamont Chubb, Rolla Stuart Da-
vis, Laura Edgerton Hughes, Josie Belle Molby, George Adelbert Morrison,
Mary Elizabeth Phinney, Winnie May Sawin, Ezra Collin Shoecraft, Marv
Julia Simons, *Charles Sumner Stuart, Jr., Fred George Wahl.
igo2 — Helen Louise Baldwin (Shoecraft), Mariet Margaret Buggie,
Jessie Helena Cameron, Mara Watrous Conover, Louise Qizbe, Angeline
Marion Dean, Don Dewey, Herbert Eldridge, Grace Houghton Fuller, Carl
Henry Goodwin, Carrie Parham, Rolene Alta Root, Abishai J. Sanders,
Archie Sanders, Mabel Victoria Sinclair, Alice Eleanor Southworth. Will-
iam Stroh, Roland George Swaffield, Montie B. Taylor, Elmina Coe Thomp-
son, J. Garfield Upp, Lena Elizabeth Weage, Mabel Yesner.
1903 — Robert Russell Burdick, Glenn Danford Bradley, Flora May
Barnard, Anna Bishop, Alma Agnes Cooley, Bert MHlson Culver. Amy
Dimond, Edna May Evans, Robert George Evans, Perry William Flander^-
mcyer, Dorlesca Cordelia Howe, Mabelle Louise Holmes, Edith Alice I-en-
nox, Olive Beatrice Lennox, Arthur Edward Legg, Mary May Macdonough
(Wahl), Harriet Pratt, Flora Elizabeth Root, Marie Beatrice Ronan, Rex
Cameron Starr, Alice Elizabeth Vincent, Sarah Caroline Worcester.
1904— Carrie Barnard, Rolene Chandler (Cummins), Guy Chiesman,
Reo Gripman. Ray Keeslar Imniel, Lucile Jones, Satie Keep, Harry Kemp-
ster, Jessie Lawton, Rav Locke, Jessie Thurston, Myrtle White.
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T905— Harriet N. Evans, Mabel Gripman, Wava Junk, Lou Kramer,
Ethel Kerr, Rache! MacGowan. Btirr Osbom, Burt Pitcher, Philip Robinson,
Pear! Schrontz, Eleanor Stowell, George Wicker.
1906— Norah Jane Carroll, Rena Marguerite Clark, Fern Anchore
Doerr, Harold Lewis George, Grace I-eona Gray, Earl Ostrander Immel,
Grayson Thomas Kinney, Frank Gardner I-egg. Ray Howland Lockwood,
Marv Grace Rawson, Harold Arthur Robinson, Tsabelie Ellen Ronan, Mary
Merle Schmedlen, Constance Stratton, Ethel Leone Stroh, William Embry
QuiNCy Schools.
The first school held at the center of Qiiincy township and attended by
the children of persrais now Hving in Quincy village was taught by Mrs.
Peter Newberry at her home north of town. Mrs. E. B. Church and ■
Jerome Clizbe are the only ones of her scholars still living. Tlie first school-
house erected was of logs and stood on the site of the depot grounds. After
about four or five years the log house was torn down and a frame school-
house put up in its place. In a few years the district became so lar^e that
one schoolhouse would not accommodate all the pupils, so a private school
was organized in 1844, with Mrs. Bundy as teacher. When the railroad
was built, in 1850. the schoolhouse was moved to where the Methodist church
now stands, on West Chicago street. The Methodist church obtained this
site about 1854. and the schoolhouse was moved to Jefferson street. On
this occasion quite an argument arose as to whether the building should be
moved east or west, so the people who lived in the west part of the district
hitched their oxen to the west side of the building, and those in the east part
hitched their oxen to the east side. When all were ready the spectators cried,
" Pull long! Pull strong! " and the building moved to the east, thus decid-
ing the question.
The district had grown so large noiw that the frame building and Mrs.
Bundy's select school would not accommodate all, and another select school
was organized, in 1854, to accommodate the older pupils. Tliis was taught
by a Mr. Watkins and was the first graded school in the district. Two years
later the district decided to buiid another schoolhouse. This building was of
brick, located on the corner of East Jefferson and Fulton streets, on the site
still occupied by the central school building. The old frame building which
had so long served the purposes of a school was sold to Jonas Culver, who
moved it away and converted it into a dwelling.
The Union school mo\'ement described on a previous page was now tak-
en up by the people of Quincy.
In 1869 the first brick building was remodeled. The front portion of the
present building was erected as an addition to the old structure. This addi-
tion stands to-day, but in 1904 the part that had stoo^l since 1858 and in
which children and children's children and even grandchildren had learned
their first lessons, was torn down, and replaced by a large and convenient ad-
dition at a cost of about ten thousand dollars. Thus the school building in
,y Google
use at the present writing is a coinbination of the old and tlie new in school
architectnre, the front part, surmounted bv the cupola, dating back to 1869
and the south side of the biiilding being only two years old.
The Quincy high school maintains the high standard of Michigan high
schools, is on the approved list of the State lTm\'ersity and the State Normal,
and its influence as an institution is shown by the ties which bind its alumni
together and the pride the people in general manifest in the work of local
education. The superintendent of the schools is F. E. Knapp, and his assist-
ants in the upper grades' work are Amelia Todd, Ethe! Fok and Jennie
Burns. The board of education at this writing consists of these citizens:
K. B. Etheridge, president ; VV. H. Lockerby, secretary ; F. A. McKenzie,
treasurer; A. L. Bowen and M. J. Rawson, trustees.
The Alumni Association of the Quincy high school was formed July
5, :884, its first officers being: Miss Gertie Dobson, president; Dr. Will
Marsh, vice president, and Samuel J. Gier, secretary and treasurer. The
associations of early years have been renewed at each subsequent annual
meeting, and the ties that form the basis of such an organization are such that
the names of its members as they have been added from year to year are the
most important document in the school's history.
As compiled from the records of the Alumni Association, the classes
from 1876 to the present are :
1876 — A. V. R. Pond; W. C Marsh, a graduate of the University of
Michigan's medical department, practicing in Quincy a few years, and now
a prominent physician of Albion. Mich.; R. Upton Gay.
1880 — Carrie Clark, Cora Clizbe. Livonia Rogers, May Wilson, May
Collins. Adda Culver.
1882 — Maude Joseph ; Gertie Dobson, a teacher in Quincy schools for
a long time, later a department teacher in Mt. Pleasant (Mich.) Normal,
and now studying medicine in Rush Medical College; Jessie E. Cook;
Howard J. Hill, formerly a dentist at Alma, Nebraska, where he has been
successful in business and' has now given up practice.
1883 — Joie Golden, Elsie Babcock, Adda .Archer, Cora E Brown, Hu-
bert Jo.seph.
1884 — Blanche Daggett: Samuel J. (jier, now superintendent of the
Hillsdale city schools; John B. Daish. an attorney at Washington, D. C. ;
Claude Larzelere. who graduated from the University of Michigan, took a
post-graduate course at Harvard, and is now head of the history depart-
ment of Mt. Pleasant Normal.
18S5 — Rena S, Barber, the wife of Prof. Larzelere just mentioned;
Grace Markel, Orcelia Marshall. Grace M. Lytle, Ida M. Wilcox, Ella D.
Sweeney; Ida A. Macklem and Franc M. Macklem, both teaching in the Elk-
hart schools.
1886— Rena B. Wright, Minnie M. Rathbun, Minnie M. Myers, Charles
L. Van Orsdal.
1887— Gertie Blackman, Florence Mann, Hattie Swan, Allierta Hoff-
man, Vieva Wilcox. Atita Pratt, Estella Sanderson, Orlo Dobson.
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1888 — Lillian Bigneli, the only graduate of that year, is now svii>erin-
tendent of the schools at Galesburg', Mich.
1889 — ^Justus G. Lawson, a prominent attorney at Grand Rapids: J.
Harry Nichoh, J. Whitney Watkins, Charles L, Wood.
1891 — Matie Decker. Phi Berry. Pearl Kinyon, Lena Berr\-, Ralph
Turner, Ed. Crevie.
1892 — Jessie C. Mason, Alice C. Ethridge, Allen J. Talent, Azalia M.
Drake, Nettie M. Ba!!, Percy L. Freeman.
i8q3— Charles W. Morey, an electrical engineer in Chicago ; Ethel
Noble, T. Howard Hyslop, Blanche Baker. Georgia M. Turner, Fred J,
Rathbun, Cora M, Blackman, Hattie L. Denham.
t8<)4 — Charles Harpham, now a member of the faculty of the Univer-
sity of Michigan; Arthur Bellis, a graduate of the University of Michigan,
and now superintendent of schools at Birmingham, this state ; James Bellis,
a teacher in a business college at Ypsilanti; Dr. J. M. Blackman, of Quincy;
W. G. Cowell, now prosecuting attorney of Branch county; AlHe Day, Gene-
vieve Allen, Fern Haysmer, Edith Haight.
1895 — Charles A. D. Young, a government engineer on the Sault
canal; Will Moore, Fred Wilbur, Bert Herrick. l^wis Powel. Arthur Noble,
An)brose Bailey, Pearl Herendeen, Rena Bowers, Minnie Bailey, Georgia
Marks, Myrtie Sanderson, Louie Kinyon.
1896— -Orrin Bowen, the Bronson attorney; Lu!a R. Knapp, wife of
Volney Hungerford, superintendent of schools at Decatur, Michigan; Mary
E. Alien, Ward W. Allen. Maud Babcock. Clifford A. BJsho]), Erma M.
Bogue, Cora M. Briggs, Lillian B. Culver. Julia E. Harpham, Ella Lashuay.
Mabel Noble, Arthur E. Rogers, Fannie E. Spauiding, Lucinda Spaulding.
1897— -Mabel Luse, Lottie Safford, Ira Trimm, Lulu Wiser. Bertie
Mason, Ora Safford. Eva Vaughn, Mertie Strang, Frank Berry, Anna B.
Orcutt, Maud Thompson, Arthur Berry. Minnie Oliver. Jennie Oliver.
1898 — ^Alice Hougbtaling, Angelene Haynes, Henry W. Austin. Mabel
J. Belote, James W. Bums, Salla Spaulding, Joseph W. Barker, Carlotta E.
Dean, Laura E. Eldred, Grace M. Harpham, Everett E. EiOrris, Grace
T899 — Ruby Kinyon, Grace Kinyon, Barber, W. Albert Eldred.
Tnis Herrick. Edith Hewitt, Edna Knapp. Otis Ransom. Essie Sharp, Vera
Thompson, Eliza Warner, Orson Warner.
1900 — Joe! M. Barnes, now a special science .student in the University
of Michigan: Walter Failor, an electrical engineer and superintendent of
an electric railway on the Pacific coast: Carl C. Sears, now practicing medi-
cine at Ouincy; Millie Barnes, Maria Bradon, W. John Bums, Nellie Her-
iQOi — Carl Gottscha?k, a graduate in electrical engineering from the
University of Michigan; Harold C. Jones, a special student in chemistrv at
the University; Ralph S. Andrews, bookkeeper for the Wolverine Portland
Cement Co. at Quincy; Kittie B. lies, George R. Oxenham. Leona D. Bar-
ber, Ida M. Walter, Leora A. Walter, H. Lea Benge, Mable L. Ethei-idge
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Union City School Buildmj
1902 — Ray Whitniore, a graduate in metlicine at the University of
Michigan; Grace B. Walsh. Carry M. Sheldon, Anna Oxenham, Everett
1903 — Harry Farwell, a draftsman at Detroit; Edith M. Green,
formerly a Quincy teacher and now in the Ypsilanti NoiTna! : Fred Eoley,
an electrical engineer at South Bend: Elva Gage, Lena Wilmarth. Sarah
Safford, I^iiis Hoxie, Edith Walter, Ralph Keeler, Glenn Ransom.
1904 — Ralph McKenzie, Robert Sanderson, Ross D. Porter. Morean
Elheridge. Myrta Crater, Clara Stafford, Jessie Bowerman, Jessie Robinson,
Wilhelmina Walsh, Rc»e Horning, Loviie Knirk.
1905— Charles H. Walters, Edan M. Ransburg, Greta W. Forte, Ray
R. Brott, Mary E. Peiioyer, Florence M. Dickerson, Charles H. Waiters,
Lulu B. Brott, Jessie M. Aldrich, Rena A. Tompkins, Roy A. Botey, NeiHe
M. l«irzelere, Bernice V. Newberry, Harry E. Robinson.
The officers of the Alumni Association for 1905-06 were: Mrs. George
Houghtaling. president; Miss Jessie Aldrich,, vice president; Dr. Carl Sears,
secretary and treasurer.
Union City Schools.
The first schoolhouse in Union City, built in 1837, a frame structure,
painted red and long known as " the reel schoolhouse," is still standing upon
its original site at the corner of Ellen and Ann streets, having been for many
years in use as a dwelling. A little further down on Ellen street is the
handsome three-story brick and stone building that for the past thirty years
has been the central school building of the village. These two buildings
graphically illustrate the contrast between the educational facilities of the
first half of the nineteenth century and those of the present. The pioneer
equipment of schools described in an earlier part of this article on education
has been displaced by apparatus ami methwls in all res]>ects in keeping with
the character of the buildings which now provide shelter for educational
work. The people of Union City are justly proud of their schools, and the
principal events in the progress of the educational institutions of the village
should be given at this point.
April 26, 1837, soon after the organization of the township of Union,
it was divided into four school districts, and that the assistance rendered
by the state at this early date was not large will be plainly seen when we
state that the apportionment of school moneys to all the schools in the
township in 1838 was only $51.38. School District No. 2 included Union
City, and the first teacher' to have charge here after the organzation of the
districts was Miss Ellen E. Hammond, daughter of Deacon Chester Hanv
mond. This was a summer school and was taught in 1838. The teachers
immediately following Miss Hammond ivere Henry Hammond and Miss
Sarah Sargent, although it is creditably related that Miss Sargent was really
the first teacher in Union City, she giving instruction during the winter of
1836-37, before the organization of districts. Certain it is, however, that
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Miss Sargent taught a school during the winter of 1839-40 in the office of
Justus Goodwin, on the county line.
The first schoolhouse was built in Union City in 1837, and the building-
was also used by the Methodist and Congregational societies on alternate
Sundays. At about this time schools were also established in the rural dis-
tricts surrounding Union City, and among the first was the one in the l,inco!n
district, south of town, where in the summer of 1838 a school was taught
in a chamber of Caleb Lincoln's house, the school building being erected
the following year.
The real development of the Union City schools began, howei-'er, with
the erection of the present handsome school building on Ellen street. The
town had grown so rapidly in population that in the early seventies it became
evident that there must be additional room and facilities for the accommoda-
tion of the rapidly growing number of pupils. Accordingly the present
building was completed in 1877 at a cost of about $25,000. It is a remarka-
bly elegant and substantial building of stone and brick, three stories high,
and the improvements made upon it each year have served to make it a
model of convenience and utility. It has a fine public hall, a completely
equipped laboratory, a well-selected library, and all the modern equipments
and accessories, including water and electric lights upon every fioor.
Excellent work is done in the lower grades and the high school is con-
sidered among the very best in this portion of the state. There are seven
regular courses of study and such is their thoroughness and completeness
that the high school has for years been on the approved list of the University
of Michigan, graduates therefrom being admitted direct to the university
without examination.
The graduates of the Union City High School during the different
vears from the first class in 1880 to the class of 1906 are named in follow-
ing paragraphs. It seems just, however, to single out certain names from
the various classes and mention the position which has lieen attained by the
person in each case since he left the high school to begin the battle of life.
Of the class of 1880, C. E. Wisner is now a resident of Toledo and
engaged in land development in the south. E, L. Moseley is an entomologist
who has gained considerable prominence in his profession. W. H, Bnim-
field is at the head of a signal service bureau in the west. Of tjie class of
1884, Walter Groesbeck is a patent attorney at Washington, D. C; G. H.
Sevmoiir is head of the banking business in Sherwood, and Delia Page is a
teacher of deaf mutes in West Superior, Wisconsin.
Two well known representatives of the class of 1886 are Leon A. John-
son, present supervisor of Union township, and C. H. Jotwell, connected
with the Farmers National Bank of Union City. From the class of 1887
should be mentioned Edward Guernsey, a foreign buyer for Marshall Field
and Company; and Mrs. Jennie (Walker) Spore, who is the sole founder
and manager of the Union City Creamery, an enterprise which she has built
up by her own biisiness judgment and energy. From the class of 1888,
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Herbert Johnson is a snccessfui music teacher of Battle Creek, and Walter
Lowell is in charge of a sugar plantation in the Hawaiian Islands.
In the class of 1SS9 were Carolyn L. Willard, now a well known con-
cert pianist, associated with Madame Blooinfield Zeisler of Chicago ; and
Edwin Hayden, who fills the chair of sociology in the University of Mis-
souri. Ray Buflinganie of the class of 1890 is a druggist at Dowagiac. Of
those who went out in 1892, R. W, Coddington is a 'superintendent of schools
in Michigan, and Jessie Willard is a doctor of osteopathy in Chicago. Lulu
Palmer, of 1893, is a teacher in one of the Wisconsin state normals. Of
1894, I^eo Warren is superintendent of schools in North St. Paul, Minn. ;
Hubert Bell is superintendent of schools at Boyne City, Mich., and E. M.
Chauncey is a physician at Girard. George Gaw. of the class of 1895, '^
cashier in an Ypsilanti bank, and his classmate, Ralph Morrill, is a physician
in Lincoln, Neb., and on the faculty of a medical college in that city. Clay-
ton Crandall and Carrie, of the class of 1896, are high school teachers, and
many other of the graduates fill similar positions throughout this and ad-
joining states. Of the class of 1897, Arthur Barnes is superintendent of
schools at Olivet and F. W. Ackerman is principal of the Union City schools.
T^o L. Eddy is superintendent of the schools at Sherwood, and N. P. Olm-
sted is a minister. George Barnes, from the class of 1898, gained the high
scholastic honor of a Rhodes scholarship at Oxford, England, and is now
attending that university. H. H. Willard, of 1899, is on the faculty of the
school of pharmacy of the University of Michigan, and A. H. Tower of the
same class is a doctor at Centerville.
The graduates for the different years are:
1880 — Elbert L. Page, A. Harshman Harrison. George E. Willitts, C.
Edward Wisner, Lorenzo D. Cochrane, Edward L. Moseley. Willard H.
Brumfield, William H. Bauer, Robert H. Baker, John D. H. Wallace, Jay
P. Lee, Norris A. Cole, Ward C. Walker, Elma Lynn.
1881— Ida Soiitherland, Jamie Rowe. M. Ross Graham, Warren D.
1883— Nettie Doty.
1884— Mvra McDonald, Walter Groesbeck. Erta Tuthill. George H.
Seymour, Jennie Corbin, John Bishop, Edward Stafford, Doane Smith.
Lydia Race, Eva Lester, Delia Page, Lida Neabitt.
1885— Nellie Giltner, Nellie lathrop. Rose Swartout, Sabrie Van Vleet,
Hattie Johnson, Verona Smith, Lura l^verty.
iSSe^I^on A. Johnson, Minnie Van Camp, Cora D. Fulton, Chade?
H. Burton, Minnie Eddy, Jennie Chase, Charles H. lx>well.
i887~Edith Underwood, Hattie Blake, Nathan Rowe. Jessie Peck,
Nanette Jeffery. Edward Guernsey, Stella Buell, Isaac J. Margeson, Freti
Stafford, Bertha Sawin, Frank Cain, Robert McDonald, Jennie Walker.
1888— Herbert Johnson, Mary Stevens, Walter Lowell, Wylie Hub-
bard, Fred M. Hodge, Nettie Lee, Habey Haas, Mae Swartout, Ophelia Van
Vleet, Maude Hubbard. Mattie Stratton, Nellie Tliompson.
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18S9-— Frances Russeil, Carrie L. Willard, Edwin Hayden, Clarence
Brace, Millie Simmons.
1890 — E. May Thompson, Lanrene Corbin. Mertis Wellman. Bvrdie
Gaw. Ray Burlingame, Claude Whitney, Daisy Buell, Georgia Smythe, J-'eha
1891— L. Belle Watkins. Fred J. French, Frances C. Wilkins. Nellie
Clark, Alta McCrary, V. D. Lee. Isabella Maxon, Myrtie Mitchell, Hannah
Russell, Emma Merritt, Lois French.
T892 — Ralph Waldo Coddington. Fred Hammond, Earl Hubbard.
Thomas Cain. May Burlingame, Frank S. Mann, Edna Peck, Fannie Bailey,
May I. Lowell, Jessie WiUard, Sophia Page, Ella Gillett.
1893 — Jessie Banford. Grace Smith, Grace Dmmm, Mae Lee, IJbbie
Fitzgerald, Sereno B. Clark, Albert Milier. Lizzie Peck, Lulu Palmer, Earl
1894 — Hattie Wells, Georgia Bassett, Anna Melody, Leo Warren,
Chauncey, Lina Merrill.
1895 — Nettie Stevens, Ethel Kiiboum, Clara Page, Bertha Greenfield,
Myrta Bartlett, Edna Case. George Gaw, Ralph Morrill, Lizzie Norton.
1806— Elmer Wilson, Winfred Pierce, Harry Kimball. Ora Hayner,
Carrie Hurd, Miles Rider. Harry Wilcox, Frank Buell, Clayton Crandali.
1897 — 'John L. Moore, Lillie Mitchell. Coral Johnson, J. C. Studley,
Kittie Bell, Jennie Smith, Thomas Buell, Arthur Barnes, Simeon Bole,
George Howard, Minnie Smith, Clarence Reynolds, J. Carl Gaw, John
Tniax, F. Ella Kiiboum, F. W. Ackerman, Marcella Bums, Roy McEwen,
G. E. Ackerman, Carrie Saunders, Ethel BumViam, N. Perl Olmsted, Carle
Smith, Nellie Strong, Henry Wells, Leo. 1,. Eddy, Alice Pierce.
1898' — George Barnes, Gertrude Travis, Bertha Simons, Blaine Brown.
Carrie Ward, Victor Crandali, Hettie Smith, Flora Banford, Lester Crandal!,
Earl Fuller, James Melody, Daisy Matteson, Ber\-i Knauss, Floyd Davis,
Veva Bole, Grace Gaw, Lena Fox.
1899 — Levi A. Geer. Cora E. Seymour, Holxirt H. Willard, Ethel M.
Kimball, Lottie Bell, NelHe M. Spencer, Inland H. Tower. J. Morris Smith,
William H. Bruening, Fred H. Hass, Jessie R. Morrill, Bessie F. Hubbard.
1900— Clara L. Buell, Ora L. .Smith, Fred S. Dunks, Erta B, Kimball,
Mertie M. Hass, Harry M. Simmons, Courtney B, Aiken, Henrietta M.
Knauss, Ervin A, Warsop.
1901 — Mary L. Dibble. Grace R. Dunks, Daisy L. Eberhardt, Lura V.
Eitniear. Nellie E. French, Jesse N. Hayner, William H. Melody, Nina E.
Palmer, Amy Mortina Sweet. H. Harris Ward, Sherman Wilson.
1902 — Dean S. Johnson, Ernest E. Baird, Mildred N. Wood. Elcy T.
McCausey. Dean E. Shannon, Zella E. Merrifield, G. Belle Fisk, Lula Libhart,
Dorr D. Buell. Hilda M. Bmening, Pauline G. Hawley, Claude L. Bullock,
Maude E. Grill. Maiorie Buell, Viva A. Spore.
190;^ — Bennett H. Ackerman. Franklin F. Holhrook, Iza S. Holbrook.
Claude W. Johnson, Howard I. Ludwig, Homei- R. Mallow, Harland A.
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Johnson, Viletta B. Loivejoy, Jessie Wheeler, Roy S. Wheeler, Jesse C. Kim-
ball, John C. Corbin, Roy G. Newman, Louise L. Lux.
1904— Mary I^ McCausey, Mary Copeland, Glviin Buell, Hazel Bowen,
Burr Collyer, Bessie Corbin, Thomas McCanse>-, May Clifford, Ray Warren,
David Church, Lncia Drake.
1905— Petra Lundteigen, Edith V. Smith, Charlotte P. Carr, Aimee
Palmer. Maude A. Knauss, Hazel V. Whitney, Ethel F. Pullman. Eva D.
Lux, Ethei A. Johnson, Lynn E. Wooti. Gladys Brown, Aaron W. Poole,
Frank R. Corwin, Deo R. Parsons.
1906— Harry Clifford. Matt Corwin, Margaret Stitt, Don Nichols,
Bessie Kilbourn, Emma Boyer, Carma Libhart, Vivian Baker.
Bronson Village Schools.
The first school in the county, taught by Columbia Lancaster at Bron-
son Prairie in the winter of 1830-31, has already been spoken of. This and
several otiier schools, supported in a private way by several families co-
operating in carrying them on, preceded the first public school on the prairie
in the township, and this first public school was the banning of what has
become " the Public Schools of Bronson."
The "Bronson Public Schools," as a i>aniphlet, pubhshed for 1905-06
by the Board of Education, is entitled, are not schools in several buildings,
nor are they schools free to pupils residing in the village only. 'ITiey are
schools in one building, and this building is the schoolhouse of a school dis-
trict, including, besides the village, territory from one to two miles beyond it
in all directions. The district bears today the designation, "District No. i,"
the number indicating that it was the first district organized in the township.
The schools carried on in this one building of the district are, the high school,
the grammar or intermediate school and the primary school, the latter being
more commnly spoken of as " grades " or " departments." The time of tlie
entire course is twelve years, four years being given to each department.
Graduates of the high school may lie admitted to any of the Michigan State
Normal colleges without examination.
This District No. i was certainly organized some time before 1839,
probably in 1837. Its first school, the first public scJiool of the township,
was taught in a building on the ground where the Werner Bros, building
now stands on Matteson street, south of Chicago street. Among the early
teachers in this building were Miss Salona Pixley and Miss Maria Taggart.
Mr. Ij^ring Grant Jones, still living in the village, remembers attending
school in this building. Later a schoolhouse was built a considerable distance
to the east on a corner of the Chicago road and the rc«d running south on the
eastern Imundarv of the village. Here Miss Mary Ann Clark taught for a
time. Mr. Jones remembers as otlier teachers also, Mr. Mitchell, Mr.
" Dick " Daugherty and Mr, Homer Wright, a brother of Mr. P. P. Wright.
Population on the prairie increased and when the village stage arrived
a union school was established. The report of the director on this union
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school is illustrative not only of this particular school but in g-eneral of the
status of most village schools at the time. The state superintendent of
public instruction, in 1857, asked information concerning each of the union
schools then in the state, and Jason Shepard, then director of the Bronson
school district, in his reply dated January 13, 1858, gave the following cate-
gorical answers to the series of questions:
rst. Our school wai e'itabbshed on the 4th of the present month (Jan larj i'*';8 )
2nd, The size of the site is one acre of land
3rd, The schoolhou'e i' 33 by 43 feet on the ground two 'tones high rooms i- feet
in the clear mith recitation rooms in each story Cost of the house $2500
4th, The apparatus is small consisling only of Mitchells Outline Maps Lostmg $1100,
Number of volumes m library 125
Sth, At present there i" bit one depirtment to our school hut on the first of April
it is expected another will be added m ivhiLh the higher branches will be tau(.ht
6th. We ha\e one male and one female teacher — a gentleman ind his ladj — at a salary
of $50 per month for boih
7th, The aieratje number of scholars in attend nee s one h ired
Sth. The course of stud es embraces Primary Geographi Ph losophj Mtcbri C m-
etry and Astronomj
9th. There have no st dents been fitted for higher schools
loth. As far as I am acquainted the co education of the sex:es is advisable a d T an-
not but recommend t
nth. The expenses of our school -ire at present met bj rate bill but I th 1 alter tur
next annual meeting it will be free to scholars of our district
I2th, The cost of this system of schools I think no greater thin that of the single
district, while the advantages for advancement are much greater
Our school and schoolhouse although new and just commenced has an infliien(.e among
us that no one would be viilling to part with It his created 1 spint of energy never felt
among us before as well ts 1 desire for advancement among parents and thil Iren \\here in-
difference has hitherto prevailed among our citizens, it is now asked, what shall be, and who
will be first in, our next enterprise.
We hope to give a good account of our school as time advances, and that our reports
hereafter may compare favorably with other schools.
Yours truly, Jason Sheparp, Director.
The building described was of frame, and in 1878 a brick addition,
two stones high, was constructed in front of the old building.
Tlie Bronson school officers at the time of this writing are: William
Scribner. president of Board of Education; William Bushnell, secretary;
Jacob F. Werner, treasurer; Warren Boughton, James Davis, trustees. The
teaching force are: Frank E. Robinson, superintendent; Miss Bertha Rob-
inson, principal ; Miss lies, assistant principal ; Miss Mernie Bailey, eighth
grade; Miss Lucinda Bowen, second and third grades; Miss Delia Osborn,
third grade: Miss Florence Anderson, primary.
The following paragraphs name the graduates who in the years since
1887 have gone from the high school :
1887— Elison WeJdon.
1888— Claire Russell. Guella Boughton (Parham), Edwin Powers,
Florence Van Every.
i8go — Edwin Moffit.
1891 — Cora Washburn (Chapman), Nellie Hamilton.
1892— Delia Wait (Butler), Neihe Ellis (Paul). Grace Douglas
(Deane), Gula Albertson (Werner), Josie Jump, Anna Harris.
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1893— Hattie Randall (Faust). Rose Jump (Staymen), Nan Hoskins
(Rider), Gussie Van Fleet (Davis). Cora Ticknor, Burt Corey. Emma Rus-
sell (Coon), Ora Cockle (Clark), Grace Jones (Howe), Myrtle Van Anken,
Rose Parfiam (PfafF), Frank Douglas.
1895 — George Davis, Burt Walker, Howard Horton.
1897 — Mabel Earle, Lora Quear (Tinkham), Mabel Perrin, Christie
Shaffmaster. Gertrude Baxter, Emma Wait, Gertie Bush (Chapman), Ina
1898— Estelle Blass.
1899— Loa Secor (Lindsey). Elhel Turner (Gibbs), Glenn Green,
Ethel Latta. Fred Baxter, Margaret Cunningham.
1900 — Eva Jones, Cornelius Lane, Peter Greenwald.
igoi^Qara Squier, Stella Keyes (Nash), Clifford Carpenter, Ge<.>rge,
Holcomb, Rose Davis.
1902 — Tbeda Bailey, Aiidra Spitz, Josephine Burnell.
1903— Vera Himehaugh (Flanders). Jeanette Holmes. Ina Cfark,
Goldie Bush, Julia Tisdel, Cicero Holmes. Maude Stevenson, Oral Clark,
Clyde Bushnell.
1904— Elwood Bushnell, Maude Taggart, Maude Hurford, Myra Rug-
gles, Lola Perrin. Willie Cook.
1905— Cass Scribner.
1906 — Hazel Branyan. Edith DeWitt. Gatha Dorn. Kathryn Hime-
baugh. Myrtle White, Joy Shaffmaster, Clesson Bushnell, Charles Rich,
Harold Bennett Clark.
Shew WOOD.
Sherwood's first school was the district school located on the angling
road west of the present village. With increase of population following the
establishment of the village in the seventies a school was established within
the village. In the late eighties the schools were graded and placed tipon
a good standing by Mr. James Swain, now county commissioner of schools,
at that time superintendent of the Sherwood schools. In 1894 the Sherwood
College buildings were purchaser^ and devoted to , village school purposes.
Tlie structures are substantial and modem and occupy a commanding site.
There are now the r^tilar twelve grades, with four teachers, those for
1906-0;' being Ray Locke, superintendent; Bessie Cogswell, grammar
grades: Ethe! Monteith, intermediate, and Eemice WiJIer, primary. The
Ijoard of education consists of J. W. Finch, Dr. C. E. Nelthorpe, Frank
Swain, Charles Hall and Dr, R. Fraser. The schools are on the approved
list of a large number of colleges, graduates being admitted to these without
The Sherwood High School has an alumni association of sixty mem-
bers, which holds annual reunions. The graduates since 1892 are named
as follows ;
1892— May (Jackson) Stickney, J. A. Annis.
1893— Nellie (Thayer) Bower, Guy Thurston.
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1894 — Edna R. Locke, Amos Cross.
1895 — Harry Wilcox, Wave (Locke) Wright, Frank French, Mamie
(Banker) Hill.
i8g6 — Grace Smith, Daisy (Collins) Clark, Florence Crocker, Hattie
1897 — Frank Thorns, Edw. Mowry, Jennie (Runyan) Lampman, Ber-
nice Sargent, Adrian Sturgis, Nellie (Mowry) Cline, Leo R. French, Inez
(Quinlan) French, Etta Mowrj'.
iSg8 — Mamie (Hazen) Chipman, Gertie (Bartlett) Collins, Effie
(Alger) Jones, Ray Hall.
1899 — Glenn Cline, Clayton Selby, Josie Mowry, Robert Osbom, Guy
L. Mowry, Nina Thurston.
1900— Lou (Sturgis) French, Ear! Taylor, Ed. Sargent, Carson Eraser,
Vern French, Ernest Cole, Margaret Kidney, Glenn Sipes, Blanche (Nelson)
Bennett, Hazel Strickland, Hubert Thornton, Susie Davis,
1901 — Ray E. l-ocke.
Tgo2— Beulah Gwin, Gertrude Robinson, Myrtle Robinson. Eva Leath-
1903 — Blanch I. French, George E. Ladyman, Jesse E, Thornton.
1904— No graduates.
1905— Lloyd Warren, Lulu Smith, Katie Eddy, Bertha Mitchell.
igo6 — Alice Wattles, Lena Spencer.
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The State Public School.
,In 1836 a company of charitably inclined ladies of Detroit organized
the Protestant Ot^ihan Asylum of that city. Governor Henry P. Baldwin
was for some years a trustee of that institution aaxd became considerably
interested in its work. Following; his election as governor in 1868 Governor
Baldwin made a trip to all the state institutions and many oi those of a
public and private charitable nature in the various counties, and thoroughly
informed himself of conditions which he would meet in the performance of
his official duties. So impressed was he that a thorough and radical change
should be made in certain lines that he dwelt upon them at length in his
inaugural message and recommended that a commission be appointed to give
to them a thorough investigation and report to the le^slature of 1871. The
commission appointed in accord with this resolution consisted! of Hon. C. 1.
Walker, of Detroit, and Hon. F. H. Rankin, of Flint.
Largely because of his connection with the orphan asylum above men-
tioned Governor Baldwin was in position to see the child problem both
from a humane and pviblic policy, and his message, which became the gen-
eral instructions of the commission, set up that problem clearly. A short
t|uotation from the report of the commission will describe dependent child
life as they found it in the county houses, the onh' home provided up to
that time.
"Think of their surroundings: the raving of the maniac; the frightful
contortions of the epileptic; the driveling and senseless sputtering of the
idiot; the garrulous temper of the decrepit, neglected old age; the peevish-
ness of the infirm: the accumulatefl fiJth of all these; then add the moral
degeneracy of such as from idleness and dissipation seek a refuge from
honest toil and you have a faint outline of the surroundings of these little
boys and girls. This is home to them. Here their first and most enduring
impressions of life are made. And is it any wonder that so large a per-
centage go from such sitrixmndings to lives of idleness and crime and thus
to propagate and perpetuate a pauper, dependent and depraved class for
public support and maintenance?"
The commission found two hundred and twelve dependent children of
sound mind and sound bodies in the county poor houses and strongly sup-
ported Governor Baldwin's recommendation that they be taken from these
institutions and made wards of the state. They suggested three plans :
" 1st. Placed bv indenture directly in families; or
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" 2d. Placed in orphan asylums at the expense of the state; or
" 3d. Committed to an institution like the State Primary School at
Munson, Massachusetts,"
When the report of this commission reached the legislature in 1871 it
was referred to a joint committee from both houses^ of which the late Hon.
C. D. Randall, of Coldwater, then state senator from thi? district, was chair-
man. As its work progressed various meml^ers of the committee took up
the questions presented and Mr. Randall was assigne<i to the child problem.
All three of the plaris suggested by the commission had adherents. ' Bills
were introduced in the legislature and referred to the joint committee, favor-
ing each. The Michigan Orphan Asylum, at Adrian, largely under the
management of Aunt Laura Haviland, as she was generally known, was very
persistent in its advocacy of the second of these plans.
It was most provident that the whole problem went intO' the hands of
a man like Mr. Randall, who was then in the height of his successful busi-
ness career, and that that gentleman gave to it the best of his business abiiity.
Analyzing each proposition in turn, he formed the following conclusions :
The first plan would doubtless have proved a failure, as Mr. Randall argued,
" for several reasons. Families would seldom receive children directly from
the poor houses. Many of these children have been neglected and need
certain training before they can be successfully placed in homes. Unless
carefully watched after l>eing placed in homes, no matter how carefully the
homes are selected, great injustice to the children must often result." His
study of the orphan asylum plans as they have been worked out in New
York and California, under the contract system, turned Mr. Randall against
that plan. When he secured statistics of the general lack of success in active
life by institutionally raised children he could not be won to that plan by the
persistent Adrian lobbyists or anyone else. The special institution referred
to in the third plan was more on the line of what the industrial schools of
this state have since become, except that it was for both dependent and de-
praved children. Their union in one institvition at once became a menace to
the better class. From a union of all these Mr. Randall tinally evolved a
plan which he presented to the committee in two short sections :
" ist The state assumes guardianship of all dependent children of
sound mind and body between ten and sixteen years of age.
" 2d. There shall be a state public school for these children connected
with the common school system, to be their temporary educational home until
they can be placed in family homes, the state to supervise them during
Mr. Randall's ideas were unanimously endorsed by the joint committee,
and he was instructed to draft a bill which he introduced on February 22.
Tt passed both houses and was signed by Governor Bagley on April 17, 1871.
and created the State Public School on substantially the same lines it has
always followed — the first state institution of its kind in the world. After
an experience of thirty-four years the greatest change from Mr. Randall's
original plan is the reduction of the age limit at each end. Everyone Ijelieves
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tlie admission of the babies is a good thing, but whether the limit should
have been ait below sixteen years is a debatable problem.
As soon as the bill was passed Mr. Randall beg^n a campaign to secure
the institLition for Coldwatcr. Jackson, Flint, Albion, Holly,- Adrian, Brook-
lyn. Northville, Grand Haven, Plymouth, St. Johns, Lansing, North Lan-
sing, Portland, Jonesvilte and Monroe also came out with bids for its location.
The late Hon. Harvey Haynes proposed to Mr. Randall to take equal chances
and offer the board of location the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars if
the school should be located here. On April 19, 1872, John J. Bagley
(afterward governor), .secretary of the commission, wrote Mr. Randall, in
behalf of the commission, offering to locate here if the city would donate the
Haynes tract and seven acres east of it, in all twenty-seven acres, and give
Ixmds to pay into the treasury of the institution five thousand dollars per
vear for five years. It took a lot of bard work, but the funds were secured
and the offer accepted.
Tlie .State Board of Corrections and Charities was another outgrowth of
Governor Baldwin's message and the commission above referred to. By
its provisions the Governor appointed an agent of this board in each county
of the state. Among his duties this officer is to constantly search for suitable
homes for dependent children in his county, and is the legal guardian of
children from the State Public School during their indenture into homes
in his county. The legislature has since provided for a state agent who
travels from county to county assisting county agents and inspiring them to
do good vrork. The work of the school has been to reduce the per capita of
dependent children of the state to a very large extent, while the population
has more than doubled. The institution opened in 1874. During that year
one hundred and thirteen boys and forty-seven gir5s were received and caretl
for. a total of one hundred and sixty. During the school year of 1903-04
there wer^ ninety-eight boys and eighty-one girls received, a total of one
hundred and seventy-nine. The total number of boys received up to the close
of the year 1903-04 was three thousand five hundred and forty-two, and the
total number of giris one thousand nine hundred and thirty-eight; total
number of children, five thousand four hundred and eighty to the close of
that fiscal year, which is the last published report of the institution.
From a table in the last monthlv report of the clerk of the mstitution
to the board the following figures will be of interest, showing the disposition
of all children since the school opened.
Received since school opened in May, 1874 57QO
Tn families on indenture first of the month - 1 1 Ig
In families on indenture became operative dunng month 2«
In families on trial ■ ■ ■ ■■ ->
Placed in families and residence unknown for over a year. ... 10
Total from whom reports are
to be obtained 1207
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Remaining' in the institution at this date . . 172
Total present wards of the school , 1379
Returned to ctninties by order of the board 749
Died in families and in school . . ., 227
Adopted by proceeding's in the probate courts , 687
Have become of legal age . . ., , ,^60
Girls married ,, , ., , 186
Have been restored to parents 589
Have become self-supporting 1613
Total 5790 5790
Of the children received up to the last published report 5,190 have been
white, 269 colored and 21 Indian; 1,289 were American born, 1,067 foreign
born and 3,124 nationality unknown; 384 were orphans, 1,069 half orphans.
2,667 both parents living, 360 unknown parentage. Tlie average time of
residence at the school for all children has been 4.05 months. The success
of the plan is e^'idenced by the fact that of all the children indentured into
homes 3,017 have had to be indentured but once, and 800 were successfully
placed at the second trial. When it is remembered that misfits as to disposi-
tion are more conducive to lack of success both as to the home and the child
than any other cause, this record is remarkable. Of the 854 children visited
in homds by the state agent in the year previous to his last report he sum-
marized 524 as " doing well," 223 as " doing fairly well " and only 36 as
" doing poorly."' and this was only five per cent of those visited.
While the maintenance of children in orphan asylums costs other states
from fifty to one hundred dollars per year for each child, the larg-e number
who are successfully indentured into good homes by the " Michigan plan "
as it is generally known, has reduced the average expense to the state per
child from year to year to less than hventy-eight dollars, and the " Michigan
plan " places children in that best of all places for their sviccessful growth to
the idea! manhood and womanhood, the homes of its people.
There are several things which have been factors in the success of the
State Public School. Among them has been the careful and efficient man-
agement of its various superintendents. In turn they have been Zeiotus
Truesdell, Lyman P. Alden, John N. Foster, Wesley Sears, Chancy F. New-
kirk, W. H.'Wieand, A. N. Woodruff. A. J. Murray. John B. Montgomery.
The latter gentleman has held the position since December 15. 1S97. The
present board of control are Governor Fred M. Warner, ex-officio; Frank
M. Stewart, Hillsdale; John D. Shull, Tecumseh; and Norman A. Reynolds,
Of course, there have been changes since the school started. The
original plot of twenty-seven acres has gradually expanded to one hundred
and sixty acres. The buildings now include a fine administration building,
chapel and dining room, a commodious school building, nine cottages, hos-
pital, power house, bams, laundry, etc. The last invoice of state property at
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BrancK County Infirmary
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the institution placed the huiklings at $159,111 ; the steam heating plant, etc.,
at $25,000; the land at $26,000. and the whole outfit at $259,950.
Among the recent changes is the admission of babies, which has now
been done for nearly five years, at first onlv in a limited way, but of late
taking all that have come, Tlie experiment has been' entirely successful.
Instead of these waifs being promiscuously given away and drifting to no
one knows where, they are now carefully cared for and their interests
properly guarded. Children of these institutions have no taint upon them,
they are simply dependent. Many of them have gone out to win positions of
trust and honor, and several are leading citizens in various state circles.
The Branch County Infirmary for dependent people, after an ex-
istence of nearly forty years, stands today as a monument to the wisdcsn
and sagacity of the state legislators of the early sixties, who enacted the
laws providing for its establishment and maintenance.
Michigan has long been noted for her charitable institutions, but proba-
bly no public institution has been productive of more genuine good than this
Branch county infirmary for the poor and distressed people of our county.
The institution is located just north of the city on the Marshall road.
A fine farm of one hundred and forty acres admirably managed provides a
goodly share of the table supplies, while supporting a fine herd of Jersey and
Durham cattle from which is obtained the large amount of milk and butter
necessary in an institution of this kind. Mr. George E. Burdick, the keeper,
manages to turn over to the treasurer from six to twelve hundred dollars each
year, for products taken from the farm. The main building is a large three-
story brick structure of forty rooms and admirably constructed for the pur-
pose intended. The arrangements are convenient and grounds beautiful.
The main building contains the superintendent's office and keeper's
private apartments. On the first floor are the inmates' dining-rooms, pantries,
sitting rooms, one iarge kitchen, supplied with lai^e range and steam cookers.
One large room with six beds is expressly for the old ladies that are not
able to go to the second floors; second and third floors are arranged as dorma-
tories, while the basement is utilized as store rooms for the large amount of
needed supplies. At convenient points upon the grounds are the hospital,
power house, laundry, vegetable cellar and many other buildings necessary
for the management of an institution of this kind.
The law provides for the admission of inmates to the institution on the
certificate of one of the superintendents of the poor, to be issued only to
dependent people who have no one to care for them. Since the establishment
of the infirmary in i860 over two thousand persons have been received and
cared for; there are. on an average, forty inmates. A physician is hired by
the year, Dr. Legg, of Coldwater, being the present physician. The inmates
are well looked after, comfortably clothed and fed on good wholesome food.
All beds throughout the in,sthution are iron with good springs and mat-
tresses and plenty of bedding. Those that are able to work are furnished
with such employment as he or she is able to perform.
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The main building and hospitals are heated by steam. An electric light-
ing plant has just been installed, which adds to the convenience and safety;
also three fire escapes on the main building.
The laundry is thoroughly equipped with all modern machinery. The
plant has its own water works and sewerage, and every attention is paid to
sanitary measures.
Devotional exercises are conducted once a month by the W. C. T, U.
and are looked forward to with a great deal of interest by the inmates. The
holidays are always observed in due form. The infirmary is in direct charge
of a board of superintendents. Tlie present board are E. F. Rolpb, Cold-
water; D. W. Dodge, Union City, and Dr. E. Blackman, of Quincy. The
keeper and matron, Mr. and Mrs. George E. Bnrdick, have complete man-
agement and have as assistants in their work two engineers, one farm hand
and two cooks. Institutions of this kind are being looked after more care-
fully than in the past, their development and management are increasing
year by year, so that they are now ranking with state and other large institu-
tifms of the day.
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The library movement in this county may be said to have had its prac-
tical beginning in connection with the schools, there being- provisions for the
estabhshment of school libraries in the first scliooi legislation. The pioneer
conception of a school library Avas, like most things of that time, primitive
and crude. It is related that the citizens of one district in the county set
aside £tie dollars to " establish " a library and an eqnal amount for the pur-
chase of a suitable case in which to keep the books. Only ten dollars each
year, in fact, could by law be set aside for a library. This was, of course,
strictly a school library, and as such a part of school apparatus; it would
hardly come nnder the consideration of this chapter.
Later the law was enacted providing that a township might tax itself to
maintain a township library. Union City has a township library which as
yet provides all the library facilities to be found in that village except the
school libraries. In some villages of the state the township library is in a
flourishing condition, but as a rule the township library' does not fill the place
that the makers of the law propose<l.
Eronson has a townshi]> library which has become, largely through the
efforts of the ladies of the village, an institution worthy of the name. " The
Free Public Library of Bronson " had its beginning in a " Ladies' Library
Association," of which, in the catalogtie of 1901, the following are named
as members: Mrs. Mary Powers Gillam (nee Shepard), Mrs. Nellie Corey.
Mrs. Warren Byrns, Mrs. J. Decatur Driggs (nee Flanders), and Mrs. E. C.
Stevens and others. The association was begun about 1880, and a reorgani-
zation and change of name occurred in 1888. Mrs. Corey was the first
librarian. In 1901 a catalogue was printed, whh an ordinary sized octavo
page of seventy-two pages. Previous to this the catalogue was printed on
both sides of large cards about 12 by 16 inches. The number of volumes
in the Bronson library in 1901 was about 2800. The library is located in the
town hall of Bronson township, and, as stated, is a township and not a village
librarv. It is open every Saturday from 2 to 5 p. m., and also in the evening.
Mr. Frank Keyes, Miss Louise Stevens, Miss Helen Powers, Mrs. Mary Akers
have been librarians, and the librarian since April i, 1901, has been Mrs.
Josephine (Bumell) Green. The board of trustees in igoi were Henry P.
Mowry, John R. Bonnev, \'inton H. Shaw, Clinton Himebaugh, John D.
Schurtz, Nathaniel L. Holmes.
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Ladies' Library Association of Quincy.
About eig-ht years ago Miss Frey. a teacher in the pubhc schools, sug-
gested the idea which was worked out and resulted in the organization of
the Ladies' Library Association. In January, 1898, the ladies of the village
held a sociai at which each one contributed one volume for the nucleus of tlie
library, and since then the members, who now number about seventy-five,
have contributed an annual due of fifty cents, and besides have given enter-
tainments of various kinds to raise revenue. A small amount is also derived
from the five-cent fee charged each outsider who takes a book.
There is no question of the success of the association's efforts. In
almost every case the mimermts Carnegie and other public libraries of the
country have started from the nucleus established by a local association sim-
ilar to that in Quincy, and the work now being' done by the ladies of Quincy
will bear fruit through all the future years, Tlie library now contains 750
volume.^, mostly fiction. Room for the books was first furnished by Mr.
W. H, Lockerby, they were next kept for a time in rented quarters, until the
State Bank donated a room in the rear of their building, where the collection
is now located.
Mrs. M. S. Segur has been president of the association since its incep-
tion. Mrs. Rodney Twadeli was the first vice president, Mrs. Charles
Houghtaling' being her successor and the present occupant of the office. Mrs.
Walton Barnes is secretary, and Mrs, W. H. Lockerby treasurer. The first
librarian was Mrs. E. C. Dove, then Mrs. R. D. Rawson, and Mrs, Segur at
present acts in that capacity.
' Coi.DWATER Public Library.
The history of the Coldwater Library, which as an object of civic pride
deserves to rank first among the city's institutions since few cities of the size
anywhere in the country have larger and better equipped libraries, illustrates
a praiseworthy combination of associate enterprise, of individual liberality
and municipal public spirit.
The history of the Coldivater library goes back iorty years, to an effort
of the ladies of the city to conduct a lecture course. Money for this purpose
was raised to the amount of five hundred dollars by a series at home enter-
tainments. The public lecture movement having by that time lost favor, the
lecture association, in 1869, resolved itself into a Indies' Library Association.
The charter members of this association were: Margaret L, Powers, Mari-
etta K. Loveridge, Georgiana L, Cutter. Emeline Barber, Mary A. Wade,
Mariet Smith, Harriet D. Morgan, Mary C, Champion, Mary Shipman,
Alma I,ewis, Alice C. Randall. Lizzie P, Woodward, Ardessa Crippen. Helen
L. Lanphere. Harriet L. Mockridge, Olivia Safford, Josephine P. McGowan,
Adeline M. Wing. Sallie G. Nichols. Mary A. Rose, Arn Van Valkenburgh.
These may be considered the founders of the public library in Coldwater,
Besides the money which had accumulated from the lecture movement,
the city was canvassed for subscriptions to annual memberships in the library
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association, and tweiity-three life memberships were also sold at thirty dollars
each. This gave the association an original capital of twelve hundred and
fifty dollars.
Fifteen hundred dollars were expended during the first year for books,
and by the end of 1870 there were twelve hundred volumes in the library.
The first Hbrary quarters were the parlors of the late Dr. Beach's home on
East Chicago street, which he donated to the association. In 1874 he pre-
sented the association with a building in the rear of his dwelling and a five-
year lease on the ground. Several hundred dollars were spent in making the
building convenient for Us purpose. Thus, by 1880, the Ladies' Library As-
sociation of Cofdwater was in a flourishing condition, having a library' of
two thousand volumes, a steady membership and having been untaxed by
rent and other heavy expenses.
Besides the ladies' library, there was a school library of about a thousand
volumes. This had accumulated in regular course from scliool tax devoted
to that purpose, and the books were kept in the schoolhouses.
Tn March, 1880, the Coldwater city council, in accordance with an act
of the legislature providing that public libraries might be organized and
maintainetl by townships and municipalities, adopted a. resolution providing
for the establishment of a city library, the same to be free to all citizens,
and to be in charge of a library Ixiard of nine citizens, who were
to have complete control of the library. Tlie act of the city coiincil
was part of the general plan for a combination and enlargement of the city's
library facilities. The legislature passed a special law allowing the school
library to be transferred to the city library, and the Ladies' Association also
transferred their property and pri\'ileges to the public library, thereby losing
their existence through integration with a larger institution. The consolida-
tion of the two libraries was effected, and when the first library board took
charge the history of the present library began.
There was an excellent nucleus of books, but otherwise the growth of
the library to its present proportions has taken place since the creation of the
public hbrary in 1880. Ahnost at the beginning of its e>:istence the board
procured the fine site on F,ast Chicago street just east of the public square,
hut there were no funds with which to erect a suitable building, and a spe-
cial appropriation of public credit for that purpose was out of the question.
The library had outgrown its quarters, and its usefulness was seriously im-
paired. In March. 1885, the niunber of volumes had increased to 5.688, and
the value of the institution depended on the kind of building that should
shelter it.
The public spirit of a successful business man could find no better expres-
sion and monument than in such a structure as the Edwin R. Clarke Library
Building, The late Edwin R, Clarke came to Coldwater in 1850, so that he
belongs among the pioneers, and in that year estabHshed the drug business
on the corner of Chicago and Monroe streets which, at the same location, has
been increased and has been successfully conducted to the present time. Mr.
Clarke's ability and success as a merchant were equalled by his interest in his
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city. He did not give recklessly without thought of results; but exercised
the same care in that direction which had made his business prosperous.
With mature forethought, therefore, he offered to build a home for tlie
Coldwater public library, and at the same time submitted plans of the build-
ing which he proposed to erect. His generous offer was accepted. The
building was begun in the summer of 1886, and on December 29, 1886, the
formal presentation and dedication were celebrated in the Tibbits opera
house. It is proper to quote the words with which Mr. Clarke presented the
building to the city: " When I first came to Michigan," he said, " the coun-
try' was new. The people generally were in moderate circumstances, and
f)ooks and reading matter were not pientiful. I well remember the great
privilege it seemed and the kindness I felt it to be when some of those early
settlers gave me access to, and the use of, their limited collection of books.
Recollections of those early days and the desire to express tlie friendship I
feel toward a community in which I have lived so long, induced me to offer
to build for you a library building."
The library is supported by the fines which formerly went to the school
library and also a half-mill tax on city property. From six thoaisand volumes
in 1885 the main library floor is now overcrowded with sixteen thousand
volumes,, and there are hundreds of documents and other material stored in
the lecture room on the second floor. The most notable single addition was
the private library of the late H, C. Lewis. Among the three thousand vol-
umes of the collection are many costly and valuable works on art. Mr. Lewis
was also a connoisseur in fine bindings, and the examples which he gathered
at much cost of money and effort are also preserved in the library.
Miss Mary A. Eddy, who had been for some time librarian of the La-
dies' Association, was appointed librarian of the public library July 6, 1881..
She was succeeded by Miss Florence M. Hoimes, who has held the position
of librarian since 1895. The usefulness of the library to the public has been
largely due to their capable and intelligent direction. The board of directors
at this writing are the following : Z. G. Osborn, president ; C. U. Champion,
vice president; H. H. Barlow, secretary; and Mrs. G. Van Valkenburgh, M.
W. Wimer, Mrs. Margaret U. Clarke, Mrs. Alma M. Cunningham, Will-
iam Wilson and Elmer E. Palmer.
Activity in Literature, Art and Ml-sic.
An institution that for a number of years did much to foster an in-
terest and taste in the best works of art was the Lewis Art Gallery, which
was established by the late H. C. Lewis some time during the sixties. The
collection had been gathered during the sojourn of Mr. Lewis and his wife
abroad, especially in Italv, and consisted of a number of originals and copies
of well known works of' the ancient and modern schools. To afford proper
quarters for this collection Mr. Lewis erected, just west of his residence, a
gallery, which is the south portion of the present Y. M. C. A. building; and
when the collection continued to grow, he built an addition, forty by forty
feet, on the north side of the first gallery. Some time after the death of Mr.
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Lewis the collection of paintings was removed to Ann Arbor, having been
bequeathed to the State University. The Lewis Art Gallery building was
afterwards remodeled to some extent and has since served as the home of
the Y. M. C. A.
Writers, Artists and Musical Organizations.
The number of individuals belonging to Branch county who have been
original producers in the fields of literature and the fine arts cannot be said
to be large. And yet comparison with other communities might reveal it as
a fact, that in proportion to its population its number of producers in these
fields is as high as the average in our state or in the entire country. There
are not many Branch county people who have written books, or painted fine
pictures, or composed music, or chiseled works of sculpture, or designe{l
artistic structures as architects. The large cities with their wealth and social
stimulus and culture draw to themselves the talented and ambitious indi-
viduals. Branch county has only one city, and that with a population only
a little more than 6,000. The county has no college, while Hillsdale on the
east of it has Hillsdale College, Calhoun on the north has Albion College.
;md Kalamazoo cornering on the northwest has its ICalamazoo College. The
three counties. Branch, St. Joseph, and Cass, so similar in many respects, as
we have noted, are alike also in. this, that no one of them has the scholarship
and culture of a college within its borders.
The classes of persons in every community who are naturally tnost in-
clined to write out their thoughts and have them printed for others to read
are its editors, ministers, lawyers, physicians and teachers. Besides these,
every American community as large as a county is likely to have individuals
in it who make writing for the reading world a part of their work. Branch
county has persons in it belonging to every one of these classes, whose writ-
ing has been printed and has gone into the reading matter of the people of the
county or of a wider public.
Of course the class who give the most reading matter to the public are
the editors of the newspapers. From the very beginning Branch county has
had men among the editors of its papers, who, besides giving to the people
a large and well arranged amount of local news, have done strong, thought-
ful, and effective editorial writing, men too whose work has something of
real literary quality in it. The names of most of these editorial writers have
been mentioned already in treating of the press of the county, but a sketch of
its literary activities requires allusion at least also here to the editors as a class,
if not some particular mention of persons.
First in the list of editors who have done large and influential work in
the county in putting their thought into language stands the name of Albert
Chandler. For eight years from April 6, i&l-i, he wrote something every
week in the Coldwater SenHnel that the people of the county read. To re-
cord the beginning, however, of this kind of literary production in the coun-
ty requires that we go back four years farther to the year 1837 and into the
extinct little village of Branch. There Charles P. West put his own editorials
db Coo<i|c
into the Michigan Star with now and then a brighter and keener article from
the pen of his sister. Miss Laura West. Between 1S50 and i860 Ehhii B.
Pond, H. B. Stillman, Seth W. Driggs, Col. H. C. Gilbert, Judge John H.
Gray, and his son, John H. Gray, Jr., sent from Coldwater week by week
the product of their pens, a product exhibiting no low literary quality, Dur-
ij.g the next decade, i860 to 1870, Coldwater still continued to do almost the
entire editorial writing done in the county. The men who did it were : Jonas
H. McGowan, C. P. Benton, F. V. Smith, W. G. Moore. Major David J.
Easton, P. P. Nichols, and Frank L. Skeels.
The man who ranks as the Nestor of Branch county editors, both by
reason of his long service and the large amount and high character of his
work, is Abram J. Aldrich. Beginning with the weekly in 1873 and going on
from 1875 with a semi-weekly, for twenty years continuously he put his
thought week by week upon the pages of his paper. Behind his thought was
the scholarship of a university graduate, a wide range of reading, and high
moral ideals. His thought had substance, insight, breadth and moral earn-
estness, and his language had vigor and aptness of phrase. The following
extract from his editorial in the first number of the Semi-Weekly Republican,
issued August 3. 1875. is typical of the man and his paper, and is an his-
torical example of the kind of literature produced by a Branch county man
and read by Branch county people for twenty years. Tlie editorial was head-
ed, "Independent Journalism," and contained the following: "We hear
more about independent journalism in these clays than ever before. It is said
that one with God is a majority. True. Butoftentimesi that one who imag-
ines himself on God's side may be mistaken ; and, at all events, he most gen-
erally finds the majority of voters against him when it ctrnies to an election.
■'" * * At this time in our poHtical history we are attaining the point
where but two parties exist. While the editor must choose the fold to which
he shall belong, it is not his duty to blindly accept the following of any per-
son who may for the nonce be the recognized party leader. The Republican
has always been and still continues, the advocate of Republican principles."
In the years following 1870, besides by Mr. Aldrich, editorial writing has
been done in Coldwater by Jefferson S. Conover, Calvin J, Thorpe, Henry C.
Bailey and his son, Willis C. Bailey, S. H. Egabroad, Frederic Martin
Townsend, Major George H. Turner, Charles S. Newell, John S. Evans,
Simon B. Kitchel and his son, Horace Kitchel. The writings of C. J. Thorpe
were characterized by scholarship, scientific ideas and literary form; those
of Major Turner by historical and classical allusion and by rhetorical and
even poetical style. About 1870 the villages of the county too began creat-
ing a good quality of literary product in their local papers. In 1869 David
J. Easton left the sanctum of the Republican in Coldwater and set up that of
the Register in Union City, where he went on to the end of his long and in-
fluential editorial career. In 1S78 Colonel Cornelius VanRennselaer Pond
began printing his vigorous English in the Quincy Herald. In 1880 the
Bronson Journal began. Mr. C, W. Owen was at one time editor of that
,y Google
paper; later he did editorial work in Coldwater, and afterwards he made the
Ouiiicy Herald the rnedium of his ideas.
In addition to the strictly editorial literature contained in the press o£
the county, its editors have always opened their columns generoiisiy to others.
The papers of the county during the past forty years thus show on their pages
sermons of resident ministers, and well written articles on varied subjects
by the thinking, educated men and women of the county. Two persons
especially have done a large amount of this work in the county papers dur-
ing the past fifteen years, Mr. C. J. Thorpe and Mr, Charles W. Bennett,
the former on economic and philological subjects, the latter on geological and
Besides the literary product that has thus been printed week by week
upon the pages of its papers, books have been written by some of the natives
and residents of the county. We name the following in this connection :
Mrs. Fannie E. Newberry, Mrs. Ceha Parker Woolley, Miss Ida Dandridge
Bennett. Mr. Allen Dyer Shaffmaster, Rev. Robert W. Van Schoick. D. D.,
Mrs. Clara Dilhngham Pierson. and Miss Frances Alice Kellor,
Mrs. Newberry, Miss Bennett, and Mr. Schaffmaster have re,sided in
the county for years, and these, with Dr. Van Schoick, wrote their books
while residents of the county. The parents of Mrs. Woolley have been resi-
dents of the county continuously since 1S48. Though she herself was born
in Toledo, 0., nearly all her early life was spent in Coldwater and her edu-
cation was received there. Mrs. Pierson and Miss Kellor were born in Cold-
water and there grew to adult years.
In the Coldwater Scmi^Weckiy Republican of April 4, 1876. there is
printed upon the first page a story with this heading: "Written for the
Republkaiw. ' A Lordly Soul,' by Fannie E. Newberry." In 1891 Mrs. New-
berry began putting hei' work into book form. Since then she has written the
following fifteen volumes: "The Impress of a Gentlewoman," "Brian's
Home," "Comrades," "Transplanted," "The Odd One," "Sara: A Prin-
cess," " All Aboard," " House of Hollister," " Everyday Honor," " The
Wrestler of Philippi," " Strange Conditions," " A Son's Victory," " Bubbles,"
"Not for Profit," " Joyce's Investment,"
Miss Ida Bennett has been writing regularly for several magazines since
1895. Among them are : The Woman's Home Companion, American Homes
and Gardetis, Indoors and Out, Tozvn and Country, Ladies' Home Journal,
and Suburban Life. In 1893 she wrote " The Flower Garden, A Handbook
of Practical Garden Lore," which was published by McClure, Phillips & Co.,
of New York, as a book of 282 pages with numerous illustrations.
Mr. Shaffmaster's home is in Bronson, where he is editor of the Bron-
son Journal. In 1904 he prepared for the press " Hmiting in the Land of
Hiawatha, or the Hunting Trips of an Editor." It made a volume of 220
pages with 40 illustrations as published by M, A. Donohue & Co. of Chi-
Rev. Dr. Van Sclioick while a resident of Coldwater attended the
World's Fourth Sunday School Convention in Jerusalem in 1904. In con-
iiection with his journey he wrote articles or letters, which were first printed
in the Coldwater Reporter and afterward pubhshed in book form by Eaton &
Mains, making a book of 253 pagea with 25 illustrations.
Branch county people have noted with interest and with allowable pride
the work that has been done and the books that have been written by Mrs.
Woolley jti Chicago, Mrs. Pierson in Stanton, Mich., and Miss Kellor in
New York City, and they may claim some share of influence in originating
and developing the abilities which have already wrought such results. As to
their literary productions we record the following: Mrs. Woolley wrote in
1897 "Rachel Armstrong, or Love and Theology," in 1889 "A Girl Gradu-
ate," in 1892 " Roger Hunt." Mrs. Pierson since 1897 has written and pub-
lished through E. P. Dutton & Co. of New York, ten volumes : " Among the
Meadow People." " Among the Forest People," " Among the Farmyard Peo-
ple," " Among the Pond People," " Among the Night People," " Notebook
of an Adopted Mother," " Dooryard Stories," " Tales of a Poultry Farm,"
" Three Little Millers," and the " Millers of Pencroft." Miss Kellor wrote
in 1901 " Experimental Sociology, Descriptive and Analytical," which was
published by the Macmillan Company, and in 1904 " Out of Work, a Study
of Employment Agencies," published by G. P. Putnams' Sons.
Early in 1876 there was in Coldwater " Tlie Woman's Club," which
studied especially United States history in preparation for the interests and
observances of the Centennial year. In 1892 and 1893, largely through the
suggestion and direction of the librarian of the Coldwater Public Library,
Miss Mary A. Eddy, the Columbian Woman's Club was organized, dividing
itself into several " circles." This club has continued its existence and con-
nected itself with the Michigan Federation.
The Twentieth Century Club of Coldwater was organized and incorpor-
ated April 20, 1892. Its object was stated to be " intellectual, scientific and
esthetic culture." The membership has been composed of men and women
and has been limhed to forty in number. It has regularly held its meetings
every two weeks in each year between Oct. i and June 15. The presidents
of the club have been: Caleb D. Randall, George H. Turner, ex -Governor
Cyms G. Luce, and Milton W. Wimer. In Batavia township the Bay
View Reading Club has been active for more than ten years.
The fortnightly Musical Club of Coldwater is a strong organization of
the women of the city. The choirs of the several churches with their or-
ganists have done much to promote musical culture everywhere in the county.
George W. Klock has been an organist and teacher of music in Coldwater
for more than twenty-five years. For a still longer time Dr. William L. An-
drews was a choir leader in the city, and by his enthusiasm and unselfish de-
votion to musical work probably did more than any other one man in the
county in creating a popular interest in music.
The Lewis Art Gallery, already spoken of, left some of its works in
Coldwater and thus has continued somewhat to help maintain an interest in
painting and sculpture. Coldwater has no sculptural nor architectural mon-
ument to its soldiers of the Civil war. In this regard Ouincy and Union City
,y Google
excel the county seat, each having erected a worthy monument to its heroes
of 1S61-65. The most imposing building in the county is the county court-
house. One of Coldwater's own citizens was the architect of this edifice,
Mr. Marcellus H. Parker. Mr. Parker also designed the main building and
five cottages of the State Public School, the Lewis Art Gallery, the Bap-
tist church, and the Edwin R. Clarke Public Library building.
Religion and its institutions and organizations have been a prominent
part o£ mankind's life everywhere in historic time. The religion of the
people of the United States is, of course, in general the Christian religion in
distinction from Mohammedanism and Buddhism. Of the three great forms
of Chr!,=tianity, the Roman, the Greek and the Protestant, 6n\y the two, the
Roman and the Protestant, have entered in any organized form into the life
of the people of Branch county.
Religious feeling and thought express tliemselves most conspicuously
in church organizatioois and church activity. We shall endeavor to give
a brief account of the church organizations in the county in which the
Protestant and Roman Catholic belief of its people has been embodied. Prot-
estantism in its history has differentiated itself into its well known denomin-
ations, having in every region their local churches, in one or both senses of
the word church, that is, a social organization only, or a social organization
and a building in which it carries on its activities. We shall group together
all the churches in the county connected with each denomination, following
mainly the chronological order in their treatment.
There have always been in the churches of the county the forms of
church activity common in the several denominations throughout the world.
Every seventh day, Sunday or Saturday, lias been a day for gathering' of
men, women and children in their church buildings for their various exercises
of " worship," or " divine service," and for Sunday-schools in which the
Bible and Christian life and history have been studied and taught. One or
more evenings of the week have been used for prayer and conference meet-
ings, for improvement in church music, for study of the Bible and Christian-
ity and for social fellowship. The church buildings have thus been centers
in which a large amount of associative activity has been carried on, producing
a large amount of thought, feeling, determination, and action of the kind com-
monly spoken of as religious, moral, ethical and spiritual. At the same
time all this activity and all these forms of life have been essentially social,
and have exerted a continuous and powerful influence in many w^ays upon the
life of the people of our county.
Methodist Episcopal Churches.
The first denomination to begin an organized church life in the countv
was the Methodist Episcopal. In Allen Tibbits' log house in Coldwater, June
19, 1832, Rev. E. H. Piicher, of the Tecumseh circuit, organized the first
,y Google
lA) .MKTHdIHST l.-HrKrH.
CoUw.ler, kuill 1836-38
Methodist class in Branch county, its charter membership being Allen Tib-
bits, who was also the local preacher; Caroline M. Tibbits. his wife; Joseph
Hanchett and wife Nancy, and Amelia Harrison. These, the founders of
Coldwater village, were likewise the founders of Methodism in the county.
Allen Tibbits preached the first sermon in his log- house in the montli of
July following. Early Methodism in Coldwater was represented by stich
well known families as the Crippens, Dr. W. B. Sprague, Dr. D. Lii'tlefield,
Thomas Daugherty, James Fisk and Rev. Francis Smith.
.The class was a mission until 1836, when it became a self-supporting
circuit, and in June, 1838, the first church building, a wooden structure, and
standing on the site of the present Methodist church on North Marshall
street, was dedicated. This served as the church home for thirty years and is
illustrated on another page. January 26, 1869, Rev. F. M. Eddy dedicated
the present brick church, which, with an addition constructe<l in 1878, has
served the Methodist congregation until the present time. The building as
first constructed cost $25,000. In 1878 the pipe organ was installed, this
lieing the gift of Alonzo M'"aterman and his daughters, Mrs. Mary C. Fenn
and Miss Allie A. Waterman.
Beginning with the Rev. Allen Tibbits, some of the best known pastors
who have served this church were: William Sprague, Peter Sabin, in 1836;
Benjamin Sabin, I. Cogshall, in 1875-6, and in more recent years J. O. Buell,
A. P. Moors. D. F. Barnes, D. D., H. M. Joy. W. A. Hnnsberge'r'. James
Hamilton, Wm. Denman, A. M. Goold, W. L. Barth, W. I. Cogshall, Wm.
P. French, L, E. Lennox, and F. M, Chapman, D. D.
MtTHonisT Episcopal Church, Ouincy.
Ilie first Methodist class at Ouincy was formed in 1836 at the home of
the pioneer, John Eroughton. He and his wife. Bartholomew Hewitt and
wife, Rev. James Clizbe and wife, and Dr. Berry composed the members of
this class. The ministers were supplied from the Coldwater charge until
1843, ^"^1 after that they came from the Litchfield circuit. Rev. B. N. Shel-
don, whose widow was the author of the historical paper from which these
facts are taken, was the first resident minister at Quincy, coming about 1853.
It wag through his efforts that the first church edifice was erected and dedi-
cated on January i, 1855. In the summer of i86g the church was entirely
rebuilt and refurnished, at a cost of between three and four thousand dol-
lars, and largely by the efforts of the late Lliram Bennett all the church
indebtedness was cleared off by i^74- Repairs have subsequently been made
to the structure, but the present building practically has seen nearly forty
years of service. The brick parsonage was" built on Jefferson street about
1S88, at a cost of about fifteen hundred dollars, the land for the site being
donated by Enoch Myres.
The pastors from the time of Rev. Sheldon to the present have been :
L. W. Earl, S. C. Woodard. WiHiam Doust. W. W. Johnson, A. Coplin,
T. J. Conden. N. M. Steele, David Thomas, Isaac Bennett, James N. Dav-
toii. William Paddock, G. S. Bames, Thomas Lyon, G. L. Haight, C. C.
,y Google
0]ds, A. M. Fitch, N. I-. Bray, Louis Gro&enbaiigh, E. L. Kellog! D. C.
Reihl, W. H. Thompson, E. A. Armstrong, W. H. Parsons, F. M. Taylor,
G. S. Robinson, and P. A. Buell, who came to the charge in the fall of i'905.
The board of trustees at this writing are: M. J. Rawson, L. C. Failor,
H. P. Norton, E. C. Foster, H. W. Noble; and the board of stewards, Mrs.
C. H. Halleck, Mrs. M. J. Rawson. Mrs. N. C. Herendeen, Mrs. H. P.
Norton, Mrs Dora Barber, W. H. Shipway, E. A. Dorris, and J. R. Smith.
The membership now numbers about two hundred and thirty.
The Algansee M. E. church is a part of the Quinc>- cliarge. Its mem-
bership is about one hundred, and their nice brick church, which was the
first and only building, was constructeirl about thirty-five years ago. The foJ-
lowing compose the board of trustees: R. D. Reynolds, Fred Wilbur, Purl
Hard, A. D. Ransom, lilmer Hoffman. Omer Winchell. L. W. Zeller. The
board of stewards: M. A. GriswoM, H. B. Walbridge, C. C. Foster, Emory
Wesleyan Methodist Church.
There is no definite information concerning the bringing of the first
musical instruments to Branch county, especially such as piano and organ,
although the date of their introthiction would measure another step in gen-
eral progress. But in the history of the Wesleyan branch of the Methodist
church at Coldwater may be deduced the conclusion that at the time of its
founding instrumental music was becoming more or less firmly fixed in
favor. In 1850 a small number of the Methodists in Coldwater withdrew
from the church because the majority insisted that the bass viol be used to
supplement the vocal music. This schism res\ilted in the formation of the
Wesleyan church', whose first services were held in an old schoolhouse a
mite and a half south of the A'illage, the charter membei-s, among whom' was
the late James Fisk, numbering only six persons. For a number of years
services were conducted in a schooihouse, until the erection at the comer of
North Hudson and Church street? of a modest frame church, which several
years ago was remodeled. The membership has always been small, but has
maintained its organization and the r^^lar church activities. At the legal
incorporation of the church in Nov., 1861, the following jjersons signed the
articles of association, their names constituting the bulk of the early mem-
bership: S. B. Smith', Salmon Chapman, John P. Bradley, Aaron Eurritt,
C. B. F. Bennett, William C. Woodward, D. J. Smith, Olive Bullock. E.
Paine, Fanny Chapman, James Fisk, Silas Burton, C. Coffman.
The first Methodist class was formed at Brwison in 1836. but died out,
and the present organization dates from 1857. Mrs. Phurna Isabell Bartlett
nee Wing, who came to Bronson about 1844, says that the first minister of
the village within her remembrance was a Presbyterian, named Patch, living
in Orland. The first Methodist minister in her recollection was Rev. Ercan-
brack, who was in charge of the Coldwater church in the early forties. Rev.
,y Google
Sabin, named in connection with the Coldwater church, also preached in
Bronson. Rev. James N. Dayton, besides preaching, taught the union
school. The meetings at first were held in the old "white schooihouse " in
the east of the village on the street leading to the cemetery, south of Chicago
street and on the east side of the road, then called the " quarter line raad."
A Sunday-school was maintained in this schoolhouse at the time of Mrs.
Rartlett's coming, and she recalls that Mary Ann Vance was her teacher.
Rev. John Cliibine instituted the present Methodist society at Bronson
in 1857. It was a station of the Burr Oak charge until 1866. The oldest
book of records in possession of Rev. C. L. Keene, present pastor of the M.
E. church at Bronson, and the oldest record of the church of which he
knows, begins with " Dec. 22, 1866," as its earliest date. The first entry is
that of " Minutes of the first quarterly conference for Bronson circuit *
* * held at Snow Prairie, Dec. 22, 1866, Rev. Isaac Taylor in the chair."
The parts of the circuit mentioned are Snow Prairie. Matteson, North Gilead,
Bronson and Gilead. TTie following apportionment for the [jastor's salary would
seem to indicate the relative strength and membership of the " societies of
the circuit." They were as follows: Gilead, $2.20: Snow Prairie, $2.00;
North Gilead. $1.70; Bronson, $:.25; Matteson, $.85. In Februarj-. 1867,
the "Shaw Schoolhouse Oass" was added, and in September following
Strong's Island was added. In Sqitember, 1869, Gilead, Noble Center, East
Gilead, Snow Prairie and Kinderhook were set off as Gilead circuit.
The Bronson society held its meetings in a schoolhouse or public hal!
unfij the erection of the present brick building in 1871.
The first Methodist class in Sherwood township was organized in 183S,
with Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Studley, Mr. and Mrs. John Onderdonk and Mr.
and Mrs. Ryan Williams as charter members. The frame church building
was erected about 1858. The pastors since 1877 have been: O. S. Paddock.
J, W. Buell, John Klose, S. George, C. C. Dawkins, M. H. Mott, W. J.
Tarrant, William Earth, D. D. Martin, J. T. Iddings, G. D. Lee, E. A. Ann-
strong, L. A. Sevitts, J. C. Upton, J. G. Ruoff, Walter Burnett, Russell
Bready, A. W. Mumford, J. W. Gosling, W. H. Parsons, Quinton Walker,
K. A. Baldwin, F. H. Larabee.
The Methodists were early in the field in Girard, meetings being held
in the home of John Cornish while he was sUil a resident of that township.
Allen Tibbits preached here and in a schoolhouse. The church was organ-
ised in 1840, the first board of trustees being the folJowing settlers: l.yman
Fox, Mason Chase, Joseph C. Corbus. John Parkinson, Lyman Aldrich, Ben-
jamin H. Smith, John Worden. The first house of worship wasi put up m
1844, this was repaired in 1848, and the present brick church bears the date
of 1876. Rev. Isaac Bennett preached at Girard in tlie sixties.
Union City.
Tn almost every locality the Methodists were the pioneers in church
work in Branch county. At Union City they organized a short time before
the Congregaticnalists, their first class being held in the winter of 1836-37.
Isaiah Bennett and family and Mrs. Carpenter Chaffee are named among
the first members. Coldwater supplied some of the first preachers. Revs.
Sabin, Tibbits and Crippen being; named in this connection. Some time in
the forties a frame church was erected, and this gave place about twenty years
ago to the handsome brick church, of modern design and proportions.
Other Methodist Societies.
The circuit of which Girard was a part during the forties comprised
appointments at East Girard, West Girard, Eronson, Clizbe's (now Quincy),
Brooks schoolhouse, Branch, Day's, and Union. There was. a Methodist
society on Shock's prairie in Butler township as early as 1838, the Shook
and VVisner families being prominent in this organization.
■A Methodist class was formed in Kinderhook in the winter of 1S36-37,
being a part of the Coldwater circuit at first and later of Gilead.
The church at 'Snow Prairie was organized in 1857, the class consist-
ing of T\lr. and Mrs. Charles Warburton. Mr. and Mrs. John EHngman and
Mrs. William I.amoreaux. The frame church on section 16 was erected in
1863, the first trustees being; John Reynolds, Lucius Williams, John Bas-
sett", Charles Brook, Charles Warburton, Nicholas G. Ellis, Ebenezer McMil-
lan, ColHns Fenner antl Moses M. Oimstead,
The Methodists in Gilead township outnumbered the followers of
Bishop Chase even while that divine was endeavoring to build up an organi-
zation and school in the locality. This is alleged as one reason why the
bishop l>ecame discouraged with Gilead and went to Ilhnois. In May, 1836,
a .-^ort time before the departure of the Chase family for Illinois, a Meth-
odist class was formed at the house of Benjamin Booth, his wife and a Mrs.
Jones being the only ones present, but the next meeting being attended by
t)ie Williams, Bogardus and Smith families, and E. B. Williams becoming
the first class leader. The class belonged to various circuits for thirty years,
and in 1869 the Gilead circuit was set off, as elsewhere stated. The church
building on section S was dedicated in August. 1862, and the first board of
trustees were the following; Daniel Marsh, Elisha B. Williams, Samuel
Booth, John Feller, Edward M. Williams, Don C. Mather, Horace C. Will-
The active Methodist societies, with r^rular preachmg. now m Branch
county are as follows : Coldwater, ^tincy, Bronson, Union City and Sher-
wood are the five Methodist churches in the one city and the four villages of
the coimty. Some particular account of these has been given. We take
occasion here to state that in our endeavor to gather information concerning
the religious societies of the county, a letter was sent to the pastor of every
active church. "Where no response was made, we have not been able to give
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as much information as we otherwise might have done. Besides the five
Methodist Episcopal churches just mentioned, the others in the county are
the following;, taking- them hy townships and beginning with Butler : South
Butler or Butler Center, and Herricksville or North Butler; these both have
church buildings, the present pastor being Rev. B. Silverthome. Girard
has one society with a church building, as already noted, with two classes
besides, one at Hodunk and one in the Cotmell district. The pastor in
charge is Rev. J. F. Bowerman. There are no societies in the townships of
Union and Sherwood, CoMwater, Qiiincy and Bronson other tlian those in
the city and villages. Matteson, Batavia, Ovid, and California have never
had any organized Methodist churches. In Algansee, the Algansee or Fish-
ers society has a good brick building. Kinderhook has one society with a
biu'lding at its center. Tn Gtlead there are two, South Gilead and North
Gilead, each with a building. Noble has one society with a building erected
near the townhouse in 1903, In all thei'e are thirteen Methodist Episcopal
church buildings in the county.
Free Methodist Church of Sherwood.
[The following sketch has been furnished for publication in this work.]
Rev. John Ellison was the instrviment in the hands of God to raise up
the first Free Methodist class in this place and in the spring of 1866 a church
was erected — the first Free Methodist church in the state of Michigan. Tlie
following September the annual conference was held in the new church and
it was dedicated to God's service by Rev. Joseph Travers. Twenty-six names
were on the first enrollment, but time, death and distance have done their
work and Bro. John Coward is the only charter member left in the church.
Rev. E. T. Roljerts, the father of Free Methodism, and Rev. E. T. Hart
rendered faithful service as district elders in those pioneer days. The first
ministers sent to this work were D. W. Bishop and B. R. Jones, the Ixiy
preacher, as he was then called. Following these were : Bro. Gitchel, Charles
Cnsick, T. C. Frink, Bro. Forbs, Bro. Billings, Ero. Marshall, L. Lezenring,
M. D. Baldwin, G. R. Tompkins, Bro. Baxter, George Tliompson, N. R.
Woods, J. Baker, E. Bradfield, W. S. McDivett, G. W. C. Smith. A. Brad-
field, P. S. Shoemaker, C. H. Jerome, D. J. Vanantwerp, I. L, King, R. L. ■
Scamerhorn, C. M. Miller. The names of charter members are: George
Mover' and wife, William Davis and wife, Peter Rums^ and wife, Bro.
Newton and wife and sister, John Tomlinson and wife, Ero, Maston and wife
and daughters, Orpha, Marette and Mirtie, C. Hauganbaugh and wife and
daughter Martha. M. J. Drook and S. Drook, John Coward, AHva V. Moyer,
Waid Bond, Ann Waugh. Sister Bartlett.
Besides the Sherwood church, there are also four other Free Methodist
societies in the county, one in the city of Coldwater on Perkins street, an-
other in the southwestern part of Quincy township, a third in Algansee, and
the fourth in Bethel. The Coldwater .society has this year, igo6, built a new
house of worship. Rev. John R. Poet ministers at present to all four of
these churches. AH have church buildings.
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Baptist Churches.
The history of the Baptist church of Coldwater has been carefully com-
piled from the church records by Mr. A. R. Burroughs in response to a re-
quest from the editor of this work. The beginnings of the church involve
so many pioneer names and circumstances of early days that it is deemed best
to quote some of the first records.
" At a meeting of several brethren of the Baptist denomination held at
the house of Hiram Alden in said village on the evening of December 31,
1834," is the initial statement of one minute, " it was resolv^ed to circulate an
article among the Baptists of the vicinity for the purpose of organizing a
Baptist society. The signatures to this article tell us the pioneer Baptists
who resided in the vicinity of Coldwater viJlage in that early year, 1835, and
who became the nucleus of the first church. They are: Chauncey Strong,
Nathan Strong, WilHam D. Strong, George W. Arnold, Hiram Alden, Par-
ley Stockwel!, Ann Logan, Matilda Alden, Prudence Arnold, Eunice Strong,
SaJly Strong, Sarah Strong, Betsey Strong, Sarah Sheldon, Nathan H.
The first conference of these persons for the purpose of forming a
church was held in the village schoolhouse January 17, 1835, ^"'^^ °^ Febru-
ary nth a council assembled at the house of Mr. Alden, consisting of eld-
ers and official members from other churches, who examined credentials of
prospective members of the local society and concluded with the following
resolutions : " That we recognize the above-named brethren and sisters as a
regular Baptist church, and that Bro. Powell preach on the occasion and
that the moderator present the hand of fellowship."
The church has continued from its organization until the present time.
At first it had no settled pastor, but was supplied a part of the time by Rev.
E. Loomis of the Baptist Home Missionary Society. Rev. Reuben Graham
was the first settled pastor, from Oct., 1835, to Sept., 1837. From this time
until July, 1842, Rev. John Southworth, Re\'. Mallory and Rev. W. B.
Brown served as pastors.
The following is a list of the pastors who have since served the church,
with period of their several pastorates:
Rev. James Davis, Dec., 1842 — July, 1844.
Rev. J. A. Keyes, Nov., 1844 — Aug., 1845.
Rev. OHver Comstock, Oct., 1845— June, 1S48.
Rev. Anson P. Tucker, Nov., 1848— May, 1850.
Rev. F. O. Marsh, Oct,, 1850— Oct., 1853.
Rev. E. J. Covey, Dec, 1853— June, 1856.
Rev. A. A. Ellis, Jan., 1857— April, 1858.
Rev. Edwin Eaton, June, 1858 — April, 1866.
Rev. E. Curtis, Sept., 1866— Sept. 1868.
Rev. N. Pierce, Oct., 1868— Dec., 1870.
Rev. W. T. Lowry, August, 1871— July i88r.
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Rev. J. H. Donelly, Feb.. 1882— May, 1884.
Rev. J. H. Groff, Sept., 1884— Nov., 1885.
Rev. J. P. Phillips. Feb., i886— Feb., 1890.
Rev. F- Otheman Smith, July, 1890— Feb., 1894.
Rev. Benjamin Otto, August, 1894 — Feb.. 1897.
Rev. Chas. F. Vreeland, March. 1897— -March, 1900.
Rev. Ira D. Hall, July. 1900 — May, 1902.
Rev. M. A. Graybiel, July, 1902 — Continues.
From the time of organization up to the present time the church has
been served by twenty-three pastors, on an average of three years to eacli
December 30th, 1843, the church voted to build a hort.ise of worship,
and soon thereafter a frame building was erected on the lot where the Old
Bank Building now stands (Chicago and Monroe streets). Here the church
worshipped until the winter of 1852-53, when the lot was sold and the build-
ing moved to the northwest comer of Monroe and Pearl streets.
The present church edifice on the northwest comer of Pear! and Divi-
sion streets was erected during the pastorate of Rev. Edwin Eaton. 1863.
and was dedicated free from debt in August. 1865. and was enlarged dur-
ing the pastorate of Rev. Otheman Smith. The origina! cost of the church
was $25,000, and the extension between three and four thousand. A pipe
org^n costing $2,500, built in the church during the pastorate of Rev. W. T.
Lowry in 1876. and a fine bell have been added to the church building since
its erection. During the first year of the pastorate of Rev. M. A. Gray-
biel the church made purchase of a fine house and property, northeast corner
of Division and Washington streets, costing, with improvements^ $3,750. to
be used as a church parsonage. During the years 1905-6 the church by gift
of individual members placed eight memorial windows in the audience room
at a cost of $1,000.
The present officers of the church are: Everett F. Collins, clerk: W. H.
Simons, treasurer; H. C. Simons. C, T. Yapp, H. B. George, E. A. Dunton.
Dr. George Ferguson. N. A. Angell. deacons; W. H. Simons, Eli Ball. Dr,
F. G. Legg. Clarence T. Yapp, Thomas A. Hilton, Zelotes G. Osbom,
From the best infomiation to he obtained, the Sabbath-school was or-
ganized during the pastorate of Rev. J. A. Keyes in 1845. The present
superintendent is Henry B. George.
The persons composing the meeting for organization of a Baptist soci-
ety, heM in the schoolhouse in Hog Creek district of Qmncy township June
27, 1846, represented in the main the core of the Baptist adherents in that
township at that dav. Thev were: Alfred Wilmarth, George Boon, Marcus
Muckey, 1. W. Pratt. Simon Gager, Francis Ransom. Ansel Nichols, Samuel
Etheridge. Sillman Hedge. -Mrs. T. H, Wilmarth, Mary Boon. .Mmira
Brown, Lucetta H. Pratt, Rebecca Gager, Chloe Ransom. Susan Nichols,
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Cynthia M. Etherjdge, Aseneth Nichols, Sally Muckey, Mrs. Asa Bowen.
A council in August of the same year recognized them as a church, and at-
tached it to the Hillsdale association. In September, 1855, forty members
were dismissed to form the Second Aigansee Baptist church.
The iiTSt meetings were held in the Hog Creek church, soon the school-
house in Quincy village became the place of worship, this alternating with
the Mudge schoolhouse until the erection of a house o£ worship, which was
completed in the spring of 1854.
As mentioned in the sketch of the Onincy church, in 1855 a division of
its membership occurred and about forty persons living mainly in Aigansee
township formed what was known as " the Second Aigansee Baptist church."
The First Baptist church of Aigansee was formed in 1854, their meetings,
during their existence of twelve years, being held in the Wakeman school-
house. The Second church was recognized by a council on March 13, 1856,
and the charter members were as follows : Francis D. Ransom. Phares Chit-
tenden, Jason L. Ransom, John H. Ransom, John Ransom, Zebina G. Trim,
Joel Campbell, David Hillman, John C. Perring, Benjamin Bishop, Amos
Hough, Petar Leighton, Nathan I^ighton, Spencer Cory, John Cory, Henry
W. Waterbury, James A. Ransom, William \V. Potter, David Robb, and
Sisters C. Ranson, L. Chittenden, C. Ransom, H. Ransom, U. Trim, M.
Campbell, H. Hillman, L. Perring, L. Bishop, L. Bishop, O. Hough. S.
Jordan, L. Fisher. O. Cory, S. A. Barber, J. A. Ransom. Margaret Hillman,
M. Hoxie, L. Robb. The church building, on the south line of section 2.
was erected in 1S68.
Union City.
The pastor of the Baptist church at Union City. Rev. H. Z. Davis, has
furnished the following facts concerning the history of his church. The
first Baptist church of Union City was oi^nize<:l May 14, 1870, was recog-
nized by a council on October 13, 1870, and was received into the St. Joseph
Valley Association, May 13, 1871. The church met for business meetings
and worship in a hall, and later at Mr. Barrett's home, until the present
frame house O'f worship was erected and dedicated on February 24, 1886.
the church being located on the south side of the village.
The charter members of this chvirch were: Lucius Blosson, Alma
Blosson, Ira Lake. Clark C. I^ke, Zeruch I.^ke, Cliarlotte Prentiss, Mary
Johnson. The successive pastors who have served the congregation have
been : William Pack, Samuel A. Cole, S. G. Brvmdage. I. H. Ainsworth,
William Haas, B. Ashton, T. E. Hauser, E. D. Way, H. Z. Davis.
The Baptist church of Bronson was organized in 1857 at a meeting
held in the house in which Mr. C. M. Van Every now (May. 1906) lives.
This house was built in 1839 by Alonzo Waterman, aftenvards of Coldwater.
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The original members were: Wildman Bennett, Ann Bennett, David M.
Johnson, Jane Johnson, N. O. Brown, Mrs. M. J. Brown, S, H. Collins, Mrs.
F. Coiiins. Bro. O. Oliver, Sister E. Allen, Bro. J. Boughman, Sister A.
Boughnian, Sister Eeesmer, Sister J. A. Carr, Sister S. Earle, Dr. W. Byms,
Sister Atwater.
Meetings were conducted from 1857 to 1864 under Licentiate A. J.
Hunt, Elder J. Southworth and Elder Pease. The building of the house of
worship was commenced in the spring of 1861, but on account of limited
means was not opened for worship until January 22, 1S64. The building is
stiii standing as first put up forty years ago. Rev' J. Kelley fallowed Rev.
Pease, remaining until Feb. 18, 1865, and in March. 1865, Elder Phillip
Rowden became pastor. A pipe organ was purchased in 1878. Re\'. James
H. Gagnier, the present pastor, began his work with the church June i, 1904.
In the northwestern part of Bronson township is an organized Baptist
society known as the Shawtown Baptist church. It holds its meetings in
the schoolhouse of district No. 7.
There are thus eight regular Baptist organizations in the county. About
1875 there was a Baptist society in Ovid township. It was disbanded about
1895, though the church building, a brick structure, is still standing and is
known as " the Lockwood church."
The First Baptist church of Girard was organized at the house of Will-
iam Van Blarcum in Girard, June 8, 1859, the charter members, who had
previously been connected with churches at Coldwater and Tekonsha, be-
ing as follows: William Van Blarcum, E. M. Waldo, George B. Johnson,
Amasa R. Day, E. T. Todd, Marv Smith, Harriet C. Day, Sarah Burr,
Mary Van Blarcum, Matilda B. Wa'klo, Alvina Todd, Eunice L. Burr, Mary
Tlie first regular hoiise of worship was the old district schoolhouse. whicli
had been purchased and donated to the society by William Van Blarcum and
remodeled for church purposes. The building of the present church was
begun in 1876, but it was not finished until several years later. Rev. E. R.
Clark closed his pastorate of two years March 31. 1880. October i, 1880,
Rev. S. A. Cole began ser\'ing the church and continued until Aug. i, 1884.
The only other regidar Baptist society in the county witli a building of
its own is that of Kinderhook. It was organized Oct, 25, 1856. From that
time to the present it has continued to be an active church organization, nev-
er long without a pastor preaching regularly. Rev. Charles A. Cutler its
latest minister, resigned in 1905.
Free-Will or Free Baptist Churches.
One of the earliest societies of this denomination was formed at Girard,
May 10, 1849. The thirteen original members were : L. Y, Lmibocker,
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Hiadama Tjnibocker, John Loring, N. M. Millard, Cynthia Millard, Qiarles
I-ane, Henry Aurend, Matilda Aurend, Alexander Ladow, John Smart. An-
na Cntler, Mary E. Cutler. The congregation erected a building in Girard
village, on Marshal street, just north of the regular Baptist church, in 1856.
West Kinderkook.
Rev. E. W. Hughes, pastor of the Free-Will Baptist church at West
Kinderhook, states that the society was formed March 10. 1850, by J. H,
Miner and Elder Hadle^'. The first members have all passed away. The
church was incorporated in 1S82, and also in that year the brick church which
is now the house of worship Avas constructed. The present membership is
about forty-five.
The Free-Will Baptist church of Bethel was organized August 28,
1853. For many years the meetings were held in the Butcher schoolhouse in
section i, but in 1903 a house of worship was erected in the same locality by
the congregation. Among the earliest members of this church were: Orrin
B. and Martha .S. Cummings, James and Abigail Thurston, Arwin, Peleg
C. and Mercy Bates, Alanson and Ann Harris, Hiram Olmstead, Mrs. Mary
A more complete record of the Eatavia church has been furnished the
editor by Mrs. E. C. Mintline, cierk of the church. The church' originated
in a series of meetings held in the old brick schoolhouse near Batavia station
by Rev. Lura Mains, A council which met in the schoolhouse Feb. 28, 1880,
organized a church with six charter members, namely, Myron Draper,
Augtista Draper, Dewitt Draper, William Westerman, W. R. Card, Emily
Card. W, R. Card is the only charter member remaining. Other names
added to the membership the next day were : Anna G. Shay, David J. Per-
rin, Betsey Perrin, Alonzo Olmstead, Christina Olmstead. A plot of ground
from the John Sheneman farm was purchased in 1880 and in the autumn of
the following year the neat little church building was completed. Sabbath-
school was conducted from the first and in 1884 the Woman's Missionary
Auxiliary was formed. The church property is now valued at $1,500, and
the members are about thirty in number.
Some of the prominent members past and present who have been iden-
tified with this church are: George Barnard, Elizabeth Gray, E. D. Hark-
ness, for twenty-three years officiaily connected with the church; C. H. Aus-
tin, treasurer for the past twenty-three years; Mrs. E. M. Jordan, Mrs. John
Sheneman, Asa Russell, and others,
Presbyterian Churches.
The First Presbyterian church of Cotdwater originated in pioneer times,
and the names of well known first settlers are included in its meeting for or-
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g^nization. Tliis meeting- was held in the village sdiooihouse Sept. 30, 1837,
Rev. P. W. Warriner preached the sermon, and the charter members consti-
tuting the 6rst church were: Luther and Clarissa Stiles. James and Abigail
Smith, Edmond and Catherine Sloan, E. G. Fuller, Ambrose and Eliza Grow.
Mrs. Alexander Reynolds, Mary Ann Revnolds, Sophirmia Reynolds. Mrs.
Amaty Cmson, Mary Smith. James SmitJi, Jr., Lydia Smith. Prominent
among the members who were soon added were Silas A. Holbrook, Will-
iam H. Cross, and Alexander Reynolds.
During the first few years the meetings were l^eld in the schoolhouses
on Hudson street or on Gay street, and also in the temporary court-house
room in the " Coon Pen " building, elsewhere described. A church organi-
zation according to legal form was effected at a meeting in the " Coon Pen,"
Aug. 9, 1843, and about the same time the building of a church was under-
taken. The edifice, which was of frame, was dedicated in the fall of 1844.
under the pastorate of S. C. Hickok. This served as the church home until
the sixties. Both the Methodist and Baptist congregations had erected fine
churches, and the Presbyterians built one still larger. The first plans were
laid in 1864, but it was not until Oct. 12, 1869. that the present brick build-
ing was dedicated.
Revs. Warriner. Charles W. Gimey and Louis Mills were the principal
pastors during the early years of the church. Rev. S. C. Hickok served from
1844 to 1847. Following him were Elihti P. Marvin, O. W. Mather. R. S.
Goodman, from 1853 to i860: Horace C. Hovey, G. L. Foster, W. C. Por-
ter, J. Gordon Jones, from April. 1S72. to October, 1878; H. P. ColUn,
Dec., 1878, to March 31, 1905. Rev. Willis L. Gelston. the present pastor.
hegan his work in Sept.. 1905.
The First Presbyterian church of Quincy was organized Feb. 2'^, 1857.
the following persons associating themselves into an organization : Will-
iam N. Carter, JuHa Carter, Marcia Potter, Mrs. J. W. Chapin. William
Hughes, Jeremiah B. Whelan, Elijah Leland. Mrs. William Hughes, Mrs.
J. B, WTielan and Mrs. Withington were soon added to the original member-
ship. The society was small during its first years and had difficulty in main-
taining its organization. The church building was not constructed until
i860. Since that time it has carrieti the usual church activities with but few
California township has been a center of Presbyterian activity from an
early day. At a meeting for organization of a Presbyterian church, held in
the schoolhouse at Hall's Comers, April 11, J840, the following well known
pioneers associated themselves to form a church: Josqjh W. Lawrence. Sr..
Sybil I^wrence. Thomas Pratt, Aima Pratt, Joseph W. Lawrence, Jr.. Susan
N. Lawrence. Ezra S, E. Brainard, Walter H. Lathrop, Emeline Lathrop,
Mrs, Lucy Robbins. Their building, which is located at California post-
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office, was completed and dedicated in 1871, at a cost of about twenty-five
hundred dollars.
The United Presbyterians and the Reformed Presbyterians also gained
a foothold in California township. A society of the former denomination
was org'anized June 16, 1865, some of its original members being Wilham
C. Thon^on, Alexander Thompson, Thomas Hall, John S. Patterson, Will-
iam Stewart, Oscar Jameson, Alexander Vance.
Congregational Churches.
Union City.
The First Congregational church of Union City, Branch county. Mich-
igan, was organized March 7th, 1837. Tlie meeting was conducted by Rev.
Calvin Clark of Homer. The following sixteen persons having letters of
dismission and recommendation from other churches, and two on confession
of their faith, entered into covenant: Chester Hammond, Fanny Hammond,
Ellen F, Hammond. Alphens Saunders, Ludna Saunders, Lewis Hawley,
Charlotte Hawley, David Kilboum, Clarinda Kilbourn, Justus B. Euell, Fme-
line Buell, Thomas B. Buell. Charles A. Lincoln, Chares H. Coates, Esther
Maxfield. Sarah Jane Hurd, Mary Ann Saunders, Charlotte Bernard.
March i6th. 1839, the church became connected with the Marshall
Presbytery on thle "Plan of Union of 1801." At the formation of the
Marshall Conference of Congregational Churches in Union City, January-
13th, 1841, the church united with that body. In November, 1837. Rev.
Charles W. Gumey, a Presbyterian minister, was employed to lalx>r in the
ministry Oif the Gospel with this church, which he continuetl to do until June,
1839. In the following October Rev, Elijah Buck, also a Presbyterian min-
ister, was employed, and continued his labors until September, 1840. The
ministry of Rev. L. Smith Hobart commenced on the Sabbath, the first day
of November, 1840. The services were held in the district schoolhouse,
which was the usual place of public worship. After the completion of a
pastorate of eight years, he was dismissed bv the advice of a council, Novem-
ber 2nd, 1848.
The first house of worship occupied by the church was erected on High
street. This was dedicated December 24th, 1840. It was furnished with a
suitable bell in May, 1843, enlarged in 1850, and sold in 1869.
Rev. Henry C. Morse commenced his ministry with the church Nov.
5th, 1848. His work closed in March, 1853. Rev. Adam S. Kedzie followed
in the ministry without interval. His vrork ended in the month of September,
1854. Rev. Joseph S. Edwards was engaged in November, 1854, and con-
tinued his work about six months. In December, 1855, Rev. Reuben Hatch
commenced his labors with the church and remained until April, 1859. Dur-
ing this period the enterprise of building the present brick church edifice was
undertaken. Rev, Sereno W. Streeter commenced his ministry here in No-
veml>er, 1859. He was installed as pastor by an ecclesiastical council
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in February, 1863. In November, 1869, he was dismissed by a council,
closing his ministry of ten years.
The present brick church edifice was dedicated February 5th. 1S62.
The ministry of Rev. Emory G. Chaddock began January 25th. 1870. Dur-
ing this year the church edifice was reseated, the gallery raised and extended,
thus adding accommodations for a much larger audience. Mr. Chaddock
was dismissed by the advice of a council December 18th, 1873. On the sec-
ond of April, 1872. the records and papers of the church were wholly con-
sumed by fire. The chapel in the rear of the church edifice was built hy
DeaccMi David R. Cooley, and completed October 30th, 1873. ^* '"^ ^°^^ ^'^
$850, including the furnishings.
Rev. Warren F. Day commencetl his ministry with this church Febru-
ary 1st, 1874, and closed it October 12th. 1877. Tlie pastorate of Rev. Hei-
muth H. Van Auken tjegan December 30th, 1877, and continued until Feb-
ruary 22nd, 1885. During this time the present chapel was enlarged and
repairs were made in the main building. The «rgan was purchased and the
alcove built for it at the rear of the pulpit.
Dr. Horatio N. Burton entered upon his labors as pastor April 3rd,
1885, and continued with the church until January 14th. 1888. when he re-
signed on account of failing health. During his pastorate the church build-
ing was repaired, painted and frescoed at a cost of $1,500. The Order of
Deaconesses was instituted in 1886,
Rev. James R. Knodell was called to the church as its pastor, beginning
his work March i8th, 1888, and continuing until September 27th, 1891,
Rev. Harlow S. Mills, having been called to the pastorate of the church,
commenced his labors November ist, 1891. and continued until September
27th, 1896. February 7th, 1897, Rev. Joseph A. Barnes began his work
as pastor of the church, continuing his labors until June 24th, 1900.
For a number of yeat^ the Church Helpers had been accumulating a
fund for the purchase of a parsonage. In 1899 Mr. Thomas B. Buell pre-
sented the church with a deed of property antj a sum of money toward the
same object. In October, 1900, an additional gift was made by Mrs. Sarah -
Case in memory of her mother. Mrs. Thomas Buell. The union of these
fimds and gifts enabled the church to acquire the large and beautiful resi-
dence near the church which is to be known as the Buell irarsonage.
Rev. David L, Holbrook, the present pastor, entered upon his work
November 4th. 1900. The church was incorporated January i, 1901.
The First Congr^ational church of Algansee was organized Aug. 26
1886. by Rev-. E. D. Curtis of Grand Rapids, who preached the sermon, and
Rev. J. R. Preston, who gave the right hand of fellowship to the following
charter members: M. B. Wakeman. Mrs.. Abigail Wakeman, R. D. Tift,
Mrs, Tift, Miss Lizzie Tift. H, W. Hungerford. Mrs. Sophia Hun-
gerford Miss Mary G. Hungerford, Mrs. Lettie Braman, Mrs. Tlieresa
Cleveland, Mrs. Maria Pridgeon. Mrs. Anna C. Webber, Miss Lizzie Duggs,
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Miss Lillie Draper. Meetings were held in the schoolhouse until a suitable
church building was erected and dedicated January ii, 1903, at an expense
of $2,500.
The churth has been served by the following named pastors: Revs. T-
R. Preston, E. A. Childs, F. W. Brown, J. R. Edgerton. A. A. Luce, N. D.
Lanpere, C. E. Groves, Winslow, Joliln Gordon, Herbert A. Kern, Wil-
fred Frost, George Brown, Perry D. Gray, who is now in bis third year.
One of the oldest Congregational societies in the county was
that formed at John McKiniey's residence in northwest Gilead township,
Dec. 25, 1S47. Those forming the society, while subscribing to the Congre-
gational form of government, adhered to the Presbyterian " confession of
faith and doctrine." The actual organization of the society occurred at
Emerson Marsh's house, and the first members were: Emerson, Maria and
Martha K Marsh, George W., FYancis C, Mary and Rebecca Bull, Will-
iam S. and Sarah W. Evans, Jason and Polly R. Harris, John, Jean-
ette and Margaret McKinley, Stephen and Margaret McMillan, Eme-
line, Caroline and Polly Ried, Kafherine and Deborah Freeman. Betsey,
Clarissa and Electa Smith, Richard C. Dickinson, Walter O. Richards, Eliz-
abeth Hale, Eunice Fuller, Hannah Gaines.
The church withdrew from its Presbyterian connection in 1876-77 and
became a purely Congregational society. About 1864, in conjunction with
the Methodists of Giiead. this society built the imion church, which stands
near Lake Gilead on section 5. Rev. J. R. Bonney acted as pastor of this
church from' 1881 to 1885.
Besides the foregoing there are also four other Congregational societies
in the county, known as the Matteson, Bethel, North Batavia and Kinder-
hook Congregational churches. All of these have churdi buildings. The
Matteson church was organized March 9, 18S9. by Rev. J. M. Sutherland in
Bennett's Hall, east of the store at the head of Matteson Lake. Albert A.
.Luce was chairman of the meeting at which the church was organized.
The Congregational church at Bronson was organized in a meeting at
Rose's Hall, May 7, 1868. Five ladies constituted the charter member-
ship, their names being Mrs. Isabella Waite, Mrs. Mary Shepard, Mrs. Har-
riet Nott, Mrs. Harriet Fellows, Mrs. Cornelia Babcock. The legal society
was not organized until March 21, 1870, when Christopher G. Babcock. F.
A. Waite, George F. Giliam, Reuben M. Roberts and Jason Shepard were
elected trustees. Of these trusteees Mr. Babcock was made treasurer and
Mr. Waite clerk.
The names of the ministers who have been pastors of the church are
the following: John Randolph Bonney, from Feb.. 1868-, to June, 1878;
Frank B. Olds, Sept. 26, 1878, to the spring of 1879; J. R. Bonney again in
j88o; lohn M. Sutherland, Mav, 1887; G. F. Holcombe; Albert E. Seibert,
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Sept. 5, 1890, to Oct. 30, 1892; Henry A. Decker. Sept. 12. 1893. to March
J2, 1895; Charles H. Seaver. June i. 1895: Frank H. I.x>ckwoocl, Jan.,
1897; David G. Blair, Nov. i. 1898, to May 29. 1904; William W. Sdiu-
maker, Aug. 5. 1904. to Sept. 24, 1905 ; Henry Park Collin, Nov. 19, 1905,
who is the present pastor.
In 1872. during the first pastorate of Mr. Eonney, a frame chapel was
erected. This was used as the chnrch huikling; imtil J887, when, during
the pastorate of Mr. Sutherland, a building of brick was put up on the sonth
side of Chicago street between Matteson and Walker streets, which is the
society's present church building. This house has thus been in use by the
church nineteen years.
Rev. J. R. Bonney, as is shown by the foregoing list of pastors, has
served this church through two periods, the first of ten years and the second
of six, or sixteen years out of the entire thirty-eight of its life. No minister
has ever labored so long in the western part of the county as has Mr. Bon-
ney. He was ordained in the county in 1863, in connection with his preach-
ing in a srhoolhouse in Matteson township. At the present writing, JuJy,
1906, he and his wife are residing in Bronson, passing their later years
respected and beloved by the village community and by many in all parts of
the county.
In T893 the church reported 102 residait members. From an examina-
tion of the reports of several years, this would seem to be its lai^st member-
ship. For 1906 its resident membership is given as 86. The membership
and activity of the church have been lessening for several years, arid prob-
ably at no time since the erection of the present house of worship in 1887
has the church been so low in numbers, in activity, and in financial ability.
United Brethren.
A church of the United Brethren in Christ was organize<l by R. T.
Martin in the Block schoolhouse in Bethel township in 1849. with a char-
ter membership of fortv-five. The first church house was dedicated August
2. T869, by Bishop J. Weaver. The second church was dedicated in 1899 by
Rev. Wesley Tilley. The building cost about two thousand dollars. The
present membership is 43, the officials being: Frank Lamjmian, N. Piatt,
W. Nagle. A. McEndarffer, William Ammemian, trustees; Frank Lamp-
man, leader, and George Lobdell, steward, and O. S. Martin, superintendent
of Sundav-school. The names of the successive pastors are: Revs. R. T.
Martin, j'. J. Johnston, Redman, A. Zeever, J. Woldorf, D. Bender, J. W.
Hill, George Crawford, Kester, J. Brown, J. Tedrow, Hight. J. W.
Martin, Swank, Hopkins, Kneep, E. E. Rhodes.
Evangelical Lutheran Churches.
St. Paul's Lutheran church at Coldwater had its origin in services held
in 1858 by Rev, Speichard of Hillsdale. Organization followed in i860,
the charter members being: L. Erb. F. W. Flandermeyer, H. H. Flander-
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meyer, L. Denner, F. Korff, G. Meyer, Mr. Nehring. H, Lingle. G. Wahl.
The property and church Uiilding were purchased in 1863. Until 1877 the
congregation was supplied with a minister froni Hillsdale, but in 1878 be-
came a separate charge, under Rev. F. Haueser. 'The parsonage was built
in 1880 and the school in 1882. Rev. Haueser was succeeded in 1884 hy
Rev. M. Toewe: he by Rev. A, Roetler in 1891. who remained until T903,
Tn IQ04 Rev. C. J. Homan came to the vacancy.
ZioN Church of the Evangelical Association,
This society at East Gilead was organized in i860 by Rev. R. Sneilly
with the following charter members: C. S. Brown and family, Jacob Doer
and family, Josiah Snyder and family. C S. Brown was class leader until
1865, when he entered the ministry. In 1866 the present church edifice was
erected. The present minister is Warren Brown.
The Unitarians.
Unity church at Sherwooti was organized in 1878, and the society was
incorporated Feb. 3, 1894. The first church building was erected in 1881,
and the present structure in 1892. The charter members of this church,
which is now in a flourishing condition, are the following named : John F,
Williams, Sol F. Downs, John F. McTntyre, Menton E. Sawin, Leverett R.
Daniels, Ryan Williams, Edward Carswell, Spencer Bennett, Judson H.
Watkins, William T. Smith, Chas. W. Eisenmann, Homer J. Craft, G. B,
Williams, Mrs. M. Williams, Mrs. A. Williams, John Studley, Dr. Robt,
Eraser, Mrs. Dr, Robt. Eraser, Samuel Cline, Mrs. Samuel Cline, Mrs, A.
L. Williams, Mrs. Laura E. Turrell, Mrs. Isabell Salisbury, Catherine Re-
new, Mrs. Rebecca Bennett, Nora Moyer, Mrs. Ada Eish, Orpha A. Can-
field, Andrew Renew, Mrs. Jennie E. Case, Wm, Wriggleworth, Dwight
Coddington, R. M, Barton, Isaac C, Maltby, S. S. Kilbum, A. C, Bell, E,
E. Coddington, Wallace Kilbum, Geo. D. Eish, ?I. H. Cross, Geo. W. Black-
well, H. W. Locke, James Gwin, Esther A. Rimisey. Emma Hazen, Louisa
Hinkle, Geo, Sexton, Thomas Lockard, Susan Tinney, Ann Waugh, Elver
Gwinn, Alta Gwinn, Mrs. J. Maltby, Mrs. Miller, Jacob Mound, Mrs. S.
M. Kilburn, Vine Bennett, Melinda Wrigg-leworth, James TJlletson, R. R.
Jones, J. B, Olney, Mrs, Elvira Kilbum. Mrs. M. E. Bell, Amasa L. Hills,
Holton Kilbum, Clark Canfield. Ida S. I>aniels, C. Sanderson, J. F. Tillet-
son, Lucretia St. Clair. Ella Frye. Mrs. J. Worts, Celinda A. Sawin, Edwin
Tinney, Jasper T. Davis, Sarah Mastin, Melvin Gwinn,
The ministers who have served the Unitarians at Sherwood are: Rev.
M. V. Rorks, Rev. Ida C. Hultin, Rev. F. M. Aunks, Rev. Henry Vassema,
Rev. Andrews, Rev. F. W. Hayes, Rev. E. H. Barrett, Rev. B. A. Hills.
Mennonites and Dunkabds.
In Noble township is an organization known as Mennonites, the exact
name of which is the " Mennonite Brethren in Christ." This denomination.
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to ivhicli tlie Mennonites of Noble belong, was formed by a union of two sim-
ilar bodies at Jamestown, Ohio, Dec. 27, 1883. Acceding to the book of
discipline. " it is not allowed to introduce eitlier musical instnunents or
choirs into our public worship: " no member shall be permitted to have his
life insured; baptism is by immersion only: they recommend and practice
feet washing, this rite being observed in connection with communion, which
is observed every three months. The officers of the Noble church at this
writing (January, 1906) are: Rev. Wihiam H. Moore, miinister; William
Smith, superintendent of the Sunday-school; John Teachont, class leader:
Menno Good, deacon.
Another similar organization, namely, the Dimkards, hold meetings in
the Mennonite church in Noble everj' two weeks.
Roman Cathoi-ic Chukches.
St, Charles Roman Catholic church at Coldwater was organized in
1849. A small frame church was erected in 1S56 on the present church site
on Harrison street near Clay. This building was destroyed by incendiaries
in Jinie, 1859. A brick building was ero:ted in 1860, and this was remoxl-
eled a few years ago. The brick parsonage was built in 1867, and the St.
Stanislaus chapel was constructed about three years ago at the time of the
remodeling. Rev. Father C. Korst was pastor of this parish about thirty
years. Father Dennis A. Hayes is the present i>astor.
Father Korst, of Coldwater, also organized St. Mary's Roman Catholic
church at Bronson in the eighties. Father Korst was the first priest officiat-
ing at Eronson. After him came Father Crowe, who built the present brick
church and the parsonage. His successors ha\'e been Father Roskie, Father
Meziskie, Father Heweit, who buiit the schoolhouse in 1900 at a cost of four
thousand dollars. Father Heweit left in April, 1906, and the present pastor
is Father Maruszczyk.
Protestant Episcopal Churches.
Tlie pioneer of the Episcopal form of religious' worship in Branch
Lty was, of course, Bishop Chase, who conducted the first Episcoi^al serv-
ice in the county at the location then known as Adams Mills, in west
Bitmson township, in 1832. The history of his settlement in Gilead, de-
scribed elsewhere, should be read in connection with the history of the
Protestant Episcopal church in this county.
St. Mark's Protestant Episcopal church at Coldwater had its origin
at a meeting February 9, 1848, "at the White schoolhouse" in Coldwater,
where legal incorporarion was effected and the following persons chosen as
wardens and vestrymen: Joseph H. Moss, Richard Greenwood, wardens;
Luman Howe, E. G. Fuller, L, D, Crippen, James Pierson and George A.
Coe, vestrymen. Services with the Episcopal liturgy were held in Cold-
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water before this time, and for some years after the organization the place of
worship was the schoolhoiises and the conrt house. In 1859 a site was
purchased on Hanchett street and a building attempted, but failed through
a defective title. Several years later a frame building was constructed at
another site on Hanchett street, the church being consecrated April 14, 1863.
A rectory was built on East Chicago street at the present church site in 1S70,
During the following decade plans were laid for a new building and in 1880
the corner stone of the present edifice was laid, and September 29, 1886, the
church was consecrated. Extensive improvements were made in 1S95, in-
cluding a new organ.
The rectors of the church and the years in which tliey began their
service are as follows: George Willard, 1848; Gardner M. Skinner, 1855;
Henry Safiford, i860; Joseph Wood, 1863; J. Wainright Ray, 1866; George
.P. Schetky. D. D., 1869; Henry Safford. 1870; Herbert J. Cook, 1875;
Henry Hughes, 1886: Herbert Sowerby, 1895.
Union City.
Grace Episcojxil Church, which no longer maintains regular services,
was organized at the home of Dr. H. E. Ewers, Dec. 23, 1864, with eighteen
charter members. The present frame church building 00 Ellen street was
erected in 1865, the first rector being Rev. George Verner,
In the foregoing we have given some account of all the church organi-
zations in the county connected with the Roman Catholic Church and with
the larger and longer existing denominations of Protestantism. Other re-
ligious beliefs than those held by the bodies described, have been held by
people in the county all through its history. The numbers holding these be-
liefs have been relatively small. The names of these beliefs, or, rather, of
the people holding them, are these: Disciples or Christians, Seventh Day
Adventists, Spiritualists, the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints, Christian Scientists, the Church of God, and Dowieites.
The Disciples or Christians have had for a number of years a society
in Quincy, and they have also there a small church building.
The Seventh Day Adventists have had organizations in CoWwater,
Quincy and Bronson.
The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints are some-
times called Mormons, but they are entirely disconnected in their organiza-
tion from the Utah Mormon Church. They have an organized society or
" branch " in the county, and a church building which is located on. section
19 of Quincy township on the north side of the Chicago road. The " branch "
was oi^anized in 1864 in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Corliss, who
were then residing in southwest Quincy. The building was not erected until
About 1895. Mr. Corliss, who now resides in Coldwater, has been for twen-
ty-five years president of the branch, which is known as " the Coldwater
Branch of the Northern Indiana and Southem Michigan District." Rev.
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S. W. L. Scott, residing in Coldwater, is an active missionary of this re-
ligious denomination.
From an early day in tlie life of the county to the present time there
have always been some Spiritualists among its people, the mimbers varying
with the decades. At times they have been numerous enough to have one or
more organizations. At one time in Coldwater tiiey were strong enough to
erect a fine, substantial brick structure for their meetings. This house is
stilt standing on the southeast comer of Pearl and Division streets, though
for the past forty years it has been owned and occupied as a private res.i-
In January, igo6, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, .of Coldwater,
was organized. For some years before, however, the Chrisitan Scientists
had held their regular meetings in the city.
The inclination on the part of the churches of the county to co-operate
with each other in various ways for the religious and moral welfare of the
peo])le has grown steadily through all the years ot its history. This has
jjeen exemplified in inter-denominational activity in Sunday schools, in Chris-
tian Endeavor Unions, in Young Men's Christian Associations, and in union
meetings held on special days, such as Thanksgiving Day and at other times.
March 2, 1887, The Branch County Sunday School Association was
arganized in Coldwater, or, more correctly, revived, for there had been such
an organization years before, though it had ceased its activity for about ten
years. The first president was Rev. J. P. Philips, pastor of the Baptist
church of Coldwater. Rev. Henry P. Collins was elected secretary at the
time, and has served as such for nineteen years.
For several years the Branch County Christian Endeavor Union held
its conventions annually, but none has been held since 1903.
The Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Branch County has been
in existence for years, and is carrying on its work as actively as ever. In
1905. in connection with the Coldwater Union, it invited the State Associa-
tion" to hold its annual convention at the county seat of the county. The
invitation was accepted, and June 5 and 6, 1906, the Thirty-second Annual
Convention of the Michigan Woman's Christian Union was held in Cold-
Previous to the year 1841, records of the doings of the political parties
in Branch county have not been preserved, but in August of that year con-
ventions were held by both the Democratic and Whig parties. August 20 the
Democratic convention was held at the court hmise in Coldwater, and the
following delegates were elected to the state convention, to be held in
Marshall, September i : Chas. G. Hammond, John T. Haynes and Enos G.
Berry. Wales Adams. Albert Chandler and Hiram Shoudler were elected
delegates to the senatorial convention to be held at Albion Avigiist 29. Ac-
cording to a call printed in the Coldwater Sentinel of August 20, a Whig
convention was held August 21, for the purpose of electing delegates to a
like convention, but the subsequent issues of the paper contain no account
of such a convention being held. The Democratic convention nominatefl
John G. Barry for governor and the Whigs nominated Philo C. Fuller.
The Democratic nomiinees for state senators were Edward A. Warner, of
Branch, and Henry Hewitt, of Calhoun. Enos G. Berry was nominated
for representative. At the election the following November the county gave
Barry a majority of 355.
At the general election held in November, 1844, the county was carried
by the Democrats by about 240 majority, electing Wales Adams, representa-
tive: Anselum Arnold, sheriff; John T. Haynes, treasurer; Corydon P.
Benton, clerk, and Jared Pond, register.
In the fall of 1845 Branch county gave the Democrats a majority of
347 for Alpheus Felch, candidate for governor, but for the first time in the
history of the county the Whigs elected a portion of their ticket. George A.
Coe. of Coldwater, Whig nominee for state senator, defeated Ephraim B.
Danforth by 78 votes, and William B. Sprague, a Whig, was elected repre-
sentative by a majority of 32 votes. At this election James G. Bimey, after-
wards famous as an Abolitionist, received 81 vo^es for governor on the
Abolition ticket.
At the November election in 1S46 the Democrats elected their entire
ticket bv majorities ranging from 50 to 300_. and in the fall of 1847 *e
Democratic ticket from governor down received majorities ranging from
301 to 378, with the exception of Enos G. Berr}', who was defeated by Geo.
A. Coe for the state senate by a majority of 18 votes.
Again in the general election of November, 1848, the Democrats were
generally victorious, giving 420 majority for Cass and Butler, nominees
for president and vice president. But the Whigs made still further inroads
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upon the local Demoa-atic ticket by electing Geo. A. Coe representative by
a majority of 17, James Pierson sheriff by 12 majority and Hiram Rathbum
Alden treasurer by 13 majority.
In November, 1849, the Democrats gave John S. Barry, their nominee
for governor, a majority of 379, but Roland Root, a Whig, was elected repre-
sentati\'e by a majority of 53 over Henry C. Gilbert.
tn November, 1S50, the whole Democratic ticket was elected, with the
excqrtion of one representative, by majorities ranging fronr 8 to 600. Jared
Pond was defeated by S. L. Lawrence, a Whig. In this election the Free
Soilers united with the Whigs upon several candidates.
The election held in the fall of 185 1 appears to have been very tame, as
only a governor and lieutenant governor were to be elected. The result
was that Branch gave Robert McClelland, the Democratic candidate, a major-
ity of 231. At this election only 1,125 votes were cast.
The campaign of 1852 was an exciting one. Party feelings ran high
and mass meetings were held by both the Democrats and Whigs. The Demo-
crats gathered in front of the old court house on Monday, October 11, and
listened to addresses by Gen. Lewis Cass, Senator Felch and Gov. McClelland,
and it was claimed that fully four thousand were in attendance. The Whigs,
being in the minority, did not gather in crowds as great as the Democrats,
but they were enthusiastic for their ticket, which was headed by Gen. Win-
field Scott for president, while the Democrats were hurrahing for Franklin
Pierce, who received a majority of 303 votes in the county. The Democrats
elected their entire county ticket by majorities of 250 to 350,
During the summer of 1854 the Republican party was organized at
Jackson, Michigan, and at the fall election it administered to the Democratic
party the first defeat ever known by that organization in Branch county.
Kinsley S, Bingham, Republican candidate for governor, received a majority
of 734 in the county, and Daniel Wilson, Republican, defeated Ebeaiezer
Butterworth, Democrat, for the office of sheriff, by a majority of 5S1. For
county clerk Eben O. Ijeach was elected over Albert Chandler and Curtis
Young was elected register of deeds over Joseph C. Leonard. For county
treasurer Hiran Shoudler defeated Wales Adams, and John W. Turner de-
feated John G. Parkhurst for the ofifice of prosecuting attorney.
This election was followed by an almost unbroken series of Republican
majorities until November, 1878, when the Greenback party, which had lately
beaime quite a power, united with the Democrats on most of their candi-
dates and went into the campaign of 1878 under tlie name of Nationals. Ttie
Republican ticket was again successful with the following exceptions: Will-
iam H. Donaldson, National, defeated Zelotes G. Osborn, Republican, and
Arthur Crippen, Democrat, by a plurality of 153; for representative, C. J.
Thorpe, National, was elected over James R. Wilson, Republican, and John
Taggart. Democrat, by a plurality of 224. The balance of the Republican
county ticket was elected by majorities ranging from 68 to 606. At this
election John B. Shipman, who was on botli Democratic and National tidcets,
was elected circuit judge over David B. Tliompson, Republican, and Riley,
Democrat, by a plurality of 875. Branch county gave him a majority of
only 16 votes, the remainder coming- from St. Joseph, county. Jonas H. Mc-
Gowan, of Coldwater, was elected to congress from this district. Branch
county giving him a miajority of 383 over Upton, Democrat, and Dawson,
In November, 1880, the Republicans were entirely successful, electing
everything by majorities ranging from 929 to 1722. Charles Upson was
elected to congress. Branch giving him a majority of 1188.
In November, 1882, the Greenback party was popular throughout the
state, electing Begole by about 800 majority, but Branch stood almost solidly
for the Republican ticket, electing everything excepting sheriff and repre-
sentative in the second district. Oliver C. Campbell, Greenback, was elected
sheriff over Geo. W. Van Aken, Republican, by 46 votes, and Emanuel Hime-
baugh, a Greenback, was elected representative over Richard Coward, Re-
publican, by 17 votes. With these two exceptions the Republican majorities
ranged from 143 to 1223.
The campaign of 1884 was closely contested, but the Republicans were
again successful in the main, losing only sheriff and prosecuting attorney.
Campbell was re-elected sheriff by a majority of 495, and John R. Champion,
Greenback, defeated Marc A. Merrifield, Republican, for prosecuting attor-
ney by a majority of 27 votes. In this campaign the votes on the presiden-
tial ticket were as follows: James G. Blaine, Republican, 3671; Grover
Cleveland, Democrat, 1315; Benjamin F, Butler, Greenback, 1644; John St.
John, Prohibition, 419.
The official canvass of the votes cast November 2, 1886, shows a clean
sweep for the Republicans. Cyrus G. Luce for governor headed the Rqjurj-
lican ticket and received in Branch coimty a plurality of 758 votes over Geo.
L. Yaple, Democrat, and Samuel Dickie, Prohibitionist.
In September, 1888, President Cleveland appointed Gen. John G. Park-
hurst minister to Belgium.
In November the county gave a solid Republican majority, honoring
Gov. Luce by a plurality of 1284 over Wellington Burt, Democrat. Alfred
Milnes, of Coldwater, was elected to the .state senate by a plurality of 1380
over I^ne, Democrat.
The Democrats were successful in the state in the fall of 1890, electing
E. B. Winans governor, but Branch county stood firmly by its long-time Re-
publican majority, giving J. M. Turner, Republican, a plurality of 962 over
Winans. and elected their entire county ticket with the exception of prosecut-
ing attorney, in which WilHam H. Compton, Republican, was defeated by
Elmer E. Palmer. Democrat, who won by a majority of 672. For state
senator Oliver C. Campbell, Democrat, was elected by a plurality of '73. The
opposing candidate was Alfred Milnes, Republican, who received 2716, and
Edward E. Bostwick, PrcAibitionist. The Republican majorities on the
balance of the ticket varied from 84 to 1401.
The presidential election of 1892 found Branch solid for the Republican
ticket, giving every candidate a plurality, which on the presidential ticket
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was 1 124. The election of two years later, in 1894, was a repetition of
1892, the Republicans electing- everything' by increased pluralities.
In the spring' of iSg$ Alfred Mihies was elected to the national house
of representatives to succeed J. C. Burrows, who went to the senate. In
this contest Mr. Milnes defeated Calvin J. TlioqDe. who was the candidate
of the Democratic, Silver and Prohibition parties, his majority being about
The famous silver campaign of 1896 proved a disaster for the Repubh-
cans. After many years of almost unbroken control of tlie political affairs
of the county, they were totally roiitexl by Bryan and his followers. The
entire silver ticket was elected by pluralities of from 161 to 368. the latter
being A. M. Todd's plurality over Alfred Mihies for congressman. Bryan
carried the county by a plurality of 377. Two years later the Republicans
reg:ained some of their lost prestige by electing about half of their county
ticket, and giving a majority of 105 for their candidate for governoi-, Hazen
S. Pingree.
Jn 1900 the silver party, again headed by William Jennings Bryan for
president, were overwhelmingly defeated by the Republicans, who carried the
county for every candidate on their ticket. McKinley polled 880 more votes
than Bryan and the Republican candidates on the same ticket averaged about
the same number.
In 1902 the party opposed to the Republicans again assumed its old
name and the campaign vi'as once more between the Republicans and the
Democrats, in which the latter were more overwhelmingly defeated than
was the silver party in 1900. The county ticket electefl was entirely Repub-
ilcan by a majority of over 1000.
TT^ie election on November 8, 1904. was the most decisive defeat the
Democrats ever suffered in Blanch county. The Republican ticket, headed by
Roosevelt for president, carried the county by largely increased major-
ities. Roosevelt received 2837 more votes than did Parker, the Dem-
ocratic candidate, and the Republican county ticket was elected by majori-
ties varying from 1799 to 2159.
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Until Michig:an became a state the judicial circuit embracing Branch
county covered the entire Michigan Territory, that is, there was only one
judicial circuit, and the circuit judge held sessions in all the organized coun-
ties. " At a session of the Circuit Court of the Territory of Michigan,
holder) in and for the county of Branch," is the record for the first circuit
court held in this county after it was separately organized from St. Joseph
In 1S36 Michigan was divided into judicial circuits each presided o\'er
by a circuit judge. By the act approved July 26, 1836, the third judi-
cial circuit was organized. The original counties embraced in this circuit
were Branch, St. Joseph, Cass, Berrien, Kalamazoo, Allegan, Calhoun, Kent,
and all the country attached to any one of these for judicial purposes.
Branch county continued a part of the third circuit until 1851. An act
approved April 8th, of that year, created the second circuit of Branch, St.
Joseph, Cass and Berrien counties.
On March 6, 1869, the second circuit was divided, Berrien and Cass
being constituted one circuit and retaining the nan^e of second circuit, while
Branch and St. Joseph were organized as the fifteenth judicial circuit, and as
sucli it has remained to the present time. The late Judge Charles Upson was
the first judge of this circuit, serving from 1870 to 1876.
The first constitution of Michigan provided for a county court, inter-
mediate between the justice courts and the circuit court. The first session
of the Branch county court was held in Coklwater. March i. 1847, Jacob
Shook being present as setond judge, with C. P. Benton, clerk. In conse-
quence of the abolition of this branch of judiciary by the second constitution,
the county court adjourned sine die December 31, 1851, Justin Lawyer being
the last judge.
For several years after the organization of a county government the
legal business of the county was transacted by lawyers whose homes were in
other counties of the state. The profession of law during the early days was
an itinerant one. The court moved about from county seat to county seat
over an immense area comprising the judicial cinruit, an<l with the coiirt trav
eled the attorneys. They traveled by stage coach or horsebad^ according to
choice or convenience, and the arrival of the court and its attorneys was an
event to be looked forsvard to by the villagers of the county seat.
Thus, in October, 1833, no httle stir and excitement was caused in the
little village of Branch when the first session of the circuit court was begun.
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The court, which opened on the 21st day of the niDiith, was presided over
by William A. Fletcher, who was president judge of the jiuiicial circuit of the
territory of Michigan. Associate judges were Silas A. Holbrook, for many
years a well known business man of Coklwater, and William A. Kent.
In the minutes of this session is tlilis sentence, " Ordered that Nea! Mc-
Gaffey be prosecuting attorney die present term." Mr. McGaffey may be
considered one of the first, if not tlie first, lawyer who practiced before a
court of record in Branch county. But he was not a resident of this county.
His home was at White Pigeon, where he lived and died. St. Joseph county,
as already mentioned, was for several years the civil and judicial center for
a large region which has since been divided into separate counties, including
Branch county. Therefore it was natural that the first lawyers who located
in this part of the state would settle in St. Joseph county where their profes-
sional interests were centered.
But the oldest attorney of this part of the state, was CoKimbia Lancaster,
whose name is mentioned among die attorneys of the April term of 1835 as
having business in the Branch county session of the circuit court. Colum-
bia Lancaster was born in Connecticut in 1803, came to White Pigeon in
1830, and on the location of the county seat at Centen'ille became the first
resident of that place. He is said to have taught the second school in Branch
county, and in addition to being a lawyer and scliool teacher was a mighty
hunter. He later moved to Washington Territory.
The aftomeys mentioned alongside the name of C. Lancaster were
Marcus Lane and George W. Jewett (or Jewit, as it was spelled in the
records). Marcus Lane came from his home at Yi>silanti to practice in
Branch county. On coming to Michigan he had located for practice at Ann
Arbor, in 1826. George W. Jewett lived at Ann Arbor, but afterward moved
to Niies, where he dietl.
At the October term -ji circuit court in 1835 Henry I. Backus sought
a license to practice law in the territory of Michigan. Thereupon the judge
appointed the attorneys Jewett, Lancaster and Lane a committee to ex-
amine the qualifications of Mr. Backus, who had previously practiced in the
state of Connecticut, and on examination the committee found the applicant
duly qualified, whereupon he was admitted to practice. Mr. Backus was the
first attorney admitted to practice in Branch county. Although admitted
here, there is no proof that he was ai resident lawyer in the county.
In 1837 there came to Coldwater EzlxMi G. Fuller who, according to all
accepted reports and proofs, was die first resident lawyer of Branch county,
although not the first attorney to represent clients m court here. Dymg
January 14, 1892. at Marysville, California, where he had resided smce 1878,
Judge E. G. Fuller was at the time of his death nearly eighty-two years old,
forty years of which had been passed as a member of the bar of Branch
county. He was appointed prosecuting attorney soon after his admission
to practice, and later held the office of judge o.f probate. His practice fell of?
in later years, nor did he make much effort to keep up with the profession.
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but gave imich af his time to his farm and the abstract business, until he
moved to CaJifornia.
In the first number' of the Coldzvater Sentinel, dated April, 1841, are the
professional cards of E. A. Warner, E. G. Fuller and George A. Coe. These
constituted the Branch county bar at that date. The first named had located
in Coldwater about 1838. He died about 1845, while still young. George
A. Coe had begun his professional career in Coldwater, and during the thirty
years before his death m 1869 he attained unusuai prominence. Besides hold-
ing various local offices he was a member of both branches of the legislature,
and in 1854 and 1856 was lieutenant governor of the state.
The calendar of the Branch county court in 1847 contains the follow-
ing attorneys who appeared in cases tried in that year: H, C. Gilbert, W.
Brown, Louis T. N. Wilson, E. G. Fuller, George A. Coe, Justin Lawyer,
Justus Goodwin, E. G. Parsons, D. Darwin Hughes, A. Piatt, E. J. Hard,
John Root, C. B. Dresser, A. French and J. W. Gilbert.
Of these, L. T, N. Wilson studied his law in the office of Mr. Coe at
Coldwater. He was identified with Coldwater until his death, April 26,
The name of Justin Lawyer, above mentioned with the attorneys Oif
1847, will long be honored in Coldwater not so much for his connection with
the law as for his relation with business and public affairs. He did not prac-
tice long, but turned his attention to banking and other interests. " The
public had confidence in his ability to do things thoroughly and well," is
the most impressive tribute to his Hfe and character. He was connected with
sevei"al public enterprises, among them the city water works, of which he
was superintendent at the time of his death, March 13, 1894.
Passing over almost a generation of time, to the year 1875, we find
many changes in the personnel of the county bar. The roll of Branch county
attorneys in 1875, as given in a court calendar of that year, is as follows:
(Tlie names are mentioned in order of seniority) Ezbon G. Fuller. Charles
tlpson, David B. Dennis, Caleb D. Randall, David Thompson, John W.
Turner, John R. Champion, W. J. Bowen, Franklin E. Morgan, J. H. Mc-
Gowan, J, B. Shipman, Nosh P. Loveridge, Justin Lawyer, J. G. Parkhurst.
F. L Skeels, C. N. Legg, C. E. Thornton, H. H. Barlow, C. D. Wright, S.
B, Kitchel, all of Coldwater. Ezra Berry was from Quincy. while Union
City was represented by Jerome Bowen, M. A. Merrifield and George Styles.
Judge Charles Upson (see sketch), who died September 5, 1885, at the
age of sixty-four, was once referred to in the early sixties as " the leading
attorne>- of southwestern Michigan." He was well versed in the common
and statute law, was energetic in all that he did, and had the respect of the
entire bar of Branch county.
Caleb D. Randall, who died September i, 1903, was for many years
influential in business and the law. He was bom in Cayuga county, New-
York, in 1831, a son of Dr. Alvah Randall, the pioneer physician of Bronson,
who has been mentioned elsewhere. Studying law, he began practice about
1855, but did very little active legal work after the war. He was successful
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as a pension claim agent, and in 1870 was elected to the state senate. He
took part in the organization of the Southern Michi^n National Bank, and
for some years before as we!! as subsequent to that time lie gave little atten-
tion to legal practice. Altlrough noted for his business conservatism. Ire
suffered severe reverses and had to relinquish most of his interests. His
work in education and the charities, and his zeal in all matters affecting the
public interest are attested in various places in this history.
David Thompson was another pioneer lawyer who prepareti for his
profession in Coldwater. He was associated with Charles Upson during the
early sixties, and in 1864 was elected judge of probate, and later served as
circuit judge to fill a vacancy. Judge Thompson has been characterized as
a most kindly man, of easy approach, with little shrewdness and no closeness
in financial matters. His easy going methods prevented him' from accunii-
ulating" money, but he was always a respectetl iigiire in the commimity. He
became a clerk under the government at Washington, and died at Coldwater,
February 19, 1896.
AH the old settlers as well as the members of the bar knew and liked
John W. Turner, whose most prominent characteristics were a jovial, genial
nature, a natural eloquence, and a poetic temperament that sometimes man-
ifested itself in verse. Quick at repartee and relying more on the inspiration
of the occasion than attention to details, he was noted, during his early
career, as a strong advocate before a jury. He died at the age of seventy
years, August ti. 1888.
Willard J. Bowen, who is also deceased, was a graduate in law from the
University of Michigan, a member of the same class with Franklin E. Mor-
gan. His praictice was limited, for he soon directed his attention to other
matters, for awhile doing a business in prosecuting war claims, and later
became a member of the hanking firm of Rose, Bowen & Rose. Eventually
he went to Texas, where he had a career in business and politics, and where
he died.
Jerome Bowen, who, as elsewhere related, was at one time connected
with the Coldwater Republican, was practicing law during the seventies in
Union City, and from there went to Manistee.
J. H.McGowan, who died in Washington, where he lived after serving
as a representative from his Michigan district, was a self-made, college-bred
lawyer. A poor, hard-working college boy, he yet had the popular qualities
and the ability to mingle with his fellows to such a degree that be was re-
ceived into the societies of wealth of the university. In jiractice he was noted
for his abihty in cross examination, and could direct a (ire of questions with
such rapidity as has seldom been equaled. He was successful in his profes-
sion, and stood high in the communitj' because of his clean, pure record.
The death of Noah P. Loveridge on June 26, 1900, took away another
of the lawyers who had come to Coldwater during the sixties. He had a suc-
cessful practice from the start, and was associated for a number of years
with Judge J. B. Shipman. He stoofi high in public affairs, and, like his
associate, held the office of judge of the fifteenth judicial circuit.
One by one the county bar of 1875 'i^s been diminished by death. Ezra
Berry, the Qiiincy attorney at that time, and since deceased, was a member
of the well known pioneer family of that village. He had been admitted to
the bar in 1846, and a large part of his business career was spent in other
C. D, Wright was a CoMwater boy. who was admitted to the bar there,
and later went west to Los Angeles, where he acquired a competence mainly
by successful investment, and died in tliat city. F. L. Skeels, who \^■as an
active member of the profession for some years, and is now deceased, was a
Yale graduate, .which was an uncommon distinction for the lawyer of that
time. He served four years as prosecuting attorney of the county.
Only recently, and while this work has been in process of compilation,
two others whose names appear in th'e above roll have passed away, namely,
S. B. Kitchel and Gen. J. G. Parkhurst, whose careers are sketched elsewhere.
Two other early lawyers might be mentioned. One was M. S. Bowen,
who came during the sixties, and remained only a few years. His best re-
membered characteristic was his fondness for the legal quibble, and he oiften
clouded the judgment of both judge and jury with a shower of technicali-
ties and whimsical objections. The other character was E. S. Jennings, the
" tramp lawyer," who wj(s possessed of a facile and persuasive eloquence. It
is said that this enabled him fO' borrow a large sum of money from a dozen
nr more persons about the same time. He then went to Nebraska, where he
invested in land, became prosperous, and, to his credit let it be said, met all
his obligations in full.
In the roll of 1875 ™3y be found the oldest members of the present bar.
Since the death of Gen. Parkhurst, John R. Champion is the oldest lawyer
in the county. He has been here since before the war. At one time he was
considered one of the able criminal lawyers of the county, but in later years
had a general practice.
Time has also dealt kindly with Franklin E. Morgan, who was one of
the early graduates from the University of Michigan law department, and
who came here in 1863. Although a member of die bar for forty years, until
his retirement in January, J904, he was never in active court practice. He
had an office business, largely in real estate and loans, and represented outside
capital and some estates in Coldwater. When local capital became sufficient
to meet all the demands, his business in that direction, which had been quite
remunerative, declined, and thereafter until his retirement he carried on an
office law practice.
Judge John B. Shipman, whose career is sketched on another page, is
still a leader of the Branch county bar, with over forty years of active prac-
tice behind him, part of which time he was circuit judge.
Others whose names are mentioned elsewhere are the well known at-
torneys Charles N. Legg, H. H. Barlow, both of Coldwater, and M. A, Mer-
rifieki and George Styles of Union City.
A study of the careers of Branch county's legal profession would seem
to indicate that business and the law have generally gone band in hand, or
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that a ready transfer of activity has been [Mssible from one to tlie otlier. It
was one of the observations of the Hon. James Bryce, author of the "Amer-
ican Commmi'd^eaith," on the occasion of his recent visit to this countn,-. tiiat
the lawyers in this country were turning more and more of their attention to
general forms of business and devoting themselves less exclusively to their
jjrofession. In a county the size of Branch the special dei^artments of the law
have of course never furnished enough business for one man, and the prac-
tice has been what is termed " general." A few have develoijed aptitude as
pleaders, or in criminal prosecution, or in caisultation practice.
As one comes down the consecutive decafles since the pioneer courts
were held in Branch county he finds an increasing per cent, of college
trained lawyers. And the recjuirements for graduation at the ordinary law
school of forty years ago have been raised fron> time to time, so that the
preparation for the legal profession has been broadened and diversified to
keep pace with the enlarged arena which is now occupied by the law, Tlie
home-schoole<:l aspirant of sixty years ago would read a few volimtes in the
office of one whom he chose to call his " preceptor," and would then go be-
fore a committee of local attorneys appointed by the circuit court, as was the
case with tlie first lawyer admitted to practice in Branch county. The mem-
l)ers of this committee, though practical lawyers, not often possessed aWlity
as examiners, and the questions asked of the applicant seldom touched the
depths of law and were often irrele\'ant.
But at Ann Arbor, even fifty years ago. the law student after complet-
ing his courses was put through a six days' test of oral examination, con-
ducted by such eminent men as Judge Campbell. Judge Cooley, Judge I. C.
Walker, Judge E. C. Walker of Detroit, and Judge Stacey of Tecumseh.
After successfully passing this battery of questioners it was likely that the
applicant would ever after^vard have a high respect for the dignity of his
profession and be well qualified for its duties.
Passing along two decades from the roll of 1875. it will be interesting
to notice a similar list of Branch coimty attorneys for the year 1895. They
are —
At Coldwater: D. B. Dennis, C. D. Randall. J. R. Qiampion, F. E.
Morgan, T- B, Shipman, N. P. Loveridge. J. G. Parkhurst, H. C, Clark. H.
H. Barlow. S. B. Kitchel, N. A. Reynolds, C. N. Legg, William H. Comp-
ton. M. D. Campbell, F, D. Newterry. D. M. Wells, J. S. Evans. H. C.
Loveridge, Melvin E. Peters, L. F. Humphrey, E. E. Palmer. C. C. John-
son, C. U. Champion, A. L. Locke. C. F. Howe, E. H. I-overidge, E, E. Kil-
linger, B. C. Thorpe, Lerov Palmer.
From Ouincy the following: W, H. Lockerby, A. L. Kinney, E. D.
And from Union City: M. A. Merrifield, George Styles.
The changes in the personnel during twenty years had been many, but
the roll for 1895 almost represents the present membership of the bar. as will
be seen by reference to the roll of attorneys for igo6, herewith given :
J. G. Parkhurst (deceased); John R. Champion. Coklwater, Franklin
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E. Morgan, Coldwater; John B. Shipman, Coldwater; Henry C. Ciark, Cold-
water; H. H. Barlow, Coldwater; Norman A. Reynolds, Coldwater; Charles
N. Legg, Coldwater; Miio D. Campbell, Coldwater; Frank D. Newberry,
Coldwater; John S. Evans, Coldwater; Henry C. Loveridge, Coldwater;
Leonard F. Humphrey, Coldwater ; Elmer E. Palmer, Coldwater ; Clayton
C. Johnson, Coldwater; Charles U. Champion, Coldwater; Charles F. Howe,
Coldwater; Emest H. Loveridge, Coldwater; Leroy Palmer, Coldwater;
Frank B. Reynolds, Coldwater; Mark S. Andrews, Coldwater; William H.
Lockerby, Quincy; M. A. Merrifield, Union City; George Styles, Union
City ; Milo Thompson, Bronson ; A. L. Locke, Bronson ; H. J. Barton, Union
City; W. Glenn Cowell, Quincry; A. Riley Crittendon, Coldwater; Perry J.
Ashdown, Union City; Bert. E. Barlow, Coldwater; O. M. Bowen, Bronson;
W. Edwin Hodgman, Coldwater.
According toi the records, the members of the bar of Branch County met
at the home of Hon. C. D. Randall, Febmary 2, 1903, for the purpose of re-
organizing the Bar Association for Branch County. Pres. C. D; Randall of
the old association was in the chair, and in the absence of Secretairy Cham-
pion, F. B, Reynolds was secretary pro tem. A committee on articles of
association reported as follows: "Whereas, the records containing the con-
stitution and proceedings of the original association have been lost, said as-
sociation having been in existence nearly half a century and many of the
members thereof having been among the most eminent lawyers, of the state;
therefore, for the purpose of continuing and perpetuating said Bar Associa-
tion, we report for your consideration the following form of constitution, etc."
This gives the past history of the association, although it seems that the
committee was in error as to the time the old association had existed, a quar-
ter of a century being nearer the correct time than half a century. Only two
elections have been held up to the time of this writing, and the same officers
were chosen at both meetings, namely: Gen. J. G. Parkhurst, president;
H. H. Barlow, vice president; Wallace E. Wright, secretary, the coimty
clerk being by provision of the constitution secretary of the association, and
the present secretary therefore being Henry E. Straight; F. B. Reynolds,
treasurer; E. E. Palmer, C. U. Champion and Mark S. Andrews, executive
'The association has been called together several times to pass resolutions
on the death of prominent members. October 5th following the organiza-
tion, they met on the occasion of the death of Caleb D. Randall ; in January
1905. on the death of William' H. Compton; in August, 1905, after the death
of Simon B. Kitchel, and in May, 1906, when the president, Gen. Parkhurst,
1 away.
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A chapter on t1ie medical profession of Branch county must of course
be largely biographical. It is in the men who have practiced medicine in the
county that the chief interest centers. Therefore this chapter may be confined
to an orderly mention of the members of the profession past and present and
a brief description of some of the contrasted conditions that distinguish med-
ical practices of pioneer times from that of the present.
The pioneer doctor had a wide and varied sphere of activity. The set-
tlers were comparatively few and were scatteretl here and there over a lar^e
area;. The practice coming* from half the county no more than justified one
physician in devoting all his time to professional duties. Thus Dr. Alvah
Randall, the pioneer physician of Bronson, who settled in that township in
1835. was the only doctor in a country covered by a radius of ten miles from
his home. When the pioneers of Gilead needed a physician they sent for Dr.
Randall, who came over the new-made and rough roads that led through the
woods rmd across the marshes to the cabins of Gilead. And the same was
true in the other surrounding townships.
On the other side of the county, in Quincy, Dr. Enos G. Berry filled a
similar and amtemporary position. He bad come to the township in 1835,
at the age of twenty-two, A former biography says of him, " He visited the
poor and destitute without charge, and took no mortgages or other securities
of those unable to pay, but gave them such time as their circumstances re-
quired; and, with other duties, continued the practice of medicine for about
thirty years," This character of generosity and sympathy is the crowning'
tribute to the pioneer doctors. Compared with present day standards, their
skill and knowledge was small. But of largeness of heart and of the old qual-
ity of loving-kindness they had an abundance that rendered tlieir ministra-
tions in sickness and trouble effectua! where greater skill would not have
In the north part of the county, at Union City, the i>ioneer work in med-
icine was done bv the Hurd brothers, of whom there were, during the thir-
ties and forties, three whose practice covered a larg'e territory in Branch and
Calhoun counties. Theodore C. and William P, Hurd, the latter locating
at Union City in 1840 and the former some time previous, were men of high
professional standards and with natural inclination for their work. Shortly
after the death of Theodore C. Hurd in 1845 another brother, Henry S.,
located in Union City.
All these physicians lived in the "saddle-bag" period. They traveled
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about on horseback, with their saddle-bags filled with medicine — principally
quinine and calomel — and a few surgical appliances then in use. There were
no telephones to use in caJHng the doctor, and a horseback rider galloping to
town became the accepted signal to all the neighbors along the route that
some one was i!l at the rider's home and the latter wa.s " going for the doc-
tor." Tn reaching his patient the physician often had a long ride, in. the very
early days o^'er a way marked by blazed trees, with toilsome detours around
swainps or in order to cross a stream swollen by recent rains. Add the many
hardships imposed by darkness and storm and bitter cold, and it is easy to
point the contrast between conditions of practice sixty years ago and now.
Another point alluded to by a well known niember of the proifession in
Branch county is that there was very !ittle "ofifice practice" among the early
doctors. The numerous " chronic " afflictions that are familiar by name if
not by personal experience to people of this age were hardly apprehended at
that time. Chills and fex'ers brought on by the miasmas of the swamps or
new-plowed soil were r^^iiarJy expected each year in the " sickly season."
The remedies were quinine and calomel, given in such quantities as would
appall our physicians in modern practice. Not one grain of these drugs is
given now where forty were prescril^ less than lialf a century ago. Tliough'
their duties of diagnosis and prescription were thus comparatively light, the
doctors generally visited the patieits in their homes, and few made any
effort to maintain a regularly appointed office and definite office hours.
Turning now to the center of the county, at Coldwater we find the field
of medical practice covered at an early date, the representatives of the pro-
fession being continuous from 1830. Dr. William Henry is said to have
been the first, while contemporaneous with part of his career in CoMwater
was Dr. Enoch Chase, a man of considerable prominence, though he re-
mained in this county only until 1834-
One of the familiar streets in Coldwater that intersects Chicago street
is Hanchelt street, so named in honor of t!ie pioneer doctor. William Han^
chett, who came to Coldwater in 1832. For nearly twenty years he remained
at the head of the profession in the county. In 1846 he associated w^th him-
self in practice his nq>hew, Dr. S. .S. Cutter, another well known physician,
who died about 1882. These men were not alone active in their profession,
but a penisal of these pages and of former historical works cm Branch coun-
ty will show their names mentioned in connection with numerous undertak-
ings of importance. They erected the first high-grade hotel structure in
Coldwater, the old Franklin Hoiise, which was aftenvard burned and which
stood where the Arlington is now located, at the corner of Chicago and Han-
chett streets. Dr. Hanchett practiced here until the middle of the century,
when he moved out west and died in Oregon.
The careers of all these early physicians have been sketched in the His-
tory of 1879, and it is only necessary to recall the names of some of them.
These were : Dr. Darwin I.ittlefield, whose name will be mentioned later in
connection with the first organized movement for the advancement oi the
medical profession in Branch county, as also the name of Dr. H. B. Stillman,
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\vhose signature as county clerk is to be found on many records in the court
house. In the same connection will he found the name of Dr, Mathew Gill.
The shuttle of time is continually removing the old and replacing with
the new, and so we find that the greater number of the physicians who were
in active practice at the time of the publication of the former history of the
county are now dead or retired, and a new generation has succeeded them.
Dr. S. S, Cutter was one of the first to pass away after the appearance of
the former history. His career was intimately identifie<l with Coldwater.
He was the first mayor after its incoriroration as a dty ; he was a member
of the special commission appointed to investigate the state charitable insti-
tution, and one of the results of the recommendations of that commission was
the establishment of the State Public School in Coidwater; lie took a prom-
inent part in local education, and his activity belongetl to the general history
of the city rather than to any one particular chapter.
Another physician who has passed away was Chester S. Tucker, who left
liis extensive property interests, acquired in practice and business, to the
Home Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Churcli. Dr. D. C. Powers,
who died November 4, 1887, was also versatile in his interests. He came to
Coldwater before the war, sen-ed in the army as a surgeon, was at one time
mayor of the city, was a director of the Southern Micliigan Nationail Bank,
and ga\-e considerable time to matters of puhhc welfare. On February 24,
iqo3, death claimed Dr. James M. Long, who had been in Coldwater since
1861, and was ranked along with the others just mentioned. Of the same
group was Dr. George K. Smith, who liad begun his practice in Coldwater in
1852, and after an absence of some years and activity in other lines, he re-
sumed practice in 1869.
When in his prime the late Isaac P. Alger was one of the leading physi-
cians of Branch, county. Dying at his home in Coldwater, April 18, 1904, he
was then in his eighty-fourth year, and was ai Branch county pioneer by vir-
tue of over sixty years' residence within the coimty. He studied medicine
with Drs. Hanchett and Stiilman at Coldwater, beginning his practice in the
forties. He was one of the first students of Rush Medical College of Chica-
go. Dr. Alger was noted for his public spirit, and his interest in pioneer af-
fairs and the history of his county continued till his death.
Along with the names of Dr. S. S. Cutter and Dr. Alger as physicians
of the pioneer period stands that of John H. Beach, who began practice in
Coldwater in 1849 and continued until his death in 1878. As already indi-
cated, the practice of the early physicians was of a general nature, and there
were no specialists in the county until very recently. But Dr. Beach, while
having a general practice, excelled as a surgeon, and that at a time when the
science of surgery had hardlv begun to develop. He served as a regimental
surgeon during the war. and' after his return to Coldwater his skill as a sur-
geon was in constant demand both at home and in various parts, of the state.
The decade of the eighties saw the passing of the pioneer doctor of
Union City, William P. Hnrd, who died October to, 1881. Others were
Dr. Thomas Cody, of Batavia. who died April 12, 1882; Dr. M. E. Cha^n-
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cey, who was the first physician of Girard, beginning practice there in 1843,
and died May 7, 1884: Israel Wheeier, of Gilead, who died October 4, 1887,
aged se\'enty-four.
During the nineties' there passed away Charles Reading, of Quincy.
July 2, 1S91, at the age of eighty-six; Jesse L. Cady, at Coldwater, June 21,
r8()2; Edward Twiss, at Union City, May 12, 1895, aged seventy; Thomas
W. Watkins, at Quincy, June 28, l8g6; Dennis W. Rogers, at Union City,
January 24, 1898; Timothy Baker, at Union City, February 20. 1898, aged
eighty-one years; Dorr Fitzgerald, who had been in Union City since the
seventies, cm August 27, 1898, aged seventy-eight; and Jay Wright, at Union
City, May 3, 1899.
Ocidjer 24, 1897, ended the remarkable career of William B. Spragne,
after living one hundred years, seven months and twenty-six days. Gradu-
ating from the medical college at Fairfield, New York, in 1826, in the spring
of 1835 he came to Coldwater in comjiany with Bradley Crippen, Pliilo H,
Crippen, L. D. Crip]jen, James Fiske and Rev. Francis Smith. He was in
active practice only a few years, but he early became connected with public
affairs, being an associate judge of the circuit court in 1836, was also judge
of probate and a member of the legislature. He was in all respects a pioneer,
and as authbr of articles on pioneer life, among others " The Origin of the
City of Coldwater," he contributed much to the permanent historical knowl-
edge of the county.
Lansing C. Marsh, who began practice in Coldwater in 1853, died in
Coldwater October 14, 1900, at the mature age of seventy-nine. Dr. Cor-
nelius H. Woodcox, who first practiced in Gilead and later resided in Cold-
water, died April 21, 1903. and on January 4, 1904, Coldwater lost Dr.
Datiiel S. CunningharD. November 12, 1904, Quincy lost Francis E. Mar^,
who had practiced there for over twenty-five years, and was seventy years
old at the time of his death. Less than a year later, on March 28, 1905, oc-
curred the death of Hawkins A. King at Quincy, at the age of seventy-six.
He had also been connected with the medical profession of tha,>t village a
ntimber of years. The most recent loss by death to tlie medical profession
of the county was Dr. Eva J. Outwater, who died at Bronson January 9,
The older physicians have nearly all gone, and there are only a few
whose careers in the county go back twenty-five years. In Coldwater the
group of older physicians would include Stephen H. Oizbe, who has been
practicing in the county since 1870 and in Coldwater for twenty-seven years;
L. A. Warsabo, who hasi been in the city about the same length of time, and
William Wilson and Newton Baldwin. In Quincy Dr. Edson Blackman has
been in practice about thirty years. Dr. Henry P. Mowry has been regis-
tered at Bronson since 1883.
In January, 1900, the new law went into effect requiring the registra-
tion of all physicians practiciing in the county to be made with the county
clerk. In the book kept for that purpose will be found the names of the
practitioners residing in the county at that time as well as subsequent regis-
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trations. From tiiis record the names of those registered for practice in the
different localities of the county have been compil«i.
In the city of Coldwater the physicians in order of registry are as fol-
lows :
Newton R. Baldwin, L. A. Warsabo, E. T. Gamble, Othello Waters,
Thomas J. Turner, David H. Wood, Daniel D. Cunining:ham, James M.
Long, George Ferguson, George D. Slocum. William Wilson, A. G. Hol-
brook, Frank G. Legge, Samuel Schultz, Dana G. Cook, Isaac P. Alger,
Cornelius H. Woodcox, Lansing C. Marsh (who died in 1900), Howard A.
Grube, F. W. Stewart, Dresser B. Vincent. Geoi^e V. Voorhees, Stqahen H,
Clizbe (who moved to Coldwater in 1902), James B. Re«ce, John D. Bus-
kirk (since removed), Dwight C. Crawford, E. E. Schwartz (osteopath),
William W. Swett, James M. Cushman: recent certificates filed are those of
L. E. Hawes (osteopath), Endora V. Hallam, Edward R. Williams, Sadie
L. Olmsted, E. S. Samm, James C. Valentine,
Those registering from Union City were :
Arthur S. Cornell (since removed), William C, Henderson, Silas B.
Frankha\iser (since removed), Edward H. Hurd (a nephew of the pioneer
doctor, W. P. Hurd), Cora B. Comeil (since removed), A. Dorothea Payne
(removed), J. P. Janes and Estelle Jones, who registered in 1904.
At Kinderhook those registered were Wilbur A. Griffith (now in Cold-
water), Lafayette Scheidler, Fred H, Harris,
At Girard were G. S. Giilet (who removed to Union City), Frank B.
Marshall (removed), Edwin M. Chavincey, Ernest E. Hancock.
Matteson was represented by Morgan Shafer, \\'ho died December 30,
Batavia furnishes the name of George A. McMasters to the record.
At Bethel were William H. Baldwin (since removed to Quincy), and
John W. Martin.
From the villag;e of Sherwood were regi5terei:l Robert Eraser, Charles
E. Nelthrope, and, in 1904, Clyde A. Leonard, and, in 1905, F. W. Clements.
South Butler is the registered address of J, D. Bennett,
The names from Eronson are Seymour M. Cornell, Levi Sanders, PyrI
Gunsaullus, John E. Outwater. Henry P. Mowry, Eva J, Cutwater, and, in
1904. Samuel Turner, and, in 1906, W. P. Mowry.
At Ouincy, Edson Blackman. J. M. Elackman, Henry W. Whitmore,
Charles S' Sears, James J. Williams, Francis E. Marsh, and, in 1905, Carl S.
East Gilead was represented by Francis Rupright.
California town furnishes the name of Ezra J. Avers.
Though the present centurj' has been termed the ag-e of conventions
and associations, in which almost every pursuit or profession has become a
nucleus of affihation of those having that common interest, yet organization
for professional advancement and social benefits was tried in Branch county
by members of the medical profession as long as sixt)'-five years ago.
One of the few items of local interest in the first issue of the Cold-
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water Sentinel, dated April i6, 1841, records a meeting of the physicians
and surg^eons of Branch county held at the court house in the village of
Branch to organize the " Branch County Medical Society." Those who
took part in this organization were: Darwin Littlefield, Mathew Gill, Henry
B. Stillman. Lofus Hyatt and William P. Hurd. Dr. Littlefield was eiected
president, Dr. Hyatt vice president. Dr. Gill secretary. Dr. Stillman treas-
urer, leaving Dr. Hurd as the only unofficial member. The annual meeting
of thig society was set for May, and so far as known the meetings were held
for a few years. But eventually the society became moribund, and for many
years its activitj' was intermittent if there was any at all.
Some four or five years a|go a complete reorganization of medical socie-
ties took place. Each county in the state of Michigan now has an official
county medical society, membership in which is open to all physicians of the
county upon payment of the membership fee of two dollars a year. By virtue
of his membership in the county society each physician is a member of the
Michigan State Medical , Society. By the system of representajtion each
county society is entitled to send two delegates to the annual session of the
state society. Tlie election of these delegates to the state body is at present
the only official activity of the Branch County Medical Society, and the or-
ganization may be called active only so far as to comply with the regula-
tions affecting a subordinate body of the state society, lliere is an annual
election of officers, and those sen'ing at the present writing. May, 1906. are
Dr. S. H. Clizbe, president, and Dr. S. Schultz, secretary' and treasurer. The
highest representative organization in American medicine is the Americaki
Medical Association. Its membership is made up of members of the various
state societies and, therefore, of the county societies. So it is seen that mem-
bership in the county society is the first degree thait must l>e taken before any
higher organization may be reached.
,y Google
Tyre Lodge No. i8. F. & A. M.. tlie oldest fraternal organization in
Coldwater, was organized April i, 1847, with the following as charter
members : John T. Haynes, Amos Bacon, Henry Bnell, Samuel P. Noyes,
Icbabod Davis. James Shoecraft, Myall P. Comstock, Elisha Warren, Brad-
ley Crippen, William Keyes, Samuel Etheridge, Ira; Bronson, Levi Daggett.
The lodge now has a membership of three hundred and thirty-five, and the
present officers are: W. M,, George H. Phinney; S. W., G, C. Kleindinst;
J. W., H. A. Close; Treasurer, W. E. Hodgeman; Secretary. C. D. Sutton;
S. D., C. J. Moore; J. D., M. J. Van Aken; Stewards, F. C. Faulkerson.
John Ball.
Jacobs Commandery No. 10, K. T., Coldwater, was organized March 3,
i860, in response to a petition signed by Sir Knights F. T. Eddy, Wailes
Adamis, N. L. Southworth, A. G. Rose, J. A. Rose, C. H. Putnam. R. H.
Drake, Artemas Allen, S L. Dart, Lyman Sleeper, who were the charter
mem1)ers. Its present officers are: C. E. Wise, E. C; A. E. Pearce, Gen.;
F. T- Dnrt, C. G. ; H. B. George. Pre!. ; E. A. Brown, S. W. ; F. D. Atwater,
J. W.; H. A. Close, Treas. : B. F. Rolph, Rec. ; G. E. Kleindinst. Sfd B, ;
L. E. Lockwood, Sw. B. ; Charles G. Moore, War. ; A. R. Grove, Sent. The
commandery now has a membership of one hundred and forty-six. The
membership in i860 was 21, in 1870 was 70. in 1880 wajs 74, in 1890 was
96. in 1900 was no.
Temple Chapter No, 2T. R. A. M., Coldwater. was chartered Novem-
ber TO, 1858, with the following members : J. H. Beech. Artemas Alien, S.
L.'Dart, R. H. Drake. J. B. Stevenson, E. Mather, A. McCrea, E, Perry. Levi
Dvgatt. L, N. Soutliworth, Wales Adams, Daniel Burns. The present officers
are : C. D. Sutton. K. P, : H. A. Close. K. ; C. E. Wise, S. ; B. L. Van Aken.
Treas.; B. M. Fellows, Secy.; W. H. Simons, C. H.; B. F. Rolpb, P. S. ;
E. A. Brown, R. A. C ; O. Waters, M. 3 V. ; L. E. Lockwood, M. 2 V. ; F. R.
Fiske, M. I V. ; A. R. Groves, Sent.
Mount Moriah Council No. 31, Royal and Select Masons, was formed
in November. T859, under a dispensation granted by the T. I. P. G, of the
state of Michigan, its first officers being as follows : T. L G. M.. S. L. Dart;
D. I. G. M., M. Mansfield; P. C. of W., R. H. Drake; C. of G., J. B. Steven-
"The data concerning lodges and societies was sought by letters and in some cases
personal requests. The precise information could not he obtained in every instance, and
a number of excellent organijations are not noticed because no replies were made to the
son; G. S., D. Bovee; Recorder, F. T. Eddy; Treasurer, A. Allen.
Coldvvater has the honor of having' the oldest Eastern Star Chapter in
the state, it being' Number i.
Sherwood' Lodge No. 428, F. & A. M., was organized August 16, 1897,
with these charter members: W. B. Chiesman, W. E. Hanna, H. J. Fonner,
G. H. Seymour, C. B. Wilcox, Henry Rmiyan, C. E. Swain, A. R. Klose,
H. J. Klose, Daniel McCarty, L. P. Wilcox, Frank Thorns, E. W. Watkins.
J. F. Mclntyre, Robert Eraser. The present officers are: W. M., R. Eraser;
S. W., F. W. Clement; J. W., E. H. Warner; Treas., Fred Hass; Secretary,
H, Runyaii; S. D., Daniel McCarty: j, D., F. Tillotson; Stewards, Irving
Evert, Wm. Wrigglesworth ; Tyler, L. P. Lovejoy.
Centennial Rebekah Lodg« No. 22, at Coklwater, was instituted March
30, 1S76 (hence the name), with the following charter members: W, H.
and Mary Allen. Alfred and Eucina Milnes (Mr.. Milnes being the first noble
grand), R. D. and Eliza J. Jefferds, William and Sa|rah Sawyer, L. M. and
M. J. Grey, L. B. and Laura A. Gibbs, Charles and Etta Johnson, Fred and
Mrs. Chaffer, J. P. and R. A. Elynn, Robert and Louisa Willis, Leroy and
Laura Butler, William' and Hajtie M. Hurst, R. C. Sawdey, Mary J. Barnes,
Josie Henderson. The present officers are: Sarah Withington, N. G. ;
Charlotte Clement, V. G. ; Ida Mix, Rec. Sec. ; Hattie Sherwood, Fin. Sec. ;
Lizzie Smith. Treas. Starting with a membership of 27, the lodge now has
165 members in good standing.
The Odd Fellows are one of the oldest fraternities in Coldvvater, the
other three branches, from which no data were furnished, being Coldwater
Ijiidge No. 31. I. O. O. F., Canton Milnes No. 2, P. M. of I. O. O. F., and
Encampment No. 86.
Lodge No. 62, A. O. U. W., oif Coldwater, was instituted March 3,
1879, with the following charter members: J. Clark Pierce, David B. Pnr-
inton, William B. Keller, Henry A. Wolcott, James R. Dickey, George B.
Tompkins. Howard Broadhead, Lewis A. Peddiam, Samuel R. Luxmore,
Warren A. Blye. Frank A. Fisk, L. H. Edgerton, A. D. Snyder, A. \\^ Buck-
ley. Albert Johnson, Lainsing M. Gray, Cyrus H. Burghardt, Charles W.
Fairbanks, George W. Lee, Alonzo J. Munyon, Isaac E. Ives, John J. Lewis,
Allen Vanderhoof, George H. Turner, Mortimer L Knowles, David B,
Hurst, Wilham H. Stevens, Isaac Vanderhoof, Oscar W. Lee, Robert Watson.
Henry Gage. Frederick W. Flandermeyer, Jerome S. Wolcott, JelT'erson S.
Conover, Earnest D. Lenders. Levi M. Reynolds.
Excelsior Tent No. 104, K. O. T. M., Coldwater. was organized Novem-
ber 23. 1903, with the following as cliarter members: William H. Allen,
George Clegg, F. J. Dart, Henry W. Driskell. Perry W. Ellinger, Frank
Finch, .\rthur Fonda, George Faust. Dr. E. R. Ferguson, Fred W. Fish, Wil-
ber French, Lewis H. Fellers. Dr. E. F. Gamble, George M. Howe, Seymour
Kleindinst. Gerry Kleindinst, Clarence E. King, F. E. Lyon, G. A. Jewell,
C. E. Jewell, John T. Pickhaver, A. A, Steller, James" R, Stewart. Peter
Sandt, C. L. Sawyer, Fred S. Sisco, John Soderquist, Samue! Stone, Dr.
Samuel Schultz, E. H. Williams. The present officers are: Past Com-
,y Google
mander. G, E. Kleiiiciinst; Commander, William T. Staiisell: Lieutenant
Commander, S. H. Kleindinst; Record Keeper, L. H. Feliers: Finance
Keeper. George Clegg; Chaplain, Charles Knapp; Master-at-Arms. H. W.
Driskell: First Master of Gnards, Peter Parshall: Second Master of Guards.
L- W. Burch: Sentinel. George M. Howe; Picket. George Faust. The tent
has a membership of 31.
CoMwater Hive No. 13S. L. O. T. M.. was organized Februa;i-y 13. 1892,
with the following as charter members: Myra Barron, Locelia Bingham,
Cora E. Brown. Mary E. Bracket, Mary L. Broughton, Ida J. Close, Mary S.
Chapman. Rose B. Carpenter. Mary E. Crippen. Minnie J. Cook. Anna L.
Gowdy, Tenriie E. Green. Vnrbia M. Kleindinst. May Kleindinst. Mary A.
Maynard. Caroline McCarty. Luella J. Robinson. Mary E. Smith. Ceha
Swaffieid. Belle Schmedlen, Katie C. Turrill. Lutie M. Twist. Kittle F. War-
sabo, Hattie A. Wells. Ella A. Yapp. The present officers are: Past Com-
mander, Sophronia Huestetl: Commander, Marj^ E. Crip]jen: Lieutenant
Commander, Lutie M. Twist; Record Keeper. Cora E. Brown: Finance
Keeper, Mary A. Maynard; Chaplain, Dora Kinsman; Sergeant, Minnie
Grimdy: Mistress-at-Arms, Katie Jackson: Sentinel. Josephine Jepson;
Picket, Nettie Ouackenbush.
L'nion City Chapter No. 53, R. A. M.. was formal under dispensation
in 1867, and the first meeting was held on July 25. with the folloiwing mem^
bers, also their title of office: Edwin Perr\'. H. P.; Rodney Simons. K. ;
W. H. Kerr, S.; Albert Ferris, C. of H. ; A. B. Aiken. P. S.; S. Rogei's,
R. A. C; Ira Hitchcock, M. of 3 V.; O. A. Cogswell, M. of 2 V.: J. D.
Spoor, M. of I v.; and Edwin Johnson, making ten meniliers in all. A. B.
Aiken was also acting secretary. Of this list of members one is still living,
Rodney Simons, who resides at Athens, and when Athens chapter was in-
stitiitetl he withdrew from Union City cha]iter to join in forming the new
chapter at that place, and is at the present time holding the office of King
in Athens chapter. At the first meeting U. D, eleven petitions were pre-
sented. Two of the petitioners at that time are living. Burr Osborn and C.
D. Leach. This chapter was granted a charter at the following session of
Grand Qiapter on January 8. 1868. Up to this time twelve members had
been added, making a member5hii> at the time the charter was granted of
As the present time the chapter has a nice room well furnished, and
the chapter is in a flourishing condition, sixty-five members, with the follow-
ing officers : Charles E. Dav. H. P. : J. S. Nesbitt, K. ; C. H. Lowell,
S.; J. W. Martin, C. of H, ; W. M. Hatch. P. S. ; B. W. Bray. R. A.
C. ; L. D. Wilcox, M. of 3 V. ; H. W. Rowe, M. of 2 V. ; W. H. Bar-
rett. M. of I v.; M. F. Buell, Treas.; H. J, Fonner, Sec; G. W. Blackwell,
Union City Council No. 37. K- & S. M., was organized February g,
1871. It now has a membership of seventy-eight, and its present officers are:
Leon A. lohnson, T. I. M.: J. W. Martin, D. M.: J. H. Anderson. P, C.
W.: L, D. Wilcox. Treas.; F. H. Whiting. Rec. : H. J. Tanner. C. of G. ;
,y Google
J. S, Nesbitt C. of C. ; C. E. Doy, Stew. ; George Bkckwdl, Sent.
St. Joseph Tent No. 93, K. O. T. M., Union City, was organize«:l in
April, 1883, with the followingf as charter members: George E. Smith,
Martin F. Buell, William H. Bond, A. M. Lester, H. H. Rowe. D. J. Easton,
E. H. Hiird, J. J. Banford, Charles. Johnson. Marcelhis Morrell. M. P.
Maxon, Caleb Padgham, E. S. Bronson, G. W. Miller, E. D. Mcl^flin,
H. G. Fisk, A. L. Samiders, C. H. Spring, P. R. Shuler, M. D. Slocum,
C. A. Zimmerman. The present officers are : Past Commander, P. J. Ash-
down; Commander, A. C. Krieble: Record Keeper, W. H. Rowe: Finance
Keeper, W. E. Rnpright. The present membership is one hundred and
Corbin Post No. 25, W. R. C, Union City, was organized November 7.
1884, with the following charter members: Emily Youngs, Josephine Bnell,
Hattie Harsh, Elsie Perry, Alice Rowe, Lorane Burnett, Lucy Simmons,
Carrie Seymour, Belle Merrill, Margaret Shuler, Sa,rah White, Fidelia
Wilderk, Bell Van Dxiser. Mary Burnett, Ida Hopkins, Sarahi Cosier, Addie
Wells, Adalaid Crandall, Sarah Davis, Lillie Corhin, Sofia Banford, Jane
Palmer, Martha Mains, Emma Zimmerman. Jennie Palmer, Ellen Ryder. The
present officers are: President, Sarah C. Kindig; Junior Vice President,
Jane Dennison; Secretary, Josephine Buell; Treasurer, Kate E. Parker;
Chaplain, Althea Stewart ; Conductor, Sarah Eberhard ; Assistant Con-
ductor, Roda O'Rork; Guard. Jane Palmer; Assistant Guard, Ellen Gifford;
Pat. Inst., Lucy Simmons; Press Cor., Ada Crandall. The present mem-
bership is twenty-eight.
Union Lodge No. 28, F. & A. M.. Union City, was organized Sep-
tember 14, 1848, and worked under a dispensation until January 10, 1849,
when a charter was granted. There are at present one hundred and forty-six
members of the lodge. The present officers are: Perrv J. Buell, W. M. :
James W. Martin, S. W. ; Fred R. Whitney, J. W.; Charles H. I^well.
Treasurer: John D. Flewelling, Secretary; Frank W. Ackerman, S. D. ;
Charles O. Johnson, J. D.; George W. Blackwell. Tyler; John D. Parks,
Stephen E. Lee, Stewards.
Quincy Lodge No. 276, Mystic Workers of the World, was organized
April 12, 1900. with the following as charter members: Egbert Palmateer,
Edwin Mudge, George E. Walters, Willis Hall, George S. Thompson,
Charles Harpham, Carl Stahl, Emest H. Page, C. Henry McCarty, Myroo
B. Hoxie. The present officers are: Edwin Mudge, Prefect; Frank Sellers,
Monitor; Edmimd Lane, Secretary: Willis Hall. Banker; Rilla Muagc,
Marshal; Lucy Sellers, Warder: David Gary, Sentinel; Enos Spencer.
Chaplain. The lodge now has fifty-nine members.
Hewitt Lodge No. 95, D. of H- A. O. U. W., Union City, was organ-
ized March 2f, 1902, with tlie following as charter members: Belle Stitt,
Delia Bradner, Edna Griffin. Alice M. Eddy, John R. Eddy, Chloe L. Wat-
kins, E. W. Watkins, William Henderson, John D. newelling. Nina E.
Bam^, Iva Brininstool, Nettie Krieble. E. Caroline Hard, E. H. Hurd,
Emma Hatch, Henry A. Hatch. The present officers are: Past Chief of
,y Google
Honor, Mrs. Chloe L. \^^atkins ; Chief of Honor. Mrs. Etlna' E. Griffin ; Lady
of Honor, Mrs. Frederidfa Bruening; Chief of Ceremonies, Mrs. Ahce M.
Eddy; Recorder, Mrs. Sadie Morris; Financier, Miss Hilda M. Bruening;
Receiver, Mrs. Mary Kinyon; Usher. Mrs. Iva Brininstool ; Inner Watch,
Mrs. Majy Ward; Outer Watch, Mrs. Sophia Tyler; Medical Examiner,
Mrs. Estelle Jones; Organist. Mrs. Sadie Morris. The present membership
is thirty-six.
Bound to Win Hive No. 481, L. O. T. M., Union City. waf> organized
April 25, 1894, with the following as charter members: L. Addie Buell,
Sarah E. Rheubottom, Melissa J. Harris, Emma C. Robinson, Inez Kent,
Alice Rex, Eliza L. Jacobs, Ellen GifFord, Rdiecca Mann, Gertrude New-
man, Nan E. Rheubottom., Alice Miller, Jennie Hubbard, Amelia Carpenter,
Flora Wilder, Rae Turner Snyder, Adaline Corwin, Loia Corwin, Mary
Rupright, Ahce Rowe, Eva J. Dufur, Caroline Hurd. Ttie hive has a
l^resent membership af ninety-eight, and the following are its officers: Past
Commander, Mrs. Alice Rowe ; Commander, Mrs, Kate Ricliards ; Lieuten-
ant Commander, Mrs. Jennie Odren; Record Keeper, Mrs. Nellie Merritt;
Finance Keeper, Mrs. Dollie Rupright; Chaplain, Mrs, Nora Billings; Phy-
sician, M, Estelle Jones; Sergeant, Mrs. Flora Wilder; Mi stress-ait- Arms,
Mrs. I^ena Tinney; Sentinel, Mrs. Cora Hackett; Pickett, Mrs. Edith Bas-
sett; Pianist, Mrs. Florence Boynton.
Union Chapter No. 193, O. E. S., Union City, was organized September
21, 1896, with twenty-nine members, Tlie chapter at present has a mem-
bership of one hundred and sixty-seven, and those now filling official posi-
tions are: Mrs. Minerva Andereon, W. M.; Leon A. Johnson, W. P.; Mrs.
Byrd Buell, A. M. ; Mrs. Katherine Richards, Sec.; Mrs. Zae Martin, Treas. ;
Mrs. Ij>la Corwin, Cond. ; Mrs. Hattie Day, A. Cond, ; Mrs. Emma Weniple,
Chap.; Mrs. Bertha Wilcox, Marl.; Mrs. Annetta Barrett. Organist: Mrs.
Ada Merrifield, Adah; Mrs. Francis Hawley, Ruth: Mrs. Altha Whitney,
Esther: Mrs. Mary Hayner, Martha; Mrs. Francis Morrill, Electa; Mrs.
Rosena Hughes, Warder-; Mr. G. W. Blackwell, Sentinel.
Select Council No. 1719, Royal Arcanum, Union City, was organized
November 14, 1900. with charter members: F. A. Allen, H. W. Bradner,
L. D. Blair, J. D. Barnard, Wm. Cain, A. Cuyler, C. E. Day, E, E. Den-
nison, Chas. Defoe, Enos Cox, G, S. Easton, W. C Henderson, J. F. Hart-
ford, L, L. Johnson, C. H. Lowell. J- D. Mills, A, C. McLouth, G. W. Page,
W. L. Robinffin, O. E, Roe, B. Rathbum, Harry Rowe, T. P. Riley, E. D.
Smith, W. D. Sawdey, F, J. Sullivan, A. E. Ward, W. Wheeler, C. H.
WoodrufiE. A, H. Fox, C. B. Spore, O. Bumstein, L. D. Wilcox, F. E.
JohnsOT, C. C. Boyer. The present officers: Regent, J. G. Wetmore; Sec.,
E. J. Worden, Palst Regent, W. L. Robinson; Vice Regent, M. Jones;
Chaplain, L. D. Wilcox; Guide, Harry Bingham-; Collector, Chas. Lake;
Trustees, M. D. Krieble, Chas. Smith. D, C. Collar.
Union City Court No. 4515, Independent Order of Foresters, was or-
ganized July 28. 1904, with charter members: Harlow Van Patten, E. D.
Smith, Ed. Ladd, Qifford Leilous, C. S. Worden, T. Hoyt, H. Miller. Dell
,y Google
Bell, Bert Miller; Dell Jacokes, Jos. Smitb, Jno. Evans, Deo Bigford, Henry
Chambers, Jos. Uhlman- The present officers are: Chief Ranger, Charles
Oliver; Physician, Dr. J, H. Anderson ;. Cor. Sec. J. H. O'Dell: Fin, Sec,
Charles Oliver.
Union Camp No. 8589, Modem Woodmen of America, Union City,
was organized August 2y. 1900, with charter members: G. S. Easton, Geo.
Merritt. W. H. Barrett, M. J. Rowley, Geo. H. Bovee, CTias. Wright, W. J.
Cox, Stephen Cnmmings, C. M. Tal'bot, M. H. Hands. J. F. Hartford, A.
E. Manwarren, Geo. Rayment, Wm. Short, H. J. Barton, Fred Yanger. Tlie
present officers: Venerable Coimsel, W. H. Barrett; Clerk, Chas. Stone;
Directors, H, G. Sweet, M. Dnimm, Clark McDonald, Will Wilder.
Quincy Lodge No. 201, Knights of Pythias, was organized October
28, 1897, the charter members being: G. D. Babcock, J. C. White. C. H,
Young, Clinton Joseph, G. J. Fillmore, W. C. Haight, E. D. Lodcerby, C.
H. Halleck, S. S. Clark, Giarles Leiving, Qiarles Morey, G. W. Barker,
Orrin Vills, F. E. Powers, C. W. Owen. Burlev Shoemaker, Charles Step-
per, S. D. Caldwell, E. M. Hephner, J. C. Joiner, L. L. King, H. W. Far-
well, A. T. Mallory, C. C. Jones, G. F. Trott, C. F. Crouch, A. M. Griffin.
The lodge membership is now one hundred and twenty, and only two deaths
have occurred since organization. In 1904 Castle Hall was conipleted on
North Main street, at a cost of four tliousand dollars, a two-storj-' building,
with the upper floor devoted to lodge and club rooms. The present officers
are : A. L. Massey, Chancellor Commander ; Clifford Bisliop, Vice Chan-
cellor; S. W. Ford. Prelate; J. N. Salisbury, Keeper of Records and Seals;
Bert Kinyon, Master of Finance; Ralph Andrus, Master of Exchequer;
John Burns, Master-at-Arms ; D. W. App Master of Work; John Drake,
Inner Guard; Will Houghtaling, Outer Guard.
Quincy Lodge Na 186, Daughters of Rebekah, was organized January
6, 1892, with the following as charter members: CretJa Livingston, Mary
Belle Dove, Mrs. H. E. Rathlxtne, John Livingston, Elmer Dove, Frank
White, Thomas Lennon, T. Rathbone. Thqse now filling official positions
are Clara Parkinson, N. G. ; Henrietta Herendeen, V. G. ; Emiiy Nichols.
Secy. ; Joseph Stevens, F. Secy. ; Anna Bennett, Treas.
Rathbun Lodge No. 167, I. O. O. F., at Quincy, was organized August
15, 1871. The secretary was unable to obtain tiie nariies of the charter mem-
bers. The present officers are : Charles H. Chase, N. G. ; Jay Kinnebrook,
V. G. ; J. Stevens, Secretary.
Conrad Hive No. 428, L. O. T, M., of Quincy. was organized Novem-
ber 13, 1893, with the following charter members: Martha Lisk. Mary
Fay, Malinda Blackman, Ida Harmon. May Fay. Carrie Wright, Caroline
SilHck, Kittie Harmon, Azalia Hunt, Laura Drake, Cornelia Pope, Rachel
Milieus, Martha De Woif, Henrietta Herendeen, Sarah Canel, Luella Rhodes,
Hettie Clizbe, Gertie Powers, NelHe Allen, Mira Houghtaling, Rose Pease,
Flora Foster, IdaVan Levvan, Laura Babcock, Mary Porter. Malinda Chase.
At the present time the membership numbers over eighty, and the following
is the list of the officers for the present term: Commander, Belle Qumer;
,y Google
Past Commander, Lovonia Boweman: Lieutenant Commander. Nettie Tliomp-
son; Record Keeper, Kate Wiser; Finance Keq>er, Mary Campbell; Chap-
lain, Martha De Wold; Mistress-at-Arms, Irene Ford; Sergeant, Minnie
Roth; Sentinel, Nettie Baker; Picket, Ella White; Pianist, Amanda Van
Orthwick ; Captain, Emma Knapp.
Garland Tent No. 618, K. O. T. M., Sherwood, was organized Feb-
ruary 26. 1891. Charter members: W. B. Chiesman, A. R. Culver. W. S.
Beman, C. E. Swain. J. F. Mclntyre, W. H. Fonner, C. E. Nelthorpe, F. B.
M^iey. C. Beard, S. Bennett, G. O. Hnntley. W. M. Wrig^lesworth, E. A.
Lewis, A. E. Travis. H. Smith, E. B. Hoiward. Present officersi: Henry
Runyan, P. C; F. Tillotson, C; C. Beard. L. C: L. L. Eddy, R. K.; W. B.
Chiesman, R. K. ; Henry Runyan, Qiaplain: C. E. Nelthorpe, Physician; D.
E, Beard, Sergeant; Wm. Carroll, M. of A.; Wm, Mnllinger. First M. of
G. ; A. Gehring, Second M. of G. ; Fred Batherick, Sentinel ; Henry Kidney,
Picket. Present membership, fifty-eight.
Sherv\-ood Forest Chapter No. 233, Order of Eastern Star, Sherwood,
organized September 2, 1898. Charter members: Alice R. Klose, Anna
Fonner, Harriet Swain, Hester Runyan. Serro Jones. Mar}' Swain, Jennie
Runyan, Marian Watkins, Harriet Jones. Maggie Leckner. Grace Wal-
king. Belle Chiesman. L. Maud Wilcox, Sarah A. Thorns, Henry Runyan,
C. B. Wilcox, Walter Chiesman, Edward Watkins, Reuben Jones. Chas. E.
Swain. Present officers: Sena Evert, W. M, ; Chas, Nelthorpe, W. P.;
Maude Wilcox, A. M. ; Waive Wright, Sec. : Alice Klose, Treas. : I>ou
French, Conductress ; Gertrude Jones, Asst. Cond. ; Carrie Klose, Adah ;
Laura Lamimian. Ruth ; Margretta French, Estber ; Louisa Nelthorpe,
Martha; La Vase Laird, Electa: Amy Lovejoy. Chaplain; Abbie Vander-
lioof. Warder; Lucious Lovejoy, Sentinel; Elizabeth Swain, Marshal; 1-Ois
Kilboum, Organist.
Lown Hive No. 262, L. O. T. M., Sherwood, was organized December
10. 1891. Tlie charter members are: Ellen Disbro, Sophia Lewis, I^na
Fonner, Abbie Henry. Hester Runyan, Phenie Johnson, Estella Jones, Edith
Turner, Lela Pearson, Rose Beman, Dora Harrison. Libbie Nelson, Lulu
Wilcox, Cora Dufur, Elda Huntley, Ella Tillotson, Rebecca Bennett, Mag-
gie Crocker. Helen Travers, Julia Spencer. Matie Beach. Ada M. Fish,
Lavina Nelthorpe, Josie Culver. Addie Beard. Present officers are: Com.,
Cora Dufur; P. Com.. Addie Beard: F. K., Josephine Thornton: R. K,,
Eliza Swain; Chap., Amy Lovejoy: Seargt., Elizabeth Swain; M. at A.,
Mary Smith; Sent., Addie DuBois: Picket, Jennie Ostorn,
The C. O. Loomis Post No. 2, G. A. R.. was the second Grand Army
post to be estabhshed in Michigan, Moreover, it is now the oldest in con-
tinuous existence, owing to the lapse of Post No. i, which was the first Cold-
water post. Loomis Post was organized January 22, 1876. with the follow-
ing charter members: Dan W. Sawyer, B. F. Clark, D. C, Myers, W. H.
Thurber, Thomas Lennon, C. D. Skinner, E. A. Turner, George W. Rath-
bun. F, M. Rustine, J. C. Nichols. William Wilson, A. M. Turner, H. H.
Hunt and Hiram Rnstine. Present membership: Isaac Bargarow. Finly
,y Google
D. Burling-haiTii, Jeramire Becker, Joseph Barker, E. C. Chace, J. S. Cleve-
land, O. D. Curtis, Wm. M. Corey, Wm. Craps, G. W. Dye, M. M. Dicheii-
son, Ambrose Davids, Alford Dodge, Olny Draper. K. B. Edthrig^, Dexter
Edthrige, Wm. H. Emons, Wm. H. EMrid, Ely T. Hoyt, James Haines,
Leroy Holkom, Lewis C. Failor, Levy Fish, John C. llles, Andy Janon
(colored gentleman), Thomas Lennon, Charles W, Lake, Edward McNitt,
Silvester McNJtt, John McGinnes, Henry Nichols, C. V. R. Pond, Thos.
Ryan, Frank M. Rustine, George N. Runyon, L. D. Reynolds, Steven
Rodgers, George Steward, William H, Thurber, Andrew Turner, A. Tur-
pening, Harry J. Wood, David Wood, Wm. Wimer, Sanford Wood,
J. Q. Mickle, G. Q. Rice, Chas. Pbtter, Albert Wariner, Wm. G. Whitney,
John Waggoner. Tim TaJlent, C. W. Owen, Sisney Smith, Alonzo Fox,
Wm. Herrick, Hiram Wiser.
Butterworth Post No. 109, G. A. R., which was organized at Cold-
water March 9, 1883, after the first post had lapsed, has the surviving
membership named as follows : Geo. S. Allen, R. B. Amsden, J. C. An-
drews, John W. Arnold, Thos. M. Alexander, Philander Alden, Daniel
Bradley, Aaron Bagley, Jeff M. Bums, C. H. Brown, D, A. Bolster, Joseph
Brandle, A. E. Buck, E. J. Brown, Rensalaer Brown, H. H. Benson,
Darius Belknapp, Charles W. Bennett, Samuel Bates, W. A. Blye, David
Bender, John Button, A. B. Cleveland, Wm. N. Conover, Geo. W^. Clement,
Chas. D. OufF, Edwin Collar, Patrick Cavanaugh, James C. Clark, John
M. Crocker, Feleg O. Carmen, Otis M. Clement, Edward Casebeer, L. A.
Dillingham, Geo. Dingman, James Doris, Daniel E. Declute, Alden F.
Drake, L. S, Daniels, John C. Dubendorf, Leonard Dean, Geo. H. Eggles-
ton, Frank Eaton, Henry Firth, Henry E. Frederick, J. A. Fetterly, Steuben
Filkins, John Fitzpatrici:, David Fox, Thomas W. Fegles, Harvey Freeman,
Wm. W. Fenno, Solomon Good, Wm. H. Harris, Lewis L. Hawley, P. W.
Hilliar, Andrew J. Haws, Julius Herriff, David S. Harris, Henry kle, Vi'm.
S. Joies, Frank Jones, Jas. E. Jones, Geo. W. Knapp, Chas. Keyes, E. E.
Lewis, Willet F. Lumbard, Jas. M. Lind, H. A. Lane, David R. P. Larow,
Chas. A. Lee, S. M. Lutes, Geo. F. Lipps, Jas. McQueen, Frank D. Newberry,
O. G. Noyes, Michael NagJe, Wm. Newman, L. M. Nye, Jacob Nodeli, Geo.
F. Nivison, Alfred Milnes, Samuel Misenar, Clark Mosier, I. D. Miner,
Edgar P. Moses, Allen Morse, L. H. Mowers, Henry Miller, Pliilip Pitcher,
Richmond F. Parker, David Pitcher, Andrew Pender, Byron D. Paddock,
Lewis E. Pierce, A. J. Potter, John N. Parker. Daniel G. Parker, Geo.
Phelps, A. J. Parsons, H. O. Purdy, Thos. S. Osborn, John O'Mara, Clark
Sherman, Ezra Stahl, Henry Stahl, Wm. H. Sanford, Andrew Sitter, H. C.
Simons, Hezekiah Sweet, T. G. Sheldon, Wm. Steward, Edward Stone,
Wm. J. Smalley, John G. Stepper, Edgar Sears, Chas. A. Smith, N. A.
Reynolds, B. K. Robbins, Thomas W. Rhodes, Benj. F. Rolfe, James A.
Rickard, Harmon Timerson, Wm. M. Tyler, Samviel L Treat, Chas. A.
Tompkins, Wm. C. Taylor, Geo. H. Turner, S. M. Teachout, James E.
Tndtey, C. R. Thompson, David H. Thompson, W. Vangilder, L. M. Wing,
W. B. Warford, Jed Wilcox, L. C. Waldren, Thos. C. Whitelock, Chas.
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\ViIson, Geo. W. Whitehead, David W. Weldy. Samuel M. Williams, Milan
Wheeler, Henry G. Wadsworth, Gratton H. Wagoner.
Kilhoum Post No. 361. G. A. R., Sher\vood. was organized August
31. 1S86. Charter members: Emoiy Blossom. S. L. Kiiboum, Jno. Stvid-
le\', H. Runyan. J. W. Ott, T. H. Watkins, Jno. Banker. J. Henry. Ed. Nash,
W. T. Davis, Edw. Tenney, Chas. Hall, S. Cathorn, Chas. Shelhart, J. M.
Ijxke, W. C. Thornton, A. J. Snyder, C. Canfield. Robt. Kimber, Henry
Jones. Nathaniel Jones, Bert Hmve. The present officers: Commander,
J. M. Locke; S. V. Com., Julius Henry; J. V. Com., A. J. Snj'der, Surgeon.
Peter Vanderhoof; Chap., Chas. Shelhart: O. D.. H. Runyan; Adj., H. Run-
yan; Q. M.. L. Zimmerman; O. G.. L. P. Lovejov; S: M., J. H. Watkins;
Guard, E. W. Watkins.
Corbin Post No. 88. Grand Army of the Republic. Union City, was or-
ganized October 16, 1882. Its charter members were: A. E. Ripley, C.
M. Hall, M. F. Buell. D. E. Youngs, D. L. Merrill. D. J. Easton, M. A.
Merrifield, S. D. Bueli, A. J. Ackley, R. M. Simmons. A. H. Wilder, E.
Briimfield, B. F. Haymaker, J. C. Bushong, N. P. Olmsted, D. F^ Austin,
L. L. Harsh, G. W. Palmer. J. J. Banford. John Van Blarcom, J. H. Hanima,
E. McDonald, C. A. Zimmerman, Geo. Haymaker. Tlie present officers are:
Commander. Ira B. Buell: S. V. Com., Henry Seymour, J. V. Com., Geo,
Thayer; Officer Day, J. D. Parks; Quartermaster, M. F. Buell; Chaplain,
A. J. Ackley; Officer Guard, Jonathan Olney; Adjutant, M. E. Blair; Q. M.
S., R. M. Simmons.
The New Century Club of Quincy. This club was organized in 1898,
and in 1900 was federated with the State Federation of Women's Clubs.
The constitution limits the membership toi thirty active and se\'en associate
members. The original members of the club were as follows : Mrs. W, J,
Barnes, Mrs. I. L. Bishop, Miss Jennie Bums, Mrs. C. D. Burwell, Mrs.
W. D. Campbell, Mrs. E, J. Clizbe, Mrs. W. H. Lockerby, Mrs. I.^iira
Sweeney, lliss Maria Warner— all of whom are still active members of the
club. The other charter members were; Jessica Hopkins, Belle Pratt,
Mary Y. Marsh, Eva Felton, P. L. Twadell, Elsie Mellen, Belie Dove. M.
L. Woods, Maude Ackerson, Lenna Sweeney, Lena Anderson, Hattie Wil-
liams, Mrs. Mitterling, Sarah Dickerson, F. C. Brickley. Tlie presait active
membership, besides the charter members just mentioned, are Mrs. J. M.
Blackman, Mrs. Maud Bames. Miss Barber. Miss Fox, Miss Frances W.
Hill, Mrs. C. C. Jones, Miss Mabel Jones. Miss Ruby Kinyon, Mrs. T. S.
Lampman. ' Mrs. B. C. Mellen. Mrs. F. McKinstry, Mrs. R. D. Rawson,
Mrs. M. S. Segur, Mrs. J. R. Smith. Mrs. S. M. Turner. Miss Todd, Mrs. G.
\\'. Woodworth, Miss Pierce, Mrs. F. E. Knapp, Mrs. Goldsbury, Mrs. Burr.
The officers for the year 1905-06 were; Mrs. W. H. Lockerby, President;
Mrs, Laura Sweeney, Vice President; Mrs. J. M. Blackman, Secretary;
Mrs. R. D. Rawson, Treasurer. The ex-presidents of the club are Miss Jes-
sica Hopkins, Mrs. M. S. Segur, Mrs. t. L. Bishop and Mrs. E. J. Clizbe.
The fielegnte to the state federation for 1906 is Miss Mabel Jones, with
Mrs. J. M, Blackman as alternate.
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The Cokimbian Club of Qiiincy. Tliis literary club was organized in
1902. Its active membership is limited to twenty-five, with five associate?.
Tlie active members at this writing are: Mrs. Henry Williams, Mrs. C, C.
Jones. Mrs. Henry Nichols, Mrs. G. J. Fillmore, Mrs, Floyd Newberry,
Mrs. Herbert Joseph. Mrs. Yost, Mrs. George Dnnphy, Mrs. A. C. I-eiving.
Mrs. Arza Hoffman, Miss Lea Benge. Mrs. J. D. Van Ortlnwick, Mrsi. Frank
McKinstry, Mrs. Greening, Mrs. J. C. Beimett, Mrs. W. H. Martin, Mrs.
Mary Spaulding. Mrs. Will Knapp, Mrs. S. W. Boynton, Miss Mazie Field,
Miss Elva Gage. Mrs. Harry Paddock, Miss Millie Barnes, Miss Buell, Mrs. -
Fred Finch. The associate members are Mrs. A. A. Squier, Mrs. F. E.
Knapp, Mrs, A. L. Bovven, Mrs. John Babcock, Mrs. D. W. App. The
officers for IQ06-07 are: Mrs. Mary Spanlding, President: Miss Lea Benge,
Vice President; Miss Buell, Secretary; Miss Elva Gage, Assistant Secretary.
The Nika Club, for literary and social purposes, was organized in
Quincy, Febmary 22, 1898, with the following' charter members: Mrs.
Joe Condra, Mrs. Gertie Powers, Mrs. Rilla Greening, Mrs. Ruby Ryan,
Mrs. Jessie Hanna, deceased March ig, 189&. Mrs. Lula Ramsdeil, Mrs.
Lillian Runyan, Miss Julia Dayton. Mrs. Hattie Williams. Mrs. Wer-
ner, Mrs. Liiuise Haight, Mrs. Winnie White, Mrs. Blanch Turner, Mrs.
Nora Burch, Mrs. Iva Hemorth, Mrs. Rose Wagner, Mrs, Benge, Mrs.
I..^na Jones. The present officers of the Nika Oub are: President, Mrs.
Kate Wiser: Vice President, Mrs. M. D. Greening; Secretary and Treas-
urer, Mrs. Felger; Assistant Secy, and Treas.. Mrs. Nellie Comstock. T!ie
members axe: Mrs. Arza Hoffman, Mrs, J. C. White, Mrs. W. lies, Mrs.
C. H. Felger, Mrs. F. E. Powers, Mrs. C. C. Jones, Mrs. E. A. Runyan.
Mrs. L. H. Ryan, Mrs. J. M. Blackman, Mrs. Geo. Burdick. Mrs, A. W.
Lawton, Mrs. F. M. McKinstry, Mrs. Bert Joseph, Mrs. C. F. Crouch, Mrs.
F. C. Herworth, Mrs. H. J. Williams, Mrs. R. D. Wiser, Mrs. M. D. Green-
ing. Mrs. Geo. Comstock, Mrs. Chas. Burger, Mrs. E. E. Lytle, Mrs. H. C.
Rsmsdeli, Mrs. L. O. Burch, Mrs. B. F. Kinyon, Mrs. C. D. Burwell. Mrs.
Ward Ailen, Mrs. E. E. Widner, Mrs. R. D. Rawson. Mrs. Max Glazer,
Mrs. W. C Haight.
In 1891-94 there was a Chautauqua circle in Bronson. Mr. Waldo M.
Morrison was president of the circle, and Mrs. Lou R. Whitaker secretary.
There were eight members: Mrs. Delia Teller. Mrs. Nellie Rudd, Mrs, Gus-
sie Davis, Miss Sadie Sanderson, Miss Mae Moos, Miss Grace Rose. Miss
Louise Stevens. Mrs. Waldo M. Morrison, Mrs. Ij3u Draper, Miss Nellie
The Woman's Club of Bronson was organized in 1903. and in the fol-
lowing year was federated with the state association. The officers for
1905-06 were: Ex-President, Ellen C. Card: President. M"elissa. Rudd Fisk;
Vice President. Cora B. Scribner; Secretary and Treasurer, Lou Bennett
Whitaker: Corresponding Secretary. Augusta Van Fleet Davis. Tlie mem-
bers: Maria Taggart Bushnell, Ellen C. Card, Melissa Rudd Fisk, Nellie
Brown Powers, .^daiine Phillips Selby, Lucinda Bowen, Augusta Van Feet
Davis, Essie R. Hiirford, Clara Norton Perrin, Cora B. Scribner, Lou Ben-
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nett Whitaker, Gertrude Baxter. Alice Park Mowry, Flora Burr Sliaff-
master. Jlonorary member, Grace Van Alstine Taylor.
TTie Tuesday Club of Union City, a literary and social organization
among the ladies of tiie village, was organized in 1898. with the following
charter members: Mrs. Chas. H. Lowell, Mrs. Arthur Fenno, Mrs. Leon
A. Johnson, Miss Nannette H. Jeffrey, Mrs. E. H. Page. Mrs. Edgar Dotv,
Mrs. H. T. Carpenter, Mrs. N. E. Tower. Mrs. Wm. E. Bell, Mrs. G. K.
Whiting, Miss N. Sophia Page. Mrs. Arthur S. Cornell. Mrs. Frank C.
Boise, Dr. Cora B. Cornel!, Mrs. Mildred S. Stanton. Miss Ellen Crissv,
Miss Edna J. Peck, Mrs. E. H. Hurd, Mrs. J. E. Saxton, Dr. A. Dorothy
Payne. The present officers: President, Mrs. F. C. Boise; Vice President,
Miss Harriet Young; Secretary, Miss Carrie Hurd; Treasurer, Mrs. Claude
The Young Men's Christian .Association of Coldwatcr lias had a con-
tinuous and increasingly prosperous existence of more than twenty years.
The articles of association are date<i June 9, 1885, and were signed by C. J.
Vanderhoof, C. H. Macumber. F. I. Sprague, W. C- Bailey, G. W. Collins,
T. A. Hilton, C. S. Vincent. H. P. Woodward. W. S. Mansell. R. E. Clarke.
The first officers were L. D. Fiske, president; C. J. Vanderhoof. Vice Presi-
dent; C. F. Ruggles, Secretary: R. E. Clarke. Treasurer; W. E. Flynn,
General Secretary.
Mr. R. E. Clarke and Mr. H. P. Woodward, whose names appear
among the organizers, continued as active uiembers of the board of directors
from the date of organization until the summer of 1906, a period of twenty-
one years.
The first quarters of the association were in the Old Bank building,
Monroe and Chicago streets. In April, 1892, the second floor of the White
block was rented. Tlie Lewis Art collection having been moved from' Cold-
water to Ann Arbor, the vacant gallery building was donated by Mrs. Alma
Lewis Dennis, widow of the late H. C Lewis, for the use of the associa-
tion. Several thousand dollars were expended in converting the building
to its new purposes, and in December, 1896. the association moved to its
iiemianent quarters at the comer of Hudson and Chicago streets, where
the building, groimds and genera! equipment give the association a home
that compares favorably with that of any Y. M. C. A. in southern Michigan.
Tlie present membership is about two hundred, and the officers last
elected are: Frank I. Post, President; F. B. Reynolds, Vice President; L.
A. Hutchins, Recording Secretary; C. M. Perry, Treasurer; S. Raymond
Gould, General Secretary.
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"The object of this society shall be the collecting and preserving of
historical, biographical or other information in relation to Branch County."
This is the purpose, as stated in Article 3 of the Constitution, of the Pioneer
Society of Branch County, which was founded August 16, 1878. Founded
with this high purpose, and with the possibilities of a broad and beneficent
activity resulting from long associations and the common experiences of pio-
neer life, it is to be regretted that this society has not had a continuous and
prosperous career. The last meeting of the society was held in 1901. That
there is a Jiving interest in all matters comprehended in the language of the
above article, and that this interest is general throughout the county, not
alone among the oldest citizens but also among the present generation, the
existence of this history is ample proof. For without that " reverence for the
past and a desire to maintain every sort of connection with it," which an
English observer has declared to be a great and growing force among the
educated people of America, the publication of a historical work of these
dimensions could not have been undertaken. But as yet this general inter-
est has not been focused and converted into a permanent and effective force
wielded by a single organization.
With these observations on the present condition of the pioneer move-
ment, the history of the Pioneer Society may be sketched in some detail.
The meeting for organization on the date above mentioned was hekl in the
house of Harvey Warner, with another well known pioneer, E. G. Fuller, as
chairman, and T. C, Etheridge as secretary. The first set of officers elected
for the ensuing year were as follows :
Harvey Warner, president; Harvey Haynes, recording secretary; T. C,
Etheridge, corresponding secretary; S. M. Treat, treasurer; Henry Lock-
wood, Albert Chandler and Mrs. H. Warner, executive committee.
Vice Presidents— A Igansee, F. D. Ransom; Batavia, Martin P. Olds;
Bethel. Nelson Card; Bronson, Wales Adams; Butler, Milo White; Califor-
nia, James H. Lawrence; Coldwater township, Origen F. Bingham; Cold-
water City, J. D. W. Fisk. I. P. Alger, Allen Tibbits, John H. Bennett;
Gilead, Samue! Booth; Girard, James B. Tompkins; Kinderhook, George
Tripp; Matteson, William McCarty; Noble, Walter W. Smith; Ovid, Stew-
art Davts ; Quincy, W. P. Arnold ; Sherwood, Isaac D. Beall ; Union, Hiram
Besides these already mentioned there were Roland Root and wife, L.
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dt Cooi^lc
Entrance to Ne^v Cfimetery, Coldwater
D. Halsted and wife, C. H. Williams and wife, and James R. Wilcox and
wife, whose names appear as constitutional members.
It is worthy of note, as showing how the advance guard of life's proces-
sion is being constantly cut down by time, that only two or three of these
original members are now hving. Perhaps the last one to be gathered in the
fullness of time was L. D. Halsted, who passed away April 5, 1906.
For the first twelve years after its formation the society was flourishing,
and its mid-winter meetings were well attended. In 1884 a new constitution
and by-laws were adopted. The definition of what constitutes a pioneer un-
derwent several changes during the history of the society. At one time any-
one who had resided in Michigan and Branch county for thirty years was
eligible to membership, while with this constitution the requirement was re-
duced to twenty-five years residence in the state and residence in the county
at time of being received into the society.
Between January 13, 1892, and the month of December, 1896, no meet-
ing is recorded. At the same time the death roll was increasing, and thence-
forward hardly a month passed without the death of one who had come to
the county as a pioneer. Another lapse in regular meetings occurred be-
tween March 17, 1897, and February 19, 1901. and in May of the same year
the assembling of the pioneers at the home of Judge David N. Green, then
president of the society, was the last meeting of the Pioneer Society of Branch
The officers elected at the meeting of February 19, 1901, and, because
their successors have not been elected, still the de facto officers of the society,
were: President, David N. Green (since deceased); vice-president, George
W. Van Aken; secretary, Calvin J. Thorpe; executive committee, Albert A,
Dorrance, Anthony R. Brown and D. W. Benton.
Pioneer Record.
[These brief biographical records of pioneers have been compiled from vari-
ous available sources and will serve to supplement the preceding his-
torical chapters and the biographical sketches that follow,]
Allen, John B.— Born in England, March 13, 1S34; came to Bethel,
Branch countv, in 1842.
Allen, Gabriel— Born June 28, 1839, died Feb. 26, 1904. Brother of
foregoing. Came with parents to Bethel township.
"Allen, George Henry— Born in Bethel township, April 7, 1844; hvmg
in Coldwater.
Aldrich, William— Born Wayne county, N. Y., July 26, 181 1, and
died in Coldwater Nov. 26, 1877, Came to Girard township m 1832.
Aldrich. Abram J-— Born in Girard township, Feb. 3, 1843; living in
Coldwater. At one time proprietor of Coldwater Republican.
Alger, Isaac P.— Born in Lisbon. N. Y., Aug. 28, 1S20, and died at
Coldwater April 18, 1904. Came to Quincy township in 1833.
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Alger, William — Born in Richland township, Vermont, July, 1816, died
in 1893 in Matteson township. Early settler in Butler township. Brother
of Dr, Isaac P. Alger.
Amold, William P. — Born Clarendon, Vermont, August 23, 1806, and
died Came to Branch county in 1833.
Allen, John — Born in Sudbury. Rutland county, Vt, April 29, 1801 ;
died in Coldwater township, Sept. 29, 1891. Came to Coldwater township
in 1843-
Alden, Isaac — Born in Oswego county, N. Y., January 8. 1813; died
in Coldwater, Feb. 7, 1892. Came to Coldwater township in 1850.
Alden, Mrs. Mary A. (wife of Isaac Alden) — Born in Groton, N. Y.,
Nov. n, 1819; died Daughter of David and Abigail
Hopkins; married Mr. Alden March 18. 1845, in Jonesville, Mich.
Adams, Wales — Born Medway, Mass,, March 2, 1804; died
. ., Came to Branch county, in September, 1830.
Allen, Alonzo B.— Bom in Pittsford, Vt., July it, 1829; living in
Coldwater township. Came to Branch county in 1843.
Arnold, Samuel^Born in Middletown, Conn., Feb. 20, 1800; died in
Gilead township September 30, 1878; came to Kinderhook township in
1836, and to Giiead in 1837.
Arnold, Mrs, Catherine S. — Born March 20, 1805; married Samuel
Arnold in 1831.
Ackerman, John D.-^Born Cortland county, N. Y., June, i82t; died
at Union Citj',
Andeison, John — Born in Aberdeenshire. Scotland: died Feb. 12, 1S52,
in Gilead township. Came to Gilead township in 1S37.
Anderson. James — Born March 18, 1817. in At3erdeenshire, Scotland:
died Came to Noble township in 1842, to Coldwater
in 184S.
Austin, Charles H. — Born Perrysburg. Ohio, May 10, 1838; living in
Batavia. Came to Batavia in 1847.
Arnold, John W.— Born in Gilead township December 13, 1840: living
in Chicago.
Ashton, James— Born in Yorkshire, England, September 2, 1821.
Came to Quincy township in 1842.
Ayres, Ezra J. — Bom Oct. 17, 1S39, in Jay township. Essex county,
N. Y., came to California tow'nship in 1871. Physician.
Abbott, William H. — Born at Dearborn, Mich., July 8, 1826; died at
Coldwater, Nov. 16, 1894. Came to Coldwater in 1838.
Bronson, Jabe— Born in Connecticut, and died in Batavia township.
First settler in Branch county, in 1828.
Bahcock. Christopher G.— Born in Portage county, Ohio, in 1S37; living
in Bronson, Came to Gilead township in 1861,
Beech, John H, — Born in Orleans county, N. Y., Sept. 24, 1819; died
October 17, 1878. Came to Coldwater in 1850; a physician.
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Babcock, George P. — Born in Camden, Oneida county, N. Y., January
i8, 1815; died in 1874 in Quincy. Came to Quincy township in 1835.
Elackman, Dr. Edson — Born in Morenci, Michigan, Nov. 22, 1S39; liv-
ing in Quincy, where he located in 1876.
Bailey, Henry C. — Born in Barre, Orleans county, N. Y., January 22,
1833: living in Coklwater. Came to Branch county in 1852.
Brown, Alvarado — Bom in Herkimer county, N. Y., January 15, 1809,
Came to Branch county in 1840.
Baldrige, Niks— Born in Meadville. Erie county, Penn., Nov. 6, 1839;
died July 25, 1879, in Ovid township. Came to Ovid township in 1847.
Booth, Samuel — Born in Onondaga county, N. Y., Feb. 22, 1S18; died
in Coklwater, Feb. 13, 1892. Came to Gilead township in 1832.
Bartholomew, Jehial — Born in Dryden, N. Y. ; died in 1875 in Algan-
see township. Came to Algansee township in 1844.
Bingham, Origen S.- — ^Born January 25, 1824, at Shelbume Falls,
Mass, : died in 1892. Came to Branch county in Oct., 1831.
Bingham, Mrs. Pliebe (Worden) — Bom June 4, 1S29, at Delhi, N. Y.
Came to Batavia in November, 1S35.
Bassett, John — Born March 20, 1793, Martha's Vineyard, Mass.; died
April 27, 1874, in Batavia township. Came to Batavia in 1835.
Bassett, Adam — Son of John. Bom in Andes, Delaware Co., N. Y.,
March i, 1823; died March 30, 18S7, in Batavia township. Came to Batavia
with his father.
Blodget, Uri — Bom in Ontario county, N. Y., March 2, 182 1 ; died at
Coklwater in 1906. Came to Coldwater in 1849.
Beal, I. D. — Born in Rutland county, Vt., May 21, 1812; deceased.
Came to Sherwood township in 1837.
Buell, Thomas B. — Born in New York state in 1815. Came to Union
City in 1836.
Bates, Alfred S.— Bom in township of Starkey, Yates county, N. Y.,
August 30, 1819; died in Kinderhook, Dec. 26, 1893. Came to Kinderhook
in 1848.
Burton, Parley G.— Bom July 26, 1S15, in Monroe county, N. Y.
Came to Girard in 1847.
Bidelman, Horatio N.— Born in Orleans county, N. Y,, July 4, 1836;
living in Coldwater. Came to Quincy in 1855.
Bagley, Aaron — Born in Orange county, Vermont, December 29, 1791.
Settled at village of Branch in May, 1836.
Bagley, Mrs. Elizabeth — Born in Lancaster county, Penn., March 22,
1814, Came to Batavia township in June, 1834.
Bennett, Hon. John H., M. D. — Born at Chenango, Broome county, N.
v.. December 6, 1826; died in Batavia, July 31, 1891. Came to Qiiincy
township in 1839 Came to Coldwater May 10, 1864.
Burdick, James M. — Bom in Livingston county, N. Y. Came to Branch
county and settled in Quincy township in 1836.
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Barnhart, Martin — Born in Wayne county, N. Y. Came to Girard
township in January, 1831.
Bennett. Nathaniel— Born near Adrain, Mich., in 1832; died in 1S86.
Came to Bethe! township in 1847.
Brinton, Albert N. — Bom Salisbury, Conn., Nov. it, 1827; living in
Coldwater. Came to Qiiincy in May, i860.
Baggerly, Reuben A.— Born in Ontario county, N. Y., June 17, 1819.
Came to Quincy, April 20, 1854.
Bickford, Daniel — Came to Algansee township in 1837.
Bickford. Jonathan K. — Born in Canada; died in Algansee township,
May, 1882. Came to Algansee about 1836.
Bickford, Stephen T. — Born at Bellevue, Ohio, Dec. 16, 1823 ; died in
Aigansee May 31. 1906. Came to Algansee in 1834.
Bickford, Ira P.— Born in Algansee township March 12, 1844.
Brown, Anthony R. — Bom in New York state in 1827. Came to Branch
coimty in 1838.
Benton, Edward W. — Bom in New York state in 1824. Came to Branch
county in 1846.
Belote, John S. — Born in Albany, N. Y., Nov. 24, 1813; died in Onincy
August 6, 1888. Came to Quincy township in 1835.
Bostwick. Ezra—Bom in Onondaga county, N. Y., Feb. 27. 1826,
Came to Union township in 1835.
Brainard, S, E. — Born in Madison county, N. Y. Came to Algansee
township in 1836.
Berry, Enos G. — Born in New Hampshire, Sept, 5, 1814; died in Jan-
uary, 1877. Came to Quincy in 1835. (See index.)
Brown. Asahe! — Born in Stafford, Monmouth county, N. J., April a,
1803; died in Algansee township, June 8, 1874. Came to Algansee in 1836.
Burbank, Dwight L,— Bom in Suffield, Conn., March 8, 1829. Came
to Butler township in 1850,
Eushnell, Samuel S. — Bom July 21, 1799, in Vennont; died Julv 21
1873. Came to Noble township in 1S36.
Bushnell, Ephraim B. — Bom in Monroe county, N. Y., October 12
1825, Came to Noble township with father in 1838.
Bowers, Charles E.— Bora March 28, 1826 : settled in Butler town-
ship in 1847.
Bennett, James K. — Bom in Vermont in 1809, Came to Matteson town-
ship September ig, 1838.
Bennett, Christopher Columbus — Born in Hopewell, Ontario county
N. Y., Sept. 3, 1830; living in Matteson township. Came with parents to
Matteson in 1838.
Ball, Thaddeus — Born in Oneida county, N. Y., Oct. 29, 1813; died in
Quincy township Oct. 14, 1897. Came to Quincy in 1840.
Bennett, Hiram H. — Born in Chemung county, N. Y., Aug, 10 181 e ■
died in Butler township in 1897. Came to Butler in 1845,'
,y Google
Bingham, Seymour L.— Born in 1810; died in California state, June
25, 1894. Came to Coldwater in 1831.
Ballon, John and Jemima, his wife— Came into Matteson township
about 1&40; neither now hving.
Bowers, John — Ninety years of age in igo6; lives in Batavia township
with his son.
Bachelder. Nathaniel — Came into Branch county in 1846.
Bachelder, Mrs. Julia Etta {Ferguson}— Bom in Chatham, N. Y., Oct.
26. 1819; died in Orange, Cal., July 5, 1906. Came with her husband to
Branch county in 1846.
Earnhart, Mahlon Budd— Came into Union township in 1834.
Crippen, Phllo H.— Born in Penfield, Monroe county, N. Y., March 15,
1809. Came to Coldwater in 1835.
Culp, Nicholas — Born near Gettysburg, Penn. ; died in September, 1873,
in Coldwater. Came to Coldwater township in 1844,
Culp, John W. — Bom in Newfane, Niagara county, N. Y., May 8. 1S32 ;
living in Coldwater. Came to Branch county in 1S39.
Culver, Eli — Born in Hector, Tompkins county, N. Y., Feb. 4, 1816.
Came to Algansee township in 1839.
Crater, Andrew — Born in Hunterdon county, N. J., June 28, 1813.
Came to Algansee township in spring of 1837.
Card, Silas N. — Born in Binghampton county, Vt., June 25. 1812; died
June 19, 1897. Came to Branch county in 1836.
Clizbe, James— Born in Steuben county, N. Y., Feb. 8, 1813; died in
Quincy March 24, 1895. Came to Quincy township in 1835. Planted many
of the shade trees on streets of Quincy village,
Coddington, Chester S,, Reuben and Luther — ^AU came from Ithaca,
N. Y., to Sherwood township.
Comwell. Charles Titus — Came to Coldwater in 1849,
Crawford, Moses— Born in Governeur, St. Lawrence county, N. Y.,
Oct. 25, 1828; stili living; came to Bronson April 20, 1848.
Clark, Jabez— Came to Bronson in Dec. 1836.
Clark, Leonard D. — Son of Jabez Clark, born in Norwalk, O. ; came
with parents to Bronson in 1S36; died in May, 1905.
Clark, Milo — Second son of Jabez; bom Nov. 14, 18^1; died Jan. 6,
1885; came with parents to Bronson in 1836.
Crawford, Amira Jane (Clark) — Born in Norwalk, O., June 15, 1835;
came with parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jabez Clark, to Bronson in Dec, 1836;
died April i, 1904.
Canfield, Numan — Born in New York April 11, 1800. Came to Bethel
township in 1844.
Canfield, Chester Numan — Born in New York; living in Bethel. Came
to Bethel with father in 1844.
Chandler, Robert G.— Bom in Detroit, Dec. 21, 1838; living in Cold-
water. Came to Coldwater in 1845.
,y Google
Cheney, Alfred — Born in Nasby, Northamptonshire, England, July 5,
1S39; living in Kinderhook. Came to Branch county in 1851.
Clark, Israel W.— Bom in Connecticut Farms, New Jersey, Sept. 29,
1803. Came to Union City in 1838.
Clark, Timothy — Born in Broadalbin, N. Y., March 30, 1819. Came
to Coldwater in 1848, and ah early settler of Kinderhook.
CJarke, Edwin R. — Bom in Byron, N. Y,, March 22, 1828. Came to
Coldwater in 1850. Donor of Clarke Library building in Coldwater.
Cofifman, Christopher— Born in Lancaster county, Penn., October, 1805;
deceased. Came to Branch county in 1852.
Ccffman, Lancaster — Bom March 17, 1831, in Mahoning county, Ohio.
Came to Ovid township in 1853.
Compton, William H. — Eom in Gasport, Niagara county, N. Y., in
1841 ; died in 1904. Came to Bronson with parents in 1845.
Cornell, Daniel S, — Born in Niagara county, N. Y., May 20, 1815;
died in Girard Oct. 15, 1889. Came to Girard in 1836.
Cornell, Job K. — Born in New York; died Aug. 3, 1876, in Union town-
ship. Came to Union township in spring of 1835.
Cornell, Chauncey J. — Born in Milan, Ohio, August 21, 1833; living in
Coldwater. Came with parents to Union township in 1S35.
Corson, John — Born in Oneida county, N, Y. ; died in 1855 in Matte-
son township. Came to Matteson in 1836.
Corson, Lafferd W. — Born in Hopewell township, Ontario county, N.
Y,, April 23, 1822. Came with parents to Matteson in 1836.
Cory, Israel — Bom in Morris coimty, N. J., May 6, 1814; living in
Coldwater. Came to Branch county in 1865.
Crippen, Bradley — Born in Herkimer county, N. Y., Sept. 25, 1783;
died in 1855 in Coldwater. Came to Coldwater township in 1835.
Chandler, Albert — Bom in Sempronius, N. Y,, Sept. 23, 18 14; died in
1905 in Coldwater. Came to Coldwater in 1841.
Crippen, L. D. — Born in Fairfield, N. Y., Aug. 29, 1806; died April
20, 1864. Came to Coldwater in June, 1835.
Crippen, Mrs. Ruth (Haynes) — Born in Ulster county, N. Y., July
31, 1809; died in Coldwater, May 15, 1890. Came to Coldwater in June
Culver, A. C. — Bom in Wayne county, N. Y., Aug. 29, 1823. Came to
Quincy in Nov., 1847.
Clizbe, Dr. Stephen H. — Born in Girard township, January 24, i84i;-
living in Coldwater. (See index.)
Chauncey, Dr. Moses E. — Born in Saratoga county, N. Y., Nov. ic
1809; died May 7, 1884. Came to Girard village in 1843.
Croy, John— Came to Gilead early in spring of 183 1; moved in 1838
to Steuben county, Ind.; died in Iowa in 1875. Firs,t settler of Gilead
Craig, Samuel— Born in County Armagh, Ireland, February 22 1 ync •
died March 2, 1847. Came to Girard March 28, 1831. ' ^'
,y Google
Craig, Eliza — Born in Ireland Mav 25, 1795; died in Girard on Dec.
22, 1878.
Craig, Samuel— Born Sept, 4, 1831 ; died January 2, 1856. First white
child born in Girard township.
Chase, William— Born in Otsego county, N. Y., Nov, 12, 1815. Came
to Kinderhook in 1841.
Case, Almeron W. — Born in Livingston county. N. Y,, Feb. 6, 1808;
died in Kinderhook township in November, 1877. Came to Kinderhook in
Chase. Chauncey — Born in Monroe county, N. Y., September 19, 1828.
Came to Noble township in 1846.
Calkins, Moses V. — Born in Danby, Vt, May 31, 1814. Came to But-
ler township in 1852 ; moved to Coldwater in 1874,
Calkin, Barzilha H. — Born in Newburg, Ohio, March 20, 1840: died in
CoJdwater, in 1906, Came with father to Butler township in 1848.
Cline, Ephraim — Born in Binghamton, N, Y., Nov. 12, 1812; died in
Matteson township in 1874. Came to Matteson townsliip about 1835.
Denison, Samuel M. — Born in Livonia. N. Y,, March 20, 1S14; died
in Coidwater Nov. 20, 1894. Came to Coldwater in 1838.
Doubleday, Hiram — Bom in Washington county, N, Y., Feb. 20, 1802;
deceased. Came to Sherwood township in 1836.
Dougherty, Thomas — Born in Washington county, N. Y., February,
1800; deceased January 15, 1888. Came to Coldwater Sept. 10, 1835.
Davis, David H.— Born in Chautauqua county, N. Y., July 27, 1817;
died March 26, 1902. Came to Coldwater in 1856 to take charge of public
Davis, Ichabod — ^Came to Ovid township in 1836; died there in Septem-
ber, 1849.
Davis, Stuart — Born Feb, 14, 1808, 'in Steuben, Oneida coimty, N. Y. ;
deceased September 4, 1881. Came to Ovid township in 1836.
Davis, Emery — Born in Dover, Dutchess county, N, Y., June 6, 1817.
Came to Ovid township in 1854.
Dunks, Daniel S. — Born January 21, 1810, in Fast Bloomfield, Ontario
coimty, N. Y. : died in Sherwood township, April 21, 1877. Came to Union
township in 1838.
Dickerson, Mrs. Emma F, — Born in Ruggles, Ashland county, Ohio,
Sq}t. 16, 1847; died May 22, iyo6. Came with parents to Quincy town-
ship in 1 85 1.
Doerr, Jacob — Born in Gennany, May 17. 1824; died June 6, igo6.
Came to Gilead township in 1849.
Davis, Oris — Born in Oneida county, N. Y., Nov. 27, 1812; died in
Coldwater township April 10, 1894. Came to Branch county in 1836,
Dennis, Mrs. David E. (Aiden) — Born in New York, June 5, 1826;
died in Coldwater May 8. 1895, Came to Coldwater with father, Hiram
Alden, in September. 1834.
,y Google
Dunks, Mrs. Efmira — Nearly ninety years old, 1906; has lived on a
farm near Union City seventy years.
Davis, Ezekiei— Born in Holland, N. Y., July 12. 1827. Came to Bron-
son in 1843 3nd txjught a farm in Nolile township: returned to New York
in 1845 '■ came back to Branson in 1865, where he is still living;.
Ewers. Dr. H. F, — Born in Onondaga county, N. Y., Feb. 24, 1830:
deceased. Came to Union City in 1854.
Ent, Silas — Born in Essex county, N. J., Nov. 20. 1820. Came to
Kinderhook in 1842.
Easton, David J. — Born in Castile, Wyoming county, N. Y., June 5,
1842. Came with parents to Algansee township in 1846.
Edwards, Thomas — Bom in Schoharie county, N. Y., January 22, 1813.
Came to Butler township in 1840.
Ellis, Willard T.— Born in Geneseo, Livingston county, N. Y., August
16, 1830. Came to California township in 1844.
Ensley, Jacob— Bom in Lenawee county, Mich., May 22, 1835. Came
to Batavia township in 1835.
Fisk, Abram C, — Born in Monroe county, N. Y., Feb. 19, 1815; de-
ceased at Coldwater Sept. 27, 1897. Came to Coldwater Sept. 7. 1835,
Fetterby, Nathan — Born June, 1827, in Herkimer county, N. Y. Came
to Coldwater in 1843.
Faust, Daniel — Born in Columbia county, Penn., June 27, 1819. Came
to Noble township in 1836.
Fisk, James — Born in New Hampshire in 1787; died in Coldwater town-
ship August 12, 187a Came to Coldwater township in 1835.
Fisk, Joseph D. W.— Born in Penfield, Monroe county, N. Y., Sept. 24,
1829; deceased at Coldwater Nov. 30, 1893. Came to Branch county with
parents in 1835.
Ford. Daniel R. — Born in Rutland county, Vermont, Dec. 16, 1814.
Came to Butler township in 183(1.
Fonda, Charles Ira — Born in Rushville township, Yates county, N. Y.,
Feb. 12, 1831 ; living in Coldwater. Came to Batavia township with parents,
June 13, 183.7.
Ferguson, Benjamin Roberts — Born July 12, 1818, at Ryders Mills,
Chatham, Columbia Co., N. Y. Came to Ovid township in 1846; stiii living
in Coldwater.
Ferguson, Juliaett ( Bachelder ) —Sister of foregoing ; born Oct. 26,
1819, at same place as her brother; came with her husband, Nathaniel Bach-
ekier, to Ovid township in 1846; died in Orange, California, July 5, 1906.
Ferguson, Dr. George^Brother of preceding, bora at same place, Feb.
I, 1827; carne to Ovid township in 1854.
Ferguson, Stephen— Brother of preceding. Iwrn at same place, July 22,
1832: came to Ovid township in 1854 where he is still living.
Fonda, David— Came from Rushville, Yates Co., N. Y,, with his fam-
ily to Batavia township, June 13, 1837.
,y Google
Fisk, James Edwin— Came into Matteson township about 1S35.
Gilbert, William S.— Born in Warren, Vt., Nov. 23, 1809; deceased in
Coldwater Sept. i, 1890. Came to Coklwater Sept. 11, 1836.
Gallup. F. T. — JJorn in Canada, March ii, 1823; came to Aigansee
township in 1853.
Green, David — Born in Qiieenstown, N. Y.. Jan. 5. 1802; died in June,
1884. Came to Gilead township in 1841.
Green. R C. S.— Born in Tyre, Seneca connty, N.Y., Sept. 16. 1825;
died in Gilead Aug. 10, 1897. Came to Gilead township with parents in
Green. David Nathaniel — Born in Tyre township. Seneca county. N. Y.,
Sept. 9, 1823; died Sept. 15, 1902; came with his father to Gilead in 1841.
Gardner, Hiram — Born in Burlington, Otsego county, N. Y., Dec. 12,
1805. Came to Matteson township in 1836.
Gardner, Amos — Eom in Otsego county, N. Y., March 18, 1833; liv-
ing in Matteson township. Came to Matteson in 1836.
Gardner, Elisha T.— Born in Washington county, N. Y., Nov. 7, 1814;
died June 7. 187S. Came to Noble township in 1S54,
Gwin, Jabin R.— Born in Richland county, Ohio, Jan. 17, 1816. Came
to Sherwood township in 1851.
George, Heni7— Born in township of Remsen. Oneida county, N. Y.,
Oct. 26, 1809; died April 14, i860, in Ovid township. Came to Ovid in
George, Henry B.— Born in Lenawee county, Mich., Oct. 9, 1838; liv-
ing in Coldwater. Came to Ovid with parents in 1838.
Gibbs. Luman — Born in Scotland in 1791: died in 1848. Came to Kin-
derhook township in 1842,
Gibbs, Luman B. — Bom in Pulaski, Jackson county, Mich,, April g,
1840. Came to Kinderhook in 1842.
Gordinier, William H. — Born in New York state in 1810; died in
Aigansee township February 13, 1892. Came to California township in 1837.
Gray, Darwin L. — Born in Franklin county, Mass. : died in Aigansee
May I, 1897. Came to Branch county in 1836.
Giltner, John F.— Born in Leliigh county, Penn., Aug. 13, 1834. Came
to Sherwood township in 1836.
Gilbert, John T. — Bom in Mansfield, Conn., March 19, 1806; died at
Coldwater, March 20, 1891. Came to Coldwater in i860.
Golden, William — Born in township of Wiiton, Saratoga county, N. Y..
in 1S04; died June, 18S3, in Quincy township. Came to Quincy in 1849.
Golden, Samuel M. — Born in Huron county, Ohio, Jan. 18, 1841.
Came to Quincy with father in 1849.
Gorbai, James — Bom in Suffolk, England, Jan. 3, 1815. Came to Girard
township in 1836.
Goodwin, Seth— Bom in New York state, in 1796; died in Matteson
township Oct, 12, 1859. Came lo Matteson about 1836,
y Google
Go<xlwin, Charles H.—Born in Matteson township April ii, 1854.
Graliam, L. L. — Bom in St. Joseph, Mich., in 1838, Came to Gilead
township in 1843.
Green, Alexander R.^ — -Born in Ellicott, N, Y., in 1835 ; living- in Gilead
township. Came to Giiead with parents in 1841.
Green, James H. — Born in Mercer county, Penn., Feb. 14, 1813; died
Feb. 6, 1884, in Bronson township. Came to Bronson in 1843.
Greenwood, Richard — ^Bom near Rochdale at Plnmpton, Lancashire,
England, Dec. 18. 1809; died in Coldwater, April i, 1S77. Came to Cold-
water about 1S42.
Grove, Archibald R. — Born in Batavia township, March 17, 1S39.
Goodman, Cleophas T. — Born in New York state Aug. 21, 1815; died
in Aigansee, Jan. 29., 1895. Came to Branch county in 1837,
Gordinier. Jacob — Came from Herkimer county, N. Y., in No\'einber.
1841, to Giiead township. He is still living in Bronson.
Green, Silas Seelev — Born Jan. 21, 1804; came into Bethel township in
Haynes, Harvey — Born in Ulster county, N. Y.. Jan. 24, 1817. Came
in 1836 to Cokiwater township with father, James Haynes.
Holmes, Jonathan— Born in Peterborough, N, H., June 8, 1807. Came
to Bronson fownship in 1836.
Hawks, Joseph S. — Born in Otsego county, N. Y.. April 19, 1814: died
in Kinderhook, Oct. 5, 1874. Came to Kinderhook about 1837.
Hadley, Hiram H. — Born in Addison, Vt., June 14, 1810. Came to
Batavia township Nov. 20, 1837.
Harmon, William P. — Bom in Ontario county, N. Y., Sept. i, i8'24;
died Feb. 4, 1892, in.Quincy township. Came to Quincy in 1855.
Hail, Thomas — Born in Washington county, N. Y,, Jan, 12, 1814.
Came to California township in 1844.
Haviland. John B.— Born in Danville, Vt., Oct. 28, 1S16. Came to
Sherwood township in 1836.
Hiesrodt, Edwin — Born in Orleans county, N. Y., Oct. 30, 1821. Came
to Ovid township in 1844.
Holmes, Cicero J. — Born in Bronson township, Nov. 13, 1844.
Hubbard, Horatio N, — Bom in Chenango county, N. Y. ; died in Ba-
tavia township, June i, 1882. Came to Batavia in July, 1838.
Huyck, Henry E. — Born in Saratoga county, N. Y., March 18, 1818.
Came to Kinderhook township in 1844.
Heiiry, Warren— Born July 6, 1819; came into Sherwood township in
1851, where he is still living.
Halsted, Lorenzo Dow — Born in Tompkins county, N. Y., July 20,
1820; died in Coldwater, April 5, 1906. Came to Coldwater Sept. 10, 1836.
Jones, John H,— Born in Hopewell, N. Y.. April 27, 1828: died in
Quincy. March 19. 1895. Came to Quincy township about 1835.
,y Google
Joseph, Lawrence — Born in Tompkins county, N. Y., April 27, 1825 ;
came to Quincy township in 1S51.
Joseph, Lncas — Born in Northampton county, Penn., Oct. 14, 1817.
Came to Quincy township in March, 1839.
Joseph, William — Born in Tompkins county, N. Y., June 26, 1828; died
at Quincy, April 30, 1880. Came to Quincy ahout 1850.
Jacobs, Lysander — Bom in Chautauqua township, Chautauqua county.
N. Y., J^n. 28, 1825; married Miss Amelia Hull in 1853, and came to Union,
township in that year; died Jime 27, T906.
Jones, Loring Grant — Born in Lester, Livingston county, N. Y., Sept.
7, 1828; came to Bronson in 1836; still living there.
Jones. Josq)h Thompson — Born Sept. 7, 1822, in Monroe county, N. Y. :
married Miss Sally Briggs April 2, 1845 ; came to Quincy township, where
he is stiil living, May 2, 1S46.
Keagle, Thomas H. — Bom near Plymouth, F.ngland, Feb. 3, 1836.
Came with parents to Quincy tow^nship in 1843.
Kellsy, Ira — Born in Wyoming county, N. Y., Nov. 7, 1823. Came to
Ovid township in 1848.
Kerns, Levi— Bom in Mahoning county, O,, Feb, 17, 1824: died in
Ovid township Feb. 15, 1888. Came to Branch county in 1852.
Kelly, James — Came from Marion Co., O., in 1833 into Gilead town-
ship where he lived three years; died in Steuben Co., Ind., about 1870.
Kennedy, Charles Decatur — Bom in Cumberland Co., Penn., Feb. 19,
1834; still living in Butler township. Came into Butler with his father,
George Kennedy, in 1849.
Kerns, Levi — Bom Mationing Co., O., Feb. 17, 1824: died Feb. 15,
1888, in Ovid township; came to Branch county in 1852.
Kellsy, Ira — Born in Wyoming Co., N. Y,. Nov. 7, 1823. Came to
Branch county in 1848.
Knowlton, Ephraim A. — Bom in Essex county, Mass., Dec. 25, 1813;
died in Coldwater March 14, 1893. Came to Coldwater in 1856 and estab-
lished planing mill and sash factory,
Keeslar, Joseph — Bom in Madison county, N. Y, April 6, 1825. Came
to Gilead township in 1S38, with father, Peter Keeslar.
Lampman, Henry S.^Born in Greene county, N. Y., Feb. 22, i8to.
Came to Butler township as pioneer in 1836.
Lockwood. Henry — Born in Ulster county, N. Y., Nov. i. 1812. died
May 29, 1891, in 0\'id township, where he was the oldest pioneer.
Lawrence, James H. — Bom in Livingston county, N. Y., in 1815; died
April 10, 1897. Came to California township in 1835, one of the first settlers.
Leonard. Joseph C— Bom in Chenango county, N. Y.. August 11,
1817: died at Union Citv December 28, 1893. Came to Union City in 1842.
Lee, Stephen B. — Born in Ontario county, N. Y., Dec. 22, 1819. Came
to Union township in 1851.
,y Google
Lewis, Henry C.~Born in Orleans county, N. Y., May 5, 1S20; died
in Coklwater, in August, 1884. Came to Coldwater in the forties.
Lincoln, George W. — Born near Penn Yan, N. Y., Aug. 17, 1S19. Came
to Branch county in 1838 and resided in Union township. His father, Caleb
Lincoln, was an early settler of Union City, where he died in 1884.
Lockwood, Ennis J.- — Born in Ulster county, N. Y., May 14, 1834, came
to Ovid township with father, Uriah Lockwood, in 1836.
McCarty, James A.— Bom in Detroit, Dec. 11, 1814; died in Coldwater,
Sept. 16, 1893. Canie to Girard township with parents in 183 1 and to Cold-
water in 1833.
Mann, Peter J. — Born in Schoharie, N. Y.. Feb. 17, 1815; died at Gi-
rard, Jan. 8, 1897. Came to Branch county in 1836.
Martin, Ira— Born in Jefferson county, N. Y., in 1S27; died in Batavia
township May i, 1897. Came to Batavia in 1843.
Marsh, Emerson — -Born in New York; died at Coldwater, January 26,
1892. Came to Branch county in 1838. Marsh's Corners, between Gilead
and Bethel townships, named after him.
Moore, Henry N.— Born in Peniield, N. Y., Sept. 27, 1816; died at
Coldwater, June 13, 1891. Came to Coldwater township in 1837 and set-
tled permanently in 1H44.
Murphey, James— Born in Cayuga county, N. Y.. March 4, 1819; died
in Coldwater township May 2, 1892. Came to Batavia township in early
Mallow, Peter— Born in Alsace, Nov. 10, 1815. Settled in Noble town-
ship about 1840.
Mason. Wilham B. — Bom in Monroe county, N. Y.. January ig,
1820. Came to Branch county with his father, Octavius Mason, in 1840.
McCrary, Alexander C. — Born in Tompkins county, N. Y., March g,
1815. Came to Sherwood township in 1848, and later to Union township.
Mills, Adolphus— Was born in Matteson township Feb. 20, 1848.
Monroe, Jesse— Bora in Cayuga county, N. Y., March, 182 1. Came
to Matteson township in 1843.
Monroe, Seth — Born in Cayuga county, N. Y., Aug. 4, 1827. Came
to Bronson township in 1852.
Moore, Sharod — Born in New York in 1808. Settled in Bethel town-
ship in 1844.
Morrill, Ichabod P, — Born in Sandusky county, O., March 18. 1836.
Came to Gilead township in 1852 and was later resident of Noble.
Mosley, Thomas— Born in Pittsfield, Mass., Aug. 17, 1794: died at
Union City, Oct. 18, 1865. Came to Union City in 1841.
MerecUth, Jesse — Bom in Summit county, Penn., April 5, 1S12. Came
to Matteson township in 1850.
Mowry, William P. — Died Sept. 24, igo5; came into Ovid township
in 1845-
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McMechan, William — Bom Jan. 5, 1805, in Bann Bridge, County Down,
Ireland; died Nov. 19, 1S87; came to Union City in the spring of 1846.
Mosely, William Augustus — Born in Westfieid, Mass., Jan. 4, 1815;
died in Minneapolis, Minn!, in 1898.
Mitchell, Mrs. Sophronia (Hawley) — Born in Clifton Springs, N. Y.,
Oct. 27, 1811; died in Union City, April 23, 1906; came with her husband,
Archibald Mitchell, to Union City in 1836.
Morrison, Jonathan — Came from Penfiekl, N, Y., about 1846. and set-
tled on the farm in Girard on the east side of Morrison Lake.
Morrell, Jeremiah-^Born in Vermont anil came into Union township
in the spring of 1837.
Newberry, Peter M. — Born in Saratoga coimty, X. Y., Dec. 14, 1810;
died in Qiiincy, April 23, 1895. Came to Quincy township in 1837.
Nivison, Nathan— Born in Buffalo, N. Y., in iSio; died in Algansee
township, Dec. 19, 1886. Came to Algansee in 1853.
Noyes, Austin — Bom in Chenango county, N. Y., Jan. 11. i8r6. Came
to Batavia township in 1844.
Nicholls, Ansel — Born in Essex county, N. Y., May 14, 1804. Came
to Quincy township in 1836.
Noyes, Gates Peter — Born Feb. 25, 1818; died May 7, 1906; came
Sept, t8, 1843, with his wife, Mrs. Elizabeth (Southworth) Noyes, to the
farm in Batavia township, where he died.
Olmsted, Nirum P. — Born in Calhoun county, Mich., July 18. 1839.
Came in 1840 to Union township with father, G. P. Olmstead.
Parker, Samuel D. — Bom in Erie county, O.. Nov. i, 1817; died Feb.
18, 1895. Came to Branch county in 1833.
Pen-y, Edwin R. — Born in Franklin county, N. Y., July 9, 1810; died
in Union City, Feb. 22, 1894. Came to Union City in 1851.
Phillips, Daniel C— Born in Onondaga county, N. Y.. May 26, 1820;
died in Algansee township Dec. 31, 1893, Came to Gilead with parents in
Porter, Pliilo— Bora in Genesee county, N. Y., April 26, 1813; died at
Coldwater Dec. 20, 1890. Came to Batavia township in 1S36.
Pafidock, Alfred— Bora in Columbia county, N. Y., Dec. 16. !823.
Came to Girard township in 1853.
Paddock, Ephraim J.^Born in Wayne county, N. Y., March 3, 1822.
Came to Branch county with his father, Ira Paddock, in 1836.
Palmateer, Franklin — Born in New York in 1838. Came to Branch
county with father, John Palmateer, in 1846.
Parrish, Asa — Born at Honeoye Falls, N. Y., March 4, 1811 ; died at
Coldwater Nov. 18, 1885. Came to Coldwater in 1836, and was connected
with early milling and built the first furnace for manufacture of iron work.
Andrew S. Parrish, of Coldwater, was a son.
Parsons. Solomon — Born in Chenango county, N. Y., Oct. 15, 1810.
Came to the vicinity of Union City late in 1836.
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Paul; David— Born in New York, April i6, 1819. Came to California
township in 1S44.
Pierce, Henry — Born in St. Johnsbiiry, Vt., Dec. 5, 180S. Settled in
Girard township in 1839.
Polhamus, Albert — Born in New York, Jan. 8, 1823. Settled Jn Quincy
township in 1850.
Pratt, Jacob Franklin — Born in Cortland county, N. Y., May 8, 1829;
still living in Coldvvater. Came to Coldwater in 1S52.
Purinton, David B. — Bom in Cortland county, N. Y., May 8, 1829.
Came to Coldwater in 1848.
Pixley, Augustus — Born in East Bloomfield, N. Y., Oct. 18, 1822; died
in Bronson, Nov, 27, 1905. Came to Bronson Feb. 9, 1843,
Ruggles, James—Born in Toronto, Can., April 22, 1803; died in Bron-
son, March 16, 189.1. Came to Branch village in 1835 and to Bronson in
Rose, Lorenzo A.^Born in Niagara county, N. Y., Oct. 25. 1823; died
at Bronson March 13, 1893. Came with parents to Bronson in 1835.
Rowell, A. S.— Bom in Penfield, N. Y., Sept. 25, 1812; died at Cold-
water, May 9, 1893. Came to Coldwater about 1843.
Rogers, Dr. Dennis W.— Born in Jerusalem, N. Y., Feb. 25. 1826;
died at Union City, Jan. 24, 1898. Came to Branch county in 1859.
Reynolds, Francis — Born in Jefferson county, N. Y., April to, 1822.
Came to Matteson township in 1844.
Richardson, Elias — Born in Bronson township in 1830. son of John
G. Richardson.
Roberts, John — Born in Niagara county, N. Y., March 14, 1818. Came
to Coldwater township with father, Francis Roberts, in 1836.
Root, Roland — (See sketch of K R. Root).
Root, John — Born in Onondaga county, N. Y., Aug. 18, 1823; died at
Coldwater, March 23, 1866. Came to Coldwater in 1844.
Rowell, Jared M. — Bom in New York; died in Union City, Jan. 13,
1874. Came to Sherwood township in 1844.
Rumsey, John — Born in Marion county, C, March 8, 1822. Came to
Matteson township in 1846.
Russell, George— Born in Claremont, N. H., Oct. 9, 1805. Came to
Branch county in 1844 and settled in Girard township in 1846.
Russell, JonatJian T. — Born in Sherwood township Sept. 15, 1836, son
of Joseph Russell, who came to the county in 1834.
Ransom, Francis D. — Bom in Onondaga county, N. Y., Jan. 5, 1816.
Came to Algansee township in 1837.
Reid, William- — Came from Batavia, N. Y., to Bethel township in Octo-
ber, 1837,
Shoecraft, Barnabas B. — Born in Monroe county. N. Y., May 19, 1818;
died in Coldwater township, Jan. 5, 1895. Came to the county in 1854.
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Southworth, J, B,— A pioneer of the county, died in Coldwater town-
ship May l6, 1892.
Sag-er, George — ^Born ui Wayne county, N. Y., May 2, 1S24. Came to
Bronson township about 1840.
Sebring, John — Bom in Wayne county, N, Y., April 10, 1824. Came
to Quincy in 1854 and was connected with the first saw mill of the village.
Shaw, William E. — Born in Ovid township, Nov. 2-^, 1846.
Sheneman, John — Born in Wayne county, Pena, in 1800; died in Bata-
via township July 29, 1875. Came to Batavia townsliip in 1843.
Shumway, Alfred — Born in Wayne county, is'. Y., July 12, 1818; died
April 26, 1874. Came to this, county in 1849.
Sisco, Henry — Born at Troy, Vt,, Sept. 28, 1810. Came to section 22,
Union township, in 1836.
Smith, Benjamin H.^Born in New Jersey, April 14, 1898; died in
Girard township Sept. 22, 1879. Came to Branch county in 1833 and was
associated with Abram Aidrich in the first mill at Hodunk.
Smith, Abram L. — Son of preceding, born in this county Oct. 21, 183&
Sorter, William C— -Born in Steuben county, N. Y., Jan. 3, 1837.
Came to Ovid township with father Jacob S. in 1838.
Stanton, Edward D. — Bom Cayuga county, N. Y., Aug. 10, 1833,
Came with father, John Stanton, to Sherwood township in June, 1S36.
Strong, Myron W. — Born in Allegany county, N. Y., Sept. 30, 1829.
Came to Kinderhook township with his father Calvin Strong in 1838.
Stockwell, Parley — Bom in Mass., Dec, 1803; died at Coldwater Janu-
ary 8, i8go.
Smith, Walter W. — Born in Vermont. Settled permanently in Noble
township in 1842,
Sanders, Abishai — Came into Gilead in 1831.
Swan, Levi — Came from New London township, Huron county, O.,
to Quincy township in April, 1849'.
Sheneman, John Harrison — Came with his parents, John and Cath-
arine Kenter Sheneman, Oct.